arasanx(2811) vs. abysses(2874) 1/2-1/2
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standard 15+0, 2024-08-20
ArasanX(2811) whispers: This is Arasan v24.2.2-22-g1fef46a
Abysses(2874) kibitzes: HypnoS legacy 180824 welcomes you! Interface: ChessPartner
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (e4, d4, c4, Nf3), choosing e4
e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Nf3), choosing Nf3
Nf3 (0:00) Nc6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Bb5, Bc4, d4, Nc3), choosing Bb5
Bb5 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (O-O), choosing O-O
O-O (0:00) Nxe4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (d4, Re1), choosing Re1
Re1 (0:00) Nd6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Nxe5), choosing Nxe5
Nxe5 (0:00) Be7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Bf1), choosing Bf1
Bf1 (0:00) Nxe5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Rxe5), choosing Rxe5
Rxe5 (0:00) O-O (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (d4, Nc3), choosing d4
d4 (0:00) Bf6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Re1, Re2), choosing Re1
Re1 (0:00) Re8 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (c3, Bf4), choosing Bf4
Bf4 (0:00) Rxe1 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Qxe1), choosing Qxe1
Qxe1 (0:00) Ne8 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (c3, Nc3, Qe3), choosing c3
c3 (0:00) d5 (0:16)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Nd2, Bd3, Qe3), choosing Nd2
Nd2 (0:00) Bf5 (0:30)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Qe2, Qe3, Nb3, Nf3), choosing Qe3
Qe3 (0:00) Nd6 (0:24)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Qg3, h3, Nf3, Re1, Qf3, Nb3, Be5), choosing Qg3
Qg3 (0:00) Bh4 (0:28)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Qf3), choosing Qf3
Qf3 (0:00) Bg5 (0:49)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Bxd6, Re1), choosing Bxd6
Bxd6 (0:00) Qxd6 (0:16)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Qxf5, h4), choosing h4
h4 (0:00) Bxd2 (0:22)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Qxf5), choosing Qxf5
Qxf5 (0:00) g6 (0:39)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Qd3, Qc2), choosing Qc2
Qc2 (0:00) Bh6 (0:19)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Re1, g3), choosing g3
g3 (0:00) Bg7 (0:20)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: book moves (Re1), choosing Re1
Re1 (0:00) h5 (0:15) 24.
Qe2 (0:48)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=47.99 sec. score=+0.16 depth=28 nps=18.41M egtb=56/56 cpu=4830.43% pv: Qe2 Kf8 a4 c6 Qe3 Bf6 Qh6+ Bg7 Qe3
Kf8 (0:27) 25.
Kg2 (0:44)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=71.19 sec. score=+0.16 depth=35 nps=19.46M egtb=135/135 cpu=4838.61% pv: Kg2 Qd7 Qd2 Re8 Rxe8+ Kxe8 Bd3 Bf6 Qf4 Ke7 Qe3+ Qe6 Qf4 Qd7
Qd7 (0:34) 26.
Qd2 (0:06)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=39.99 sec. score=+0.16 depth=36 nps=22.30M egtb=264/264 cpu=4845.53% pv: Qd2 Re8 Rxe8+ Kxe8 Bd3 Bf6 b4 Ke7 Qe3+ Qe6 Qc1 a6 a4 Qd7 Qe3+ Kf8 Qh6+ Bg7 Qg5 Qd6 b5 axb5 axb5 Kg8 Qe3 Qd7 Qf4 Bf8 Be2 c6 Qb8 Kg7 Qe5+ Kh7 Bf3 Kg8 Kh2 Bd6 Qe2 cxb5 Qa2
a5 (0:41) 27.
Qf4 (0:28)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=28.39 sec. score=+0.16 depth=36 nps=26.88M egtb=520/520 cpu=4894.82% pv: Qf4 Re8 Rxe8+ Kxe8 a4 Kf8 Be2 Kg8 Bf3 Kh7 b3 Bh6 Qe5 c6 b4 axb4 cxb4 Bg7 Qf4 Bf8 b5 cxb5 axb5 Bg7 b6 Qe6 Kg1 Bf6 Bxd5 Qxb6 Bxf7 Bxd4 Bd5 Qf6 Qxf6 Bxf6 Bxb7 Be7 Kg2 Ba3
Re8 (0:14) 28.
Rxe8+ (0:18) Kxe8 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=31.68 sec. score=+0.15 depth=38 nps=28.86M egtb=807/807 cpu=4916.13% pv: Rxe8+ Kxe8 Bd3 Qe7 Qf3 c6 Qf4 Qd8 Bc2 Bf6 Qh6 Qc7 Bd3 Qe7 Qf4 Kf8 Qh6+ Ke8
Be2 (0:30) Ke7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=29.95 sec. score=+0.16 depth=36 nps=30.66M egtb=1008/1008 cpu=4941.33% pv: Be2 Ke7 Bd3 Qd8 Qg5+ Ke8 Qf4 c6 Bc2 Ke7 Qg5+ Bf6 Qh6 Qd7 Qh7 Qg4 f3 Qe6 Bxg6 Qe2+ Kg1 Qe1+ Kg2 Qe2+
Bf3 (0:30)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=29.67 sec. score=+0.15 depth=33 nps=33.06M egtb=817/817 cpu=4962.86% pv: Bf3 Bf6 g4 hxg4 Bxg4 Qd6 Qe3+ Kf8 h5 gxh5 Qh6+ Ke8 Qxh5 b5 Qf5 Ke7 Bf3 c6 Kf1 b4 Qc8 Bg5 cxb4 axb4 Bd1 Bc1 Ba4 Qd7 Qb8 Qh3+ Ke2 Qg4+ Kf1 Qxd4 Qc7+ Kf8 Qd6+ Kg7 Qg3+ Kf6
Kf8 (0:27) 31.
g4 (0:22)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=21.48 sec. score=+0.16 depth=33 nps=30.66M egtb=5681/5681 cpu=4954.37% pv: g4 hxg4 Bxg4 Qe7 Bf3 Qd8 Kf1 c6 h5 gxh5 Bxh5 Bf6 a4 Qe7 Qb8+ Kg7 Qg3+ Kf8 Qb8+
hxg4 (0:12) 32.
Bxg4 (0:15)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=26.95 sec. score=+0.16 depth=37 nps=31.57M egtb=20303/20303 cpu=4951.31% pv: Bxg4 Qe7 Bf3 Qd8 Kf1 Qd7 Bg4 Qe7 h5 gxh5 Bxh5 Bf6 a3 Bg5 Qf5 Bc1 Qxd5 Bxb2 Qxa5 Kg7 Qf5 Bxc3 d5 Qf6 Qg4+ Kh6 Qh3 Bd4 Bf3+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf8 Qc8+ Kg7 Qg4+
Qd8 (0:30) 33.
h5 (0:21) gxh5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=21.23 sec. score=+0.16 depth=37 nps=32.56M egtb=13848/13848 cpu=4966.68% pv: h5 gxh5 Bxh5 Bf6 Kf1 c6 a4 Qe7 Qb8+ Kg7 Qg3+ Kf8 Qb8+
Bxh5 (0:31) Bf6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=31.54 sec. score=+0.16 depth=38 nps=32.92M egtb=26999/26999 cpu=4975.38% pv: Bxh5 Bf6 Kf1 Qe7 Bf3 c6 Bg4 Qd8 Bh5 Qe7 Qb8+ Kg7 Qg3+ Kf8 Qb8+
Kf1 (1:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=64.53 sec. score=+0.16 depth=35 nps=33.07M egtb=74875/74875 cpu=4989.78% pv: Kf1 b5 a4 bxa4 Bd1 a3 bxa3 Ke7 Qe3+ Kd6 Bg4 c6 a4 Kc7 Bh5 Qd7 Qg3+ Kb7 Qf3 Qd6 Ke2 Bd8 Qxf7+ Kb6 Qf5 Qa3 Qc2 Kc7 Bf3 Qd6 Qh7+ Qd7 Qxd7+ Kxd7 Bh5 Kd6 Kd3 Bf6 Bd1 c5
Qe7 (0:24) 36.
a4 (0:21)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=20.59 sec. score=+0.16 depth=36 nps=33.40M egtb=16849/16849 cpu=4987.94% pv: a4 c6 Qb8+ Kg7 Qg3+ Kf8 Qb8+
Qd8 (0:16) 37.
