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funkmaus(2185) vs. opinel(2470) *

Login to get PGN standard 40+0, 2010-03-10

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:09) e6 (0:38) 3.g3 (0:04)
Opinel(2470) whispers: she wants b5?
3...d5 (1:10) 4.Bg2 (0:03)
xombie(1918) whispers: oh yes
Opinel(2470) whispers: i'll play it solidly
4...c5 (0:19) 5.c3 (1:59)
xombie(1918) whispers: the funkmaus defense
5...Nc6 (0:32) 6.O-O (0:13)
xombie(1918) whispers: good idea though to step through the opening and play the middle/endgame
6...h6 (0:46)
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: hmmm
xombie(1918) whispers: so whats black's plan for activating LSB?
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: I chickened out Nimzo-Indian, chickened out Tarrasch and now h6 instead of Be7/0-0 and so on.
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: Is he going to kill me with g5?!
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: or just preventing Bg5
Opinel(2470) whispers: she's shocked ;) no Be7
7.Nbd2 (1:57)
Opinel(2470) whispers: was actually considering h5
Opinel(2470) whispers: she's playing for a draw
7...cxd4 (0:51)
xombie(1918) whispers: whats wrong with that
8.Nxd4 (0:25)
xombie(1918) whispers: dont like that
xombie(1918) whispers: once got busted for allowing centre
Opinel(2470) whispers: development with Bd6 or gruenfeldish move with e5?
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: e5 NxN BxN e4 or c4, he gets cenre like in Greenfeld-Indian defence
xombie(1918) whispers: then we might expect c4 from white at some point
Opinel(2470) whispers: e5 Nxc6 bxc6 e4! Qc7 Re1 Bd6!? exd5 cxd5 Nf1 seems ok for white. c and f pawns will stop the centre pawns so black doesn't have much
Opinel(2470) whispers: Bd6 Nc4 is a tactical idea though
xombie(1918) whispers: nice
xombie(1918) whispers: Bd6 Nc4 PxN NxN PxN BxP+
8...Bd6 (5:11)
Opinel(2470) whispers: but it's ok after Bc7
Opinel(2470) whispers: she will play e4 i think. seems like her style
9.Re1 (2:01)
Opinel(2470) whispers: preping e4, it's a mistake... now i have time for both Bd6 and e5
9...e5 (0:43) 10.Nxc6 (0:09) bxc6 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: e4 - but I ll still take a look to Nc4
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: no, Nc4 Bd7 Qa4 Ne3 misplaces pieces
11.e4 (1:18)
Opinel(2470) whispers: indeed she did
11...O-O (0:18)
Opinel(2470) whispers: exd5 / c4!
12.exd5 (0:39) cxd5 (0:00) 13.c4 (0:03)
xombie(1918) whispers: yes, this is pretty much a gruenfeld isnt it
13...Qb6 (3:03)
Opinel(2470) whispers: / Bc5
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: free pawn?! :p
Opinel(2470) whispers: Bxd5 Bg4!?
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: xd5 Ng4 Rf1 and xd5 Bc5 Qf3 Bg4 Nc4 - hope that works!
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: that fails for sure, but I go for that >:)
14.cxd5 (6:38) Bc5 (0:34) 15.Qf3 (0:31) Bd4 (0:51)
Opinel(2470) whispers: i don't like Qf3, white might have problems with it later
16.h3 (1:34)
Opinel(2470) whispers: dubious
Opinel(2470) whispers: i was obviously going to play Bb7 either way
16...Bb7 (0:48)
Opinel(2470) whispers: Nb3 seems to be forced
17.Nb3 (3:48) Bxd5 (0:07)
xombie(1918) whispers: might be some combos around now for black
18.Qe2 (0:06)
xombie(1918) whispers: anything with BxP+?
Opinel(2470) whispers: =)
Opinel(2470) whispers: Bc4 is interesting
xombie(1918) whispers: yes
xombie(1918) whispers: Bc4 Qf3 e4
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: to grab the pawn was really stupid Idea. missed, that Nc4 (instead of 17.Nb3) failed to Double-Attack Qb4
Opinel(2470) whispers: but i have a better option
18...Bxg2 (3:27) 19.Kxg2 (0:00) a5 (0:05)
xombie(1918) whispers: great choice
xombie(1918) whispers: easy to understand at least :)
20.Rb1 (1:26) Rac8 (0:52)
xombie(1918) whispers: i d probably play a4 right away but it probably doesnt make sense to play it when the kngiht wants to move away in any case
Opinel(2470) whispers: maybe Bc4 was better
21.Be3 (1:28)
SirToppumHat(0) whispers: what a barn-burner.....wake me when it's over
21...a4 (0:31)
xombie(1918) whispers: eh
22.Nxd4 (0:26) exd4 (0:00) 23.Bf4 (0:10) Rfe8 (0:05) 24.Qd2 (0:15)
xombie(1918) whispers: saw this type of position in spassky-petrosian 1969
24...Qb7+ (0:38)
xombie(1918) whispers: apparently the strategy is to keep queens and basically do nothing
Funkmaus(2185) whispers: That he forced my trade N vs. B I dont like. had nothing to do, wanted trade B vs B...
SirToppumHat(0) whispers: check sir
xombie(1918) whispers: move pawn here and there, and create threats
25.Kg1 (0:44) Opinel lost connection; game adjourned *


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