florinc(2334) vs. maras(2244) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2008-02-13
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: OMG! FlorinC - Maras! Nc6 (0:00) 2.Na3 (0:04) e5 (0:17) 3.g3 (0:14)
Mekk(1731) whispers: Na3?? How is now a2 pawn to go
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: yeah!
Mekk(1731) whispers: ;-) e4 (1:32) 4.Nh4 (0:03) g5 (0:25) 5.Ng2 (0:06)
Mekk(1731) whispers: looks like maras is also in good mood ;-)
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: This is X00 FlorinC Opening 2. Na3 / Maras defense / Knight chase line
Vancura(2131) whispers: 4. ... g5?!
Mekk(1731) whispers: am I the only one who expects h4 to be played soon?
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: h4 is good infact
sangalla(1940) whispers: "g2 is the worst square for N" -- Korchnoi
Vancura(2131) whispers: I would expect someone to notice the center at some point ...
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: well d5 h4
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: so I guess black should wait with d5 and play Bg7 first
AmosB(1920) whispers: So h2-h4 refutes that crazy attempt to play in the center. So black must look for some really strong moves. Nh6 maybe?
jaszczur(2018) whispers: in some case h4 make weak g3
Mekk(1731) whispers: Bxa3 is out of the question?
Mekk(1731) whispers: (well, risky, then ther would be two a pawns ready to march...)
Vancura(2131) whispers: ... Bc5 looks good. White is hopping around with knights, and apart from inducing ... g5 has accomplished nothing.
Bodia(1753) whispers: oh yes Bc5 Bc5 (11:16)
Mekk(1731) whispers: hmm, leaving apart the position florin is 15 mins up already at the move 5
Mekk(1731) whispers: d3?
Vancura(2131) whispers: Maybe not: 6. d3 Qf6!
AmosB(1920) whispers: 6. d3 Qf6 7. Be3
dlf(2141) whispers: Qf6 Be3
Vancura(2131) whispers: 7. ... Qxb2 6.d4 (4:21)
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: what the hec is that!
AmosB(1920) whispers: Vencura, probably Bxe3 Nxe3 and then Qxb2, no?
Koff(2110) whispers: hehe
Vancura(2131) whispers: Probably best in a looney position. After 6. ... Nxd4 then 7. Be3 Bxd4 (3:15) 7.Nb5 (0:05) Bb6 (2:17) 8.h4 (0:16) gxh4 (0:11) 9.Rxh4 (0:06) d5 (0:15) 10.Bf4 (0:30) Be6 (0:27) 11.a4 (0:42)
Mekk(1731) whispers: OK, back on tracks. h4 played, a4 played
Vancura(2131) whispers: This is really too much!
Bibbusque(2094) whispers: hello
Bibbusque(2094) whispers: great game i think
Implications(1680) whispers: Interesting pawn sac.
Bibbusque(2094) whispers: sure
Implications(1680) whispers: I think I've seen Florinc play Rh4 before.
Implications(1680) whispers: Does a4 have a threat?
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: Qd2 and a5
Vancura(2131) whispers: No serious one. I think Black is practically winning.
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: point being RxB and c7
Implications(1680) whispers: Seems a bit slow.
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: ok, how about b4 and then a5? :p Qe7 (3:43)
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: hell, if h has something for Na5 he can play it at once
Implications(1680) whispers: Slight edge for white, eh?
Bibbusque(2094) whispers: sure an interestin game 12.c3 (7:45)
Implications(1680) whispers: On the interesting scale from 1 to 9, I give this game a banana.
jaszczur(2018) whispers: strange...a5 and Nge7 look natural line i dont understand Qe7
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: Qb4 defense on a5
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: and hence c3
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: welcome to the florinc show
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: here you forget everything you think you know about chess
Implications(1680) whispers: You guys think too much. These two are merely flipping a coin to decide on their moves.
Implications(1680) whispers: For black, it was heads Qd7, tails h6.
Implications(1680) whispers: It landed on heads.