Ke2 (0:18) Ke7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=18.35 sec. score=+0.17 depth=34 nps=33.60M egtb=31689/31689 cpu=4983.56% pv: Ke2 Qe7+ Kd1 Bg5 Qf5 c6 Bg4 Bh4 f4 Bg3 Kc2 Qe6 Qxe6 fxe6 Bxe6 Ke7 Bc8 b6 f5 Bh4 Kd3 Kd6 Be6 Ke7 Bg8 Kd6 b3 Bf6 b4 axb4 cxb4 Bh4 Bf7 Be1 Bh5
Kd2 (0:31)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=30.82 sec. score=+0.16 depth=28 nps=36.25M egtb=108447/108447 cpu=5023.73% pv: Kd2 Qd6 Qxd6+ Kxd6 Bxf7 Bg5+ Kc2 Bh6 Kd3 c6 c4 Bc1 b3 Bf4 Be8 Bg5 Kc3 Bh4 f4 Bg3 cxd5 Kxd5 Bf7+ Ke4 Kc4 Kxf4 Be6 Bf2 Bc8 b6 Bh3
Qd7 (0:11) 39.
Kc1 (0:17)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=16.60 sec. score=+0.16 depth=30 nps=39.19M egtb=104832/104832 cpu=5064.55% pv: Kc1 Qd6 Qxd6+ Kxd6 Bxf7 Bg5+ Kc2 c6 Kd3 Bh6 f3 b6 b4 Bc1 Bh5 Bg5 Be8 Bh6 b5 c5 c4 cxd4 Kxd4 Bg7+ Kd3 dxc4+ Kxc4 Ke5 Bg6 Bh6 Be4 Bd2 Kd3 Bb4
b6 (0:13) 40.
Bf3 (0:18)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=17.58 sec. score=+0.16 depth=34 nps=35.88M egtb=37290/37290 cpu=4997.98% pv: Bf3 c6 Kb1 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Be2 Qd6 Qe3+ Kf8 Ka2 d4 Qd2 Qe5 Kb3 dxc3 bxc3 Qf5 Qd6+ Kg8 Qg3+ Kf8 Qd6+
Qd6 (0:10) 41.
Qf5 (0:15)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=15.38 sec. score=+0.18 depth=35 nps=37.24M egtb=27385/27385 cpu=5014.95% pv: Qf5 c6 Kb1 Bh4 Ka2 Qf6 Qd3 Kf8 Bh5 Bxf2 Qa6 c5 Qa8+ Kg7 dxc5 Bxc5 Qxd5 Qe6 Qxe6 fxe6 Kb3 Kf6 Kc4 Kf5 b4 axb4 cxb4 Bf2 Bd1 e5 Kd5 Kf4 a5 bxa5 bxa5 e4
c6 (0:09) 42.
Kb1 (0:12)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=20.74 sec. score=+0.16 depth=33 nps=37.59M egtb=54912/54912 cpu=5028.90% pv: Kb1 Bh4 Ka2 Qf6 Qd3 Kf8 Bh5 Bxf2 Qa6 c5 Qa8+ Kg7 dxc5 Bxc5 Qxd5 Qe6 Qxe6 fxe6 Kb3 Kh6 Be2 Kg5 Kc4 Bf2 Kb5 e5 b4 axb4 cxb4 e4 Bc4 Kf4 a5 bxa5
Bh4 (0:44) 43.
Ka2 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=44.42 sec. score=+0.16 depth=39 nps=38.17M egtb=285899/285899 cpu=5045.17% pv: Ka2 Qf6 Qg4 Bxf2 Bg2 Kf8 Qc8+ Kg7 Qc7 Qg6 Qe5+ Kf8 Bf3 Bg3 Qh8+ Ke7 Qc8 Qd3 Bg4 Qc4+ Kb1 Qd3+ Ka2
Qf6 (0:11) 44.
Qd3 (0:09)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=20.19 sec. score=+0.16 depth=37 nps=39.71M egtb=53791/53791 cpu=5042.57% pv: Qd3 Kf8 Qe2 Qf4 Kb3 Kg7 Qd3 Bxf2 Bd1 Bh4 Qh3 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Qg2+ Qg5 Qf3 d4 Kc4 Qg6 Kb5 dxc3 bxc3 Qb1+ Kxc5 Be7+ Kc4 Qg6 Qd5 Qa6+ Kb3 Qd6 Qg2+ Qg6 Qf3 Qb6+ Kc2 Qf6 Qd5 Qf2+ Kb3 Qb6+ Ka2 Bf6 Qf3
Kf8 (0:12) 45.
Bh5 (0:08)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=19.33 sec. score=+0.16 depth=36 nps=40.58M egtb=49189/49189 cpu=5059.07% pv: Bh5 Bxf2 Bg4 Kg7 Bf5 Bh4 Qh3 Bg5 Bc2 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Qg2 d4 cxd4 cxd4 Qg1 Qe6+ Kb1 Qe3 Qf1 Bf6 Qg2+ Qg5 Qh1 d3 Bxd3 Qf4 Qg1+ Kh6 Qe1 Qxa4 Qe3+ Kg7 Qg3+ Kh6 Qe3+
Kg7 (0:18) 46.
Qa6 (0:15) Qf5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=15.03 sec. score=+0.16 depth=37 nps=38.48M egtb=82939/82939 cpu=5048.16% pv: Qa6 c5 dxc5 Qc6 Bd1 Qxc5 Qb7 d4 Qg2+ Kf8 Qa8+ Kg7 Qg2+
Bd1 (0:13) Bd8 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=13.28 sec. score=+0.55 depth=34 nps=40.77M egtb=10835/10835 cpu=5084.84% pv: Bd1 Bd8 Qa8 Qd7 Bb3 Qc7 Qa6 Bh4 Qe2 Qf4 Qe8 Qc7 Qe3 Qd6 Qf3 Bf6 Ka1 Kf8 Qf5 Bh4 Qc8+ Bd8 Qg4 Bf6 Ka2 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Qd1 d4 Qh5 Qe7 Qf3 dxc3 bxc3
Qa8 (0:40)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=40.36 sec. score=+0.53 depth=29 nps=43.51M egtb=20366/20366 cpu=5134.01% pv: Qa8 Qd7 Bb3 Qc7 Qa6 Kf8 Qd3 Qd6 Qf5 Bf6 Ka1 Bd8 Qg4 Bf6 Qc8+ Bd8 Qb7 Ke8 Bc2 Kf8 Qa6 c5 dxc5 Qxc5 Qa8 Qd6 Bb3 d4 Qb7 Qe7
Qd7 (0:18) 49.
Bb3 (0:17) Bc7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=35.75 sec. score=+0.48 depth=29 nps=44.78M egtb=17379/17379 cpu=5144.30% pv: Bb3 Qc7 Qa6 Qf4 Qc8 Qc7 Qg4+ Kf8 Qh5 Bf6 Qh3 Qd6 Qf3 Ke7 Qf5 Qe6 Qf4 Qd6 Qe3+ Qe6 Qg3 Qd6 Qf3 Kf8 Bc2 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Bb3 c4 Bc2 d4
Qa6 (0:13)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=13.03 sec. score=+0.45 depth=34 nps=46.66M egtb=3861/3861 cpu=5145.07% pv: Qa6 Bd8 Qe2 Qd6 Qg4+ Kf8 Ka1 Ke7 Bd1 Kf8 Qh5 Bf6 Bb3 Qf4 Ka2 Ke7 Qe2+ Kf8 Qa6 Qb8 Bd1 Kg7 Bc2 Qc7 Qd3 Qf4 Qh7+ Kf8 Bb3 Qd6 Qh3 Kg7 Qg4+ Kf8 Qf3 Kg7 Bc2 c5
Kf8 (0:01) 51.
Qe2 (0:10)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=10.28 sec. score=+0.45 depth=28 nps=46.05M egtb=1500/1500 cpu=5129.39% pv: Qe2 Qd6 Qh5 Ke7 Qh3 Qf6 Qc8 Bd8 Bd1 Qe6 Qb7+ Qd7 Qa6 Qc7 Bh5 Qd6 Kb3 Kf8 Bf3 Qd7 Qd3 Bf6 Bd1 Qd6 Qa6 c5 Qc8+ Kg7 Qg4+ Kf8 dxc5
Qf5 (0:09) 52.
Qe3 (0:10)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=10.32 sec. score=+0.44 depth=32 nps=45.82M egtb=3288/3288 cpu=5109.68% pv: Qe3 Bd6 Qd2 Qf4 Qd3 Bc7 Qh3 Bd8 Qd7 Qc7 Qf5 Qd6 Qh5 Qf4 Qh3 Ke7 Qc8 Qd6 Bd1 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Qb7+ Qd7 Qb8 Qd6 Qa7+ Kf8 Bb3 c4 Bd1 d4 cxd4 Qb6
Qf4 (0:06) 53.
Qh3 (0:10)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=9.53 sec. score=+0.42 depth=29 nps=48.60M egtb=2216/2216 cpu=5174.87% pv: Qh3 Ke7 Qc8 Qd6 Bd1 Bd8 Qh3 Qf4 Qh8 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Qh5 Kd6 Qh3 Ke7 Qc8 Qd6 Bb3 Kf8 f4 c4 Bd1 d4 Qxc4 dxc3 Bb3 Qc7 bxc3
Ke7 (0:22) 54.
