pchesso(2053) vs. blore(1995) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-03-25
Earlier moves are in pchesso(2053) vs. blore(1995) *
Slek(2099) whispers: woof
Technetium(2527) whispers: fart
Lionskins(1830) whispers: not sure either is an accurate analysis of the game ....
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ...so far ....
Technetium(2527) whispers: respectfully i disagree
Slek(2099) whispers: Bg6 is pretty obvious but I think blore is pondering taking on g4
Lionskins(1830) whispers: and , from who's perpective ....
theragingbull(1942) whispers: tf
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , its even and its interesting ...let's leave it at that
Slek(2099) whispers: it is interesting but not really even, white got a good space advantage 17...Bg6 (4:37)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , Black's defense is better
Lionskins(1830) whispers: even in terms of power and pieces ....position can always be debated ...
Slek(2099) whispers: white's king is a bit loose, yes, but I dont think black has a way to take advantage of it
Lionskins(1830) whispers: unless u prefer Bs to Ns , or vice versa
Lionskins(1830) whispers: well i am hoping ;)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , we could use the MP
Technetium(2527) whispers: the rook on the 6th rank is interesting
Slek(2099) whispers: after Nh4, black may have some trick with Nxg4 but I doubt it works
Slek(2099) whispers: oh, after Nh4, simply Nxg4 works because after Bxe7 Qxe7, the Nh4 is attacked by the black queen
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: is there not time for Nxg6 counterattacking the queen though?
Slek(2099) whispers: there is Nh4 Nxg4 Nxg6 to check though
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: I meant Nh4 Nxg4 Bxe7 Qxe7 Nxg6 and then hxg4
Slek(2099) whispers: those lines are crucial to check because if Nh4 is possible white will create a monster knight in f5
Slek(2099) whispers: agree, sbc
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: pch might also be considering Bxf6
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: which almost wins a pawn
Lionskins(1830) whispers: there's an issue , with inviting Black's Q to your almost open Kside ....
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: there are, yes
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: *us
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: *is
Technetium(2527) whispers: it creates a pawn weakness though
Lionskins(1830) whispers: hence why i said Black has better position
Technetium(2527) whispers: important in the endgame
Lionskins(1830) whispers: gain a pawn , lose the game .....
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: also Bxf6 gxf6 Nh4 can be played pretty safely 18.Nh4 (6:13)
Slek(2099) whispers: Bxf6 Bxf6 Nh4 was blundering a piece, no?
SirCMP(1864) whispers: well here we go
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Bxf6 Bxf6 and white can take on c5 though
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: not sure how good that was, to be fair
Slek(2099) whispers: there is Bxe4 to check as well
Lionskins(1830) whispers: Tightrope City ...
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: if this doesn't fail tactically, white is just better
Slek(2099) whispers: I think Bxe4 works though
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: I wonder if Bxe4 Bxf6 Bxf6 Rxf6 is possible
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: a lot of desperadoes to check in that line
Slek(2099) whispers: oh nice, I missed Rxf6
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: if it works you get two knights for rook and pawn, but more importantly white will have two knights around black's king, which is probably fatal
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ...pxf6 Nxe4 ...
Technetium(2527) whispers: lots of hidden danger in that rook
Slek(2099) whispers: after Bxf6 (by white) black may have Bb7 though
Technetium(2527) whispers: always exchange sacrifices too
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , it was a key move ..instead of just retreating to a1
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: indeed
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: (replying to slek)
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: lets see, Bxe4 Bxf6 Bb7 Bxe7 if Qxe7 then Nf5
Technetium(2527) whispers: Rd8 looks good
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: white may be content to sac the R on a6 anyway, since its the same exchange sac as before
Slek(2099) whispers: after Bxe7 there might be Bxa6 first
Technetium(2527) whispers: black is close to equal after that i think
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Bxa6 b5 I think
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: ok, Rd8 gets some counterplay
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Be3 probably isn't possible there cos of the Nxe4 trick
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Rd8 Nxg6 seems necessary in fact
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: and the joy goes out of white's position
Technetium(2527) whispers: yep
Technetium(2527) whispers: i think so too
Lionskins(1830) whispers: which R
Technetium(2527) whispers: Rfd8 it has to be i think
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: f-rook seems fine, f7 is not going to be a problem
Lionskins(1830) whispers: like i said the issue is w has less defense the doubled Rs are the obv problem
Lionskins(1830) whispers: Rd has to move before he loses his DSB
Technetium(2527) whispers: Rfd8 Bxf6 Nxf6 Be3
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: well, Rfd8 Nxg6 hxg6 Be3 and I don't think white is in trouble
Lionskins(1830) whispers: but let's see what Black does ....
