rjbriggs(1992) vs. fente(2076) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-11-20
1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00)
Fente(2076) whispers: i was briefly considering to play 1.-e6 but had not enough time for preparation 2.Nf3 (1:03) g6 (0:10) 3.c3 (0:37) d5 (0:15) 4.e5 (0:09)
Fente(2076) whispers: ok, i'm out of my prep. Expected 4.exd5 only
Fente(2076) whispers: o ... 4. Bg4 runs into 5. Qa4+ and 6. Qxg4
Fente(2076) whispers: well ... maybe not 5.-Qd7 or 5.-Bd7 look sufficient 4...Bg7 (3:56) 5.h3 (0:10) Nc6 (0:19) 6.d4 (0:03) cxd4 (3:17) 7.cxd4 (0:06) Nh6 (2:40) 8.Bb5 (1:36) O-O (0:57) 9.O-O (1:22) Qb6 (4:49) 10.Nc3 (0:37)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: i like sneaking in h3 in these setups--black's lsb is best on g4, taking aim at the N, which is anchoring d4 and my hold on dark squares. note the possibility here: 11. Nxd5 Qxb5 12. Nc7 with the fork. materially even, but can be worthwhile.
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: typical set up following e6 is B on g5, Q on d2, R on c1. usually exch my lsb for the N at the right moment, leverage the fact that his lsb is bad, aim to gain dominance on dark sqs, usually exch dsbs
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: (his lsb isn't so much bad as it takes time to make active/useful) 10...Rd8 (9:57)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: that R doesn't look quite right there... 11.Bg5 (3:29)
Fente(2076) whispers: i'm feeling a bit uncomfortable in this position
Fente(2076) whispers: a provocation ? i was already considering f7-f6 to crate an addional square for my knight on the rim in case of g2-g4 11...f6 (5:17)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: this looks weakening... need to consider how best to cut up...
Fente(2076) whispers: the diagonal g8-a7 is becoming rather week. Hope he doesn't get enough time to exploit it 12.exf6 (5:16) exf6 (0:04) 13.Bf4 (0:03)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: dreams of owning the e-file shortly... after BxN, the e7 sq is tasty. 13...Bf5 (5:20)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: the downside of Bf5 is that the N really wants that sq. eye is on Be4, but it looks to me like i can disrupt his N before then and continue progress w/ Qd2 14.Qd2 (2:44)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: btw, have been eyeing Nxd5 Rxd5 Bc4 w/ the pin, but hasn't been time yet... b-pawn needed shoring, which just happened. not necc best, but worth a look. 14...Nf7 (3:00)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: expecting ... Nf7 when Rfe1 feels awesome
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: looking to see if anything else...
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: the coming ... Be4 is a bone. don't like it. 15.Be3 (9:52) Nd6 (5:53)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: is it time for the shot?
Fente(2076) whispers: i'm wondering where to commit my Nd6. Both e4 and c4 look promising but i can't find a big advantage in any of thes lines 16.Nxd5 (15:29)
Fente(2076) whispers: i cannot believe that this works 16...Qxb5 (2:33) 17.Nc7 (0:05) Qb4 (4:44)
Fente(2076) whispers: i'm not particular eager to exchange queens but in the moment my one lacks promising squares 18.Qxb4 (3:27) Nxb4 (0:03) 19.Nxa8 (0:04) Rxa8 (0:03) 20.Bf4 (1:14) Rd8 (0:22) 21.b3 (1:42)
Fente(2076) whispers: i would be happy with an ending 2 bishops vs. rook 21...Nd5 (0:40) 22.Bxd6 (1:50) Rxd6 (0:04) 23.Rac1 (0:03) Kf7 (0:31)
danijelo(2060) whispers: bishop pair is a lot for a rook.
danijelo(2060) whispers: will be a tough defense for white 24.g4 (2:19) Bd7 (0:25) 25.a3 (0:35) Bc6 (3:25) 26.g5 (1:02)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: kudos to fente for making his lsb a monster. 26...Nf4 (1:20)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: missed the weakness at e2
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: ... fleh 27.Rfe1 (6:13)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: pretty much dead now.
lambertdw(1630) whispers: pain
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: see a couple of swindles possible, but not much 27...Nxh3+ (1:26) 28.Kh2 (0:14) Nxg5 (0:10) 29.Nxg5+ (0:29) fxg5 (0:03) 30.Rg1 (1:40)
danijelo(2060) whispers: worst thing is when you realize you have 0 counterplay and opponent is comming for you
danijelo(2060) whispers: hate that moment in chess 30...h6 (0:28) 31.a4 (0:54) Rxd4 (0:14) 32.Rgd1 (0:24)
danijelo(2060) whispers: Rh4 kills 32...Be5+ (0:16) 33.Kg1 (0:05) Rxd1+ (0:32) 34.Rxd1 (0:03) Ke6 (0:12) 35.Rd8 (0:37)
Fente(2076) whispers: maybe RxR was not the strongest, but the safest 35...h5 (0:11) 36.Kf1 (0:36) h4 (0:27) 37.Rg8 (0:29) Kf5 (0:12) 38.Rf8+ (0:06) Kg4 (0:03) 39.Ke2 (0:19) h3 (0:10) 40.f3+ (0:05) Kg3 (0:06) rjbriggs resigns 0-1
Fente(2076) whispers: i was briefly considering to play 1.-e6 but had not enough time for preparation 2.Nf3 (1:03) g6 (0:10) 3.c3 (0:37) d5 (0:15) 4.e5 (0:09)
Fente(2076) whispers: ok, i'm out of my prep. Expected 4.exd5 only
Fente(2076) whispers: o ... 4. Bg4 runs into 5. Qa4+ and 6. Qxg4
Fente(2076) whispers: well ... maybe not 5.-Qd7 or 5.-Bd7 look sufficient 4...Bg7 (3:56) 5.h3 (0:10) Nc6 (0:19) 6.d4 (0:03) cxd4 (3:17) 7.cxd4 (0:06) Nh6 (2:40) 8.Bb5 (1:36) O-O (0:57) 9.O-O (1:22) Qb6 (4:49) 10.Nc3 (0:37)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: i like sneaking in h3 in these setups--black's lsb is best on g4, taking aim at the N, which is anchoring d4 and my hold on dark squares. note the possibility here: 11. Nxd5 Qxb5 12. Nc7 with the fork. materially even, but can be worthwhile.
