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funkmaus(2189) vs. opinel(2445) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2009-10-16

1.d4 (0:00) f5 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Oh, well, thats a surprise for me
BlkSabb(1986) whispers: this should be good
Opinel(2445) whispers: she usually plays Bg5
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: GO,FUnkmaus!
Opinel(2445) whispers: which in truth is a good move =)
BlkSabb(1986) whispers: Funkmaus is female?
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: Bg5!
2.Bg5 (1:22)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: yes
2...Nf6 (0:04) 3.Bxf6 (0:02) exf6 (0:00)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: Nc3 d5 is the mian linevia transposition here
Opinel(2445) whispers: quite simple, my plan is d5 / Be6 and so on. unless she plays the Nh3 lines which in this case i'll have to play a different line. there is also an early f4
4.e3 (2:16) d5 (0:28)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Boobys enjoy the Show. And forget all i told about this Dutch-Line. My 100% score here is now gone ;)
5.Nd2 (0:40)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: probably
Opinel(2445) whispers: Nh3 was the best move, but of course. she is so... lekoish =)
BlkSabb(1986) whispers: I played this Anti-Dutch line before when I played 1 d4 but I never learned any theory really
5...Be6 (0:51)
BlkSabb(1986) whispers: I'm looking at ChessPublishing theory on it
6.Bd3 (0:51)
BlkSabb(1986) whispers: weird, they don't seem to have anything on it
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: ne2 was theory move
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: nd2 itself is a rare move though
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: but no bad
Opinel(2445) whispers: it's a main idea. to play Qf3 and pressure the pawn. it doesn't work =)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Well, i am not going to play c4. Ne2 (not to let f4), 0-0, Nf4 and maybe then c4
Opinel(2445) whispers: my two main moves here are either Nc6 or c5
6...Nc6 (2:03)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: nh3 stil possible
Opinel(2445) whispers: if Qf3 Qd7 and Nb4xd3 at some point
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: still*
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: okay, after Nf6 it would be absolutely without c4. As Opinel told me once "No Offence, Missy"
7.c3 (0:53)
Opinel(2445) whispers: she can try a colle formation
Opinel(2445) whispers: yes with c3
Opinel(2445) whispers: she can't do the thematic e4 break here though. but she can play Qh5+
7...Bd6 (1:11) 8.Ne2 (0:14)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: black usually builds up pawn formation with g+h5
Opinel(2445) whispers: i can play safely with Qd7 to protect f5 even more from the Q+ but she's not an attacking player so i didn't think she'll go fo it =)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: we can expect hetoregen castlings here
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Qc2 and after g6 maybe h4?! Nf4 also possible, he will never take my N with B
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: g6+h5 pawnformation will stop h4 then bf7 and black is quite fine
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: black will castle long
Opinel(2445) whispers: so, i can just 0-0 here. or i can play Qd7 to further protect the pawns and let her think about where i'm going to castle. Nf4 BxN is good for me especially if i'm 0-0-0 so i'm also considering Qe7 because if the centre is about to get opened i rather have the Q on the e file
Opinel(2445) whispers: however, if my plan is to 0-0-0 i might need to play a5 here to prevent b4
Opinel(2445) whispers: i don't like the idea of 0-0-0 anymore. doesn't seem sound. i'm also thinking about my bad bishop so maybe the best is Ne7 so if Nf4 Qd7 Nxe6 Qxe6 and i still have my good bishop
Opinel(2445) whispers: of course, she can also go for h4, but i doubt she'll even consider it!
Opinel(2445) whispers: so either way, the one move that i'm going to play will be Qd7, so i might as well play it now
8...Qd7 (6:53)
Opinel(2445) whispers: there are also ideas of g5 in this system but i don't like them so much. anyway, we'll see what she will play
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: Qc2!? to wait too?
9.Qc2 (2:43)
Opinel(2445) whispers: the pawn is not that important
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: he wants to attack me on kingsside, so i better wait with caslte
Opinel(2445) whispers: i mean, i can just play Ne7 but i'm thinking about leting her have it and starting to open up the game. she won't like it
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: don't deceive yourself, opinel!
wmahan(1929) whispers: hehe
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: don't underestimate her attacking skills
Opinel(2445) whispers: although the idea of Ne7 / c5 might be strong
9...Ne7 (3:14)
NakedNous(1711) whispers: Hi all
Opinel(2445) whispers: anyway, better to stay flexible than to 0-0-0 and let her figure out the attack
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: nf4 bxf4 exf4 ng6 g3 is a possible continuation
Opinel(2445) whispers: h4 must ve the best move for her
Jammes(1882) whispers: i dont think black will take the nf4. he might play g5 or somethink like that. maybe 0-0-0 first
wmahan(1929) whispers: yeah the GM has the B pair and I don't think he would give it up without more compensation
NakedNous(1711) whispers: what about b4?