Qc8 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=22.34 sec. score=+0.41 depth=31 nps=44.63M egtb=9319/9319 cpu=5125.96% pv: Qc8 Qd6 Bc2 Bd8 Qh3 Qf4 f3 Bc7 Bd3 Qd6 Qh4+ Qf6 Qg4 Qe6 Qg8 Qd6 Bf5 Qf4 Qc8 Qd6 Qb7 Kf8 Ka1 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Bd3 Bd8 Bb5 Kg7 Bc6 d4
Qd6 (0:07) 55.
Bd1 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=11.27 sec. score=+0.41 depth=32 nps=44.38M egtb=6301/6301 cpu=5126.56% pv: Bd1 Bd8 Qh3 Qf4 Bf3 Kf8 Qd7 Qc7 Qf5 Qd6 Bd1 Ke7 Qf3 Kf8 Bb3 Bf6 Qf5 Ke8 Qh3 Kf8 Qc8+ Bd8 Qg4 Ke7 Bc2 Qf6 Qg3 Qd6 Qf3 Kf8 Qh5 Bf6 Qh3 Qc7
Qd7 (0:23) 56.
Qh8 (0:08)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=7.90 sec. score=+0.40 depth=31 nps=43.72M egtb=2199/2199 cpu=5074.02% pv: Qh8 Qf5 Qa8 Qe6 Kb3 Bd8 Bc2 Qd6 Bd3 Ke8 Ba6 Qc7 Bc8 Ke7 Bh3 Kf8 Kc2 Ke7 Bc8 c5 Ba6 Qd6 dxc5 bxc5 f3 Kf8 Kb1 Kg7 Kc2 Bf6 Qc8
Qe6 (0:12) 57.
Qa8 (0:11)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=10.83 sec. score=+0.40 depth=32 nps=47.14M egtb=2256/2256 cpu=5137.49% pv: Qa8 Qd7 Qa7 Bd8 Qa6 Qe6 Qd3 Bc7 Bh5 Bd8 Qd2 Qf5 Qe3+ Qe6 Qf4 Qf6 Qg3 Qd6 Qh3 c5 dxc5 bxc5 Be2 d4 c4 Qc6 Bd1 Qd6 Qd3 Qf4 Qe2+ Kf8 Bc2 Bf6
c5 (0:05) 58.
dxc5 (0:08)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=8.35 sec. score=+0.41 depth=33 nps=41.14M egtb=27817/27817 cpu=5065.41% pv: dxc5 bxc5 Qb7 Qd7 Bb3 c4 Bd1 Bd8 Qb8 Bc7 Qh8 Qd6 Bf3 d4 cxd4 Bb6 d5 Bxf2 Qc8 Bc5 Qg4 Qb6 Qh4+ Kf8 Qxc4 Qb4 Qc2 Qd4 Qb3 Qb4 Bh5 Qxb3+ Kxb3 Ke7 Kc4
bxc5 (0:05) 59.
Qb7 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=9.61 sec. score=+0.40 depth=29 nps=41.12M egtb=25491/25491 cpu=5061.80% pv: Qb7 Qd7 Bb3 c4 Bd1 Bd8 Qb8 Bc7 Qh8 Qd6 Bf3 d4 cxd4 Bb6 d5 Bxf2 Qc8 Bc5 Qg4 Qb6 Qh4+ Kf8 Qxc4 Qb4 Qc2 Qd4 Qb3 Qb4 Qd1 Bd6
Qe5 (0:14) 60.
Bb3 (0:11) d4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=11.02 sec. score=+0.41 depth=30 nps=41.61M egtb=18874/18874 cpu=5068.76% pv: Bb3 d4 cxd4 cxd4 Bc4 Qd6 Bd3 Qe6+ Ka1 Qe1+ Bb1 Qe5 f3 Kf6 Qb3 Qe6 Qb5 Qe5 Qc4 Kg7 Be4 Bd6 Qc2 Be7 Qb3 Kf6 Kb1 Kg7 Qc4 Bf6 Qb3 d3
cxd4 (0:10)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=10.49 sec. score=+0.41 depth=28 nps=44.25M egtb=28316/28316 cpu=5102.20% pv: cxd4 cxd4 Bc4 Qd6 Qg2 Qd7 Qe4+ Kf8 Kb3 Qd6 Kc2 Qf6 f3 Qg6 Qxg6 fxg6 Kd3 Bd6 Kxd4 g5 b3 Ke7 Kd5 Bb4 Ke5 Bd2 Ke4 Kd6 Bf7
cxd4 (0:07) 62.
Bc4 (0:13) Qf4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=19.98 sec. score=+0.31 depth=26 nps=46.68M egtb=90797/90797 cpu=5149.55% pv: Bc4 d3 Bxd3 Qe6+ Ka1 Qb6 Qe4+ Qe6 Qh1 Qd6 Bb5 Qb4 Qc1 Be5 Qc2 Qf4 Bd3 Kf6 Kb1 Qd4 Bc4 Qf4 Qe2 Qf5+ Ka2 Qf4 Bb3 Qd4 Qc2 Kg7 Bc4
Bd3 (0:06)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=5.91 sec. score=+0.33 depth=26 nps=47.46M egtb=13485/13485 cpu=5077.76% pv: Bd3 Qe5 Qh1 Qf6 Qg2 Qf4 Qd5 Qf6 Kb1 Qe5 Qf3 Qf4 Qe2+ Qe5 Qd2 Bd6 Qd1 Qf4 Qe2+ Qe5 Qf3 Bc7 Bc4 Qf4 Qe2+ Qe5 Qc2 d3 Bxd3
Kf6 (0:05) 64.
Qc6+ (0:08) Qd6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=8.43 sec. score=+0.32 depth=27 nps=49.68M egtb=12740/12740 cpu=5137.93% pv: Qc6+ Ke7 Qc5+ Qd6 Qc1 Qd5+ Kb1 Qe5 Qg1 Qf4 Qe1+ Qe5 Qh1 Kf6 Ka2 Ke7 Qd1 Qd5+ Ka1 Kf6 Qc1 Qe5 Qd2 Ke7 Kb1 Qf4 Qe2+ Kf6 Qe8 Kg7 Qc6 Be5 Qg2+ Kf6
Qh1 (0:14)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=13.72 sec. score=+0.32 depth=27 nps=49.47M egtb=26941/26941 cpu=5194.41% pv: Qh1 Qf4 Kb1 Ke7 Qc6 Qd6 Qc1 Qf4 Qc5+ Qd6 Qc2 Qf4 f3 Kf6 Qc6+ Kg5 Qd5+ Kf6 Be4 Qe5 Qb3 Bd6 Qd3 Bc7 Qc4 Ke7 Qc2 Bd6 Qd3 Bc7
Qe6+ (0:04) 66.
Ka1 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=4.70 sec. score=+0.30 depth=28 nps=52.70M egtb=6204/6204 cpu=5150.92% pv: Ka1 Qe5 Qc1 Qf4 Qc5 Qe5 Qc2 Qe1+ Ka2 Qe6+ Bc4 Qf5 Qd2 Qf4 Qxf4+ Bxf4 b4 Bc7 b5 d3 Bxd3 Ke5 Kb3 Bb6 f3 Kd4 Bc2 Bc7 Bh7 Bd8 Bg8
Ke7 (0:04) 67.
Qc1 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=4.79 sec. score=+0.30 depth=26 nps=50.67M egtb=5653/5653 cpu=5122.54% pv: Qc1 Qd6 Qc2 Qe5 f3 Kf8 Be4 Ke7 Kb1 Bd6 Qf2 Bc7 Qh4+ Qf6 Qh5 Be5 Bd3 Qf4 Ka2 Qf6 Qh1 Bc7 Qf1 Qe6+ Bc4 Qe3 Qh3 Qf4
Qe5 (0:03) 68.
Kb1 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=5.34 sec. score=+0.30 depth=27 nps=52.01M egtb=4469/4469 cpu=5155.17% pv: Kb1 Qd6 Qc2 Qf4 f3 Kd6 Be4 Ke7 Qd3 Qe5 Qa6 Qd6 Qe2 Qe5 Qd2 Bd6 Qe1 Kf6 Qh4+ Kg7 Bc2 Qd5 Qg4+ Kf6 Bd3 Ke7 Ka1 Qe5 Qh4+ Qf6
Bd6 (0:03) 69.
Ka1 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=5.06 sec. score=+0.30 depth=26 nps=50.95M egtb=6587/6587 cpu=5172.82% pv: Ka1 Bc7 Qd2 Bd6 Qd1 Bc7 Qf3 Qd6 Qe4+ Qe5 Qh4+ Qf6 Qh5 Qd6 Qe2+ Qe6 Qc2 Qd6 Bc4 Qf4 Qe2+ Qe5 Qd1 Qf4 Qc2 d3 Qxd3 Be5 Qa3+ Kf6 Qb3 Qxf2 Bxf7
Bb4 (0:03) 70.