Implications(1680) whispers: Err Qe7.
Vancura(2131) whispers: ... Qe7 was robably based on some tactics around f2, which we may see soon. a6 (2:01)
pollock(2020) whispers: florin is the greatest! 13.a5 (0:10)
CrazyHunter(1698) whispers: florin is the crazy for sure
CrazyHunter(1698) whispers: craziest
Vancura(2131) whispers: ... Bxf2+ come one, do it!
Mekk(1731) whispers: pity sportsmen is not playing tlg anymore, could be interesting game... Bxf2+ (0:43)
pollock(2020) whispers: gotta take the bishop :)
pollock(2020) whispers: i can work this out 14.Kxf2 (1:17) axb5 (0:00)
Koff(2110) whispers: also e3 looks good 15.e3 (2:35)
Vancura(2131) whispers: Might as well grab another pawn ...
CrazyHunter(1698) whispers: Nf6 here? i don't know such a wierdddd position
WilkBardzoZly(1924) whispers: Ra5 or Nf6 looks candidate
Koff(2110) whispers: don't like Nf6 Bg5, but who knows
jaszczur(2018) whispers: so take pawn - Ng8 out game
pollock(2020) whispers: xa5 is a bit risky cause white can invade a8 i think#
Vancura(2131) whispers: ... Rxa5. If ... Nf6 then white can play Bb5
pollock(2020) whispers: rxa5 rxa5 qa1
pollock(2020) whispers: looks a bit risky letting white in
AmosB(1920) whispers: rxa5 rxa5 Bxb5
Vancura(2131) whispers: ... RxP; RxP NxR; Qa1 b6! stops that invasion I think.
pollock(2020) whispers: yeah obvisiouly
pollock(2020) whispers: its qd8 at the end which is just annouying Na7 (4:34)
WilkBardzoZly(1924) whispers: ... RxP; RxP NxR; Qa1 b6 b4
pollock(2020) whispers: thinking grapping a5 definaly not worth it
jaszczur(2018) whispers: Qd4 and...
Vancura(2131) whispers: ... f6
sangalla(1943) whispers: too bad, all black's pieces undeveopment. its not worth 2 pawns
Koff(2110) whispers: oh, I would suffer infernal pains for 2 pawns :)
sangalla(1943) whispers: hehe.... I'm not :)
Mekk(1731) whispers: doesn't reply to this question depend on the opp?
Vancura(2131) whispers: and the position
Vancura(2131) whispers: In this case black was doing very well, but then ... Na7?!
ktmk(1403) whispers: Qd4 16.a6 (6:34)
sangalla(1943) whispers: Na7 was forced
Vancura(2131) whispers: Forced? Hardly.
sangalla(1943) whispers: white threat bxb5+
sangalla(1943) whispers: upss... Bxb5
Vancura(2131) whispers: well, if he didn't want to exchange on a5 all he had to was play ... b4 c6 (2:43)
jaszczur(2018) whispers: another knigt out game:)
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: actually Qd4 lookes better now, if f6 Qb6 does threaten things :p
Koff(2110) whispers: black has quite ambitious plan, restricting wB on f1
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: his black squares are perforated however
KiranY(1986) whispers: thats not much of a problem for white after..qd4 f6 be2 idea bh5 17.Qh5 (5:15)
jaszczur(2018) whispers: all black squars are weak, knight out and no good place for king but ..it semmes nothing forced
jaszczur(2018) whispers: lol - so simply threat Be5 and so hardly to defend?
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: resigns, forced
Vancura(2131) whispers: ... bxa6!?
KiranY(1986) whispers: and?
Vancura(2131) whispers: ... and black can live on! :)
Bibbusque(2094) whispers: white win
Bibbusque(2094) whispers: after Be5?
Bibbusque(2094) whispers: Nf6...and after Qh6 ? white win easy
Vancura(2131) whispers: The problem is that if black tries a kingside defense on this move, say ... h6, white has a strong attack and would probably win. ... bxa6 turns the move back to white.
