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introspection(1874) vs. araszek(1920) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-03-18

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:06) Nc6 (0:08) 3.Bb5 (0:05) Nf6 (0:08) 4.Bxc6 (1:07)
araszek(1920) whispers: Rossolimo again
araszek(1920) whispers: but different variation
4...dxc6 (0:23) 5.d3 (2:52) g6 (0:36) 6.h3 (2:23) Bg7 (1:03) 7.Nc3 (1:21) Qc7 (2:06) 8.Be3 (1:21) b6 (1:17) 9.O-O (2:56) Ba6 (4:39) 10.a4 (1:15) O-O (2:10) 11.Qd2 (3:37) Rfd8 (1:29) 12.Bf4 (1:21) Qb7 (4:22) 13.Rfe1 (1:34) Nd7 (3:02) 14.e5 (1:23) Nf8 (1:40) 15.Bh6 (1:24) Ne6 (2:48) 16.Bxg7 (3:13) Kxg7 (0:20) 17.Re4 (0:09) h6 (4:33) 18.Qe3 (1:10) Rd7 (0:26) 19.Ne2 (0:50) Rad8 (0:26) 20.Nf4 (7:13) Nd4 (2:46) 21.Nxd4 (1:17) Rxd4 (0:08) 22.Rxd4 (1:26) cxd4 (2:04) 23.Qe4 (1:07)
araszek(1920) whispers: considered Rxd4, but need to activate my Q
araszek(1920) whispers: I could be in trouble after e6
araszek(1920) whispers: and would prefer Q ex in that case
23...c5 (0:51)
araszek(1920) whispers: that also activates my B as well
araszek(1920) whispers: which was poorly placed whole game
24.Qxb7 (0:59) Bxb7 (0:04) 25.Ne2 (0:59)
araszek(1920) whispers: thought about g5 and Rd5
araszek(1920) whispers: but defended ;) Introspection offers a draw.
araszek(1920) whispers: I'm not sure if I'm able to do anything more
araszek(1920) whispers: than do draw here araszek declines the draw request.
25...f6 (2:57)
araszek(1920) whispers: but lets at least try to get that file
araszek(1920) whispers: my K is closer to the centre
26.exf6+ (0:42) exf6 (0:18)
araszek(1920) whispers: and first time in that game I feel quite good
27.f3 (2:17) f5 (3:37) 28.Kf2 (0:40) g5 (2:51) 29.Re1 (0:49) Bc6 (2:46) 30.b3 (0:34) Rd6 (3:44) 31.Nc1 (4:35) Kf6 (0:45) 32.g3 (1:24) a5 (3:39) 33.f4 (1:43) b5 (0:17) 34.axb5 (0:29) Bxb5 (0:02)
Technetium(2512) whispers: hmmmm
Technetium(2512) whispers: not easy to find a way to break through
araszek(1920) whispers: and againg feel not good ;)
35.fxg5+ (6:03)
araszek(1920) whispers: expected Re5
Technetium(2512) whispers: re5 for intro then try to reposition the knight to f3 maybe
35...hxg5 (0:38)
araszek(1920) whispers: now my a4 could be good
36.Ne2 (1:41) a4 (0:26) 37.bxa4 (0:39) Bxa4 (0:04) 38.Rc1 (0:43) Rb6 (3:19)
araszek(1920) whispers: I have played a move I just few moments ago thought I should not play
araszek(1920) whispers: Ke5 was definitely better imo
39.c3 (2:07) Rb2 (3:16) 40.cxd4 (0:22) cxd4 (0:19) 41.Rc4 (1:07)
araszek(1920) whispers: I'm right that I win a piece ?
41...Bd1 (1:07)
kurumim(2212) whispers: yes :)
mcstorytaller(2042) whispers: yes :(
42.Rxd4 (1:46) Rxe2+ (2:20) 43.Kf1 (0:17)
araszek(1920) whispers: Rh7 looks good
43...Rh2 (2:12) 44.h4 (0:20) gxh4 (1:00) 45.gxh4 (0:07)
mcstorytaller(2042) whispers: Bg4!
45...Ke5 (1:35) 46.Rb4 (0:33) Rd2 (0:14)
mcstorytaller(2042) whispers: still Bg4!
Introspection resigns 0-1


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