henderb(1907) vs. mekk(1990) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-07-28
Mekk(1990) whispers: previous game of the match was nicely finished just minute before our started 3.g3 (0:54) Bg7 (0:06) 4.Bg2 (0:12) c6 (0:20) 5.Nf3 (0:36) O-O (0:02) 6.O-O (0:16) d6 (1:27) 7.d4 (0:53) Bg4 (0:17) 8.h3 (0:39) Bxf3 (3:18) 9.Bxf3 (0:11) e6 (0:11)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Bxf3 was not necessary but I somewhat lack fields, and his bishop has no easy purpose
Mekk(1990) whispers: and it is some imbalance after all 10.e4 (4:37)
Mekk(1990) whispers: e4 interesting 10...Nfd7 (1:59) 11.Bf4 (4:22)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Qe7 Qb3 so probably I have to e4... B 11...Nb6 (2:13)
Mekk(1990) whispers: disliked all options after xe5 after all 12.Qd3 (1:42)
Mekk(1990) whispers: am I forced to d5, or not yet, hmm
Mekk(1990) whispers: Qd3 made c5 impossible for white for a moment 12...Na6 (2:23) 13.a3 (0:56)
Mekk(1990) whispers: isolani on d5 need not be that bad but as I swapped bishop, would be nice if Iould avoid it
Mekk(1990) whispers: I planned Nc7 and d5 but Bxc7 some concern
Henderb(1907) whispers: From what I understand, I have space advantage here. It must be usefull for something :)
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: Well big issue from my viewpoint is black knights look misplaced and I'm unsure how Mekk can execute a good pawn break
Mekk(1990) whispers: toying wit the idea of e5 dxe5 Nc5 but Qe3 seems good
Henderb(1907) whispers: Well, the space advantage will make easier to move my pieces, and black will have difficulties to move his ones.
Henderb(1907) whispers: In theory :) 13...Qd7 (7:43)
Henderb(1907) whispers: Another problem in Black's position is to have the mighty Q to take care of a pawn.
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: Well Mekk's idea of e5 was correct
Mekk(1990) whispers: Making Rd8 possible, and eyeing on h3 just in case 14.Bg2 (3:25)
Mekk(1990) whispers: worked :-) 14...Rad8 (0:52) 15.b4 (1:46)
Mekk(1990) whispers: he took c5 from me but Q still hanging so no c5 or e5 by white at last for one move
Mekk(1990) whispers: would like Nc7 but this allows c5, hmm
Henderb(1907) whispers: I am better because my mighty Q takes care of 2 pawns :) 15...Nc7 (3:58) 16.Rfd1 (3:35)
Mekk(1990) whispers: probably last moment to play d5 16...d5 (2:58)
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: d5 feels bad as white will respond with c5 with b5 to follow
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: Although I guess dxe4 is OK
Mekk(1990) whispers: h3 is in fact still somewhat hanging (if Bx), so white in a way gave me tempi by Bg2. Not that I got very much by that but I would be more cramped if Rd1 and b4 came move earlier 17.cxd5 (3:50) exd5 (0:17)
Mekk(1990) whispers: So, Bxc7 or not?
Mekk(1990) whispers: if not, I am optimistic, although this is feeling not calc 18.Bxc7 (4:22)
Mekk(1990) whispers: pity. I already loved Ne6 or Nxd5 ;-) 18...Qxc7 (0:16) 19.exd5 (1:08)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Planned Nx but maybe there is sth in cx, hmm
Mekk(1990) whispers: Nb5 unpleasant, esp with Rc
Mekk(1990) whispers: but still... 19...cxd5 (3:18)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Apart from Nb5 Qg8 there may be Qc4 with Ra8 and Nc4 attqacking a3 20.a4 (1:54)
Mekk(1990) whispers: although too many pawns hanging likely. OK< no Nb5 after all
Mekk(1990) whispers: Qc4 interesting but drops pawn 20...Qd7 (2:11) 21.a5 (0:57) Nc4 (0:34) 22.Ra2 (0:56)
Mekk(1990) whispers: moved wrong rook, would like to Rfc8 22...b5 (4:42)
Mekk(1990) whispers: once d5 is gone d4 is also not that comfortable. But I overestimated Nc4
Mekk(1990) whispers: (for the record, I somewhat counted on no Re1 after Ra2, but forgot there is ... Re2 - moves agaisnt my Qe) 23.Qf3 (4:10)
Mekk(1990) whispers: No capture, hmm 23...Rfe8 (3:39)
Mekk(1990) whispers: eyeying e1 and e2 but also maybe Re6-d6 24.Nxd5 (1:28) Re6 (0:21)