Qc2 (0:04) Qe1+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=4.32 sec. score=+0.30 depth=27 nps=47.40M egtb=2911/2911 cpu=5105.08% pv: Qc2 Qf4 Qe2+ Kf6 Kb1 Kg5 Ka2 Kf6 Be4 Kg5 Bc2 Kf6 Ka1 Kg7 Kb1 Kf6 Be4 Ke7 f3 Bd6 Qa6 Bc7 Qb5 Qe5 Qd3 Bd6 Qd1 Kf6
Ka2 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=4.74 sec. score=+0.30 depth=29 nps=48.61M egtb=5088/5088 cpu=5116.96% pv: Ka2 Qe5 Bc4 Qf4 Qe2+ Kf8 f3 Kg7 Qg2+ Kf6 Qh1 Kg5 Qg1+ Kf6 Qg8 Ke7 Qc8 Qxf3 Qc7+ Kf8 Qd8+ Kg7 Qxd4+ Qf6 Qg1+ Kf8 Qa7 Qf5 Qd4 Ke7 Qg1 Qf4 Qa7+ Ke8 Bb3 Kf8 Qg1
Qe6+ (0:00) 72.
Bc4 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=4.56 sec. score=+0.28 depth=27 nps=52.01M egtb=2762/2762 cpu=5194.74% pv: Bc4 Qe5 Qd3 Qf4 Qe2+ Kf8 f3 Kg7 Qg2+ Kf6 Qg8 Ke7 Qa8 Qf5 Qc6 d3 Qc7+ Kf8 Qd8+ Kg7 Qd4+ Kf8 Bxd3 Qxf3 Qh8+ Ke7 Qe5+ Kf8 Bb5 Qg4 Qc7 Qe6+ Bc4 Qf5 Qb6
Qg4 (0:05) 73.
Bd5 (0:04)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=3.62 sec. score=+0.24 depth=29 nps=50.41M egtb=1853/1853 cpu=5087.56% pv: Bd5 Qf4 Be4 Qh2 Qe2 Qf4 f3 Qe3 Qf1 Kf8 Bd3 Qd2 Bb1 Qf4 Bc2 Qe3 Be4 Ke7 Qb5 d3 Bxd3 Qxf3 Qe5+ Kf8 Bc4 Qf2 Qh8+ Ke7 Bb5 Qf4 Qa8
Qf4 (0:03) 74.
Be4 (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=5.05 sec. score=+0.24 depth=29 nps=50.80M egtb=8205/8205 cpu=5137.18% pv: Be4 Qh2 Qe2 Kf8 Bd3 Qf4 f3 Qe3 Qf1 Qd2 Bb1 Qf4 Qh3 Qd6 Bd3 Qe6+ Qxe6 fxe6 Kb3 Kg7 f4 Kf6 Kc4 Bd6 Kxd4 Bxf4 b4 axb4 a5 b3 a6 Bb8
Kf6 (0:11) 75.
f3 (0:04)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=3.73 sec. score=+0.24 depth=27 nps=54.87M egtb=1547/1547 cpu=5243.68% pv: f3 Ke7 Kb1 Qd6 Qc4 Qe5 Qc8 Qd6 Qf5 Qc5 Qf4 Qd6 Qg5+ Qf6 Qh5 Qe6 Qb5 Kf6 Ka1 Qe5 Qd7 Kg7 Kb1 Kf8 Qc8+ Ke7 Qb7+ Kf8 Qa8+ Ke7 Bc2
Qd6 (0:08) 76.
Kb1 (0:09)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=9.14 sec. score=+0.24 depth=28 nps=53.60M egtb=4854/4854 cpu=5275.40% pv: Kb1 Kg7 Qg2+ Kf8 Qf1 Qe5 Qh1 Ke7 Qh4+ Kd7 Ka1 Ke8 Qh3 Ke7 Qh6 Bd6 Qh4+ Qf6 Qf2 Qe5 Kb1 Bb4 Qg1 Kf8 Qg4 Bd6 Qh4 Bc7 Qh6+ Ke7 Qc1 Bd6
d3 (0:02) 77.
Bxd3 (0:03)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=3.24 sec. score=+0.41 depth=29 nps=50.75M egtb=8542/8542 cpu=5145.02% pv: Bxd3 Qd4 Bc4 Kg7 Bb3 Bd6 Qf5 Be5 Qxf7+ Kh6 Qf8+ Kg5 Qg8+ Kf4 Qg4+ Ke3 Qxd4+ Kxd4 Kc2 Bd6 Bg8 Be5 b4 axb4 Kb3 Kc5 Bc4 Bc7 Bd3 Kd4 Bb5 Kc5 Bc4 Bd8
Kg5 (0:03) 78.
Qc1+ (0:04) Qf4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=3.60 sec. score=+0.38 depth=31 nps=50.18M egtb=6246/6246 cpu=5113.66% pv: Qc1+ Kh4 Qe3 f6 Ka1 Kg3 f4+ Kg4 Be2+ Kf5 Qh3+ Kxf4 Qf3+ Ke5 Bd3 Qd4 Bc2 Kd6 Qg3+ Ke7 Qc7+ Ke6 Qh7 Kd6 Qg8 Ke5 Qg3+ Qf4 Qg2 Qd4 Qh2+ Ke6 Qb8 Ke7 Qa8 Kd6 Qc8 Ke5 Qf5+ Kd6 Qb5
Qg1+ (0:04) Kh4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=3.49 sec. score=+0.38 depth=30 nps=53.42M egtb=7897/7897 cpu=5143.01% pv: Qg1+ Kh4 Qf2+ Kg5 Qg2+ Kh4 Be4 f6 Ka1 Qc1+ Ka2 Qf4 Bc2 Qg3 Qf1 Qd6 Qf2+ Kg5 Qe3+ Kh4 Bb3 Qe5 Qg1 f5 Qg6 Qf4 Qg2 Qe5 Bc2 Qe6+ b3 Qe5 Qg6 Qd5 f4 Qd2 Qxf5
Qf2+ (0:05) Qg3 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=4.69 sec. score=+0.36 depth=26 nps=55.07M egtb=9162/9162 cpu=5192.98% pv: Qf2+ Kh5 Qg2 Kh4 Be4 f5 Bd3 Qe5 Qf2+ Kg5 Be2 Qf4 Ka2 Qe5 Bc4 Bd6 Bf7 Kf4 Bb3 Qc5 Qh2+ Kxf3 Bd1+ Ke3 Qh3+ Kf4 Qh4+ Ke3 Qe1+ Kf4 Kb1 Qd4 Qh4+ Ke3 Qg5+ Qf4 Qg1+ Kd2
Qd4+ (0:03) Kh3 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=3.17 sec. score=+0.65 depth=28 nps=53.21M egtb=31299/31299 cpu=5186.40% pv: Qd4+ Kh3 Qd7+ Kg2 Qxf7 Qxf3 Qg8+ Kf2 Bc2 Qe2 Qf7+ Qf3 Qd7 Qe3 Qd5 Bd2 Ka2 Qf4 Qc5+ Qe3 Qf5+ Qf4 Qd5 Bb4 Bd1 Bd2 Qd3 Bb4 Bb3 Bd2 Bc4 Qe3 Qc2 Kg3
Qd7+ (0:10)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=9.65 sec. score=+0.46 depth=26 nps=54.21M egtb=86898/86898 cpu=5262.62% pv: Qd7+ Kg2 Qxf7 Qxf3 Qg8+ Kf2 Bc2 Qe3 Qd5 Bc5 Qf5+ Kg2 Be4+ Kg3 Qe5+ Kf2 Qh2+ Ke1 Qh4+ Kd1 Bf5 Qd4 Qh1+ Kd2 Qa8 Ke3 Bc2 Bb6 Qh1 Kf2 Qh2+ Kf3 Qh5+ Kf2 Bd1 Qe4+ Ka1
Kg2 (0:02) 83.
Qxf7 (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=3.79 sec. score=+0.27 depth=29 nps=57.87M egtb=43738/43738 cpu=5272.81% pv: Qxf7 Qxf3 Qg7+ Kf2 Qd4+ Qe3 Qh4+ Qg3 Qc4 Qe3 Bc2 Bc5 Qh4+ Kg2 Qg4+ Kf1 Qf5+ Kg2 Qd5+ Kg3 Qd8 Bb6 Qd6+ Kg2 Qd5+ Kf2 Qf5+ Kg3 Qg6+ Kh4 Bd1 Qd4 Bf3 Bc5 Qh5+ Kg3 Bd5 Kf4 Qf3+ Kg5 Bf7 Qg4 Qxg4+ Kxg4 Kc2 Kf4
Qxf3 (0:02) 84.