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: oh is there time for Bxf6?
SirCMP(1864) whispers: it must be Rf-d8
SirCMP(1864) whispers: what else?
Technetium(2527) whispers: sorry i meant Nxg6 hxg6
Technetium(2527) whispers: then Be3
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: agreed
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: I would say white is doing fine there, but its a real shame to have to trade that knight for the LSQ bishop
SirCMP(1864) whispers: blore has taken a long think on what seems to be an obvious, almost forced move
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: he's looking at all the Bxe4/Nxe4 tactics
Technetium(2527) whispers: not sure what blore is thinking so long for
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: I don't think Rfd8 is obvious until you've calculated that Bxe4 fails
Lionskins(1830) whispers: its good
SirCMP(1864) whispers: right
Lionskins(1830) whispers: we know somoene who needs this discipline ....
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: well he saved all that time earlier
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , yes you prep to spend maybe 10-15 mins ona certain situation
Lionskins(1830) whispers: this is a good Crisis Point
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: time management is overrated
Lionskins(1830) whispers: or as they say in the Health field , " Critical Control Point "
Slek(2099) whispers: blore has plenty of time left though
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Nepomniachtchi has won the last two candidates with some of the worst time management I've ever seen
Technetium(2527) whispers: with a 45s increment he has plenty of time
Lionskins(1830) whispers: as long as u win before the clock strikes zero ....
Technetium(2527) whispers: he reallllly wants to play bxe4
Slek(2099) whispers: something I am wondering, how about Rb8? the idea is that after Rb8 bxc Bxc5 Black will be able to activate his rook via Rb4. of course Bxf6 looks scary
Lionskins(1830) whispers: hey they lose this game they have no shot at winning the div
Lionskins(1830) whispers: this is a key game just to secure a match draw
Slek(2099) whispers: also after Bxc5, there might be some tricks due to the fact that the Nd2 is stuck defending the queen because of Bc5xf2+
SirCMP(1864) whispers: omg blore, just play the obvious GD move already
Lionskins(1830) whispers: "season on the line " here
Lionskins(1830) whispers: :D Speeder ...
SirCMP(1864) whispers: how can you take 15 minutes on Rf-d1?
Lionskins(1830) whispers: what gets played next decides the course of at least the next 10-15 moves , if not the game
SirCMP(1864) whispers: f-d8 excuse me
Lionskins(1830) whispers: of course maybe he just went for a snack ....
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Rb8 is kinda interesting, does white want b4-b5?
Lionskins(1830) whispers: there's a LOT to look at
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: there really is
Slek(2099) whispers: wow, I didnt even think of b5
Slek(2099) whispers: yeah, this position is both very rich and crucial
SirCMP(1864) whispers: rf-d8 is the only moce to consider
Lionskins(1830) whispers: and chesso gets all this free time to plan HIs response ....
Technetium(2527) whispers: maybe blore had to poop
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , its possible
SirCMP(1864) whispers: lol
Lionskins(1830) whispers: te advanatge of the TC
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: very possible
Lionskins(1830) whispers: if crap happens , Literally , you can handle it and get back
Lionskins(1830) whispers: phone calls ...
Slek(2099) whispers: there are advantages in playing on your phone
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , people fall asleep , too
Technetium(2527) whispers: could also be bad 3rd world internet
Lionskins(1830) whispers: wake up and u've got 2 minutes left ...
Technetium(2527) whispers: someone rattle blore's cage
SirCMP(1864) whispers: 22 minute think.. something is wrong 18...Nxe4 (27:23)
Slek(2099) whispers: wow he spent 27 minutes. I hope he saw something we missed
SirCMP(1864) whispers: what wha what?
Technetium(2527) whispers: i think blore had a stroke
SirCMP(1864) whispers: Im not calculating this
Lionskins(1830) whispers: lol No Rook for You ....
SirCMP(1864) whispers: hahahahha
Lionskins(1830) whispers: the beauty , of not thinking like a Speeder ...
