nraravind(2105) vs. dasr(1771) *
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2023-03-04
SRCorney(2023) whispers: woof
blore(1990) whispers: i don't understand why aravind allowed the Nb6
blore(1990) whispers: he should have snatched b7
blore(1990) whispers: yes. maybe some misjudgement. it was a tremendously strong move
blore(1990) whispers: i would go as far as to say it would have been GAME OVER 14.Bxc6 (2:27)
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: hiiii 14...bxc6 (0:11) 15.Qxc6 (0:04)
blore(1990) whispers: penguin!!
blore(1990) whispers: rather than giving up the LSB nd winning a pawn he could have retained the LSB nd won a pawn
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: wanna play snakes and ladders eh 15...d3 (0:39)
herrahuu(1822) whispers: blore i missed your idea, what was the line? 16.exd3 (0:59) Qxd3 (0:08)
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: Qc3
SRCorney(2023) whispers: hellp penguin
SRCorney(2023) whispers: hello*
blore(1990) whispers: C5!!
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: welll helllo there sugar !
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: xD
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: c5 ?
blore(1990) whispers: the pawn structure somewhat favours white but the advantage could have been much bigger
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: bigger like what
blore(1990) whispers: he had a chance to play Qxb7 when he played Qb5 in stead
blore(1990) whispers: that would have been game over in ediately
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: are you high again blore
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: marijuana pill
herrahuu(1822) whispers: in my understanding he had queen on a4?
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: yes
Slek(2092) whispers: Qc3 now? 17.Rfd1 (5:46)
nraravind(2105) whispers: Immediate Nb3 would be met by Rac8 Qg2 Rc2 which seems passive.
blore(1990) whispers: oh. i am an idiot. i have been mixing up smallblackcat s game with aravind game
nraravind(2105) whispers: Qc3 Qxc3 also I am not sure. Here, probably I will go Qf3.
Slek(2092) whispers: by a strange coincidence Nb3 is a move for white
blore(1990) whispers: aravind is a pawn up
blore(1990) whispers: WOOF
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: woooof
herrahuu(1822) whispers: :) 17...Rfc8 (4:39)
blore(1990) whispers: Qf3
Slek(2092) whispers: or Qe4
nraravind(2105) whispers: e4 is even better 18.Qe4 (0:59)
herrahuu(1822) whispers: DasR is playing a good game
nraravind(2105) whispers: Likely Nc4 is a tactic after Qd6.
pingupenguin(2010) whispers: Qxe4 Nxe4 Rc2 and black can potentialy have double rooks on the 7th rank
Slek(2092) whispers: there is a possible line QxQ NxQ Rc2 Rbc1 Rxb2 Rc7 Rxa2 9Rxa7 was a threat) Ng5
nraravind(2105) whispers: R takes on c4 Q takes on a8 18...Qb5 (3:00)
Slek(2092) whispers: I like Nb3 here
blore(1990) whispers: well he is fighting but he is a clear pawn down 19.Nf1 (1:55) Re8 (0:50) 20.Qd3 (0:20)
Slek(2092) whispers: yeah and the position is very simple, hard for black to have compensation or to create chaos 20...Qh5 (2:48) 21.Ne3 (0:36) g6 (1:20) 22.Rbc1 (1:09) Qe5 (1:13) 23.Qc3 (0:27) Qe6 (0:40)
Slek(2092) whispers: I want white to find a way to play Ng4 somehow... Rd4 first?
blore(1990) whispers: b3 noa 24.b3 (3:34) Rac8 (0:31) 25.Qa5 (0:33)
Slek(2092) whispers: Aravind starting to press 25...Rxc1 (4:04) 26.Rxc1 (0:41)
blore(1990) whispers: one rook gone.
nraravind(2105) whispers: I suspect there has been a disconnection. 26...Qd7 (7:33)
Slek(2092) whispers: you were wrong Aravind!
blore(1990) whispers: :))
Slek(2092) whispers: Rd1 I guess 27.Rd1 (3:06) Qc6 (2:28) DasR offers a draw.
herrahuu(1822) whispers: isn't white winning? nraravind declines the draw request. 28.Qxa7 (1:09) DasR lost connection; game adjourned *
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