McGradencrock(1793) whispers: black loses the other knight after kf6
Vancura(2131) whispers: Then if 18. Be5, black can safely play 18. ... Nf6, which if he played now would be a disaster.
McGradencrock(1793) whispers: or nf6 h6 (12:47)
Vancura(2131) whispers: Well, that's that.
ktmk(1403) whispers: Be5 would make place for Kf4
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: there are simpler things here, like Qe5 and ab7
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: Qe5 f6 ab7 I meant
BlindRobot(2104) whispers: cant be good for black
ktmk(1403) whispers: right
jaszczur(2018) whispers: maybe h6 (Be5 rh7) - why not
BlindRobot(2104) whispers: qe5 i like
pollock(2020) whispers: what about axb7 first
pollock(2020) whispers: so queen doesnt defend e6
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: why give up that tempo?
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: ab7 can be played at various points with good effect
pollock(2020) whispers: i didnt see rh7
pollock(2020) whispers: rather slow :)
Vancura(2131) whispers: but if 18 ... Rh7 after 18 Qe5! then 19 Rg4!! would be beautiful. 18.axb7 (8:46) Qxb7 (0:13) 19.Be5 (0:02) Rh7 (0:23)
BlindRobot(2104) whispers: he got creative 20.Nf4 (0:02)
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: black is in mild trouble O-O-O (0:32)
Vancura(2131) whispers: I think Black has a draw!
Vancura(2131) whispers: (Had a draw) 21.Nxe6 (0:52) fxe6 (0:00) 22.Bh3 (0:02)
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: Kd7!!
Vancura(2131) whispers: Maybe black should just go for the endgame 2 pawns up with ... Qf7+
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: he loses an exchange and perhaps more
ktmk(1403) whispers: Kd7 would close the 7th line for the qeen Qf7+ (5:29)
ktmk(1403) whispers: oh
ktmk(1403) whispers: exchange everthing and go for the endgame?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Maybe is right!
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: Qf7 loses...exchange and Bxe6+
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: nvm!
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: check
KiranY(1986) whispers: just ke2..
Vancura(2131) whispers: No, ... Qf7 does not lose. 23.Kg2 (3:05)
Vancura(2131) whispers: and there is no Bxe6+ since black plays Re7 first
WilkBardzoZly(1924) whispers: Re8 looks more precise than re7
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: yeah I guess it takes less than 1400 in blitz to see that; sorry!
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: vancura blitz rating.....
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: Mal stop these insinuations please
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: malcovich sospechous
jaszczur(2018) whispers: Kg1 looks more precise:)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: We all make those mistakes -no need for an apology
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: what does that word mean... but ok whatever.
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: black simply plays rook to e 8
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: vancura you lose in first time 5 games vs yaacc ? Re8 (3:21)
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: yacc
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: after you improver very easy to 2130 standard
Vancura(2131) whispers: And a ton of games to littlegizmo.
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: you know that is not possible you have 2100 not can lose one game with yacc
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: in standard
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: hey I have a great idea : a match between players who have 1400- in blitz and yet "miraculously" (another word I don't know)over 2150 in standard! That would be a wicked game! We "admire" they prowess in long games and then laugh at thier sudden incomprehension in blitz...I'll even pay! ;-)
Vancura(2131) whispers: Anyway, are we kbitzing, or attacking me? If you want to trash me, take it to one of the channels, instead of littering watchbot's task with this.
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: you have much explain vancura....
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: I personally like to read trash, attacks and conflicts
hugozver(1978) whispers: Bd4?
KiranY(1986) whispers: he wants to explain it on the board Rey.. so go for it :)
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: you forget of command hstat is very help for know any know......
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: though I do wonder about such correlation
ktmk(1403) whispers: Bd4 looks good
WilkBardzoZly(1924) whispers: Ra7!
KiranY(1986) whispers: ?
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: Ra7 fails to Qf3 (didn't someone point Kg1 being more accurate?)
