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xombie(1987) vs. fente(2038) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-11-16

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:09) d6 (0:04) 3.d4 (0:05) cxd4 (0:05) 4.Nxd4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:03) 5.Nc3 (0:04) g6 (0:22) 6.Be2 (0:29) Bg7 (0:25) 7.Be3 (0:04) O-O (0:13) 8.g4 (0:12) Nc6 (0:09) 9.g5 (0:16)
Fente(2038) whispers: maybe i played castling and Nc6 in the wrong order ?
xombie(1987) whispers: i have a feeling i might have gotten away with some naughty play here
xombie(1987) whispers: although its evidently quite early in the game
Fente(2038) whispers: ok. candidates 9.-Nxd4, 9.- Ng4 9.-Nd7 9.- Ne8, Nh5
Fente(2038) whispers: 9.- Nxd4 10. gxf6 Nxe2 11. dxg7 Nxc3 12. gxf8=Q+ Qxf8 13. bxc3 looses, also probably 9.-Nh5 10. Bxh5 gxh5 11. Qxh5
Fente(2038) whispers: Ne8 lloks passive, but possible with idea Ne8-c7-e6
Fente(2038) whispers: Nd7 seems to be the most natural, but no idea what happens next
xombie(1987) whispers: if i recall correctly, i have played 1. e4 only in 1 serious OTB game, against a 2100 back in the day. it was a very unsound game eventually ending up as 1-0. but it was so unsound that i was too traumatized to play it again.
xombie(1987) whispers: of course, these were in those great times when i was still hoping to make it to master.
xombie(1987) whispers: a decade ago
Fente(2038) whispers: 9.-Ng4 simply drops a piece.
Fente(2038) whispers: 10. Bxg4 and there is nothing more to be done here for me
9...Nd7 (10:12) 10.Qd2 (2:11)
xombie(1987) whispers: the correct way of playing this might have been to play f3
xombie(1987) whispers: which i will have to play in any case now
xombie(1987) whispers: its hard for white to go with the main idea of f4 immediately
xombie(1987) whispers: so for insteance if f4 then (instead of Qd2) Qb6 and Nb3 is not possible
xombie(1987) whispers: Qd2 is also not htat great, as now black can play Nc5 (so what, you can say, and thats the reason why i played it)
10...Nxd4 (4:46)
xombie(1987) whispers: likewise, black can also play Ne5. f2-f4 is not playable owing to Ng4
11.Bxd4 (0:05) Bxd4 (0:00) 12.Qxd4 (0:03) Qb6 (0:00) 13.Qxb6 (0:31) Nxb6 (0:00)
xombie(1987) whispers: much better
14.a4 (0:29)
xombie(1987) whispers: or is it
Fente(2038) whispers: i hoped the simplifiactions are favorable for black, but not so sure any more
xombie(1987) whispers: in these positions, i think its good for white to be able to play c2-c3
xombie(1987) whispers: so i ll try moving the knight asap
Fente(2038) whispers: 14.- Be6 15. a5 Nc4 16.b3 and the knight is trapped
xombie(1987) whispers: only, now my pawn structure is starting to look a bit holy without any sort of major plus
xombie(1987) whispers: (i was thinking about b3 in some lines too)
Fente(2038) whispers: maybe not, perhaps 16.-Ne517. f4 Nd7
14...Be6 (4:42)
Fente(2038) whispers: or 16.-Ne5 and 17.-Nc6 or even 15. a5 Nd7
15.b3 (1:15)
Fente(2038) whispers: 15. b3 looks weakening the black squares
Fente(2038) whispers: 15.- Tfc8 or 15.-Rac8 ?
15...Rac8 (2:21) 16.Kd2 (0:39) Rc5 (1:26) 17.a5 (0:05)
Fente(2038) whispers: attacking g5
Fente(2038) whispers: 17.-Rfc8 18. axb6 Rxc3 19. bxa7 looks risky
xombie(1987) whispers: eh, this isnt good
17...Nd7 (1:56) 18.Nb5 (1:26)
Fente(2038) whispers: 18. b4 Rxg5 19. f4 Rg2
Fente(2038) whispers: so many tempting moves 18.-a6 18.- Rxg5, 18.- d5, 18.- Rfc8
18...Rxg5 (5:06) 19.Nxa7 (2:20) f5 (0:18)
Fente(2038) whispers: what about 20. a6 bxa6 21. Ra5 pinning the f-pawn ?
Fente(2038) whispers: 21.- Nc5 looks good enough
shivaroxxx(1849) whispers: 20 Ke1 threatening to trap rookwith Bf3 maybe
shivaroxxx(1849) whispers: after g4 rg2 i mean...
shivaroxxx(1849) whispers: err i mean h4 over g4 but then he has fxe4 too oh my...
cyranodebergerac(1833) whispers: rhg1
herrahuu(1740) whispers: whites king position is drafty(?)
herrahuu(1740) whispers: windy
20.f4 (9:39)
Fente(2038) whispers: 20. e5? with idea 21. - Nxe5?? 22. f4 +- but 21.- fxe5 should be safe for black
20...Rg2 (0:51) 21.exf5 (0:53) Rxf5 (2:46) 22.Ke3 (2:07) g5 (1:16)
Fente(2038) whispers: with ideas 23. exf5 Re5+ and 24.- Rxe2 or 23. Rhg1 exf4+ or 23. Kf3 Bd5+
Fente(2038) whispers: or 23. Rf1 gxf4+ 24. Rxf4 Rxf4 25. kxf4 Rxe2
23.Bf3 (2:12)
Fente(2038) whispers: ok missed this one
Fente(2038) whispers: 23. Rxc2 24. Be4!?
Fente(2038) whispers: and what about 23.- gxf4 with check ?
23...gxf4+ (6:36) 24.Kd3 (2:04)
Fente(2038) whispers: 24. Kd3 Ne5+ and 25.- Nxf3, 24. Ke4 Nc5+ protecting b7 and 25. Rf2 left 24. Kd4 Rxc2 25. Bxb7 Bxb3
24...Ne5+ (1:53) 25.Ke4 (0:26) Nxf3 (0:21) 26.Kxf3 (0:03) Bd5# (0:06) xombie checkmated 0-1


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