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araszek(1859) vs. pchesso(2090) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2024-03-05

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:10) e6 (0:09) 3.Nc3 (0:15) Bb4 (0:09) 4.Bf4 (1:56) d5 (2:28) 5.Qa4+ (1:32) Nc6 (0:09) 6.e3 (0:16) Bd7 (1:29) 7.Qc2 (0:41) O-O (1:59) 8.Nf3 (1:26) Rc8 (2:42) 9.c5 (2:44) b6 (1:51) 10.a3 (1:13) Bxc3+ (1:32) 11.Qxc3 (0:45)
araszek(1859) whispers: just have realised that I blundered a pawn
araszek(1859) whispers: ahh - maybe not, but wrong is that I didn't think about that potential continuation
11...Ne4 (2:54) 12.Qc2 (0:35) h6 (4:48) 13.Bd3 (1:55) f5 (0:53) 14.h4 (4:49)
araszek(1859) whispers: would like to stop potential pawn advancing on K side
14...bxc5 (3:06) 15.dxc5 (1:24) Qf6 (1:53) 16.Rd1 (4:46) e5 (0:57) 17.Bh2 (2:58) Rf7 (3:57) 18.Bb5 (6:27)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: I wonder if Nb4 works
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: Nb4 Qa4 Bxb5 Qxb5 Nc2+
mcstorytaller(1990) whispers: hi Cat!
mcstorytaller(1990) whispers: play???
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: not right now
mcstorytaller(1990) whispers: ok
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: hmm Nb4 Qa4 Bxb5 Qxb4 Bc4 b3
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: d4 also seems possible
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: white can win the pawn, but it opens lines against his king
18...Nb4 (14:18) 19.axb4 (2:36) Bxb5 (0:16) 20.Bxe5 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: Qg6 now
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: hmm, maybe Qa6 is better in fact
20...Qg6 (3:09) 21.Rg1 (1:15) Re8 (4:52) 22.Bf4 (8:35)
araszek(1859) whispers: I think I could be safe after taking d pawn (Rxd5), but it should be safer to block f pawn
araszek(1859) whispers: now plan is to try to exchange black's LSB
araszek(1859) whispers: and do sth with the K
araszek(1859) whispers: which could be hard
22...Rfe7 (3:02)
araszek(1859) whispers: Qa6 could be annoying
23.Rxd5 (2:39)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: Nf6 R moves Rxe3+ is probably not quite working
23...Qa6 (0:59)
araszek(1859) whispers: that d pawn could be difficult for me
24.Rxf5 (7:07) Qa1+ (1:06) 25.Qd1 (0:41) Qxb2 (0:15)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: well black gets back a couple of pawns now, and the attack is still going
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: Rd5 seems necessary here
26.Nd2 (4:02) Rd7 (0:19) 27.Qb3+ (0:22) Qxb3 (1:20) 28.Nxb3 (0:03)
araszek(1859) whispers: luckily I could ex Q, it would be really hard to defend my pos without that
araszek(1859) whispers: two pawns up, but still B in different colours
28...Nc3 (2:51)
araszek(1859) whispers: still not good pos
29.f3 (1:50)
araszek(1859) whispers: I hope time will be on my side, maybe games with Marek (short time ones) give me some advantage here ;)
29...Nd5 (1:31) 30.Kf2 (0:46)
araszek(1859) whispers: so only one pawn up ;)
30...Nxe3 (0:21) 31.Bxe3 (2:34) Rd3 (1:08) 32.Nd4 (0:03) Bd7 (0:15) 33.Rd5 (0:19) Bc6 (1:14) 34.Nxc6 (0:37) Rxd5 (0:05) 35.Nxa7 (0:06) Rd3 (0:57) 36.Re1 (0:13) Ra8 (0:44) 37.Nb5 (0:40) Ra2+ (0:46) 38.Re2 (1:23) Ra4 (0:02) 39.Nxc7 (0:49) Rxb4 (0:11) 40.Ne6 (2:23) pchesso offers a draw. 40...Rc4 (1:30) araszek declines the draw request. 41.Nf4 (0:12) Rd7 (0:47) 42.Rb2 (0:22) Rc3 (0:28) 43.Rb6 (0:55) Rc2+ (0:08) 44.Ne2 (0:23) Rc7 (0:32) 45.Re6 (0:13) Kf7 (0:35) 46.Re4 (0:56) Rc8 (0:49) 47.f4 (0:22) g6 (0:32) 48.Kf3 (1:15) Rc7 (0:53) 49.Re5 (0:08) Rc4 (0:30) 50.Ng3 (0:14) Rc2 (1:29) 51.h5 (0:53) Rc3 (0:31) 52.hxg6+ (0:27) Kxg6 (0:11) 53.f5+ (0:53) Kf7 (0:26) 54.Ne4 (0:22) Rc2 (0:46) 55.Bxh6 (0:28) Rc6 (0:29) 56.Be3 (0:29) Rc7 (0:27) 57.g4 (0:03) Rc6 (0:31) 58.Nd6+ (0:28) Kf8 (0:33) 59.g5 (0:39) Rc3 (0:16) 60.f6 (0:32) Rd3 (0:17)
araszek(1859) whispers: is that mate or I missed sth /
araszek(1859) whispers: ?
61.Re8# (0:33) pchesso checkmated 1-0


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