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michaelogbeide(2063) vs. asdago(2049) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-03-23

1...Nf6 (0:00) 2.Bf4 (0:31) d5 (0:03) 3.e3 (0:11) c5 (0:05) 4.Bb5+ (0:10)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: That's a very unusual move
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I don't think there's anything terribly wrong with it though
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Probably not good though because I have Qa5+ ideas
4...Nbd7 (3:53)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Nf3 would be a blunder
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Nf3 Qa5+ Nc3 Ne4
5.Ne2 (1:32)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: a6 forces White to take
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Probably why Bb4 is bad, because he loses the bishop pair for no reason and his knight is awkwardly developed on e2
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I could also consider throwing in Qa5+ to force him to block the c-pawn
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Qb6 also looks attractive
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Everything looks really good for me
5...Qb6 (3:18)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Honestly not sure why he chose to go into this
6.Nbc3 (1:37)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Maybe a6 right away was better, not sure
6...a6 (2:56) 7.dxc5 (1:57) Qxc5 (0:26)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I feel like there was a better way to punish him, but this still looks really good for Black
8.Ba4 (2:49) b5 (1:29) 9.Bb3 (0:03) Nb6 (0:48) 10.Be5 (0:30) e6 (3:42)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Didn't really want to block in my bishop, but I can still develop to b7
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I would be happy to see Bxf6
11.Bd4 (1:28) Qc7 (0:13) 12.O-O (0:21)
LJMon(1848) whispers: at first I thought Bd4 was good....now I dont think so
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I could play Nc4
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Not sure I want to allow him to trade off the terrible bishop, but it would open up my own
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Could start with Bb7
12...Bb7 (5:16) 13.a4 (0:36)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: b4 looks good
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: maybe
13...b4 (2:36) 14.a5 (0:20)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Interesting, but that doesn't feel right
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Maybe it's ok
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I think Nbd7 looks good, with e5 coming
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Nc4 looks better though
14...Nc4 (4:45)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: This does allow Ba4+
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: But I'll just play Bc6 probably
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: And I'm winning a pawn at least
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Also maybe even Nd7
15.Na4 (1:43)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: That's possible, I guess
15...Bd6 (1:59) 16.h3 (0:16) O-O (2:13) 17.Bxf6 (0:17) gxf6 (0:05)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I'm happy to see that
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Even though I castled, I can still play Kh8 and Rg8
18.Bxc4 (0:28)
LJMon(1848) whispers: gg
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: And he loosened control of b6
18...dxc4 (0:31)
LJMon(1848) whispers: miscalc.....dxc4 and all center pawns are gone favors Bs
19.Nb6 (0:25) Rad8 (1:29) 20.Nd4 (0:06)
LJMon(1848) whispers: gone from the center sqs
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I could play f5, but not really worried about Qg4+
mindlin(2106) whispers: knight is kind of setup in a skewer
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Maybe it was better to throw in Qc6 before Rd8 though, not sure
20...Bc5 (1:49)
LJMon(1848) whispers: very interesting game
21.Qe2 (1:00)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Definitely wasn't expecting that
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Maybe the idea is Bxd4 Qg4+
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I don't think I really care about that though
mindlin(2106) whispers: i'd play Kh8 to get rid of these tactics
21...Bxd4 (2:05)
mindlin(2106) whispers: and to prepare Rg8
22.exd4 (0:17) Rxd4 (0:29) 23.Ra4 (0:46) Kh8 (5:01) 24.Rxb4 (0:08)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: This has to be good though
24...Rg8 (1:36)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: This just looks winning
25.f3 (0:12)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: f3 Rh4
mindlin(2106) whispers: Bxg2 was possible too
25...Rh4 (0:48) 26.Rxc4 (0:40)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: Oh there is that
LJMon(1848) whispers: white is a pawn up
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I don't know why I missed that
26...Rxc4 (4:54) 27.Nxc4 (0:02) Qc5+ (0:45) 28.Kh1 (0:17)
AsDaGo(2049) whispers: I'm probably still ok, but I went from winning to fighting for a draw
28...Bd5 (0:27) 29.Ne3 (0:24) Qxa5 (1:18) 30.Nxd5 (0:51) Qxd5 (0:04) 31.Qxa6 (0:02) Qd2 (0:03) 32.Rg1 (0:36)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qside pawns look good
32...Qxc2 (0:38) 33.b4 (0:31) Rb8 (0:26) 34.Qa7 (0:08)
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe...draw
34...Rxb4 (2:45) 35.Qxf7 (0:39)
LJMon(1848) whispers: draw
35...Qc8 (0:37) 36.Qxf6+ (0:09) Kg8 (0:02) 37.Re1 (0:11) Rb6 (1:09)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qe5
38.Rd1 (1:28)
LJMon(1848) whispers: white lookin better
38...Rb8 (0:42)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qe5 was good also
39.Rd4 (0:05)
kurumim(2212) whispers: how was Black defending against 38.Re5?
kurumim(2212) whispers: well, basically same idea now
39...Rb1+ (0:31) 40.Kh2 (0:04)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: woof
kurumim(2212) whispers: hum, not quite, as f4 will block the rook access to the g-file
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: go mike!
40...Qc7+ (0:54)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: hello TL world !
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: Rf4
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: this is lost for black
41.Rf4 (0:46)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: if Rb4 Qf8#
LJMon(1848) whispers: yep
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: hard to see how black can stop mate
41...Qd6 (0:57) 42.h4 (0:37) Rb4 (0:50)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: Rb4 equalizes
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: maybe
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: Qf7 Kh8 Qf8 QxQ RxQ
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: or g3
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: maybe Qg5 and then g3
LJMon(1848) whispers: g3 and the game is about equal
floare(2057) whispers: 41. f4 was better
LJMon(1848) whispers: white is still better
43.Kg3 (1:44)
LJMon(1848) whispers: still 1-0
43...Rxf4 (0:50)
floare(2057) whispers: not sure
44.Qxf4 (0:09) e5 (0:31)
LJMon(1848) whispers: cant Qg5
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: can
LJMon(1848) whispers: cant thats lost
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: Qg5+ Kf7 Kg4
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qg5 Qg6
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: yes
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: even at Qg6 there is Kg4
45.Qf5 (1:47)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: ?
LJMon(1848) whispers: yes I was wrong
45...Kg7 (1:31)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: Kg4
LJMon(1848) whispers: I was thinking white has to keep the Qs on the board...its black that has to keep the Qs on
46.Kg4 (0:36)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: yes
46...Qd4+ (0:49)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: Kh5
47.Kh5 (1:06) Qd6 (0:57) 48.Qg5+ (0:59) Kh8 (0:22) 49.Qh6 (0:14) Qe7 (0:25) 50.Qg5 (0:17)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: this is taking forever
50...Qf7+ (0:30) 51.Kg4 (0:04)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: I can go to europe take a week's vacation raise kids and come back to see this finish
51...Qc4+ (0:16) 52.Kf5 (0:12)
LJMon(1848) whispers: about over
LJMon(1848) whispers: big threat Kxe5
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: black's king trapped like a rat
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: in a corner
LJMon(1848) whispers: he can resign here
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: yes
52...Qe2 (2:55)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: h5
LJMon(1848) whispers: Ke6 also
53.Qd8+ (0:41) Kg7 (0:04) 54.Qe7+ (0:05) Kg8 (0:15) 55.Qe8+ (0:04)
pingupenguin(1942) whispers: gg
55...Kg7 (0:08) 56.Qxe5+ (0:03) Qxe5+ (0:26) 57.Kxe5 (0:03) AsDaGo resigns 1-0


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