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: b4 only if white intends to go for kingside-castling
Opinel(2445) whispers: maybe c4 as well, she has to do something or otherwise i will
10.a4 (4:53)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: nf4 g5 nxe6 qxe6 c4 is quite ok for white
Opinel(2445) whispers: she can go for a stonewall as well but it'll be very drawish
Opinel(2445) whispers: so she's stopping my c5
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: want him 0-0, then i also 0-0
Opinel(2445) whispers: don't think it was a very imaginative move. i can just play a6
10...O-O (1:33) 11.O-O (0:03)
Opinel(2445) whispers: or 0-0
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: that was the trick
onomatopeia(1123) whispers: go funkmaus!
11...a5 (0:38)
Opinel(2445) whispers: stopping the q side . i will probably play c6 and start some play on the k side.
gaelleg(1905) whispers: tu m etonne je viens de mapercevoir que les echecs ca sert a rien dans la vie
GBate(1665) whispers: English, please, so that we can all understand
12.Nf4 (2:15)
brigadoon(1996) whispers: and what does that mean gaelleg?
NakedNous(1711) whispers: nice to see what they are whispering :)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: nf4 c6 nxe6 qxe6 c4!?
gaelleg(1905) whispers: sorry for my mistell
NakedNous(1711) whispers: would be even nicer to have this at linares '10
gaelleg(1905) whispers: c etait pas un mistell mais je sais que certains comprennent et heu a plait pas peut etre
Opinel(2445) whispers: an interesting idea will be f4 instead, or in the near future because otherwise i have more threats than her. c6 / Qc7 / f4 and stuff like that. she decided to trade off the attack instead
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: yeah like ivantchuk" dum-di-dum-di-dum"
12...Bf7 (1:26)
Opinel(2445) whispers: but i love my bishops all too well =)
Jammes(1882) whispers: i see no move, how white can improve his position here.
13.Rfe1 (2:17)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: GO OPINEL GO
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hello guys
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: GO FUNKMAUS GO !
FSFabbri(1738) whispers: Hi, bro
Jammes(1882) whispers: hi
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hi bro
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: GO OPINEL GO!
caga(1522) whispers: has opinel ever lost a TL game?
Jammes(1882) whispers: Go Funkmaus !
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: GO OPINEL GO
Opinel(2445) whispers: development with Rae8 or all out for the attack with g5?!
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: oh well i ll white in the next tl game,cool
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: on c5 dxc5 Bxc5 Nb3 - Nd4. Think he cant play it, cause pawn d5 is then bad. Maybe attacking with g5? Hope my 2 Knights protect there well. (Nf1, Ng3)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Wanna do absolutely nothing here! He is GM, and he has to show, how he can win!
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: yes funk but u know...black is ok in this position
Opinel(2445) whispers: g5 / Kg7 and i have a lot of flexability with calculation
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: funk u are white, u should to play for win, not for draw
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: anyway g5 is interestiing
Opinel(2445) whispers: in theory it's better for me to waait and play Rae8 and c6 before i play g5 but by then she might get it and play h4 and then i lost the chance
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: but Ra-e8 before
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: Ra-e8 i think is better
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: h4 hmm, nah i think white shouldn t to do it, why have a weakness with h4? no sense
13...g5 (5:14)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: opinel just wait right moment to do g5, prepare itr
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: lol g5
14.Ne2 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Here we go ;) I like defending
Opinel(2445) whispers: yes, Rae2 Ne2 c6 with Bxp Qxp Qf3 and e4 so i had to play g5 first
14...Kg7 (0:36)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: no comments?
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: c4!
DMjJMD(1896) whispers: Funkmaus(2189): Here we go I like defending sure but this is a GM buddy lol
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: white strikes first
Opinel(2445) whispers: Rae8*
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: ng3 bg6 c4 may be an improvemnet
Opinel(2445) whispers: ok i missed the fact that f4 is quite good here
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hmm
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: opinel u can do a good attack, take this point!
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: i don't like f4 from white
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: f4 is good
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: because block a black weaknes
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: this only gives white a backward e-pawn
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: f5 is weak
Jammes(1882) whispers: is ng3 a good move maybe if not f4
Opinel(2445) whispers: yes very good, i guess i should do something else i'm obviouslly not that good at chess =)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: ha ha ha
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: ng3 f4?! nf5!
tjradd(2010) whispers: perhaps it is not too late to become a cabbie..
gaelleg(1905) whispers: at this moment is the position quite equal ?