Mekk(1990) whispers: this was of course also necessary against Nf6 25.Re2 (2:41)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Hmm, and if I Qxd5 then what
Mekk(1990) whispers: Qx leads to B+N vs R with shaky pieces Rd6 most likely takes back pawn
Mekk(1990) whispers: his pawns are on dark... 25...Qxd5 (6:27) 26.Qxd5 (1:48) Rxd5 (0:03)
Mekk(1990) whispers: objectively white may have game but he will have to take serious risks to activate rook 27.Rxe6 (1:07) fxe6 (0:03) 28.Bxd5 (0:15) exd5 (0:02)
Mekk(1990) whispers: so here we are, in unbalanced ending, where a5 pawn may be dangerous and a7 weak, but d4 and b4 look tasty 29.Re1 (1:03)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Maybe white should a6 straight away, hmm
Mekk(1990) whispers: instinct calls for Kf7 but maybe I can take pawn after al 29...Kf7 (0:55)
Henderb(1907) whispers: My Re2 was a blunder for sure :(
Mekk(1990) whispers: no point to give him so active rook
Mekk(1990) whispers: if he defends, I probably can take draw by rep attacking d4 and b4 with B 30.Kf1 (2:02)
Mekk(1990) whispers: but do I have more, hmm
Mekk(1990) whispers: OK, no def
Mekk(1990) whispers: Bxd4 Rd1 Bc3 hmmm
Mekk(1990) whispers: No hurry
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: a6 and now black is winning comfortably 30...a6 (1:44) 31.Ke2 (0:35)
Mekk(1990) whispers: b5 is now defended...
Mekk(1990) whispers: but he probably takes a6
Mekk(1990) whispers: maybe this is my chance to Ke6
Mekk(1990) whispers: Shgh, N covers d6
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: White has Kd3 solidifying queenside so I think Bxd4 is essential now
Mekk(1990) whispers: but he can check to a8
Mekk(1990) whispers: if he Kc3 then I will have to stay passively 31...Bxd4 (5:41)
Mekk(1990) whispers: maybe I will inject Ke6 after Rxd5
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: 32.Kd3 Bxf2 33.Rf1 is only trap for black to avoid
Mekk(1990) whispers: at worst all q-side pawns fall 32.Rd1 (3:14) Bc3 (0:05) 33.Rxd5 (0:03)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Ke6 or not, hmm
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: Ke7 is slightly better as it stops Rd8 33...Ke6 (2:26)
Mekk(1990) whispers: nto sure, maube Bxb4 and stay near h7. 34.Rd8 (1:37) Bxb4 (0:23) 35.Ra8 (0:18) Bxa5 (0:16) 36.Rxa6+ (0:15) Bb6 (0:31) 37.Kd3 (1:46) Kd5 (0:45) 38.f4 (1:26)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Ke2 seemed OK. 38...Bf2 (0:35) 39.g4 (0:54) Nd6 (0:25)
Mekk(1990) whispers: I loosely imagine pawn on b4, B on c3 and king closer tokside 40.Kc3 (2:27)
Mekk(1990) whispers: so no Ra8 40...Be3 (0:43)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Be3 is probably some achievement, attack on pawn with still ocvered a7
Mekk(1990) whispers: (and some options to play h6 while B defends this square) 41.Ra8 (2:19) Bxf4 (0:13)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Ra8 Be5 ;-) 42.Ra7 (1:09)
Mekk(1990) whispers: :-(
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: Mekk can still hope for 42...h6 43.Rg7 Be5+ 42...h6 (1:58)
Mekk(1990) whispers: playing B+N is somehow like walking with bound legs. But for a moment I have pawn 43.Ra8 (1:52)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Maybe K goes to g5, hmm 43...Ke6 (0:43) 44.Kd4 (1:00) Be5+ (0:07)
Mekk(1990) whispers: Rf8 could cut me maybe 45.Kc5 (0:26)
Mekk(1990) whispers: maybe Ne4 f2hmm 45...Kf6 (2:51)
Mekk(1990) whispers: if he takse B+N for R, b pawn queens 46.Kd5 (1:32) Bf4 (1:56) 47.Rf8+ (2:00)
Mekk(1990) whispers: uff, was not sure about play after h4 47...Kg5 (0:15) 48.Rg8 (0:41)
Mekk(1990) whispers: lookinb back: probably I should have played that N to f2 48...b4 (2:07)
Mekk(1990) whispers: must buy tempi. Rb8 gives spare tempi to N 49.Rb8 (0:28)
KRMCHESS(2253) whispers: This game might end in a KBN vs K endgame... 49...Ne4 (1:03)
Mekk(1990) whispers: both Nf6 x2P and Nf2 options 50.Kxe4 (0:23) Bxb8 (0:02) Henderb resigns 0-1
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