Qd7 (0:07)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=8.41 sec. score=+0.27 depth=25 nps=59.75M egtb=107887/107887 cpu=5351.37% pv: Qd7 Bc5 Ka2 Qe3 Qd5+ Kf2 Qf7+ Qf3 Qc4 Qe3 Qh4+ Kf3 Bb5 Qe6+ Ka1 Qe3 Bc6+ Ke2 Qh5+ Kd2 Bf3 Qg1+ Ka2 Qd4 Qh6+ Ke1 Qh1+ Kf2 Bd1 Kg3 Qe1+ Kh2 Qxa5 Qxd1 Qc7+ Bd6
Qf4 (0:01) 85.
Qd5+ (0:06) Kf2 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=5.45 sec. score=+0.39 depth=23 nps=62.56M egtb=40398/40398 cpu=5364.70% pv: Qd5+ Kg3 Bc2 Qe3 Qg8+ Kf2 Qd8 Kg3 Qc7+ Kg2 Ka2 Qd4 Bb3 Kh3 Be6+ Kg2 Qc6+ Kf2 Qb5 Ke1 Bc4 Kf2 Bd5 Bc5 Qb3 Ke1 Bf3 Kd2
Bc4 (0:05)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=4.96 sec. score=+0.36 depth=23 nps=63.02M egtb=25229/25229 cpu=5394.96% pv: Bc4 Qe3 Qf5+ Kg3 Qg6+ Kh4 Qh7+ Kg4 Qg8+ Kh4 Qh8+ Kg3 Qb8+ Qf4 Qb5 Qd4 Bb3 Kf2 Qf5+ Kg2 Ka2 Bc5 Bd5+ Kg3 Qg5+ Kh3 Be6+ Kh2 Qh5+ Kg1 Qf3 Qxa4+ Kb1 Qd4 Bd5
Kg3 (0:03) 87.
Bb3 (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=2.03 sec. score=+0.41 depth=21 nps=65.13M egtb=11871/11871 cpu=5412.23% pv: Bb3 Kf2 Ka2 Bd2 Qd3 Be3 Qd8 Bd2 Qb6+ Qe3 Qf6+ Qf4 Qh8 Be3 Qc3 Bd2 Qg7 Qe4 Qf7+ Qf3 Qc7 Qf4 Qa7+ Qe3 Qxe3+ Bxe3 Bd5
Qf6 (0:01) 88.
Ka2 (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.72 sec. score=+0.24 depth=31 nps=63.70M egtb=17714/17714 cpu=5295.23% pv: Ka2 Qf4 Qd3+ Kf2 Bd5 Qe3 Qc2+ Kg3 Qg2+ Kf4 Qh2+ Kg5 Qh8 Kg4 Qg7+ Kh4 Bb3 Bc5 Qh7+ Kg5 Bd1 Qd4 Qh5+ Kf4 Qf3+ Kg5 Qe2 Kf4 Qe1 Bb6 Qh4+ Ke5 Qg5+ Ke4 Bb3 Bd8 Qg4+ Ke5 Qg3+ Kf5 Bc2+ Ke6 Qg8+ Ke5 Qf7 Kd6 Qe8 Bf6 Qb5 Qd5+ Bb3
Kf4 (0:01) 89.
Bd1 (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=2.10 sec. score=+0.45 depth=30 nps=63.94M egtb=12357/12357 cpu=5346.31% pv: Bd1 Ke3 Qb3+ Kf2 Qc2+ Kg1 Qe4 Kf2 Qe2+ Kg3 Qe3+ Kg2 Bb3 Qf3 Qg5+ Kf2 Bd5 Qe3 Qg2+ Ke1 Bc4 Kd1 Qf1+ Kd2 Qh1 Qf2 Qh8 Ke1 Qd8 Qe3 Qh4+ Kd2 Bb3 Ke2 Qh5+ Kf1 Bc4+ Kf2 Qh2+ Ke1 Qc2
Qd6 (0:08) 90.
Qc4+ (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.81 sec. score=+0.55 depth=20 nps=65.44M egtb=3271/3271 cpu=5294.96% pv: Qc4+ Ke5 Qe2+ Kf4 Qf2+ Ke5 Bb3 Qd4 Qg3+ Qf4 Qg6 Kd4 Qg1+ Kd3 Ka1 Qe5 Qg2 Ke3 Bd1 Qe4 Qe2+ Kd4 Qf2+ Qe3 Qf6+ Kd3 Qd8+ Qd4 Qe8 Qe3 Qg6+ Kd2
Ke5 (0:01) 91.
Qe2+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=2.12 sec. score=+0.45 depth=27 nps=66.11M egtb=4424/4424 cpu=5344.54% pv: Qe2+ Kf4 Qf3+ Ke5 Qe3+ Kf6 Qf2+ Ke5 Qh2+ Kd4 Qg1+ Ke4 Qg4+ Ke3 Qf3+ Kd4 Bb3 Qe5 Qf2+ Qe3 Qh4+ Qe4 Qg5 Qe5 Qg1+ Qe3 Qf1 Qe4 Qh3 Qd3 Qh6 Qf5 Bg8 Ke5 Qe3+ Qe4 Qg5+ Kd4 Qg3 Qe5
Kd5 (0:01) 92.
Qe3 (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.48 sec. score=+0.42 depth=30 nps=60.42M egtb=8557/8557 cpu=5212.02% pv: Qe3 Qf6 Bb3+ Kd6 Bg8 Kc7 Qa7+ Kd6 Qb8+ Kd7 Qb7+ Kd6 Qd5+ Ke7 Qe4+ Kd6 Bb3 Qe5 Qb7 Qd4 Qb5 Qe4 Qb6+ Ke5 Qb8+ Kf5 Qg3 Qd4 Bc2+ Ke6 Ka1 Kd7 Bf5+ Kc6 Qg6+ Kc7 Bg4 Bc5 Qh7+ Kd8 Qg8+ Ke7 Qe6+ Kd8 Ka2 Qxa4+ Kb1
Qe5 (0:02) 93.
Bb3+ (0:02) Kd6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.50 sec. score=+0.41 depth=28 nps=63.12M egtb=11296/11296 cpu=5108.48% pv: Bb3+ Kd6 Qa7 Kc6 Bc4 Qc5 Qa8+ Kc7 Bb5 Kd6 Qb8+ Ke6 Qe8+ Kd6 Qf8+ Ke5 Qh8+ Kf4 Qh4+ Ke3 Qg3+ Ke4 Bc6+ Kf5 Qf3+ Kg5 Qg2+ Kf6 Qh1 Qe5 Bf3 Bd6 Qh8+ Kf5 Qh5+ Kf6 Qh6+ Ke7 Qh7+ Kd8 Qg8+ Ke7 Bd5 Kd7 Qg4+ Ke7 Qh4+ Kd7 Qh3+
Qa7 (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.90 sec. score=+0.40 depth=28 nps=59.91M egtb=15982/15982 cpu=5167.70% pv: Qa7 Kc6 Bc4 Qc5 Bb5+ Kd6 Qb8+ Ke7 Qe8+ Kf6 Qh8+ Ke6 Qh3+ Kd6 Qh6+ Ke5 Qh2+ Ke6 Qh4 Qe5 Qh3+ Kd6 Qd7+ Kc5 Qc6+ Kd4 Qc4+ Ke3 Qe2+ Kf4 Qh2+ Ke4 Bc6+ Kf5 Qh5+ Kf4 Qh4+ Ke3 Qh6+ Ke2 Qh1 Qe6+ Bd5 Qg4 Qh8 Ke3
Qe4 (0:02) 95.
Qb8+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.37 sec. score=+0.37 depth=27 nps=63.40M egtb=6344/6344 cpu=5224.48% pv: Qb8+ Kd7 Qb6 Ke7 Qc7+ Kf6 Qf7+ Ke5 Qg7+ Kd6 Qa7 Ke5 Qb8+ Kf6 Qd8+ Ke5 Qe8+ Kf4 Qh8 Ke3 Qh2 Qg4 Qh6+ Qf4 Qe6+ Qe4 Qf7 Qd4 Qf1 Ke4 Bg8 Ke5 Qf3 Bc5 Bb3 Bb6
Ke7 (0:01) 96.
Qb6 (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.20 sec. score=+0.36 depth=29 nps=64.03M egtb=7468/7468 cpu=5219.72% pv: Qb6 Kd7 Bf7 Ke7 Qa7+ Kf6 Bb3 Kg5 Qd7 Kf4 Qg7 Qe5 Qf7+ Ke3 Bd5 Qf4 Qe6+ Kf2 Qg6 Ke3 Bb3 Kf3 Qd3+ Kf2 Be6 Qe3 Qf5+ Qf3 Qe5 Qg3 Qf6+ Qf3 Qh6 Qg3 Qh7
Kd7 (0:00) 97.
