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asdago(2057) vs. mccannj(1932) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-03-08

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:02) e6 (0:04) 3.Nc3 (0:02) Nf6 (0:03) 4.Bg5 (0:02) Nbd7 (0:29) 5.e3 (0:03) c6 (0:22) 6.Nf3 (0:03) Qa5 (0:16) 7.Nd2 (0:05) Bb4 (1:53) 8.Qc2 (0:04) O-O (0:15) 9.Be2 (0:05) dxc4 (0:30)
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Think I should take the knight because he hasn't played c5
10.Bxf6 (1:04) Nxf6 (0:04) 11.Nxc4 (0:15) Qc7 (0:22) 12.O-O (0:59) b6 (0:15)
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: That seems a bit weakening
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Could be ok though
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Because he might be able to play c5
13.a3 (3:38) Be7 (0:42)
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: I thought taking the knight was best
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Because now I have time to play b4
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Not sure if b4 is good though
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Because there is a5
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: If a5, I can take
14.Rac1 (8:49) Bb7 (1:10)
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Bf3 Ba6 is kind of annoying
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Maybe not though
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Because I could play Ne4
15.Bf3 (3:46) c5 (8:49)
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Probably not worth it to throw in Nb5
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: The knight will get kicked away later
16.Bxb7 (1:50) Qxb7 (0:10) 17.dxc5 (0:46) Bxc5 (0:26) 18.b4 (0:21) Be7 (0:22) 19.Qb3 (0:44)
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Looks drawish
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Maybe my pieces are slightly more active, but I don't think I can take advantage of that
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: A lot of pawns are on dark squares, which is nice because he has the dark squared bishop
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: But probably not enough to win
19...Rfd8 (2:07) 20.Rfd1 (1:07) Rac8 (6:27)
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: I could psay Nb5 with the idea of Nd6
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Looks a little bit risky though
21.Rxd8+ (3:37) Rxd8 (0:56) 22.h3 (2:55) h6 (2:56) 23.Rd1 (2:26) Rxd1+ (1:58)
AsDaGo(2057) whispers: Probably take with the queen
24.Qxd1 (1:36)
Koff(2049) whispers: this looks very boring
Koff(2049) whispers: but I guess a good endgame player can grind something out
24...Qd7 (4:56) 25.Qxd7 (1:24) Nxd7 (0:05) 26.Nb5 (1:53) AsDaGo offers a draw. mccannj accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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