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opinel(2462) vs. funkmaus(2202) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 40+0, 2009-10-29

1.d4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:21)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: He had a last chance to play Caro-Kann :(
2...d5 (0:31) 3.e3 (0:21)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: d4 was really surprising to me, but anyway, better then 1.e4. Here i wont lose fast
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: and now he plays it like me....
3...Nf6 (0:12)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: doing nothing
4.Nc3 (0:23) e6 (0:18) 5.Nf3 (0:39) Nbd7 (0:11) 6.Bd3 (0:22) Be7 (0:03) 7.cxd5 (0:24) exd5 (0:05) 8.O-O (0:23)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: okay, it be minority-attack on queens-side, also something to defend
8...O-O (0:13)
Aneirin(1839) whispers: she's only happy if she finds something to defend against :)
9.Qc2 (0:49) Re8 (0:05) 10.h3 (0:52) Nf8 (0:18)
milpat(1799) whispers: good Jenny! better triple (or more) the defense of h7 hehe
11.Ne5 (0:29)
Twikki(2016) whispers: another 4 tempi and she can have all her pieces on the back rank :)
11...a6 (3:54) 12.f4 (0:36) Be6 (0:34) 13.Bd2 (0:57)
Opinel(2462) whispers: Na4 was better
Opinel(2462) whispers: stopping c5
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: Well, it is not good to wait his attack to come. f5, g4, g5, I need some counter-play on queens-side. like c5, c4 b5...
Aneirin(1839) whispers: counterplay, what's all this about.
Aneirin(1839) whispers: just defend!
milpat(1799) whispers: :)
13...c5 (3:34)
usernamexy(1539) whispers: blacks position is cramped, he needs to gain some space I think
14.f5 (0:43) Bd7 (0:11)
Twikki(2016) whispers: g4... kill kill kill
15.Qb3 (0:47)
Twikki(2016) whispers: that looks weird
usernamexy(1539) whispers: double attack
milpat(1799) whispers: indeed
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: what??
Twikki(2016) whispers: that f7 square must be really weak if it's worth a piece
usernamexy(1539) whispers: on the d pawn and the b pawn
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: c4 have to fail to something
usernamexy(1539) whispers: hmm
usernamexy(1539) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: ach, okay - its easy. To Nxc4 Bxc4 and on f7. Nice one!
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: damn, Bc8 was better
15...Bc6 (2:38) 16.Nxc6 (0:20)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: had no other one, to defend d5 and b7. Qb3 overlooked at all
16...bxc6 (0:04) 17.Qc2 (0:08)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: now he has B-Pair. Game over
17...Qc7 (2:08) 18.b3 (1:36) Qa7 (0:08)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: e4 cxd4 Nxd5. The Queen is safer here, prevent e4
19.Ne2 (0:58)
Twikki(2016) whispers: Qa7 almost looks like an attacking move :)
19...Rac8 (0:21) 20.Qc3 (0:58) N8d7 (1:05)
Twikki(2016) whispers: uh oh, that's what I would have played
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: I am really not so bad as i thought here!
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: but no endgame, please ;)
21.Rac1 (1:47)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: Bd6 or Bf8, to dont let him play e4 at some point?!
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: or maybe myself go to e4 with Knight
21...Bf8 (1:49)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: dont want if he takes c5 that i have to recapture, cause B d6 attacked. Maybe do some else that point
22.Qa5 (1:28)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: opps, how many time do i miss his moves
22...Ra8 (1:16)
Twikki(2016) whispers: boo
Twikki(2016) whispers: play that after xa6
23.Qa4 (1:52) Rec8 (2:47) 24.g4 (0:31) h6 (0:31)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: Shirov played this move on move 7, now he attacks me ;)
25.Qa5 (0:45) Re8 (1:21) 26.Kh1 (0:30) Ne4 (1:50) 27.Bxe4 (0:59) Rxe4 (0:03) 28.dxc5 (0:07)
Funkmaus(2202) whispers: Nxc5 f6
28...Bxc5 (2:03) 29.Ng3 (0:13) Ree8 (0:10) 30.f6 (0:06) g6 (1:46) 31.e4 (1:21) Bd6 (0:02) 32.Kg2 (0:26) Bxg3 (0:30) 33.Kxg3 (0:19) Rxe4 (0:07) 34.Rxc6 (0:26) Qd4 (1:31) 35.Qc3 (0:57) Ne5 (0:06) 36.Rc7 (0:26)
Twikki(2016) whispers: hooray for cheap rubbish :)
MakikiHustle(1980) whispers: *looking at Rxg4?!*
36...Qxc3+ (0:39)
Twikki(2016) whispers: nxg4 looks ok
37.Bxc3 (0:12) Re8 (0:05) 38.Bxe5 (0:25) R4xe5 (0:00) 39.Rd7 (0:35) g5 (0:18) 40.a3 (0:35) Re3+ (0:20) 41.Rf3 (0:12) Rxf3+ (1:07) 42.Kxf3 (0:00) Rc8 (0:01) 43.Rb7 (0:29) Rc3+ (0:14) 44.Kg2 (0:13) Rc2+ (0:02) 45.Kf3 (0:46) Rc3+ (0:03) 46.Kg2 (0:04) Rc2+ (0:02)
Boobyslegacy(2014) whispers: go funk!
47.Kg3 (0:04) Rc3+ (0:02) 48.Kg2 (0:25) Rc2+ (0:03) 49.Kf3 (0:02) Rc3+ (0:01) 50.Kg2 (0:01) Rc2+ (0:01) 51.Kf3 (0:01) Rc3+ (0:01) 52.Kg2 (0:01) Rc2+ (0:01) 53.Kf3 (0:01) Rc3+ (0:02) 54.Kg2 (0:01) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2


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