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: typical set up following e6 is B on g5, Q on d2, R on c1. usually exch my lsb for the N at the right moment, leverage the fact that his lsb is bad, aim to gain dominance on dark sqs, usually exch dsbs
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: (his lsb isn't so much bad as it takes time to make active/useful) 10...Rd8 (9:57)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: that R doesn't look quite right there... 11.Bg5 (3:29)
Fente(2076) whispers: i'm feeling a bit uncomfortable in this position
Fente(2076) whispers: a provocation ? i was already considering f7-f6 to crate an addional square for my knight on the rim in case of g2-g4 11...f6 (5:17)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: this looks weakening... need to consider how best to cut up...
Fente(2076) whispers: the diagonal g8-a7 is becoming rather week. Hope he doesn't get enough time to exploit it 12.exf6 (5:16) exf6 (0:04) 13.Bf4 (0:03)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: dreams of owning the e-file shortly... after BxN, the e7 sq is tasty. 13...Bf5 (5:20)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: the downside of Bf5 is that the N really wants that sq. eye is on Be4, but it looks to me like i can disrupt his N before then and continue progress w/ Qd2 14.Qd2 (2:44)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: btw, have been eyeing Nxd5 Rxd5 Bc4 w/ the pin, but hasn't been time yet... b-pawn needed shoring, which just happened. not necc best, but worth a look. 14...Nf7 (3:00)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: expecting ... Nf7 when Rfe1 feels awesome
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: looking to see if anything else...
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: the coming ... Be4 is a bone. don't like it. 15.Be3 (9:52) Nd6 (5:53)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: is it time for the shot?
Fente(2076) whispers: i'm wondering where to commit my Nd6. Both e4 and c4 look promising but i can't find a big advantage in any of thes lines 16.Nxd5 (15:29)
Fente(2076) whispers: i cannot believe that this works 16...Qxb5 (2:33) 17.Nc7 (0:05) Qb4 (4:44)
Fente(2076) whispers: i'm not particular eager to exchange queens but in the moment my one lacks promising squares 18.Qxb4 (3:27) Nxb4 (0:03) 19.Nxa8 (0:04) Rxa8 (0:03) 20.Bf4 (1:14) Rd8 (0:22) 21.b3 (1:42)
Fente(2076) whispers: i would be happy with an ending 2 bishops vs. rook 21...Nd5 (0:40) 22.Bxd6 (1:50) Rxd6 (0:04) 23.Rac1 (0:03) Kf7 (0:31)
danijelo(2060) whispers: bishop pair is a lot for a rook.
danijelo(2060) whispers: will be a tough defense for white 24.g4 (2:19) Bd7 (0:25) 25.a3 (0:35) Bc6 (3:25) 26.g5 (1:02)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: kudos to fente for making his lsb a monster. 26...Nf4 (1:20)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: missed the weakness at e2
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: ... fleh 27.Rfe1 (6:13)
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: pretty much dead now.
lambertdw(1630) whispers: pain
rjbriggs(1992) whispers: see a couple of swindles possible, but not much 27...Nxh3+ (1:26) 28.Kh2 (0:14) Nxg5 (0:10) 29.Nxg5+ (0:29) fxg5 (0:03) 30.Rg1 (1:40)
danijelo(2060) whispers: worst thing is when you realize you have 0 counterplay and opponent is comming for you
danijelo(2060) whispers: hate that moment in chess 30...h6 (0:28) 31.a4 (0:54) Rxd4 (0:14) 32.Rgd1 (0:24)
danijelo(2060) whispers: Rh4 kills 32...Be5+ (0:16) 33.Kg1 (0:05) Rxd1+ (0:32) 34.Rxd1 (0:03) Ke6 (0:12) 35.Rd8 (0:37)
Fente(2076) whispers: maybe RxR was not the strongest, but the safest 35...h5 (0:11) 36.Kf1 (0:36) h4 (0:27) 37.Rg8 (0:29) Kf5 (0:12) 38.Rf8+ (0:06) Kg4 (0:03) 39.Ke2 (0:19) h3 (0:10) 40.f3+ (0:05) Kg3 (0:06) rjbriggs resigns 0-1
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