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: oh its kinda interesting
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Nxg6 Nxd2 Nxe7+ Qxe7!
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: and Rxd2 Qxg5
Slek(2099) whispers: yes I saw that line sbc
Slek(2099) whispers: but white can play Nxe4 first
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Nxe4 Bxg5 Nxg5 Qe7 Nf3 is fine
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Nxe4 Bxe4
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: if Rxg6 there is probably time for Nxd2
Slek(2099) whispers: no, after Nf3 there is e4
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: well if Ngf3 then e4 Nxg6
Technetium(2527) whispers: Bxe7
Lionskins(1830) whispers: i was going to play and just check in but now this is too interesting to leave ...
Technetium(2527) whispers: were about to trade a lot of shite here
Lionskins(1830) whispers: serious gambiteer mode here
SirCMP(1864) whispers: Bxe7 is winning
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Bxe7 Nxd2 Rxd2 Qxe7 Nxg6 (maybe Nf5 is better) hxg6 bxc5 or Qxc5
Slek(2099) whispers: it's funny, I dismissed Nxe4 early on but it has a lot in int
SirCMP(1864) whispers: this was a long think for a bad nove
Lionskins(1830) whispers: W has holes
Slek(2099) whispers: SirCMP, you are probably missing that after Bxe7 Nxd2 black is attacking white's queen
SirCMP(1864) whispers: 19. Bxe7 Nxd2 20. Qxc5 Qxc5 21. Bxc5 Rfd8 22. Nxg6 hxg6 23. Kg2 Ne4 24. Rxa7 Rxd1 25. Rxa8+ Kh7 26. Ra7 Nxc5 27. bxc5
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: ah, 20. Qxc5 is good
SirCMP(1864) whispers: I am not missing
Technetium(2527) whispers: Bxe7 Nxd2 Qxc5
Slek(2099) whispers: after Qxc5 there is Qb7 though
Lionskins(1830) whispers: gonna take some stones , to play that line
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: if nothing else just Rxg6 there
SirCMP(1864) whispers: Rf-d8 was the only move
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: two pieces for a rook
Slek(2099) whispers: after Qxc5 Qb7 Rxg6 there is also Ne4 attacking the queen
SirCMP(1864) whispers: blore took 22 minutes to lay an egg
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: hmm Bxe7 Nxd2 Qxc5 Qb7 Rxg6 Ne4 Rxg7+ Kxg7 Qxe5+, probably a winning attack there
Slek(2099) whispers: hmm yes sbc
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: what's the material count...exchange down for two pawns
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , there is something to be said , for playing the most aggreessive move AT The Right Time
SirCMP(1864) whispers: yep
Lionskins(1830) whispers: but you have to calculate whether it IS the right time , to play like a Speeder
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , just another tactic
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , who knows ? blunder often begets blunder ...
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: I wonder if there's something outrageous like Bxe7 Nxf2
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: MUST be unsound, but there are some tricks
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Nh4 will hang in some lines
SirCMP(1864) whispers: nothing there for a follow up
Lionskins(1830) whispers: " Dubious-looking Exchange Sacs "
Lionskins(1830) whispers: is the phrase we coined
Lionskins(1830) whispers: a recent team of mine ....ragging on me for my games
Lionskins(1830) whispers: hoveber , they worked ... 19.Bxe7 (12:19)
SirCMP(1864) whispers: I bet blore wishses he played Rf-d8 19...Nxd2 (0:30)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: tho u can see why here - there would be pressure to not lose the R if u don't take the B
SirCMP(1864) whispers: wha whh what???
Lionskins(1830) whispers: well they're folwoing ur line sir
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: evidently blore calculated this far, perhaps the move he missed was Qxc5 here 20.Rxd2 (0:54)
SirCMP(1864) whispers: black is dead
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , each is on his own tightrope
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: but pch misses it too 20...Qxe7 (0:14)
Slek(2099) whispers: after Qxc5 QxQ BxQ black still had Rfd8
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: chess aint easy
Technetium(2527) whispers: doible miss
Lionskins(1830) whispers: blunder begets blunder
Lionskins(1830) whispers: bbb sequence
SirCMP(1864) whispers: wow white missed it!