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: no white has a slight advantage
gaelleg(1905) whispers: because of pawns structure?
15.Nb3 (4:42)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: wanna see b6 and go back to d2
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: yes and the more secure king
gaelleg(1905) whispers: thanx for your kind answers
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i hate it
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: funk are u losing too tempi
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: b6 nd2 allows c5 by black
15...b6 (1:06) 16.Nd2 (0:03)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: lol
Jammes(1882) whispers: :)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: although this might not be his "side"
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i can t believe
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: My only plan in this position is to defend against his attack
Jammes(1882) whispers: she wants black to overextend ;)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: yes and the harvesting
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: fuk ur plan is bad
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: but funkmaus, go for ng3!
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: funk
Opinel(2445) whispers: so i'm thinking on whether i should play Rae8 like my plan was or to play c5 here because after Bb5 i can play Qe6
GBate(1665) whispers: Language, please
Opinel(2445) whispers: but i like my plan
16...Rae8 (1:27)
Opinel(2445) whispers: f4 again
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: Gbate was funk, not fuk lol
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: c4 f4 and the fun begins
Opinel(2445) whispers: my chances are ok. c6 / h6 / pushing
17.Rab1 (1:33)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: ...bg6 b4!?
Opinel(2445) whispers: Kg7 was a mistake. if i had played Kh8 my position would be much better now
Opinel(2445) whispers: i could of played f4 and double on the g file
Opinel(2445) whispers: now a safe move will be Bg6
Jammes(1882) whispers: ill guess her next move. Ra1 :D
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: lol
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: i don't like this policy of defend to the end
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: she should unleash with b4 or c4 to attack
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Hmm, shall i play b4? axb cxb4 - Nc3-Nb5, and on c6 maybe b5? Took wrong Rook to b1 then? But okay, he can open E-File with pawn sac on f4.
Opinel(2445) whispers: ok , team mates, if you're there. i can go for a draw with Bg6 which is good for the team... but i must try the risky attack with f4. it's just too nice not to try it
17...f4 (4:10)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: go go go
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: wow,this is just bad
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: well, maybe not that bad
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: e4 g4 f3 g3 h3 total block
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: e4 g4 exd5 Bxd5 c4 Bxg2 Kxg2 f3+ Kh2 fxNe2.. to complicated
gaelleg(1905) whispers: why not e takes f ?
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: exf4 is ok too i think
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: but maybe she doesn't want to open lines and diagonals for black
gaelleg(1905) whispers: doubling the f pawns
gaelleg(1905) whispers: with no openning at all, the struggle will come
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: i do something crazy: take, Kh1, Rg1 and Nf1
Opinel(2445) whispers: by the way ... bexi is my girl =) yes she is watching me play ... don't bother asking her who i am cause she won't tell you =) but bibbu, meet my girl =)
Bexi(0) whispers: haha hello
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hahah
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: hello bexi
Bexi(0) whispers: =)
gaelleg(1905) whispers: wonderfull life
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i am a friend of ur opinel
Bexi(0) whispers: ok last time i tried to talk on this it didnt work.. =(
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: do u like chess?
BlkSabb(1986) whispers: oh yes, we've been asking that question constantly. Who is Opinel? It's like with Raffael on the Playchess server.
Bexi(0) whispers: umm yes? can you even see what im typing? lol
BlkSabb(1986) whispers: Who could it be? Kasparov or maybe Carlsen?
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: lol
GBate(1665) whispers: Yes, Bexi...welcome :)
Bexi(0) whispers: lol hi
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: welcome
gaelleg(1905) whispers: what is the pb for a gm to give it s name, on the other servers it s the opposite
Opinel(2445) whispers: exf is forced here
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: e4 also possible
eastorwest(1741) whispers: Interesting details about Opinel's life outside of chess.
SickJoke(1732) whispers: funk is thinking Kh1, Rg1 and Nf1
18.exf4 (11:55) gxf4 (0:07) 19.Kh1 (0:01)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: nice idea!
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: black can't go for kh8
Opinel(2445) whispers: Bg6 now and it's not wise of her to capture
19...Bg6 (0:37)
gaelleg(1905) whispers: some great people magazine's reporters are here
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: it not wise to let Bxd3 Qxd3 Qxa4 happen either
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Have to protect a4
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: b3 or b4!
20.b3 (1:48)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: b4 bxd3 qxd3 qxa4 ra1!
