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pchesso(2026) vs. lno(1960) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-03-17

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00)
herrahuu(1724) whispers: Gruenfeld?
2.Nf3 (0:11) Nf6 (0:31) 3.c4 (0:16) c6 (0:05) 4.Nc3 (0:35) dxc4 (0:59) 5.a4 (0:12) Bf5 (1:17) 6.Ne5 (0:28)
herrahuu(1724) whispers: looks like main theory
herrahuu(1724) whispers: am i missing something?
6...Nd5 (4:36)
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: I don't know the move Nd5, but I always avoid the main line Slav so maybe this is quite normal
herrahuu(1724) whispers: yeah Nd5 was new to me also
Introspection(1874) whispers: Still book acc to eco command
herrahuu(1724) whispers: Nbd7 is the absolute main move
herrahuu(1724) whispers: instead of Nd5
herrahuu(1724) whispers: ore 6
Introspection(1874) whispers: Yeh seems sensible
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: yeah looks like Nd5 is quite rare, but was played by Beliavsky among others
Introspection(1874) whispers: oic 6... Nd5 leaves book
herrahuu(1724) whispers: Kamil Pichta gives e4! Nxc3 Bxc4!
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: ah, nice trick
herrahuu(1724) whispers: to play such a move you should prepare for it, so 4:30 minutes of thinking time seems odd
herrahuu(1724) whispers: could it have been improvised?
7.Nxc4 (9:55)
smallblackcat(2231) whispers: kinda worked
7...Nxc3 (0:25) 8.bxc3 (0:10) g6 (4:25) 9.f3 (1:41)
herrahuu(1724) whispers: e6??
mindlin(2106) whispers: that traps the bishop
9...b5 (2:33) 10.axb5 (2:20) cxb5 (0:12) 11.Ne5 (0:34) f6 (2:20) 12.Nd3 (0:59)
mindlin(2106) whispers: I think e4 was a lot better picking up a pawn probably
12...Be6 (4:00)
herrahuu(1724) whispers: e4 looks good to me
13.Nb2 (4:42) Bg7 (1:26) 14.e4 (0:24) Bd7 (1:23) 15.Qb3 (0:42) Qb6 (0:37)
herrahuu(1724) whispers: you can go Nc4 but i don't know if it brings white any joy
16.Be3 (6:40) a6 (1:34) 17.c4 (2:56) b4 (2:57)
mindlin(2106) whispers: I like c5 and Bc4
18.d5 (1:55) Qb7 (0:17) 19.c5 (3:25) Bb5 (0:30) 20.c6 (0:24) LNO resigns 1-0


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