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arasanx(2813) vs. horsian(2857) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 15+1, 2024-08-20

ArasanX(2813) whispers: This is Arasan v24.2.2-22-g1fef46a
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (e4, d4, c4, Nf3), choosing e4
1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Nf3), choosing Nf3
2.Nf3 (0:00) Nc6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Bb5, Bc4, d4, Nc3), choosing Nc3
3.Nc3 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (d4, Bb5, h3, g3, a3), choosing Bb5
4.Bb5 (0:00) Nd4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Ba4, Bc4, Nxd4, O-O), choosing Bc4
5.Bc4 (0:00) Bc5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Nxe5, d3, O-O), choosing Nxe5
6.Nxe5 (0:00) Qe7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Nf3, Nd3), choosing Nf3
7.Nf3 (0:00) d5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Bxd5, Nxd5), choosing Bxd5
8.Bxd5 (0:00) Bg4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (d3), choosing d3
9.d3 (0:00) O-O-O (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Be3), choosing Be3
10.Be3 (0:00) Nxd5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Nxd5), choosing Nxd5
11.Nxd5 (0:00) Rxd5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (exd5), choosing exd5
12.exd5 (0:00) Re8 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (O-O, c3), choosing c3
13.c3 (0:00) Nxf3+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (gxf3), choosing gxf3
14.gxf3 (0:00) Qh4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Kd2), choosing Kd2
15.Kd2 (0:00) Rxe3 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (fxe3), choosing fxe3
16.fxe3 (0:00) Qf2+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Kc1), choosing Kc1
17.Kc1 (0:00) Bxe3+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Kb1), choosing Kb1
18.Kb1 (0:00) Bxf3 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Qe1), choosing Qe1
19.Qe1 (0:00) Bxh1 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Qxh1), choosing Qxh1
20.Qxh1 (0:00) Qe2 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (a4, a3), choosing a3
21.a3 (0:00) Qxd3+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Ka2), choosing Ka2
22.Ka2 (0:00) Qc4+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: book moves (Kb1), choosing Kb1
23.Kb1 (0:00) Qd3+ (0:00) 24.Ka2 (0:00)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: time=0.00 sec. score=+0.12 depth=1 nps=29.33k cpu=0.00% pv: Ka2 Qc4+ Kb1
24...Qc4+ (0:00) 25.Kb1 (0:37)
ArasanX(2813) whispers: time=36.95 sec. score=+0.11 depth=52 nps=22.51M egtb=6824/6824 cpu=4867.31% pv: Kb1 Qd3+
25...Qd3+ (0:00) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2


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