NakedNous(1711) whispers: Nf5?
Opinel(2445) whispers: so my plan was Rg8, but now i'm thinking Ng8-h6- and either g4 or f7. but i can also just play Nf5
gaelleg(1905) whispers: think f pawns must be blokade
20...Nf5 (1:16)
NakedNous(1711) whispers: :)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: he wants to go to h4
Opinel(2445) whispers: i like my bishops, like i said before. i love bishops
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: nf3 seems ok
21.Nf3 (1:18)
Opinel(2445) whispers: Ng1 was better. forcing some me too trade
21...Nh6 (0:38)
Opinel(2445) whispers: now i hope she will play h3 =) ha ha
gaelleg(1905) whispers: b3 ? why not c4 to open b3 is not good for the pawns
gaelleg(1905) whispers: there is a place for black queen, g4
Opinel(2445) whispers: she is a good player. petrosian style
gaelleg(1905) whispers: after exchanging perhaps but i don t know if it good for b or w, an exchange
22.Rbd1 (3:54)
Opinel(2445) whispers: that was a mistake
Opinel(2445) whispers: Be4!
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Ng4 Neg1
22...Be4 (0:36)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: oops
magicmaster(1475) whispers: ng1
23.Neg1 (0:42)
Opinel(2445) whispers: amazing defensive player
23...Qf5 (1:11)
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: now what?
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: c4!
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: c4 c6
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: c5!
Jammes(1882) whispers: nh4 nf3 is possible perhaps
RicardoRix(1482) whispers: Nh4 kicks the queen
Jammes(1882) whispers: but risky because of the nh4
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: Nh4??
Opinel(2445) whispers: i'm a bit better now
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: nevermind
24.Rd2 (3:27)
Opinel(2445) whispers: i have a lot more time. it's good for the endgame
Opinel(2445) whispers: she missed my plan
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: I missed this Be4-Qf5 plan, now wanna try to Qd1 and Bf1
Opinel(2445) whispers: Rg8 / Ng4 / Qh5 !! i wasn't planning on capturing the bishop?!
24...Rg8 (1:34) 25.Qd1 (0:12)
Jammes(1882) whispers: all peaces on last rank nearly :)
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: i like black, white is too passive
magicmaster(1475) whispers: c6 maybe
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: nah Kh8
magicmaster(1475) whispers: yeah but in the future
Opinel(2445) whispers: ok she's eyeing h5 now. her idea is Nh3 Rg1 i think. but i play Kh8 / Ng4 / Qh5 or Qg6. i think there's a win for me here but ii'm not sure. and against such good defence it'll be hard to find it otb
Opinel(2445) whispers: well not otb but rather while playing
25...Kh8 (2:28) 26.Bf1 (0:46)
Opinel(2445) whispers: today she told me she doesn't have time to prepare against me. so i told her to play the english against me. that i'm not so good against it. maybe she thought i'm trying to confuse her. i was actually giving her am honest advice
26...Qh5 (0:41)
Opinel(2445) whispers: she might have to play RxB
Opinel(2445) whispers: oh sorry that changes nothing
magicmaster(1475) whispers: were all busy writeing that down
Opinel(2445) whispers: yes, h3 is forced now
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: rd2 ng4 h3 still save for white
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: black must sac something to get through
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: And now :( All safe, but what to move?!
Opinel(2445) whispers: this game is a nice example to why i love my bishops. it was very smart not to allow her to trade them. i'm basically much better here just because of my bishops.
27.Qc1 (2:55)
Opinel(2445) whispers: that move doesn't look right
Jammes(1882) whispers: black can try to double rooks and than sac queen on f3
Opinel(2445) whispers: ok c4 is a real threat
Opinel(2445) whispers: but c6 is ok for me
Opinel(2445) whispers: =)
Opinel(2445) whispers: i don't care, time to attack!! right bib?! =)
27...Nf5 (3:02)
RicardoRix(1482) whispers: Nf5 Rg3 threats smothered mate on Ng3
magicmaster(1475) whispers: h3
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: rde2 nh4 nx qx f3
Jammes(1882) whispers: yes looks lost. not against me. but gm would be able to finish this attack. funkmaus seemed to play to passive
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: i don't think it is lost just even
Jammes(1882) whispers: perhaps not objectivly. but its great task to defend here
xombie(1856) whispers: passive positions are not everyone's cup of tea
magicmaster(1475) whispers: h3 g4 for fork threat provebly a bad line
28.Qa1 (3:03)
Aneirin(1823) whispers: GO FUNK (just got here)
magicmaster(1475) whispers: nevermind hed take the pawn
Opinel(2445) whispers: i actually have no clue what this move is about
magicmaster(1475) whispers: lol
FSFabbri(1738) whispers: she had to make a move. lol
Opinel(2445) whispers: so it's either Qg4 or Re7 i think.
