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kamenozrout(2248) vs. scarlatgicca(1898) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 15+0, 2023-08-10

kamenozrout(2248) whispers: This is Phalanx 500 NPS
1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:00) d6 (0:09) 3.g3 (0:00) g6 (0:09) 4.Bg2 (0:00) Bg7 (0:04) 5.O-O (0:00) O-O (0:07) 6.c4 (0:00) c6 (0:08) 7.Nc3 (0:00) b6 (0:04)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=+1.04; nodes=20404; nps=501
8.Qa4 (0:41) Bb7 (0:06)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=+1.04; nodes=15630; nps=503
9.h3 (0:31) a6 (0:05)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=+0.82; nodes=16593; nps=502
10.Bf4 (0:33) b5 (0:09)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=+0.89; nodes=12789; nps=501
11.Qb4 (0:26) a5 (0:12)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=+0.79; nodes=7697; nps=501
12.Qb3 (0:16) b4 (0:03)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=+0.92; nodes=9933; nps=499
13.a3 (0:20) c5 (0:08)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=4; eval=+0.96; nodes=4626; nps=496
14.dxc5 (0:01) dxc5 (0:05)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=+0.90; nodes=11016; nps=499
15.axb4 (0:17) axb4 (0:08)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=4; eval=+0.84; nodes=6331; nps=500
16.Rxa8 (0:05) Bxa8 (0:05)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=+0.56; nodes=7975; nps=499
17.Rd1 (0:10) Qb6 (0:14)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=+0.63; nodes=11964; nps=502
18.Nd5 (0:24) Nxd5 (0:10)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=+0.54; nodes=5050; nps=505
19.cxd5 (0:00) Qb5 (0:21)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=+1.07; nodes=7414; nps=502
20.Qe3 (0:15) Bf6 (0:58)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=+0.89; nodes=26439; nps=500
21.Ne5 (0:53) Re8 (0:33)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=+1.39; nodes=7619; nps=498
22.Nxf7 (0:16) Kxf7 (0:18)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-0.94; nodes=9502; nps=503
23.Qe6+ (0:00) Kg7 (0:10)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=4; eval=-0.98; nodes=5433; nps=503
24.Rd2 (0:00) Qd7 (0:19)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-0.42; nodes=7015; nps=502
25.Qb6 (0:14) Qc8 (0:27)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.15; nodes=17174; nps=500
26.b3 (0:35) Nd7 (0:07)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.24; nodes=6635; nps=501
27.Qe6 (0:14) Nf8 (0:31)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-1.15; nodes=15965; nps=502
28.Qb6 (0:00) Nd7 (0:11)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=8; eval=-0.20; nodes=5164; nps=500
29.Qe6 (0:11) Nf8 (1:09)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-0.20; nodes=6510; nps=500
30.Qb6 (0:13) g5 (0:53)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.03; nodes=9288; nps=502
31.Be3 (0:19) Nd7 (0:08)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.34; nodes=9945; nps=502
32.Qa7 (0:20) Qb7 (0:18)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-1.06; nodes=6688; nps=501
33.Qa5 (0:14) Qb6 (0:30)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.52; nodes=5536; nps=502
34.Qxb6 (0:11) Nxb6 (0:07)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.22; nodes=4035; nps=498
35.Bxc5 (0:00) Bc3 (0:19)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-1.04; nodes=9884; nps=501
36.Ra2 (0:00) Nxd5 (0:14)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-0.28; nodes=3450; nps=501
37.Rxa8 (0:07) Rxa8 (0:11)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-3.66; nodes=5772; nps=509
38.Bxd5 (0:00) Ra1+ (0:07)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-3.66; nodes=6439; nps=497
39.Kg2 (0:13) e5 (0:04)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.08; nodes=7100; nps=497
40.Be7 (0:15) h6 (0:09)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.30; nodes=7538; nps=500
41.Kf3 (0:16) Ra2 (0:07)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-0.36; nodes=3641; nps=500
42.e3 (0:00) Be1 (0:33)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-0.43; nodes=8907; nps=500
43.Ke4 (0:18) Bc3 (0:17)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-0.13; nodes=4890; nps=498
44.Kf3 (0:10) Ra1 (0:21)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.32; nodes=6705; nps=498
45.Ke4 (0:14) Rf1 (0:09)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.39; nodes=5564; nps=499
46.Kf3 (0:12) Rh1 (0:05)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.31; nodes=5194; nps=498
47.Be6 (0:11) Ra1 (0:12)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-0.37; nodes=10635; nps=500
48.Ke4 (0:22) Ra2 (0:06)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-0.33; nodes=3218; nps=497
49.f4 (0:00) exf4 (0:11)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.46; nodes=8945; nps=499
50.gxf4 (0:18) gxf4 (0:07)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-0.22; nodes=9588; nps=501
51.exf4 (0:20) Re2+ (0:08)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-0.22; nodes=4121; nps=508
52.Kd5 (0:00) Re3 (0:15)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.12; nodes=10488; nps=500
53.f5 (0:21) Bf6 (0:22)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.28; nodes=5318; nps=500
54.Bxb4 (0:11) Rxb3 (0:07)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.35; nodes=3695; nps=506
55.Bd6 (0:00) Rxh3 (0:04)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.37; nodes=3447; nps=500
56.Ke4 (0:07) Rh4+ (0:03)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.37; nodes=4757; nps=499
57.Ke3 (0:10) Ra4 (0:04)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.42; nodes=6997; nps=500
58.Kf3 (0:14) h5 (0:01)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-1.57; nodes=3276; nps=497
59.Kg3 (0:07) h4+ (0:04)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-1.64; nodes=2059; nps=508
60.Kh3 (0:00) Ra6 (0:03)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.37; nodes=5238; nps=498
61.Bb4 (0:11) Rb6 (0:07)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.42; nodes=4545; nps=500
62.Be1 (0:10) Rb1 (0:02)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.46; nodes=4093; nps=499
63.Bf2 (0:06) Rh1+ (0:07)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-1.51; nodes=3912; nps=495
64.Kg2 (0:08) Ra1 (0:06)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-1.41; nodes=5314; nps=500
65.Bc5 (0:11) Rb1 (0:08)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-1.45; nodes=2408; nps=495
66.Bd6 (0:05) Rb2+ (0:04)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.75; nodes=2355; nps=494
67.Kh3 (0:05) Re2 (0:04)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=5; eval=-1.53; nodes=2655; nps=495
68.Bc7 (0:06) Re3+ (0:11)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-1.73; nodes=4910; nps=499
69.Kg4 (0:10) h3 (0:06)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.23; nodes=2997; nps=494
70.Bg3 (0:07) Be5 (0:12)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=8; eval=-0.28; nodes=6326; nps=508
71.Bxe5+ (0:00) Rxe5 (0:02)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=-0.18; nodes=1675; nps=516
72.Kxh3 (0:01) Kf6 (0:01)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=6; eval=-0.22; nodes=3838; nps=499
73.Kg3 (0:06) Rxe6 (0:01)
kamenozrout(2248) whispers: depth=7; eval=+0.04; nodes=959; nps=499
74.fxe6 (0:02) Kxe6 (0:01) Neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2


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