SirCMP(1864) whispers: jeez 21.Nxg6 (1:14)
Slek(2099) whispers: still about equal after NxB hxN Qxc5 21...hxg6 (0:04)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: tho take the B and then c5 and we're even
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: thing is, if your opponent plays something like Nxe4 after a long think, you are more inclined to trust it
Slek(2099) whispers: white's rooks will be more active if the queens get traded
Lionskins(1830) whispers: right " he must have had SOME nefarious purpose ..."
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: bxc5, not Qxc5, imo
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: exactly, lions
Lionskins(1830) whispers: slowtimers respect one another
Slek(2099) whispers: if I was white I would try to trade the queens though
Slek(2099) whispers: but black has Qh4 coming
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: true, but the c-pawn is more dangerous with the queens on
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: bxc5 Qh4 Ra3 22.bxc5 (1:33)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: You have to ....lol and he doesn't
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: also I know pchesso, and he likes to play for wins when at all possible
Lionskins(1830) whispers: is there an ad to doubling ?
Lionskins(1830) whispers: extra protector for R-d6
Slek(2099) whispers: i think blore has Rc8 Rd5 Rc7 followed by r8-c8
Lionskins(1830) whispers: he wins we're back in 1st
Lionskins(1830) whispers: even if he draws
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: the other thing is that white still has attacking chances
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: less clear than black's, but they are there
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ahh i would have still prefered the pawn chain
Lionskins(1830) whispers: a slower advance , to d6
Slek(2099) whispers: thinking of it, rd8 looks good for black
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: depends on if black wants to win
Lionskins(1830) whispers: guess if u force the q trade , it doesn't matter - you're doubing anyway
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: the c-pawns are pretty weak, so I think most pure rook endgames should be drawn here
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: a queen endgame is also likely drawn because of how open white's king is
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: (I'm not saying I expect a draw if they get a rook endgame) 22...Rac8 (4:16)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: " Can I afford to send Q-h4 ....." 23.c6 (0:09)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: i like that
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Rc7 first I think
Lionskins(1830) whispers: message move
SirCMP(1864) whispers: rc7
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Qh4 is not doing anything much yet 23...Rc7 (0:29)
Slek(2099) whispers: yes, sirCMP
SirCMP(1864) whispers: look at this blore
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: now maybe Qe4
Lionskins(1830) whispers: bot Q-b5 ?
Lionskins(1830) whispers: not
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: yeah maybe
Slek(2099) whispers: Qe4 allows Qc5 though
Technetium(2527) whispers: Qh4 has no follow up
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: feels like the queen needs to be on a better square anyway
Lionskins(1830) whispers: it forces K-g2
SirCMP(1864) whispers: like qb5
Lionskins(1830) whispers: do what u can from there
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: I dunno, e4 is more central
Technetium(2527) whispers: Qb5
Lionskins(1830) whispers: just for the 2nd + ability , too
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: oh right, Qb5 supports Rd7
Lionskins(1830) whispers: which must be the point
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ...just checking the next sequence ......
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: hmm, Qb5 Rfc8 Rd7 Qh4 Rxc7 Rxc7 Qb8+ 24.Qd5 (5:13)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: the 2nd +
Technetium(2527) whispers: ugh
Lionskins(1830) whispers: and , of course ....
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ....let's just say its not optimal ...
Lionskins(1830) whispers: he's gotta worry about the e pawn ... 24...Rfc8 (1:18)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: that last sequence wouldn't have been Mate
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Rd3-c3
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: its a bit iffy though
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: not great having both rooks unsupported
SirCMP(1864) whispers: re2 re8
SirCMP(1864) whispers: looking drawish now
Lionskins(1830) whispers: is he counting on having another move , since Black can't trade Yet ...
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: drawish for engines maybe, I think the position is rich in potential blunders
SirCMP(1864) whispers: yes of course it is
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: even little mistakes can become fatal here, especially for black
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: like, do you push the e-pawn at some point and risk losing it
Lionskins(1830) whispers: The Tightrope 25.Rd3 (3:58)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: they've been on it , since near the start
Lionskins(1830) whispers: lotta drama , for less than 30 moves ....
