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drpaulsen(1950) vs. maxmagnus(2026) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-03-20

1.c4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:48) Nf6 (0:14) 3.d4 (1:48) exd4 (0:12) 4.Qxd4 (0:00) Nc6 (0:12) 5.Qd1 (0:03) h6 (3:37) 6.g3 (1:35) Bb4 (1:05) 7.Bg2 (2:03) d6 (1:12) 8.Nf3 (0:16) O-O (0:02) 9.O-O (0:10) Bxc3 (0:21) 10.bxc3 (0:00) Re8 (5:02) 11.Nd4 (0:05) Bd7 (1:43) 12.Nxc6 (2:58) Bxc6 (0:03) 13.Bxc6 (0:02) bxc6 (0:00) 14.Rb1 (0:32) Rb8 (0:16) 15.Bb2 (3:27) Qe7 (0:52) 16.e3 (2:15) Qe4 (4:01) 17.c5 (14:28) d5 (4:20) 18.c4 (0:20) Qxc4 (0:23) 19.Bxf6 (1:35) gxf6 (0:00)
herrahuu(1720) whispers: hola
Aromas(1964) whispers: holas
20.Qd4 (2:10)
herrahuu(1720) whispers: engine thoughy 17..Qc4 is winning for black
herrahuu(1720) whispers: thought
20...Qxd4 (2:38) 21.exd4 (0:00) a5 (0:03) 22.a4 (1:14)
herrahuu(1720) whispers: Rxb1 Rxb1 Re4 Rb7!?
lambertdw(1589) whispers: *computed
herrahuu(1720) whispers: ah just Rd1 ok
22...Kf8 (3:33) 23.Kg2 (0:13) Ke7 (4:49) 24.Rfe1+ (1:15) Kd7 (0:01) 25.Rxe8 (0:20) Rxe8 (0:01) 26.Rb3 (15:21) Re4 (2:49) 27.Rd3 (1:15) f5 (1:37) 28.Kf3 (0:49) h5 (1:42) 29.h3 (3:46) Ke6 (0:31) 30.Re3 (0:48) Kf6 (1:26) 31.Rxe4 (1:09) dxe4+ (1:29) 32.Kf4 (5:00) Kg6 (2:02) 33.Ke5 (0:50) Kg5 (0:02) 34.d5 (0:28) cxd5 (3:33) 35.Kxd5 (0:00)
lambertdw(1589) whispers: black missed f6+ for the victory
lambertdw(1589) whispers: instead played Kg5 a few plies back
herrahuu(1720) whispers: aha
herrahuu(1720) whispers: complicated for me
35...h4 (12:21) 36.gxh4+ (1:19) Kxh4 (0:37) 37.Ke5 (1:18) Kxh3 (0:09) 38.Kxf5 (0:34) Kg2 (0:10) 39.Kxe4 (0:10) Kxf2 (0:01) 40.c6 (0:37) Ke2 (0:47) 41.Kf5 (0:19) Kd3 (0:11) 42.Kf6 (0:57) Kc4 (0:12) 43.Kxf7 (1:06) Kc5 (0:02) 44.Ke6 (0:05) Kxc6 (0:03) 45.Ke5 (0:04) Kc5 (0:01) 46.Ke4 (0:02) Kc4 (0:07) 47.Ke3 (0:06) Kc3 (0:08) 48.Ke4 (0:12) c5 (0:09) 49.Kd5 (1:26) Kb4 (0:09) DrPaulsen resigns 0-1


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