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aromas(2055) vs. introspection(1912) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-04-20

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Bc4 (0:20) Nf6 (0:15) 3.d3 (0:10) c6 (0:07) 4.a3 (0:04) d5 (0:38) 5.exd5 (0:06) cxd5 (0:03) 6.Ba2 (0:06) h6 (0:29) 7.Ne2 (0:51)
Turamon(1771) whispers: go the eye! go Pablo!
7...Bc5 (2:04) 8.h3 (1:29) Nc6 (4:42) 9.Be3 (0:18) d4 (1:08) 10.Bc1 (1:31) O-O (0:53) 11.Ng3 (0:14) Re8 (0:51) 12.O-O (0:26) Be6 (1:39) 13.Bxe6 (3:59) Rxe6 (0:04) 14.Nd2 (0:44) Bf8 (1:18) 15.Nde4 (0:18)
atlasNTST(1552) whispers: introspection is ahead a little!
atlasNTST(1552) whispers: (says SF)
alfredw(1872) whispers: use eval, miss the fun
atlasNTST(1552) whispers: true
15...Nd5 (2:40)
alfredw(1872) whispers: wow lots of peeps here
Whiffy(1824) whispers: 13 people watching this game. the server might crash.
herrahuu(1778) whispers: lol
herrahuu(1778) whispers: like the good old times
LJMon(1848) whispers: still a long way to go in this game
alfredw(1872) whispers: until 8.30pm at least
16.Bd2 (6:38)
Whiffy(1824) whispers: can a bigger brain tell me how to make progress here
16...g6 (2:33)
herrahuu(1778) whispers: for which colour? :)
17.c4 (0:08)
Whiffy(1824) whispers: for intro, sorry
herrahuu(1778) whispers: it was his turn to move, so sure :)
smallblackcat(2140) whispers: c4 is quite clever, makes black choose whether he wants to keep that advanced d-pawn
smallblackcat(2140) whispers: and if he retreats the knight, then b4 and white has some play on the queenside
17...dxc3 (2:49) 18.Nxc3 (0:03)
atlasNTST(1552) whispers: ok i'm really sure intro is ahead now... even without checking eval
18...Nf4 (1:19)
atlasNTST(1552) whispers: and intro plays THE ENGINE MOVE again!!
19.Bxf4 (2:18)
LNO(1987) whispers: t KRMCHESS yes but its hard to find the exact moves also
19...exf4 (0:10)
Jammes(1669) whispers: looks great for black. ne2 f3 or ne4 f5 and pawn gone
LJMon(1848) whispers: black has more sapce is more active
20.Nge2 (2:04)
smallblackcat(2140) whispers: seemed like Ne4 was ok there, if f5 there was Qb3
Jammes(1669) whispers: yes, just checked after i wrote my move. f5 is not the comp suggestion. probably because of qb3
smallblackcat(2140) whispers: oh Nd4 after that
Jammes(1669) whispers: still want f3 here
smallblackcat(2140) whispers: yeah f3 seems clearly good here
smallblackcat(2140) whispers: thats why I wanted to get Ne4 to work
20...g5 (3:36) 21.d4 (4:55) Re8 (6:27) 22.d5 (0:30) Ne7 (0:45) 23.Qb3 (0:19)
KRMCHESS(2230) whispers: I thought 22...Ne5 made more sense but I guess I was also keen on f3 earlier
KRMCHESS(2230) whispers: I guess here you can have 23...Nf5 24.Qxb7 f3 25.pxf3 Nh4
23...b6 (2:07)
LNO(1987) whispers: marek suggested to take on d5 with the N
LNO(1987) whispers: which looked good to me
LJMon(1848) whispers: white is going to lose time protecting the d pawn
24.Rad1 (1:31) Ng6 (1:04) 25.Nd4 (0:28)
KRMCHESS(2230) whispers: I think black has a bit of trouble. Normally you blockade a passed pawn but if black plays Bd6 then Nf5 and Nb5 chase it away
25...Qd7 (2:35) 26.Rfe1 (1:17) Bg7 (1:06) 27.Qc4 (5:02) Rac8 (3:33) 28.Qd3 (0:07)
Turamon(1771) whispers: why not Nc6?
smallblackcat(2140) whispers: black could sac the exchange to win the d-pawn now
smallblackcat(2140) whispers: not convinced by that idea though
28...Ne5 (0:48)
LJMon(1848) whispers: RxR+
29.Qf5 (1:02)
LJMon(1848) whispers: white made gains
29...Qxf5 (3:53) 30.Nxf5 (0:09) Kf8 (0:10) 31.Nd6 (0:11) Rcd8 (5:30) 32.Nxe8 (0:04) Rxe8 (0:04) 33.Nb5 (1:58) Nc4 (1:01) 34.b3 (0:39) Rxe1+ (2:05) 35.Rxe1 (0:03) Nb2 (0:51)
KRMCHESS(2230) whispers: Just a general endgame tip bit exchange of rooks favours white in general when an exchange up
36.d6 (0:29) Nd3 (0:35) 37.d7 (0:14) Bf6 (0:30) 38.Re8+ (0:21)
Introspection(1912) whispers: shoud have been Bf8 back there not Kf8 :(
38...Kg7 (0:37) 39.d8=Q (0:03) Bxd8 (0:03) 40.Rxd8 (0:03)
KRMCHESS(2230) whispers: I think position after Bf8 is still difficult and real error was missing f3 earlier
Introspection resigns 1-0


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