SirCMP(1864) whispers: i predict blore draws this
Lionskins(1830) whispers: we'll take it
Lionskins(1830) whispers: cause , problem is he can't
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: oh, thought the round was 1.5-1.5, but its 2-1 25...Qb4 (2:48)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: two blunders to one
Lionskins(1830) whispers: in our favor
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: yeah see, this is a move you play when you are down 2-1
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: it looks bad to mee, but it creates chances to win or lose
Lionskins(1830) whispers: when there are other concerns , besides the Most Intimidating move
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Re3 seems good here
Lionskins(1830) whispers: trap time
Lionskins(1830) whispers: let Q come to e1 ....it pulls it out of the way
Technetium(2527) whispers: Rb3
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ..its almost forced ....
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: oh ok, Qe1 is nothing
Lionskins(1830) whispers: give up the + on e , not b
Lionskins(1830) whispers: well just slow
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: I was thinking that white doesn't mind giving up c2, but seems he doesn't have to
Lionskins(1830) whispers: point is Q is then out of position ....
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ...says the spider to the fly .... 26.Qxe5 (3:52) Qb1+ (0:04)
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Re3 Qb1+ Kg2 Qxc2 Rxe5 Rxc6 Rxc6 Rxc6 (Qxc6 Re8+) Re8+ Kh7 Qxf7 was my idea
Technetium(2527) whispers: Rb3 threatening Rb7
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: this I didn't like as much because Qxc2 comes with tempo
Lionskins(1830) whispers: , ahh he's going to hate himself later
Lionskins(1830) whispers: and free pawns 27.Kg2 (0:46)
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: but now I see that Kg2 Qxc2 Rd8+ is possible 27...Qxc2 (0:03)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: he was too worried about e
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: and Rxd8 Qxc7 Qe4+ Kh2 no more checks 28.Rd7 (0:43)
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: yeah this is also a move
Technetium(2527) whispers: vert da ferk
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Rxc6 Qe7 28...Rxc6 (0:24)
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: or just Rxa7, better still
Lionskins(1830) whispers: yes just about to type it
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: converts to a fairly easy draw I think
SirCMP(1864) whispers: a loaded gun and notheing to shoot at
Lionskins(1830) whispers: Raxa7 29.Qe7 (1:36)
SirCMP(1864) whispers: must be rf6
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Rf8 Rd8 looks like a draw by perpetual
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Rf6 Rxf6 wins doesnt it?
SirCMP(1864) whispers: hmm
Lionskins(1830) whispers: so Q-c4
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Qc4 is kinda nice
theragingbull(1942) whispers: dull stuff
SirCMP(1864) whispers: Kh7?
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: well if Kh7 there is Rd8+ drawing if nothing else
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: ah no, not check ;)
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: Qh4+ and then Rd8
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ok securing e pawn first , was W's better option ...
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: on Qc4 there is still Rd8+ in fact, the draw is inescapable for black
Lionskins(1830) whispers: used c2 as the trap
SirCMP(1864) whispers: yep draw I think
Technetium(2527) whispers: score wise it makes sense for white to force the draw right?
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: yes
Lionskins(1830) whispers: R-a6 played such a key role , since it was played ..
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: hence Qe7 is a really nice move
sadhaka(1722) whispers: interesting end -game
Lionskins(1830) whispers: lol this is really still midgame
Lionskins(1830) whispers: endgame would be someone blundering it away
Lionskins(1830) whispers: another 10-minute think ?
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: why not, can't take it with you
sadhaka(1722) whispers: partly agreed Lion
Lionskins(1830) whispers: some calculations are simple tho ....
Lionskins(1830) whispers: only two ways to stop mate ...
Lionskins(1830) whispers: pick one cause as u said both lead to same outcome
Lionskins(1830) whispers: :) if W sees it
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: well there is one way to keep the game going a little bit: Rf8 Rd8 (maybe not best) Rcc8
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: must still be drawn there, but its not instantly going into the perpetual
Lionskins(1830) whispers: + 29...Qc4 (9:27)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: Rxe8+ Rxe8 Qxe8+
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ok here we go 30.Rd8+ (0:18) Rxd8 (0:04) 31.Qxd8+ (0:07) Kh7 (0:03) 32.Qh4+ (0:17)
Lionskins(1830) whispers: ( clap clap ) 32...Kg8 (0:05)
sadhaka(1722) whispers: awesome
theragingbull(1942) whispers: wtf was that
SirCMP(1864) whispers: draw pchesso offers a draw. blore accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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