Bf7 (0:02) Ke7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.99 sec. score=+0.34 depth=27 nps=62.20M egtb=16250/16250 cpu=5282.27% pv: Bf7 Qe5 Qb7+ Kd8 Qa8+ Kc7 Bd5 Qd4 Qb7+ Kd8 Bg8 Qe5 Qc6 Ke7 Qa8 Qd4 Qb7+ Kf6 Qf3+ Kg5 Qg2+ Kh4 Qf1 Kg4 Bb3 Kg5 Qg2+ Kf4 Bc2 Bc5 Qh2+ Kg4 Qe2+ Kf4 Qf1+ Qf2 Qd1 Qd4
Qa7+ (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.39 sec. score=+0.34 depth=26 nps=63.38M egtb=7716/7716 cpu=5192.55% pv: Qa7+ Kf6 Bb3 Qe5 Qf7+ Kg5 Bd1 Be7 Qg8+ Kf5 Qg4+ Kf6 Bb3 Bd6 Qh4+ Kf5 Qc4 Bc5 Qf1+ Kg5 Qb5 Bd4 Qd7 Kf6 Qd8+ Kf5 Bd1 Qc5 Qg8 Be5 Bg4+ Ke4 Qh7+ Ke3 Qh3+ Kf4
Kf6 (0:00) 99.
Bb3 (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.83 sec. score=+0.33 depth=26 nps=61.97M egtb=9782/9782 cpu=5125.90% pv: Bb3 Qe5 Qf7+ Kg5 Bd1 Be7 Qh5+ Kf6 Qh6+ Kf5 Qh3+ Kg5 Qg4+ Kf6 Ka1 Bd6 Qh4+ Kg7 Bc2 Qf4 Qh7+ Kf6 Qg6+ Ke7 Qg7+ Kd8 Qc3 Qe5 Qd3 Kc7 Qc4+ Kd8 Bh7 Kd7 Qf7+ Be7 Bc2
Kg5 (0:01) 100.
Qg1+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.28 sec. score=+0.34 depth=26 nps=66.75M egtb=3337/3337 cpu=5288.24% pv: Qg1+ Kh4 Qh2+ Kg5 Qh8 Be7 Qc3 Bb4 Qg7+ Kh4 Qd7 Kg3 Qc7+ Qf4 Qg7+ Kf2 Qa7+ Qe3 Qf7+ Qf3 Qc7 Qg3 Qc2+ Ke3 Bd5 Qe5 Qg2 Kf4 Qh2+ Kf5 Qh3+ Kf4 Qh4+ Kf5 Bf3 Be7 Qg4+ Kf6 Kb3
Kf5 (0:00) 101.
Qf2+ (0:02) Ke5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=2.33 sec. score=+0.32 depth=26 nps=63.41M egtb=9798/9798 cpu=5313.77% pv: Qf2+ Kg5 Qg3+ Kf6 Qh3 Kg5 Qh8 Kg4 Bd1+ Kg3 Qg7+ Kf2 Bb3 Kf3 Qg5 Qd4 Bd5+ Kf2 Qg2+ Ke3 Qg1+ Kd3 Qd1+ Ke3 Qf3+ Kd2 Bb3 Ke1 Qg3+ Kf1 Be6 Qe4 Qb3 Ke1 Bc4 Kd2 Bb5 Qd4 Qf3 Kc1
Qh2+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.00 sec. score=+0.30 depth=30 nps=66.96M egtb=3450/3450 cpu=5254.10% pv: Qh2+ Kf6 Qh6+ Ke7 Qg7+ Kd6 Qf6+ Kd7 Qa6 Ke7 Qb5 Kd6 Bc4 Ke7 Be2 Qd4 Qg5+ Qf6 Qg2 Qd4 Qa8 Kd6 Qf8+ Kc7 Qf7+ Kd6 Bc4 Bc5 Qe6+ Kc7 Bb5 Bd6 Qd7+ Kb8 Qe8+ Ka7 Be2 Qd5+ Kb1 Be5 Qg6
Kf6 (0:01) 103.
Qh6+ (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=3.46 sec. score=+0.29 depth=24 nps=62.46M egtb=17692/17692 cpu=5255.42% pv: Qh6+ Ke5 Qg5+ Kd6 Qf6+ Kc7 Qa6 Kd7 Qb6 Qe5 Qb7+ Kd8 Qa8+ Ke7 Bd5 Qd4 Qg8 Bc5 Qf7+ Kd6 Bb3 Bb6 Qe6+ Kc7 Bc4 Bc5 Bb5 Bd6 Qd7+ Kb8 Qe8+ Ka7 Qf7+ Kb6 Qf3
Ke7 (0:01) 104.
Qg5+ (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=2.31 sec. score=+0.28 depth=25 nps=63.50M egtb=10692/10692 cpu=5254.22% pv: Qg5+ Kd7 Qb5+ Ke7 Bg8 Qd4 Qg5+ Kd6 Qg6+ Kc7 Qf7+ Qd7 Qf4+ Qd6 Qe4 Qc6 Qe5+ Qd6 Qg7+ Qd7 Qg3+ Qd6 Qf2 Qc6 Bb3 Bc5 Qd2 Bb4 Qg5 Bc5 Qg7+ Kb6 Qg8 Kc7 Qh7+ Qd7
Kd7 (0:00) 105.
Qb5+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.18 sec. score=+0.24 depth=24 nps=65.32M egtb=13361/13361 cpu=5151.94% pv: Qb5+ Ke7 Qh5 Qd4 Qf7+ Kd8 Qg8+ Ke7 Qe6+ Kd8 Qa6 Ke7 Qb7+ Kf6 Qa8 Ke7 Bg8 Kf6 Qa6+ Kg5 Qb5+ Kf4 Qf1+ Kg3 Be6 Kh4 Qe2 Kg3 Qb5 Kf2 Qf5+ Kg2 Bd5+ Kg3 Qg5+ Kh3
Kc7 (0:00) 106.
Bd5 (0:01) Qe5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.16 sec. score=+0.24 depth=27 nps=60.98M egtb=10996/10996 cpu=5191.53% pv: Bd5 Qe5 Qb7+ Kd8 Qf7 Be7 Be6 Qd6 Qf5 Qc5 Qd3+ Qd6 Bd5 Kc7 Kb1 Qc5 Qg3+ Kd7 Qg4+ Kc7 Qe6 Qd6 Qe2 Qc5 Qe5+ Qd6 Qe4 Qc5 Qf4+ Qd6 Qc1+ Qc5 Qxc5+ Bxc5 Kc2
Qc4+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.19 sec. score=+0.23 depth=25 nps=63.00M egtb=11250/11250 cpu=5079.82% pv: Qc4+ Kd6 Qc6+ Ke7 Qa8 Qd4 Bg8 Qe5 Qb7+ Kd8 Qc6 Ke7 Qg6 Bd6 Qd3 Qc5 Qh7+ Kd8 Be6 Qc6 Qh8+ Kc7 Qg7+ Kb6 Bb3 Qc5 Kb1 Qc6 Qd4+ Qc5 Qd3 Qg1+ Bd1 Kc7
Kd7 (0:00) 108.
Qd3 (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.76 sec. score=+0.20 depth=25 nps=58.24M egtb=9318/9318 cpu=4925.74% pv: Qd3 Kc7 Kb3 Be7 Qc4+ Kd8 Be6 Bc5 Ka2 Ke7 Bh3 Bd6 Qd3 Kf8 Qf3+ Ke7 Qa8 Kf6 Bd7 Kg7 Qb7 Qd4 Be8+ Kf6 Qf7+ Kg5 Qh5+ Kf4 Qh6+ Kg4 Qg6+ Kh3
Ke7 (0:00) 109.
Kb3 (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.78 sec. score=+0.20 depth=27 nps=58.52M egtb=9361/9361 cpu=4893.44% pv: Kb3 Bd6 Qh7+ Kd8 Qg8+ Kd7 Qg4+ Kc7 Qc4+ Kd8 Ka2 Bb4 Bc6 Ke7 Qh4+ Qf6 Qh7+ Qf7+ Qxf7+ Kxf7 Kb3 Ke6 Bg2 Ke5 Kc4 Be7 Kb5 Kd4 Bb7 Bb4 Bc8 Kd5 Bf5 Bd6 Kb6
Kd6 (0:00) 110.
Bg2+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.77 sec. score=+0.19 depth=22 nps=53.57M egtb=6097/6097 cpu=5025.32% pv: Bg2+ Ke7 Be4 Bd6 Bd5 Kf6 Qd2 Bb4 Qh6+ Kf5 Qh5+ Kf4 Qf3+ Kg5 Be4 Be7 Kc4 Bb4 Qg2+ Kh4 Qh1+ Kg5 Qf3 Qe6+ Kd4 Qb6+ Kd3 Qd6+ Bd5 Qe5 Kc4
Ke7 (0:00) 111.
