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funkmaus(2186) vs. opinel(2494) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 40+0, 2010-05-26

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:03) g6 (0:23) 3.g3 (0:03) Bg7 (0:12) 4.Bg2 (0:04) O-O (0:03) 5.O-O (0:07) d6 (0:11) 6.c4 (3:14) Nc6 (1:32) 7.Nc3 (0:11)
squib(2068) whispers: opinel is just a lucky player :))
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: :))
7...a6 (1:46) 8.b3 (2:05) Rb8 (0:46) 9.Bb2 (0:13) b5 (0:19) 10.Ne1 (3:09) Qd7 (1:07) 11.d5 (1:31) Ne5 (1:15) 12.cxb5 (0:41) axb5 (0:07) 13.Nd3 (0:01) Nxd3 (4:24) 14.Qxd3 (0:06) e6 (0:06)
Opinel(2494) whispers: i looked into 13...Nc4 doesn't look clear and here my plan(s) are more logical
15.dxe6 (3:40)
Opinel(2494) whispers: surprising
15...fxe6 (0:26) 16.b4 (0:03) c5 (3:45) 17.a3 (4:32) c4 (1:27) 18.Qc2 (0:10) Bb7 (1:32) 19.e4 (2:31) Bc6 (2:22) 20.Rad1 (1:16) Ng4 (1:27)
Opinel(2494) whispers: i think that her main mistake was a3, in my calculation i considered bxc5 to be forced and i'm not sure i was wrong about that.
Opinel(2494) whispers: i was expecting her to play Bh3 at some point which she didn't. instead she used the e pawn to stop the centre. at this point i'm not sure how effective it is. my feelings are that it will be a problem once i trade a few pieces
21.Na2 (4:24) Bxb2 (1:28) 22.Qxb2 (0:03) Ra8 (0:47)
Opinel(2494) whispers: Ne5-f3+/xf3/xa3!
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: dont see the win
23.Rd2 (3:17) Ne5 (1:00)
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: hope we will see it, sounds interesting
24.Nc1 (0:29)
Opinel(2494) whispers: my idea was Rfd1 Qg7!
24...Nf3+ (0:56) 25.Bxf3 (0:26) Rxf3 (0:00) 26.Qd4 (0:15)
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: ok know its more logical
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: why he cant write whole lines
GaraE(1490) whispers: Well, would be nicer, but it's already a privilege to see someone write any lines at all while in the middle of a match, much less observe said match. :)
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: but what does he mean with Rfd1 Qg7? double rooks and queen say?
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: sac
GaraE(1490) whispers: I could be mistaken, but it probably was with the idea of Qg7 + Ne5 for black and Rd2 + Rd1 + Qb2 for white.
GaraE(1490) whispers: So white could not Rxd6 because of Nf3+ winning queen with discovered attack.
GaraE(1490) whispers: I think the Rfd1 was for white's move 24, instead of Nc1.
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: its like listening to insane guy who is thinking of a song and sings one half loud and the other half in his mind
GaraE(1490) whispers: True enough. :)
26...d5 (3:49)
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: you know that song but you dont know which exactly it is and its still the singing of a crazy guy
plums(1780) whispers: these dudes should play with an increment - it would be a shame for this to end on time!
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: maybe the will give to each other
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah, I can only assume they just didn't have the time or wanted a reliable timeframe.
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: yes
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: if the play without time these will go forever
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: whites knight must come back into game
GaraE(1490) whispers: Black's winning, that much seems obvious with the Rf3 and the protected passer at c4.
27.Rfd1 (3:13)
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: Ne2 is the safest i think
GaraE(1490) whispers: Don't see white managing anything to break free.
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: by the way a3 is lost
GaraE(1490) whispers: Did that just drop a3?
GaraE(1490) whispers: Yeah.
GaraE(1490) whispers: I suppose Funkmaus is also seeing it right now. One of those, "I made a move then saw the mistake."
27...Raf8 (1:16)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Hm, same strength or was something overlooked that goes against Rxa3?
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: i think waste tempo and better idea
28.Na2 (1:14)
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: wouldnt Ne2-Nf4 cut the rooks from each other
28...Qd6 (1:13) 29.Nc3 (0:55) e5 (0:19)
GaraE(1490) whispers: Still not seeing the disadvantage that refuted Rxa3, so I guess he was going for a different angle on purpose.
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: if there is an analyse session i want to join!
30.Qb6 (0:18)
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: lol
30...d4 (0:06)
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: It's positional chess gara
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: Nxb5?
GaraE(1490) whispers: So is Rxa3.
31.Nxb5 (0:25)
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: Rxa3 is a good move though, might be the best
31...Qf6 (0:01)
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: ha i got one point in the guess what funkmaus would play game XD
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: not know
KiranY(2062) whispers: the understaanding is going for the kill is always better than picking up loose pawns
32.Nxd4 (0:45) exd4 (0:11) 33.Qxd4 (0:01)
onomatopeia(1493) whispers: mate is always better than anything
GaraE(1490) whispers: So is creating unbearable pressure with passer pawn(s) and enroaching rooks.
33...Qxd4 (0:17) 34.Rxd4 (0:00) Ba4 (0:10)
GaraE(1490) whispers: But this turned out well for black anyway.
35.R1d2 (0:08) c3 (0:07) 36.Re2 (0:02)
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: c3 is killer
CrazyHunter(1866) whispers: c2 Rc4 Rxa3
36...Rc8 (0:27) Funkmaus resigns 0-1


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