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asdago(2098) vs. mzaiser(2162) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2023-12-18

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:01) g6 (0:07) 3.Nc3 (0:02) Bg7 (0:06) 4.e4 (0:01) d6 (0:08) 5.Nf3 (0:01) O-O (0:09) 6.Be2 (0:02)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Surely he won't go for c5 and e5 like he did last time
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: That's bad, and he lost
6...e5 (0:47)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: That makes more sense
7.O-O (0:14) exd4 (0:16) 8.Nxd4 (0:02) Re8 (0:37)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Could play Qc2 or f3
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Wait not Qc2
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Because Nxe4
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Probably f3 then
9.f3 (1:30) Nc6 (1:22) 10.Be3 (2:18)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: My e-pawn is pinned, but I don't think d5 is good
10...Nh5 (0:45)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: He wants to play f5
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I could even consider g4 here
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: g4 is a bit risky, and I already have a preferable position
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Might be good though
11.g4 (7:03)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I think this is ok, because I don't really see how he can attack my king
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: It's slightly worrying that he's thinking, because I thought he only has one option
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Might be considering Bxg4 I guess, but that's no good for sure
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Or taking on d4 of course
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: He could throw that in and play Nf4
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Even Nf4 right away
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: So I guess he has three options, really
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I think trading on d4 and then Nf4 is best for Black
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Because if Nf4 right away, he is forced to trade off the knight
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I could've also considered Nxc6 and then g4
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I think this is fine though
11...Be5 (10:00)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Hmm
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: A mouse slip?
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Maybe he wants gxh5 Qh4, but I can defend...
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: It might be a mouseslip
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Unfortunate
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I should be careful though
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: He also might play Bxh2+
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: If I take, it might be a draw
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: If I take the bishop I mean
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: It is, in fact
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: It actually probably wasn't a mouseslip
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I think he actually has a draw after I take the knight
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I guess a draw is ok
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: f4 would probably be the way to play for a win, but seems risky
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Maybe not
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Could take the knight and hope he tries to play for a win
12.f4 (14:23)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: If Nxd4, I probably take on e5
kurumim(2315) whispers: ...Nxf4 seems more like a concern for White
BOTCHvinik(1787) whispers: moo
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: It would be funny if Be5 actually was a mouseslip, because it turned out to be a decent move
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I bet it wasn't though
BOTCHvinik(1787) whispers: just got here but that looks like black is going to go into a slight deficit?
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Nxf4 might actually be possible
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Then I take on c6
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I guess I end up losing a pawn
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: It's interesting though
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Bxd4 is also possible, now that I think about it
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Wait, probably not actually
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: But I should've considered Nxf4
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Perhaps I should've taken on h5 and accepted the draw
12...Nxd4 (10:25)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I thought this line was better for me
kurumim(2315) whispers: I also thought ...Nxf4 was better
13.fxe5 (2:24) Nxe2+ (0:16) 14.Qxe2 (0:04) Ng7 (0:12)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: This looks really good for me
15.Nd5 (5:55) Rxe5 (3:07) 16.Bd4 (1:58) Ne6 (5:19) 17.Bxe5 (0:55) dxe5 (0:46) 18.Rad1 (1:52) Nd4 (0:42) 19.Qf2 (1:36) Be6 (4:08) 20.Nf6+ (1:06) Kg7 (1:03) 21.b3 (3:41)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I didn't like Qh4 Nf3+
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I also didn't like Kh1 Bxc4
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Maybe I'll play Kh1 next move
21...Qd6 (4:27) 22.Kh1 (1:52) c6 (1:59) 23.g5 (0:53) Rh8 (3:31) 24.Qh4 (1:23) Kf8 (0:19)
kurumim(2315) whispers: ...h6 gxh6 Rxh6 Ne8+, so that was not an option
25.Qh6+ (3:18) Ke7 (0:02) 26.Qg7 (0:37) Qb8 (0:13) 27.Nxh7 (1:31) Kd6 (3:04) 28.Rxd4+ (4:03) exd4 (0:03) 29.Qxd4+ (0:08)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I shouldn't have taken on h7
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: But I think I'm still better
29...Kc7 (0:40)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Up a pawn at the least
30.Nf6 (1:19)
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Also, could've played Rd1 perhaps instead of Nf6
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: Maybe not
30...Kc8 (4:42)
lambertdw(1684) whispers: e3 . Not quite legal and all, but still,
31.e5 (1:35) Rd8 (0:34) 32.Qc3 (0:31) Bf5 (1:47) 33.Re1 (2:41) Qc7 (0:53) 34.Ne4 (0:49) Bxe4+ (0:10) 35.Rxe4 (0:05) Rd1+ (0:20) 36.Re1 (1:07) Qd8 (0:51) 37.h4 (0:59) Rd3 (0:32) 38.Qc1 (1:50) Qd4 (0:46) 39.Kg2 (2:47) Qg4+ (0:39) 40.Kf2 (0:26) Rf3+ (0:46) 41.Ke2 (0:02)
damouno(2207) whispers: COMO LOCO COMO YO :))
AsDaGo(2098) whispers: I don't even know how I managed to mess this up so badly
41...Qg2+ (0:33)
damouno(2207) whispers: curtains
42.Kd1 (0:08) Rd3+ (0:01) 43.Qd2 (0:04) Qxd2# (0:02) AsDaGo checkmated 0-1


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