Bd5 (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.92 sec. score=+0.18 depth=24 nps=54.62M egtb=10815/10815 cpu=5066.59% pv: Bd5 Kd6 Bf3+ Ke7 Qh7+ Kd6 Kc2 Qc5+ Kd3 Qe5 Qh6+ Qe6 Qf4+ Qe5 Qf8+ Kc7 Qf7+ Kd6 Kc2 Qd4 Qg6+ Kc7 Qc6+ Kd8 Bh5 Bd6 Bg6 Qf2+ Kb3 Qg3+ Ka2 Qxg6 Qb6+ Kc8 Qa6+ Kd7 Qb5+ Kc8 Qxa5
Kf6 (0:00) 112.
Qf3+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.59 sec. score=+0.16 depth=24 nps=60.40M egtb=5471/5471 cpu=4876.79% pv: Qf3+ Kg5 Qg2+ Kh4 Bf3 Qf4 Qe2 Kg3 Bd5 Qd4 Bg8 Bd6 Qe1+ Kh2 Qc3 Qd1+ Qc2+ Qxc2+ Kxc2 Kg3 b3 Kf2 Kc3 Ke3 Kc4 Bb4 Kb5 Kd2 Bd5 Kd3 Bc4+ Kc2
Kg5 (0:00) 113.
Bf7 (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.94 sec. score=+0.16 depth=27 nps=54.32M egtb=18663/18663 cpu=4910.80% pv: Bf7 Kh4 Kc4 Qc5+ Kd3 Qe5 Qh1+ Kg3 Qg1+ Kh3 Qf1+ Kg3 Kc2 Qe3 Qd3 Qxd3+ Kxd3 Kf3 Bd5+ Kf4 Kd4 Be7 b3 Bb4 Bb7 Kg3 Bc6 Kf4 Bb5 Be7 Kd5 Bb4 Kc6
Qe1 (0:00) 114.
Qh5+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.67 sec. score=+0.20 depth=26 nps=62.27M egtb=3036/3036 cpu=4988.73% pv: Qh5+ Kf6 Ka2 Qe5 Qg6+ Ke7 Bc4 Bc5 Qc6 Qd4 Qe6+ Kd8 Bb5 Qd6 Qg8+ Kc7 Qg7+ Kb6 Qc3 Qd1 Qf6+ Qd6 Qf5 Kc7 Qf7+ Kd8 Qb7 Qe6+ b3 Bb4 Qf3 Ke7 Be2 Kd6
Kf6 (0:00) 115.
Bc4 (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.89 sec. score=+0.16 depth=29 nps=60.93M egtb=7721/7721 cpu=5117.16% pv: Bc4 Be7 Qg4 Qe5 Ka2 Bd6 Qh4+ Kf5 Qh5+ Kf6 Qf7+ Kg5 Be6 Bc5 Qg8+ Kf4 Bh3 Qd4 Qg4+ Ke3 Qg1+ Kd2 Qg2+ Ke3 Qg3+ Kd2 Qb3 Qb4 Qd5+ Qd4 Qg2+
Qe3+ (0:00) 116.
Ka2 (0:01) Qe4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.60 sec. score=+0.16 depth=29 nps=65.33M egtb=4472/4472 cpu=4981.26% pv: Ka2 Qe5 Qh8+ Kf5 Bd3+ Ke6 Qg8+ Ke7 Bc4 Kf6 Bb3 Be7 Qg4 Bc5 Bg8 Qd4 Qh5 Qxa4+ Kb1 Qe4+ Ka1 Qa4+ Ba2 Bd4 Kb1 Qb4 Qh4+ Kf5 Qh3+ Kf4 Qh2+ Ke3 Qg1+ Kf4 Qc1+ Ke4 Bf7 Be5 Qh1+ Ke3 Qg1+ Kf4
Qf7+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.66 sec. score=+0.16 depth=27 nps=69.74M egtb=2502/2502 cpu=5033.11% pv: Qf7+ Kg5 Qg7+ Kf4 Qf6+ Ke3 Qg5+ Qf4 Qg1+ Kf3 Qh1+ Kf2 Qf1+ Kg3 Qd3+ Qf3 Qd4 Qf4 Qd3+
Kg5 (0:00) 118.
Qg7+ (0:02)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=1.77 sec. score=+0.16 depth=27 nps=62.13M egtb=13662/13662 cpu=5362.99% pv: Qg7+ Kf4 Qf6+ Ke3 Qg5+ Kf2 Bd5 Qd4 Qg2+ Ke3 Qg1+ Kd3 Qf1+ Kd2 Bb3 Ke3 Bd1 Qe4 Qg1+ Kd2 Bb3 Ke2 Ka1 Kd2 Ka2
Kf4 (0:00) 119.
Bb3 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.69 sec. score=+0.16 depth=28 nps=65.00M egtb=10671/10671 cpu=4992.50% pv: Bb3 Qe5 Qg1 Bd6 Qf1+ Kg3 Bc2 Qd5+ Kb1 Be5 Qe1+ Kf4 Qc1+ Kg4 Qg1+ Kh4 Qf2+ Kg5 Qf5+ Kh4 Qf2+
Qf5 (0:00) 120.
Qd4+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.87 sec. score=+0.16 depth=30 nps=66.27M egtb=4955/4955 cpu=5175.38% pv: Qd4+ Qe4 Qg7
Qe4 (0:00) 121.
Qf2+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.55 sec. score=+0.16 depth=27 nps=68.43M egtb=2191/2191 cpu=5218.99% pv: Qf2+ Kg4 Qh2 Qd4 Qc7 Kf3 Qf7+ Kg3 Bd5 Kh4 Be6 Qe4 Qf2+ Kg5 Qg3+ Kf6 Bb3 Qd4 Bc2 Ke6 Qh3+ Ke7 Qh7+ Kd6 b3 Bc5 Qh3 Bb4 Qf3 Bc3 Qg3+ Ke7 Qc7+ Ke6 Qc8+ Kd6
Ke5 (0:00) 122.
Qf7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.42 sec. score=+0.16 depth=28 nps=67.20M egtb=2365/2365 cpu=5077.78% pv: Qf7 Kd4 Qa7+ Kd3 Qf2 Qe5 Bc2+ Kc4 Qf7+ Kc5 Bb3 Kb6 Bd5 Be7 Qf2+ Kc7 Bg2 Bf6 Qa7+ Kd8 Qa8+ Kd7 Bh3+ Kd6
Kd4 (0:00) 123.
Qc4+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.59 sec. score=+0.16 depth=25 nps=66.86M egtb=2817/2817 cpu=5290.06% pv: Qc4+ Ke3 Qc1+ Kf2 Qd1 Qe5 Qc2+ Qe2 Qf5+ Qf3 Qe5 Qg4 Bd5 Bd2 b3 Bb4 Bc4 Qd1 Qf4+ Qf3 Qd4+ Kg3 Kb1 Qh1+ Kb2 Qh2+ Kb1 Qh1+
Ke3 (0:00) 124.
Qf1 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.54 sec. score=+0.16 depth=26 nps=63.55M egtb=2991/2991 cpu=5148.45% pv: Qf1 Qe5 Qg1+ Kf3 Bd1+ Ke4 Bc2+ Kd5 Qb6 Qd6 Qb5+ Qc5 Qe2 Kd6 b3 Qd4 Kb1 Kc7 Qh5 Qg1+ Kb2 Qg7+ Ka2 Qe7 Qd5 Qe1 Qc4+ Kd7 Qd4+ Ke6 Qd8 Bc3 Qe8+ Kd5 Qd7+ Ke5
Qe5 (0:00) 125.
Ka1 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.54 sec. score=+0.16 depth=24 nps=64.16M egtb=3353/3353 cpu=5266.63% pv: Ka1 Kd2 Qd1+ Ke3 Qf1
Qf4 (0:00) 126.
Qc1+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.33 sec. score=+0.16 depth=26 nps=61.39M egtb=2825/2825 cpu=5133.60% pv: Qc1+ Kf3 Bd5+ Kg4 Qg1+ Kf5 Kb1 Qe5 Qf2+ Kg5 Qg2+ Kh4 Qe4+ Qxe4+ Bxe4 Kg3 Kc2 Bd6 Bd5 Kf2 Kd3 Ke1 Kc4 Kd2 Kb5 Be5 b3 Bc3 Kb6 Ke3 Bc4 Bb4 Kb5
Kf3 (0:00) 127.
Qf1+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.44 sec. score=+0.15 depth=28 nps=65.02M egtb=4170/4170 cpu=5297.33% pv: Qf1+ Ke4 Bc2+ Ke3 Qg2 Qf3 Qg5+ Kf2 Qh6 Kg1 Ka2 Qf7+ Bb3 Qf3
Kg4 (0:00) 128.