Perkl(1343) whispers: worry about a skewer on black squares?
28...Re7 (2:56)
Opinel(2445) whispers: i don't see a way to break through just yet so i want to have more pieces to attack with.
SickJoke(1732) whispers: what's the purpose of Qa1?
29.Rde2 (1:12)
magicmaster(1475) whispers: what the computer say
Jammes(1882) whispers: please not
Opinel(2445) whispers: merd
Jammes(1882) whispers: he has to be french :)
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: If he doubles G-File, i have to take his Be4, no other choice against Rxg2 followed by Qg4
xombie(1856) whispers: lol
Opinel(2445) whispers: ok so i can't double rooks. i can still play Qg4 though.
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: bxf3 rxe7 bxg2 wins a pawn, doesn't it?
Opinel(2445) whispers: ok i see an idea. i can' check with my knight because of the f pawn so i can play c5 with the idea of dxc5 Bxc5 attacking that pawn! then i can also try ans sac with Reg7 and attack with everything i have. i don't see anything else
29...c5 (4:26)
SickJoke(1732) whispers: no because white can take e7 twice then
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: bxg2+
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: and then nxe7
gaelleg(1905) whispers: les dames, tu me proposes?
30.c4 (3:38)
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: ohhh
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: re-g7
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: I am anxious to hear what opinel will think of c4
Opinel(2445) whispers: like i said, im really not very good at chess. i should get the hint and move to play bridge or go
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: lol
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: haha
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: :))
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: try shogi or xiangqi
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: you still are the best player on this damn site though
Opinel(2445) whispers: ok, so now i understand the idea of Qa1. and i'm not going to waste my time on the q side. she can try and have her ex trade. i'll try to attack and that's all
30...Reg7 (3:09) 31.Rxe4 (0:13)
Opinel(2445) whispers: Rxe4 of course is completely forced
31...dxe4 (0:10) 32.Rxe4 (0:00) Nxd4 (0:17)
magicmaster(1475) whispers: wow he sucks lol
magicmaster(1475) whispers: sarcasm
33.Nxd4 (0:24) cxd4 (0:12)
Jammes(1882) whispers: qh3?
34.Qxd4 (0:15)
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: interesting idea
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: first Be5
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: this went wrong for funkmaus
Opinel(2445) whispers: i'm threatning f3 so she has to play it her self... oh boy ha ha ha... game over i win =)
drinkeh(2104) whispers: Nxh3 is a minor flaw though
salero(2129) whispers: f3 ?
xombie(1856) whispers: what abt f3 now?
34...Rxg2 (0:48)
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: !!
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: good gmae,opinel!
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: game*
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: but she made it to easy for you
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: Bxg2 f3 treathens mate on h2
Opinel(2445) whispers: bad finish, i shouldn't of won like this. she had to play f3
drinkeh(2104) whispers: Nxf3 then ?
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: but then what about Nxf3
Jammes(1882) whispers: qxf6 first
magicmaster(1475) whispers: queen takes
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: that too
salero(2129) whispers: f3 nxf3 qxf3 was another idea
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: rgg7 then
Aneirin(1823) whispers: then Rg1+ might also work :)
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: right!!
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: this is lost now
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: but Bxd6 is another one
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: I mean Qxd6
Opinel(2445) whispers: anyway, nice game
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: did opinel just break down?
RicardoRix(1482) whispers: white must attack
magicmaster(1475) whispers: they dont know its over
Perkl(1343) whispers: bxr f3 bh3?
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: game over
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: well done Opinel 1-0 for us
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: for wich side Bibbusque?
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: 1-0 for our team of course
drinkeh(2104) whispers: what comes after Bxg2? and if f3, what after Nxf3?
magicmaster(1475) whispers: what queen takes pawn check
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: bxg2 qg6
deionsandersson(2092) whispers: how about Qxf6+
35.Qxf6+ (4:10) R2g7 (0:04)
Boobyslegacy(1993) whispers: nf3 qxh2!
magicmaster(1475) whispers: still won :)
tjradd(2010) whispers: Nf3 Qf3 Bg2 Qg2 :p
Bibbusque(2431) whispers: :)>-
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Very Nice done, GM!
Funkmaus(2189) whispers: Game Over
Funkmaus resigns 0-1


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