WilkBardzoZly(1924) whispers: sorry
KiranY(1986) whispers: bg4
jaszczur(2018) whispers: Qd1 Qe2?
Vancura(2131) whispers: I have nothing to explain, except crude blunders in quick games. 24.Qxf7 (5:57) Rxf7 (0:00) 25.Bf4 (0:01)
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: Kb7
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: well, that is bull! You have nothing to explain but sorry for you I know a real 2100+ player when I see it; they don't play so awful positional chess in blitz and in standard become geniuses...sorry! Don't buy it!
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: trashclash! Rh7 (1:56) 26.Bg4 (0:22) Nf6 (0:42)
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: im not sure but your rating standar 4 mounths ago was of 1600..... 27.Be2 (1:25) Kb7 (1:00) 28.Bxh6 (0:29) Rg8 (0:10) 29.Rah1 (0:19)
pollock(2020) whispers: florin rules! Nc8 (0:12)
pollock(2020) whispers: who you shouting at malco? 30.g4 (1:20) Ne7 (0:18) 31.Bg5 (0:14)
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: vancura see yours hstat first games standards you played - B yacc(C) standard 30-35 r D45 Res- W kristianmach blitz 10-11 r B00 Res- B ThornJay standard 60-75 r C47 Res- B yacc(C) standard 30-35 r C48 Res
Koff(2110) whispers: umm
Koff(2110) whispers: amm
pollock(2020) whispers: florins goner win
pollock(2020) whispers: i can feel it :)
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: B lorecai blitz 10-11 r C45 Res- B LittleGizmo(C) blitz 10-11 r D31 Mat+ W zstella blitz 10-11 r C07 Res- B LittleGizmo(C) blitz 10-11 r C67 Res- W LittleGizmo(C) blitz 10-11 r C68 Res- B LittleGizmo(C) blitz 10-11 r C67 Res Rxh4 (4:08) 32.Bxh4 (0:03) Nxg4 (0:08) 33.Bxe7 (0:04)
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: all games lose in 10 minute you have time sufficient for win with littlegizmo .... you are 2100 vancura!
hugozver(1978) whispers: what? Nxe3+ (0:28)
KiranY(1986) whispers: hmm.. 34.Kf2 (0:02)
Koff(2110) whispers: HM!
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: maras would like to get that N traded for a Bishop
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: and last test Vancura's game statistics LittleGizmo(C) * * * 23 73 8 0 0 0
HyperMagnus(2105) whispers: sup?!
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: 73 games in 10 0 with littlegizmo........
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: you lost it ! Nf5 (1:18)
KiranY(1986) whispers: bc5
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: that is one trade that white will try to avoid -a knight for a bishop
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: well said ralley! ;-)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Thanks for that Mal 35.Bc5 (1:08)
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: perhaps with best play it will end in a draw
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: littlgizmo here is Sjeng 11.2 modified 2: _ _ _ _ _ This is a modified Sjeng to play at a estimated ELO 3: | | (_) |_| |_| | ___ ____ _ of 1500.
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: come on Maras!
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: with one elo level 1500..... you lost 73 games understand vancura?
hugozver(1978) whispers: Rey, will you stop it!
purplepawns(1897) whispers: looking v difficult for black to win this
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: that is true he not can explain it.....
BlackofKnight(1818) whispers: Rey, please take that to private talk with van or something- its annoying.
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: does black need to win this?
predkoo(1903) whispers: Go, Maras, go!
Koff(2110) whispers: isn't it white who's tring to win this?
purplepawns(1897) whispers: no idea
Koff(2110) whispers: no... 1st game of the match Rg7 (2:04)
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: it is the first game between the 2 teams...very important for the final classification!
Koff(2110) whispers: if you meant that
purplepawns(1897) whispers: when u say go maras sportsmen i assumed u wanted him to win
Koff(2110) whispers: not more important than any other 3 games left
purplepawns(1897) whispers: go maras try and draw just dont sound right
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Fighting those two bishops will be most difficult
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: notes 8 melvinC ig thanks to Vancura for the help by comments, sugestions and well played games with annotations. Three very hectic days of bugfixing and eval rewrites.. :) His help has been invaluable.
