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introspection(1913) vs. antvrs(1868) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-04-05

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:06) d5 (0:11) 3.Nc3 (0:04) dxe4 (0:16) 4.Nxe4 (0:04) Nd7 (0:40) 5.Bd3 (0:42) Ngf6 (0:38) 6.Ng5 (0:18) e6 (1:41) 7.N1f3 (0:29) Be7 (0:52) 8.Qe2 (3:47) Nb6 (2:32) 9.Ne5 (1:41) O-O (0:17) 10.c3 (2:28)
Hathkhola(1696) whispers: Go introspection
10...Nbd7 (3:51) 11.h4 (1:41) h6 (0:26) 12.Rh3 (6:19) Qa5 (4:45) 13.Ngf3 (1:25) Nxe5 (0:44) 14.dxe5 (1:30) Nd5 (0:51) 15.Rg3 (1:12) Nxc3 (0:27) 16.Qd2 (1:39) Bb4 (0:56)
Hathkhola(1687) whispers: If Qxh6 then Ne4 check
Jammes(1669) whispers: white realy enjoys letting black sweat
Jammes(1669) whispers: there is a more forcing move hathkhola
17.Kf1 (12:40)
Jammes(1669) whispers: he missed it
Jammes(1669) whispers: but understandable. was focused on black threat
Jammes(1669) whispers: like myself :)
17...Ne4 (1:01)
Plebusan(1977) whispers: still works, right
Plebusan(1977) whispers: (Rxg7+)
Jammes(1669) whispers: yes black forces him to find it here basicly ;)
18.Rxg7+ (5:35)
Plebusan(1977) whispers: !!
18...Kxg7 (0:22)
SirCMP(1850) whispers: oh my
19.Qxh6+ (0:10) Kg8 (0:04)
SirCMP(1850) whispers: over I am afraid
Jammes(1669) whispers: but whats the fastest mate here
Jammes(1669) whispers: bxe4 f5 exf rf7 where is the fast mate
Hathkhola(1687) whispers: Bxe4 threatening checkmate on h7.
20.Bxe4 (2:54)
Jammes(1669) whispers: ok here is no fast mate. ng5 was the suprising solution. helped by my engine
SirCMP(1850) whispers: no he missed mate in 4
20...f5 (2:02)
Plebusan(1977) whispers: intro should have played Rxg7 one move earlier when it was forced mate
SirCMP(1850) whispers: yep.. this is still crushing tho
Plebusan(1977) whispers: bye must still be winning
Jammes(1669) whispers: here it was also force mate pleb. but i didnt see that ng5 forces fast mate before starting my engine
Hathkhola(1687) whispers: Here exf6 then again checkmate threat.
21.Qg6+ (3:11) Kh8 (0:09) 22.Ng5 (0:11)
Jammes(1669) whispers: here he has qc7
22...Qc7 (0:22)
Jammes(1669) whispers: feels like black is back in the game
23.Bf3 (3:41) Qg7 (0:51) 24.Qh5+ (0:52) Kg8 (0:06) 25.a3 (1:20) Be7 (0:19) 26.Nh3 (1:07)
Jammes(1669) whispers: black can force a queentrade now. not sure. it was smart to allow this. thought with the open king white should keep pieces on the board
26...Qxe5 (1:15)
Jammes(1669) whispers: oh didnt consider this. :)
27.Bh6 (1:07) Rf6 (1:07)
Jammes(1669) whispers: engine move bd7 instead rf6 realy funny here. with the idea to trap queen if bxf8
28.Qg5+ (1:01) Kf7 (0:05) 29.Qg7+ (0:36) Ke8 (0:10)
Jammes(1669) whispers: bh5 was mate or not
Hathkhola(1687) whispers: 29) Bg7 was simple
Jammes(1669) whispers: still seems stonrg bh5 rd8 rd1 and black has to give his queen
30.Qg8+ (2:18)
Jammes(1669) whispers: oh nonscnece he has bd7 to interfere after bh5. this is much stronger
30...Kd7 (0:23)
mcstorytaller(1936) whispers: Rd1+!
Hathkhola(1692) whispers: I agree Rd1+.
31.Rd1+ (0:38)
Jammes(1669) whispers: bf4 to follow
mcstorytaller(1936) whispers: and Bf4
mcstorytaller(1936) whispers: yes
Introspection(1913) whispers: Bf4
31...Bd6 (1:34)
Hathkhola(1692) whispers: Now, white got Bf4.
mcstorytaller(1936) whispers: yes
Hathkhola(1692) whispers: After that White got Rxd6+.
mcstorytaller(1936) whispers: exectly
32.Bf4 (1:12)
Jammes(1669) whispers: qg7 first cant be wrong 2
mcstorytaller(1936) whispers: blk is big time lost
32...Qb5+ (1:02) 33.Kg1 (0:36) e5 (0:18)
Jammes(1669) whispers: why not be2 instead of allow this.
Jammes(1669) whispers: should win after qg7 to i guess
34.Qg7+ (1:18)
Jammes(1669) whispers: but white has to calculate be7 just would have forced black to mave a null move
Jammes(1669) whispers: be2 i ment
34...Ke8 (0:31) 35.Qxf6 (0:44) exf4 (2:12) 36.Bh5+ (1:09) antvrs resigns 1-0


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