Bd1+ (0:01)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.79 sec. score=+0.16 depth=28 nps=57.48M egtb=7505/7505 cpu=5175.71% pv: Bd1+ Kf5 Bc2+ Kg5 Qg1+ Kh4 Bd1 Qe4 b3 Qe5+ Ka2 Qe4 Qf2+ Kg5 Bc2 Qd5 Qg3+ Kf6 Bd3 Qe5 Qg6+ Ke7 Bb5 Qe1 Qg7+ Kd6 Qf6+ Kc5 Qf8+ Kd4 Qh8+ Qe5 Qh6 Kd5 Qh7 Kd6 Qd7+ Kc5 Qc6+ Kd4 Qc4+ Ke3
Kg5 (0:00) 129.
Qd3 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.27 sec. score=+0.16 depth=28 nps=61.00M egtb=3472/3472 cpu=4954.25% pv: Qd3 Kf6 Ka2 Qd6 Qf3+ Ke6 Qg4+ Ke7 Qg7+ Ke8
Kf6 (0:00) 130.
Ka2 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.44 sec. score=+0.16 depth=25 nps=65.01M egtb=3097/3097 cpu=4827.74% pv: Ka2 Ke5 Bc2 Qd4 Qf5+ Kd6 b3 Qd2 Kb1 Qe1+ Ka2 Qd2
Ke5 (0:01) 131.
Bc2 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.63 sec. score=+0.16 depth=28 nps=61.43M egtb=6554/6554 cpu=5039.29% pv: Bc2 Qd4 Qg3+ Ke6 Qg8+ Kd7
Qf7+ (0:00) 132.
b3 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.26 sec. score=+0.16 depth=25 nps=72.40M egtb=940/940 cpu=4867.84% pv: b3 Qf2 Qc4 Qe1 Qc7+ Kd4 Qg7+ Qe5 Qg1+ Qe3 Qg7+ Qe5
Qf2 (0:00) 133.
Kb1 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.39 sec. score=+0.16 depth=23 nps=67.82M egtb=1786/1786 cpu=5094.69% pv: Kb1 Qg1+ Bd1 Qd4 Qg3+ Qf4 Qg7+ Ke4 Qg2+ Kd4 Qg1+ Kd3 Qg2 Kd4
Qg1+ (0:00) 134.
Ka2 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.45 sec. score=+0.16 depth=25 nps=66.07M egtb=2130/2130 cpu=5085.37% pv: Ka2 Qd4 Qg3+ Qf4 Qg7+ Kd6 Kb1 Qe5 Qg6+ Kc5 Qd3 Qd4 Qa6 Qg1+ Ka2 Qe1 Qa7+ Kd6 Qd4+ Kc7 Qa7+ Kd6
Qd4 (0:00) 135.
Qf5+ (0:01) Kd6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.72 sec. score=+0.16 depth=24 nps=63.08M egtb=4373/4373 cpu=5110.69% pv: Qf5+ Kd6 Qc8 Ke7 Qc7+ Ke6 Qc6+ Ke5 Qc7+ Qd6 Qc4 Qd2 Kb1 Kd6 Qc8 Qe1+ Ka2 Ke5 Kb2 Qe3 Qh8+ Kd6 Qf8+ Qe7 Qb8+ Kd5 Qb5+ Kd4 Qd3+ Kc5 Qc4+ Kb6 Qb5+ Kc7 Qd5 Qd6
Kb1 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.39 sec. score=+0.16 depth=23 nps=65.87M egtb=2522/2522 cpu=4845.40% pv: Kb1 Kc7 Qh7+ Kb6 Qg8 Bd6 Qd8+ Kb7 Qd7+ Ka8 Qc6+ Ka7 Qd7+ Ka8
Qe5 (0:00) 137.
Qg6+ (0:00) Qe6 (0:00) 138.
Qg3+ (0:00) Qe5 (0:00) 139.
Qg6+ (0:00) Qe6 (0:00) 140.
Qg3+ (0:00) Kd7 (0:00) 141.
Qg7+ (0:00) Kc6 (0:00) 142.
Qd4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2811) whispers: time=0.29 sec. score=+0.16 depth=26 nps=67.54M egtb=2359/2359 cpu=4745.42% pv: Qd4 Kc7 Qd3 Qd6 Qe3 Bc5 Qe1 Kb6 Qe2 Bb4 Qf2+ Qc5 Qf6+ Qc6 Qd8+ Qc7 Qe8 Ba3 Qe3+ Qc5 Qf4 Bb4 Qb8+ Kc6 Be4+ Kd7 Qg3 Qd4 Qg4+ Kd6 Qf4+ Qe5 Qxe5+ Kxe5 Bb7
Qe1+ (0:01) 143.
Bd1 (0:00) Qc3 (0:00) 144.
Qd8 (0:00) Qe1 (0:00) 145.
Qa8+ (0:00) Kd6 (0:00) 146.
Qb8+ (0:00) Ke7 (0:00) 147.
Qc7+ (0:00) Ke8 (0:00) 148.
Qc2 (0:00) Qe6 (0:00) 149.
Bf3 (0:00) Kf8 (0:00) 150.
Be4 (0:00) Qh3 (0:00) 151.
Qb2 (0:00) Qf1+ (0:00) 152.
Ka2 (0:00) Qf4 (0:00) 153.
Qe2 (0:00) Qe5 (0:00) 154.
Kb1 (0:00) Ba3 (0:00) 155.
Qc2 (0:00) Kf7 (0:00) 156.
Qc4+ (0:00) Ke7 (0:00) 157.
Kc2 (0:00) Bb4 (0:00) 158.
Kd3 (0:00) Qg3+ (0:00) 159.
Kd4 (0:00) Qg1+ (0:00) 160.
Kd5 (0:00) Qb6 (0:00) 161.
Qc8 (0:00) Qd6+ (0:00) 162.
Kc4 (0:00) Qe6+ (0:00) 163.
Qxe6+ (0:00) Kxe6 (0:00) 164.
Kd4 (0:00) Be1 (0:00) 165.
Bd5+ (0:00) Ke7 (0:00) 166.
Kc5 (0:00) Bb4+ (0:00) 167.
Kb5 (0:00) Kd6 (0:00) 168.
Ba8 (0:00) Ke5 (0:00) 169.
Kc4 (0:00) Bd6 (0:01) 170.
Bb7 (0:00) Kf4 (0:00) 171.
Kd3 (0:00) Bc5 (0:00) 172.
Bd5 (0:00) Kg3 (0:00) 173.
Bb7 (0:00) Kf2 (0:00) 174.
Bd5 (0:00) Bb4 (0:00) 175.
Ba8 (0:00) Ke1 (0:00) 176.
Bf3 (0:00) Bc5 (0:00) 177.
Bg4 (0:00) Kf2 (0:00) 178.
Bc8 (0:00) Bb4 (0:00) 179.
Bg4 (0:00) Kg3 (0:00) 180.
Bd7 (0:00) Kf2 (0:00) 181.
Bg4 (0:00) Bc5 (0:00) 182.
Kc4 (0:00) Bd6 (0:00) 183.
Kd4 (0:00) Kg3 (0:00) 184.
Bf5 (0:00) Ba3 (0:00) 185.
Ke3 (0:00) Bc5+ (0:00) 186.
Kd3 (0:00) Kf2 (0:00) 187.
Kc3 (0:00) Ke3 (0:00) 188.
Kc4 (0:00) Ba3 (0:00) 189.
Kc3 (0:00) Kf4 (0:00) 190.
Bh7 (0:00) Bb4+ (0:00) 191.
Kd3 (0:00) Ke5 (0:00) 192.
Be4 (0:00) Bd6 (0:00) 193.
Bf3 (0:00) Bb4 (0:00) 194.
Bg2 (0:00) Kf4 (0:00) 195.
Bd5 (0:00) Kg3 (0:00) 196.
Kc4 (0:00) Kf2 (0:00) 197.
Kb5 (0:00) Ke2 (0:00) 198.
Kb6 (0:00) Kd3 (0:00) 199.
Bb7 (0:00) Kc2 (0:00) 200.
Bd5 (0:00) Kd2 (0:00) 201.
Bb7 (0:00) Kc3 (0:00) 202.
Bd5 (0:00) Kc2 (0:00) 203.
Kc6 (0:00) Kd3 (0:00) 204.
Kb6 (0:00) Kd4 (0:00) 205.
Bc4 (0:00) Be1 (0:00) 206.
Be6 (0:00) Ke5 (0:00) 207.
Bf7 (0:00) Kd4 (0:00) 208.
Be6 (0:00) Bd2 (0:00) 209.
Bc4 (0:00) Bb4 (0:00) 210.
Be6 (0:00) Kc3 (0:00) 211.
Bg8 (0:00) Kb2 (0:00) 212.
Bd5 (0:00) Be1 (0:00) 213.
Bf7 (0:00) Ka3 (0:00)
Game drawn by the 50 move rule 1/2-1/2
No comments so far.