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: ;o)
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: I think black will just hold fort for a draw...he can't afford to play for the win.
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: i do want him to win or draw :)
hugozver(1978) whispers: especially with his time
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: this is a never ending clock, he has time
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: if he needs to win this then that might be a little rough :)
BlackofKnight(1818) whispers: White plays Ra1 next perhaps?
predkoo(1903) whispers: Right Malco, draw is ok here
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: very true reasonablep, 2 min with 45 inc, you can go and make a sandwich, some coffee, whatever
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: maybe a swordfish for lunch :)
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: heh
WilkBardzoZly(1924) whispers: with two bishops and better time white try outplayed black imho
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Sure even take a mini vacation! 36.Ra1 (3:47)
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: it is just the first game...3 others to follow. Yes, cause Black just needs to control the envasion on dark squares...the knight on f5 is perfectly placed to prevent this. Great anticipation by Maras. Rg3 (0:30) 37.Ra7+ (0:07)
pollock(2020) whispers: flroins goner win :)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: rg3 didnt look to good, since it wasnt attacking anything and leaves the rook attacked
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: but maybe its not losing Kb8 (1:20) 38.Rf7 (0:05)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: Kb8 and then its still ahrd to get at the pawns
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: I would play Rg7 hhere e3+ (0:55)
Koff(2110) whispers: e3 was black's intention, I guess
derMandarin(2117) whispers: found a losing tactic here
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: i would go Rg6 i dont think he wants to trade rooks here
purplepawns(1897) whispers: i dunno how to win this with white but i think florin will find a way with black in time trouble
derMandarin(2117) whispers: Bxe3 Rxe3 Rxf5 Rxe2+ Kxe2 exf5 ;)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: that would be nice :)
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: hehe of course florinc won't fall for that. 39.Kf1 (1:06)
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: but on the long term e3 can't be right...that pawn will be very weak sooner or later
pollock(2020) whispers: rxf5 threatened :)
pollock(2020) whispers: i can do tactiks
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: Rf5 and Bd6 is quite the threat here
BlackofKnight(1818) whispers: need to watch out for Rxf5 exf5 Bd6+
Koff(2110) whispers: thanks pollock :) Rh3 (1:07)
Koff(2110) whispers: we would be in dark without you
derMandarin(2117) whispers: go pollock!
jaszczur(2018) whispers: good because serious threat is white king walk to b6 40.Kg2 (0:49) Rg3+ (0:04) 41.Kh2 (0:04)
CamyC(2125) whispers: oops?
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: he moved the king to h2 to cut it off?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Now he must be regretting that e3 push
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: please vancura not do it nothing is accousing you only try improver more in blitz Rg6 (1:21) 42.Bd3 (0:03)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: yeah e3 to try to get some counter play was maybe not best because now the pawn is weak
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: lol Here Rg6 no Sportmen?
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: but Kh2 i didnt get that
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: yeah Rg6 made sense but Bd3 looks really strong
CamyC(2125) whispers: me neither Rh6+ (0:45) 43.Kg2 (0:17) Rg6+ (0:02) 44.Kf3 (0:16) Rg3+ (0:11) 45.Kf4 (0:01) Rg2 (0:11)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: Rg2 and threaten to push
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: it put pressure on Black...the rook can't prevent the return of the king regardless. But e3, as I mentioned right away, was not correct as Black had to play tight for a draw.
