opinel(2442) vs. funkmaus(2185) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 40+0, 2009-10-23
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: now funkmaus must challenge the monster
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: good luck!
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: besides i am just kidding opinel, don't bother 4.Bc4 (3:51) Nc6 (0:22) 5.b4 (0:48)
Opinel(2442) whispers: actually, i don't remember what i was supposed to play. Bibbu has aline vs Bc5 but i forgot cause we have been working on other things
Opinel(2442) whispers: so instead i'm playing intuitivly with my style like evans 5...Bxb4 (3:42) 6.c3 (0:16) Ba5 (0:31)
Opinel(2442) whispers: bad move
Opinel(2442) whispers: Bc5 7.Qb3 (0:23)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: a hybrid between KG and Evans
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: qe7 seems like a natural move here 7...Nh6 (2:45) 8.fxe5 (1:06) dxe5 (0:06)
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: d4 dont work like in evans, i can just take it with N!
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: and 0n 00 bb6+ kh1 na5 9.Rf1 (1:02)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: like in the evans 9...O-O (2:56)
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: i am crazy. castle into attack. it would not be a long game, boobys. Sorry 10.Ba3 (0:45) Re8 (0:11) 11.Bxf7+ (0:20) Nxf7 (0:12) 12.Ng5 (0:03)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: go funkmaus! revenge me:D
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: be6 nxe6 qh4!? seems interesting
muwwatalli(1914) whispers: yes, it is good too!
milpat(1816) whispers: Qh4 Kd1 then what?
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: qg4+ followed by qxe6
milpat(1816) whispers: oh :)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: i don'T see an alternative to be6 12...Be6 (6:07) 13.Nxe6 (0:06)
milpat(1816) whispers: good call 13...Qh4+ (0:02) 14.Rf2 (0:10)
muwwatalli(1914) whispers: Bb6?
milpat(1816) whispers: Bb6?
milpat(1816) whispers: lol
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: qxe4
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hmm
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hello
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: b4 lol
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: wtf?
muwwatalli(1914) whispers: :D
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: opinel u are creating a new gambit?
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: looked interesting
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: but bxf7 may be not the best
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: besides bb6 allows nc5, so i would go for qxe4
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: was qh4 overlooked by him?!
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: damn, i really feel here is my chance : Qxe4+ Kf1 Qd3+ Kg1 Bb6. I do miss something, dont i? 14...Qxe4+ (5:58)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: nom, i don't think so, go! 15.Re2 (0:28) Qh4+ (0:33) 16.Rf2 (0:13) Qe4+ (0:11)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: no draw please! 17.Re2 (0:11)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: lol
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: qh4+ rf2 bb6 17...Qg6 (1:58) 18.Nc5 (0:18)
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: I dont go for draw, i am crazy
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: crazy is good 18...Bb6 (0:25) 19.Ne4 (0:17) Rad8 (0:13)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: looks rather gloomy for white 20.Bc5 (1:04) Kh8 (0:20) 21.Bxb6 (0:37) axb6 (0:08) 22.Na3 (0:11)
muwwatalli(1914) whispers: black must play aggressively 22...Nd6 (1:20) 23.Nxd6 (0:26) Rxd6 (0:00) 24.Rf2 (0:06) Rf6 (0:12) 25.Rxf6 (0:16) gxf6 (0:15)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: black is just a pawn up, but i think she can win this 26.O-O-O (0:14) f5 (1:01)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: qxf2 qf7 gives white too much counterplay
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: qxg2* 27.g3 (0:13) Rd8 (0:10) 28.Qc4 (0:36) e4 (0:28) 29.d4 (0:44) Re8 (0:50) Funkmaus offers a draw. Opinel declines the draw request. 30.d5 (0:22) Ne5 (0:10) 31.Qxc7 (0:13)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: e3 looks annyoing for white
milpat(1816) whispers: Nd3+
milpat(1816) whispers: shield the pawn from rook protect?
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: e3 re1 nd3 31...Qh6+ (1:24)
Menschmaschine(2069) whispers: Fritz gives e3 -5.00 score 32.Kb2 (0:33)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: e3 again
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: the pawn is strong 32...Qxh2+ (0:11) 33.Nc2 (0:35)
milpat(1816) whispers: now Nd3 looks good
milpat(1816) whispers: ...to me 33...Qxg3 (0:41)
Opinel(2442) whispers: young missy is playing well today but the endgame is my zone 34.d6 (0:20)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: white has counterplay here
milpat(1816) whispers: Nd3 was winning the queen? or i miss something?
milpat(1816) whispers: oh no ok
milpat(1816) whispers: i am stupid from times to times, dont worry :)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: no white can't play d7 so easily because of nd3+ winning the q
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: but the rook on e8 must first go away
Opinel(2442) whispers: will you miss me when i'm gone? i'm leacing fics after tl 34...Ra8 (2:15)
Menschmaschine(2069) whispers: It was fun to watch a GM play here. 35.Kb1 (0:37)
Opinel(2442) whispers: i don't know if i'll give her time today
hasj(1803) whispers: why would he leave?
Menschmaschine(2069) whispers: People come and go all the time. 35...Qg4 (0:52)
Opinel(2442) whispers: the difference is too big. usually i give more time when i'm under 15 but when it's such a big difference my opponent should also plan the time better 36.Ne3 (0:33) Qg8 (0:05)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: somehow white survived this
milpat(1816) whispers: come on Op... show must go on, give her a little time :)
Menschmaschine(2069) whispers: Move 31 is when it was lost according to fritz
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: now it is draw 37.c4 (4:16) Nd3 (0:15) 38.Qxb6 (3:35) f4 (0:21)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: white has a forced draw now 39.Nd5 (1:05)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: good 39...Qg2 (0:39)
Opinel(2442) whispers: for someone who has 2 minutes she plays well
Opinel(2442) whispers: but
Opinel(2442) whispers: she's still dead
Opinel(2442) whispers: here 40.Qd4+ (0:40) Qg7 (0:15)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: well nd5 was a good move
Opinel(2442) whispers: i almost played Qxe4 =) 41.Nf6 (0:45)
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: rh1 coming
Boobyslegacy(2007) whispers: well played
Opinel(2442) whispers: i played many mistakes this game
Opinel(2442) whispers: i should of lost
Opinel(2442) whispers: nect time bibbu will teach me how to play against Bc5 so i can kill it
Opinel(2442) whispers: next* Funkmaus resigns 1-0
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