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relu(1929) vs. krmchess(2085) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2022-07-08

1.d4 (0:00)
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: I'm expecting a Grunfeld but unsure exactly what line I'll face as there were limited games and opponent played KID when reaching similar positions
1...Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:04) g6 (0:13) 3.Nc3 (0:04) d5 (0:05) 4.Nf3 (0:03) Bg7 (0:05) 5.Bg5 (0:06) Ne4 (0:59) 6.Bh4 (0:13) Nxc3 (0:20) 7.bxc3 (0:05) dxc4 (0:03) 8.Qa4+ (0:27) Qd7 (1:37) 9.Qxc4 (2:54) b6 (0:23) 10.e3 (0:20) Ba6 (2:56) 11.Qb3 (0:23) Bxf1 (0:14) 12.Kxf1 (0:05) O-O (0:07)
smallblackcat(2204) whispers: this looks like one of these Grunfeld lines where white sidesteps the tactical complications and black equalises quite easily
13.Ke2 (0:56)
smallblackcat(2204) whispers: still quite a lot of play in the position
13...c5 (1:46) 14.Rhd1 (0:09) Nc6 (4:05) 15.dxc5 (2:35) Qf5 (0:09) 16.cxb6 (7:58) axb6 (0:48) 17.Kf1 (0:14) Qc5 (1:01) 18.a4 (8:35) Rfc8 (1:40) 19.Rac1 (5:16) e6 (1:59) 20.Qb5 (2:53) Ne5 (2:47)
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: I think this will probably be drawn when I trade a and c pawns for the b pawn
21.Qxc5 (5:31) Rxc5 (0:08) 22.Nxe5 (0:51) Bxe5 (0:04) 23.Rd8+ (0:06)
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: Missed that but I think it leads to opposite square bishop ending
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: wait, it's same colour so bad
23...Rxd8 (1:50) 24.Bxd8 (0:07)
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: I think the rook ending is my best hope
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: I initially planned 24...Bc7 but I think 25.Bxc7 Rxc7 26. Ke2 leaves a bad rook endgame. So taking a chance with b5 might be best
24...b5 (6:20) 25.axb5 (3:48) Rxb5 (0:34) 26.c4 (1:34) Rc5 (0:16) 27.Bb6 (2:36) Rc6 (0:17) 28.c5 (0:04) Kf8 (0:54) 29.Rd1 (3:24)
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: Now I think Bc7 wins a few tempi. Hopefully my King can get to c5 pawn fast enough to win it... or blockade it
29...Bc7 (1:05)
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: I'm lucky that it's the not the a pawn that remains as otherwise my King would be far too isolated for pawn endings after a rook exchange winning a pawn
30.Bxc7 (1:23) Rxc7 (0:03) 31.Rc1 (0:04) Ke7 (0:03) 32.Ke2 (0:05) Kd7 (0:02) 33.Kd3 (0:11) Kc6 (0:02)
KRMCHESS(2085) whispers: The two tempi lost with 31.Rc1 will hopefully be crucial Relu offers a draw. KRMCHESS accepts the draw request.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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