funkmaus(2187) vs. opinel(2469) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 40+0, 2010-03-30
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Its time to lose a standard-game!
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Have fun, dear GM!
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: ya told me to play Catalan - and how can I play it now?! 2.Nf3 (0:27) d5 (0:29) 3.g3 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: fine, lets go catalan! or neo-greenfeld defence 3...c6 (0:21) 4.Bg2 (0:05)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: a bag of gold coins for anybody who can tell me Opinel's real name 4...Bg4 (0:19) 5.O-O (0:06)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: can't find it in his fi notes... 5...Nbd7 (0:21) 6.c4 (1:57) dxc4 (0:46) 7.a4 (0:36) Qa5 (1:50)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Never seen this,but guess he wants give pawn on c3 back
hugozver(1916) whispers: GO Jenny! Kill him!
milpat(1799) whispers: go Jen!!!
fernbap(1682) whispers: Jenny! Jenny! Jenny!
NewPhobia(0) whispers: who's Jen, Opinel?
hugozver(1916) whispers: lol
fernbap(1682) whispers: Jenny has the Rock Power!
milpat(1799) whispers: u have another try
NewPhobia(0) whispers: who is Opinel anyways, a gold coin for the answer!
hugozver(1916) whispers: yea, She Rocks!!
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: it fails :)) Na3 c3 bxc3 Qxc3 Bd2 - Q trapped!
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: so, lets see what he wants 8.Na3 (2:58) c3 (0:40)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: actually, he can Bxf3 in the middle of my line. then no Bd2 for me 9.bxc3 (0:17)
milpat(1799) whispers: or Bxa3! 9...Bxf3 (0:20) 10.Bxf3 (0:06) Qxc3 (0:06)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: gotta love players who kib during games.. not sure it's a good idea though
hugozver(1916) whispers: why not?
NewPhobia(0) whispers: for her game i mean, for us it's great
marcusi(1781) whispers: yeah, takes focus from the game
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: sacced a pawn, got B-pair, time to create an attack. Thats not what he expects of me, I am agressive today!
hugozver(1916) whispers: yes! Vamos Jenny!
NewPhobia(0) whispers: hmm queen not trapped eh...
Albido(2268) whispers: tienes que matarle Funkmaus
fernbap(1682) whispers: hmm... the knight ar a3 looks silly
NewPhobia(0) whispers: black king 3 moves from 0-0... maybe that's enough compensation for white? 11.Rb1 (4:40) Nb6 (0:08)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: 0-0-0 then 12.Nc2 (0:34) Qa5 (0:56)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: that's too many queen moves! lol... 13.Nb4 (0:41)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Playing cheap. e6 Nxc6 or Qxa4 QxQ NxQ Nxc6.. no real good Ideas here
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Dont tell me what was better during the game, sorry, thats frustrating 13...O-O-O (1:03)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: opps, used to say this to him
NewPhobia(0) whispers: that does sound annoying
hugozver(1916) whispers: oh! He is disturbing her!!
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: He just told me that Ne3 was much better instead :D
hugozver(1916) whispers: tell him to stfu
Perkl(1343) whispers: bxc6 is a possibility
Perkl(1343) whispers: maybe qc2 first?
NewPhobia(0) whispers: Bxc6 just trades everything
NewPhobia(0) whispers: white needs to keep the attack going, only chance
milpat(1799) whispers: oh, blindpchesso, wow :)
blindpchesso(1302) whispers: hey milpat :)
hugozver(1916) whispers: he is blind, but he can see!!
hugozver(1916) whispers: Amazing!
blindpchesso(1302) whispers: i can hear you! :D
Albido(2268) whispers: maybe Bf4... puts a bit of pressure
milpat(1799) whispers: yea, something suspect :s
NewPhobia(0) whispers: e4 maybe
NewPhobia(0) whispers: a4 is hanging huh 14.Bxc6 (6:05) bxc6 (0:01) 15.Nxc6 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: premoves. he expected this. Nice to know!
NewPhobia(0) whispers: dangerous? 15...Qf5 (0:56)
Perkl(1343) whispers: nxa7+, trade knights, push the pawn? bf4 now is also nice looking
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: okay, I go for the line I calculated NxR QxR Nxf7 Rg8 a5 N-moves Qa4... If I dont see something better now
marcusi(1781) whispers: queen b3
milpat(1799) whispers: black Q will be on b1
NewPhobia(0) whispers: Nxa7 first, then Qb3 maybe?
Opinel(2469) whispers: Jenny is very happy now 16.Nxd8 (3:03)
Opinel(2469) whispers: first win
Opinel(2469) whispers: againt me
Opinel(2469) whispers: and she still misses all the winning moves =)
Albido(2268) whispers: I thought Qb3
NewPhobia(0) whispers: wow sore loser
Opinel(2469) whispers: 14. Nxc6 was better and 16. Qb3 waas winning 16...Qxb1 (1:16) 17.Nxf7 (0:02) Rg8 (0:20) 18.a5 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: 2 Pawns for a piece and attack!!!