ReyFeroz(2057) whispers: i know you need have more focus in blitz vancura i believe in you alway relax
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: wow, how come he let the black rook penetrate on g2 loike that! 46.Rf6 (1:20)
Koff(2110) whispers: Rf2+ first
Koff(2110) whispers: bah Rf2+ (1:34) 47.Ke5 (0:03)
purplepawns(1897) whispers: the rook wont take b2 whites coming in for the kill
pollock(2020) whispers: so florins king launchs a mating attack :)
pollock(2020) whispers: good job
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Yes, and pushing the e pawn will not help blacks cause
pollock(2020) whispers: rf2 did walk into that little pin
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: pushing e pawn will drop the R...
jaszczur(2018) whispers: :) through h2 to b6 = good job
pollock(2020) whispers: might not have been best i dunno
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: right Rxb2 (1:30)
purplepawns(1897) whispers: brave man
CamyC(2125) whispers: Bxf5 1-0?
purplepawns(1897) whispers: rxe6 look better 48.Rxe6 (0:49)
Koff(2110) whispers: still Rxe6?
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: now there are interesting complications with Ng7 and d2 Ng7 (0:41) 49.Rxc6 (0:02)
purplepawns(1897) whispers: thats what florin thinks of that
Koff(2110) whispers: e2 Bf2 heh Rd2 (0:28)
Koff(2110) whispers: and b1 is kept
purplepawns(1897) whispers: this is goodnight maras
purplepawns(1897) whispers: bxb5 and ba6 with a mate threat
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Right you are purplepawns
purplepawns(1897) whispers: cant b stopped
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Nope
Plebusan(1757) whispers: but Bxb5 e2 Ba6 and e1=q comes with check
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: the net is almost set
purplepawns(1897) whispers: actually rh2 rh8 can stop it or delay it 50.Bxb5 (3:10) e2 (0:03)
Koff(2110) whispers: Bxb5 e2 Bf2 Rd1 Bxe2 Rd2 Bg3 looks +-
purplepawns(1897) whispers: i wonder if kd6 leads to mate
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: guys, I think the idea is Bxb5 Bf2 Kb7...
CamyC(2125) whispers: Kd6 e1 Rb6 Ka6= i think
purplepawns(1897) whispers: that would b impressive if it did
CamyC(2125) whispers: Ka7*
reasoanblep(2000) whispers: Ka7 Bxa7 :p
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: i dont think he is palying Kd6 here
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: ;)
CamyC(2125) whispers: through the rook?
Ralleyrolf(1775) whispers: Looks reasonable to me Malco
CamyC(2125) whispers: reasoanblep you have a rook on b6, you cant play Bc5xa7 unless the rules changed...
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: i think we are going to see Bf2
purplepawns(1897) whispers: i`m sure white can mate with kd6 or win the black Q via discovery 51.Bf2 (3:22)
CamyC(2125) whispers: theres no discovery from b6 to catch the queen
CamyC(2125) whispers: i think you only have a perpetual there Rd1 (0:22) 52.Bxe2 (0:07) Rd2 (0:02)
dopefisher(1521) whispers: this is a teamleague game?
purplepawns(1897) whispers: shame that was so much more interesting 53.Bg3 (0:38)
dopefisher(1521) whispers: wow these guys must be grandmasters
Koff(2110) whispers: Kd6 looked very strong, yes Rxe2+ (0:08) 54.Kxd5+ (0:01)
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: oh wow he picks up the knight at the end
pollock(2020) whispers: was rxe2+ kf6+ bad?
hugozver(1978) whispers: wow florin! :) ;) B-)
CamyC(2125) whispers: hey Kd6 WAS winning!
purplepawns(1897) whispers: probably not bad pollock but this wins the pawn and the N
Sportsmen(2273) whispers: no i thought he was going to play Kf6 to pick up the knight
CamyC(2125) whispers: Kd6 e1 Kc7 Qe1 isnt possible because Rd6+
purplepawns(1897) whispers: and the match
CamyC(2125) whispers: Qe5 isnt possible*
MALCOVICH(2036) whispers: how? Where was the mate e1=Q giuys? I think Kb7 like I said held. the threat was the intelligent e1=Q Bxe1 Re2+!! Bxe2 Kxc6. but i am not sure Ka8 (2:09)
pollock(2020) whispers: go florin! 55.Rc8+ (0:03) Maras resigns 1-0
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