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pikozrout(2220) vs. scarlatgicca(1962) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 15+0, 2022-09-23

pikozrout(2220) whispers: This is Phalanx 8000 NPS
1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:00) e6 (0:04) 3.Nc3 (0:00) Nf6 (0:03) 4.Bg5 (0:00) Be7 (0:04) 5.e3 (0:00) h6 (0:04) 6.Bh4 (0:00) c6 (0:04)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=9; eval=+0.92; nodes=307037; nps=7979
7.Nf3 (0:39) Nbd7 (0:06) 8.Bd3 (0:00) b6 (0:05)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=9; eval=+0.88; nodes=304248; nps=7985
9.cxd5 (0:38) Nxd5 (0:07)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+0.99; nodes=222318; nps=7976
10.Nxd5 (0:28) cxd5 (0:07)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=11; eval=+1.20; nodes=175940; nps=7968
11.Bxe7 (0:22) Qxe7 (0:06)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+1.09; nodes=194221; nps=7986
12.Rc1 (0:18) Qb4+ (0:19)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+1.31; nodes=68429; nps=7966
13.Qd2 (0:09) Qd6 (0:04)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+1.42; nodes=259272; nps=7989
14.e4 (0:33) Bb7 (0:09)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+1.86; nodes=84056; nps=8005
15.e5 (0:11) Qb8 (0:08)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+1.92; nodes=221101; nps=7984
16.O-O (0:20) O-O (0:07)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=9; eval=+1.79; nodes=156573; nps=7988
17.Qf4 (0:20) Rc8 (0:20)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=8; eval=+1.64; nodes=176090; nps=7996
18.Qh4 (0:22) Rxc1 (0:07)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=9; eval=+1.71; nodes=49998; nps=7911
19.Rxc1 (0:07) Nf8 (0:38)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+2.45; nodes=126673; nps=7976
20.Qe7 (0:16) Ng6 (1:17)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=8; eval=+4.47; nodes=59310; nps=7961
21.Bxg6 (0:08) fxg6 (0:06)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=9; eval=+4.14; nodes=217059; nps=8006
22.Qxe6+ (0:21) Kh7 (0:07)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+3.84; nodes=199868; nps=7997
23.Qf7 (0:17) Ba6 (0:10)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=9; eval=+3.69; nodes=86308; nps=7932
24.Qxd5 (0:00) Qg8 (0:04)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+4.18; nodes=94468; nps=8005
25.Qxg8+ (0:12) Kxg8 (0:09)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+4.38; nodes=75228; nps=7927
26.d5 (0:00) Rd8 (0:07)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=12; eval=+4.60; nodes=138630; nps=7999
27.d6 (0:10) Bd3 (0:49)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=10; eval=+5.92; nodes=137066; nps=7992
28.Nd4 (0:17) Kf7 (0:05)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=12; eval=+9.51; nodes=110613; nps=7980
29.Rc7+ (0:14) Kg8 (0:03)
pikozrout(2220) whispers: depth=11; eval=+9.48; nodes=104690; nps=8009
30.Ne6 (0:10) Re8 (0:06) SCARLATGIcca resigns 1-0


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