Opinel(2469) whispers: but sweet Jenny needs to get better at attacks 18...Nbd5 (0:39) 19.Qa4 (0:13)
LinusO(1897) whispers: still better for white i think. Even if I would have to continued the attack instead nxd8
NewPhobia(0) whispers: Linus like Nxa7 then Qb3 maybe? 19...Qb7 (1:56)
LinusO(1897) whispers: yes something like that. Looked very dangerous. But the attack is still dangerous 20.Ba3 (1:10)
Opinel(2469) whispers: Bg5 was better 20...e6 (0:52)
Opinel(2469) whispers: sorry 21.Rc1+ (0:22)
milpat(1799) whispers: BxB Nd6?
milpat(1799) whispers: ok BxB QxN 21...Kb8 (0:40) 22.Nd8 (0:20) Qd7 (0:37) 23.Qb3+ (0:10) Ka8 (0:13)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: not many pieces for the attack though...
NewPhobia(0) whispers: i think blck is ok
milpat(1799) whispers: Rb1?
NewPhobia(0) whispers: oh that looks good
NewPhobia(0) whispers: Qc7
Opinel(2469) whispers: if you need time ask
NewPhobia(0) whispers: that was meant for her, i dont like this guy
pdas(1743) whispers: why is Opinel whispering since his opp, cannot read it :P
hugozver(1916) whispers: welcome to the club ! 24.a6 (4:12)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: haha (24.a6 (4:12)
pdas(1743) whispers: opinel is funny funkmaus likes his jabs
NewPhobia(0) whispers: yeah i guess it's all in fun 24...Be7 (0:41)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: I have mate, no?!
marcusi(1781) whispers: yes Opinel requests to take back 1 half move(s). Funkmaus accepts the takeback request.) 24...Bb4 (0:04)
LinusO(1897) whispers: opps qb7 mate in 3
Opinel(2469) whispers: mouse slip
hugozver(1916) whispers: takeback riquest :D 25.Bxb4 (1:22) Rxd8 (0:08) 26.Ba5 (0:20) Rb8 (0:14)
Opinel(2469) whispers: poor jenny will lose after having a won game
LinusO(1897) whispers: Bd6 instead of Ba5 was interresting, not allowing Rb8 27.Qd3 (0:26)
hugozver(1916) whispers: yea, his guy is really annoying :-& 27...Qa4 (0:39)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: lol 28.Bd2 (0:14)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: well he lost already... dunnno why she allowed take back
NewPhobia(0) whispers: i guess they're buddies
LinusO(1897) whispers: she regrets it now when black is winning.
NewPhobia(0) whispers: right
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Qb3 and 0-1 here, cant escape Queenstrade
pdas(1743) whispers: There is a certain honor/code among titled players
Perkl(1343) whispers: feels better to win for real, not because your opponents mouse slipped. especially in this case, i wager
NewPhobia(0) whispers: i'm talking about the mouse slip, im talking about the mate in 3 28...Qb3 (1:25)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: not talking about mouse slip i mean 29.Qxb3 (0:07) Rxb3 (0:01) 30.Rc8+ (0:01) Rb8 (0:11) 31.Rc1 (0:12)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: she had mate in 3 and let him take it back
pdas(1743) whispers: Over for white?
hugozver(1916) whispers: when? 31...Ne7 (0:18)
LinusO(1897) whispers: some chances still i think, for white to draw.
LinusO(1897) whispers: hard to get black king out for one thing. and 2 pawns for piece
NewPhobia(0) whispers: with Qb7+ then ab+ then Rc8 mate
milpat(1799) whispers: Bf4? 32.Kg2 (1:11)
hugozver(1916) whispers: in which move?
CarlosKerber(1662) whispers: hi hugo! :) 32...Rc8 (0:28)
hugozver(1916) whispers: Hola CK! :)
CarlosKerber(1662) whispers: :)
CarlosKerber(1662) whispers: long time havent seen you :) 33.Rb1 (0:31)
pdas(1743) whispers: Sure Linuso, but I can't see how a GM can lose this position (barring more mouseslips and the like)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: move 24 hugo 33...Ned5 (0:27)
LinusO(1897) whispers: yes. best white can hope for is draw now. 34.Rb7 (0:26)
hugozver(1916) whispers: but, he played Bb4 in 24. move 34...Rc7 (0:32)
NewPhobia(0) whispers: he played Be7 and he asked for take back 35.Rb2 (0:11)
CarlosKerber(1662) whispers: nite nite
NewPhobia(0) whispers: Be7 was mate in 3
hugozver(1916) whispers: ah! I missed that! lol
NewPhobia(0) whispers: :-)
hugozver(1916) whispers: really GM's move! 35...Rc6 (0:39) 36.Ra2 (0:03) Nc7 (0:15)
Opinel(2469) whispers: you are dead yes
marcusi(1781) whispers: dead man walking
pdas(1743) whispers: The end comes sooner for white
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Thats over!
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: gg, thanks dear GM! Funkmaus resigns 0-1
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