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slek(2029) vs. jones(2078) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2023-07-31

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:11) d6 (0:03) 3.d4 (0:06) cxd4 (0:00) 4.Nxd4 (0:01) Nf6 (0:02) 5.Nc3 (0:01) Nc6 (0:03) 6.Bc4 (1:56) e6 (0:27) 7.Bb3 (0:03) Be7 (2:35) 8.O-O (0:18) a6 (3:38)
Slek(2029) whispers: I will go for Kh1 and f4-f5 probably
9.Kh1 (1:33) Qc7 (5:04) 10.f4 (0:55) Bd7 (3:14)
Slek(2029) whispers: does he intend to castle long??
11.f5 (4:44)
Slek(2029) whispers: he might win the exchange on f2 but I will have some compensations.
11...Nxd4 (2:51) 12.Qxd4 (0:06)
Slek(2029) whispers: after e5 Qd1 he can try h5 to play Ng4 maybe
Slek(2029) whispers: basically want him to push e5 so I can play Bg5x trade his Nf6 and then occupy d5 with a piece
Slek(2029) whispers: after e5 Qd1 he has Bc6 though
Slek(2029) whispers: after e5 I have also Nd5
12...O-O (5:49) 13.Bg5 (1:46) Rad8 (9:36) 14.Rad1 (4:53) Bc8 (1:05)
Slek(2029) whispers: this is a cool line: Rd3 b5 Rg3 Nh5 Qxg7+ Kxg7 Bf6++ Kxf6 fxe+ Ke5 Rf5+ Kd4 Rd5 mate
Slek(2029) whispers: unfortunately after Bf6++ he has Kh6 and I cannot see a mate
herrahuu(1728) whispers: i almost could visualise that one :D
15.Rd3 (11:22)
JMM(2104) whispers: white looks so good, a lot of space , all pieces centralized... but then I see nothing real .. no real threats ... or are there ?
herrahuu(1728) whispers: i think they come with good position
15...Qc5 (3:55)
Slek(2029) whispers: wait, what does he do after QxQ dxQ e5? RxR cxR Nd5 f6
16.Qxc5 (4:58) dxc5 (0:00) 17.e5 (0:02)
herrahuu(1728) whispers: eally nicely done
Slek(2029) whispers: he will feel the power of the white pawns
17...Rxd3 (3:32) 18.cxd3 (0:00) Nd5 (0:35) 19.f6 (0:11) gxf6 (0:40) 20.exf6 (0:03) Bd6 (2:28) 21.Nxd5 (3:56) exd5 (0:00) 22.Bxd5 (0:01) Re8 (0:09) 23.Be4 (0:27)
Slek(2029) whispers: now I need to find how to activate my rook to target his pawns on the K side
23...c4 (1:28) 24.Rc1 (3:04)
herrahuu(1728) whispers: bishops create interesting crossfire
herrahuu(1728) whispers: if i had to choose a side i wouldn't know which side to choose, looks equal
24...cxd3 (1:34) 25.Bxd3 (0:00)
herrahuu(1728) whispers: white does have that good extra pawn
25...Bd7 (0:27) 26.Kg1 (2:46) Re5 (5:01) 27.Bh4 (5:34) Bc5+ (1:37) 28.Bf2 (0:22) Bxf2+ (0:05) 29.Kxf2 (0:00) Re6 (0:55) 30.Rc7 (0:45) Rxf6+ (0:13) 31.Ke3 (0:30) Bc6 (0:30) 32.g4 (1:32)
pingupenguin(2065) whispers: wooof
pingupenguin(2065) whispers: Rh6 ?
32...Rf3+ (0:57)
herrahuu(1728) whispers: it did look good
33.Ke2 (0:20)
herrahuu(1728) whispers: maybe Rh3 here
33...Rh3 (0:18)
pingupenguin(2065) whispers: white is banking on Bxa6 bxa6 Rxc6
34.Bc4 (0:12) Rxh2+ (0:23)
pingupenguin(2065) whispers: Rf3 meets RxB
35.Ke3 (0:03)
pingupenguin(2065) whispers: Rxb2 is there
35...Rxb2 (1:27) 36.Rxf7 (0:26) Kh8 (0:17) 37.g5 (0:51) Rb4 (0:47) 38.Rf8+ (0:09) jones resigns 1-0


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