rjbriggs(1829) vs. krmchess(2065) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2022-04-19
rjbriggs(1829) kibitzes: good to see you. cheers and good chess :) 1.e4 (0:00)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I'm expecting a closed sicilian with 3.Bb5 lines being most likely 1...c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:43) d6 (0:43) 3.Bb5+ (0:15) Nc6 (0:06) 4.O-O (0:07) Bd7 (1:17) 5.Re1 (0:06) Nf6 (0:58) 6.Nc3 (1:11) g6 (2:15)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I was expecting white to play c3 ideas with perhaps h3 first. I'm unsure if 6.Nc3 is great is that good although my 5...Nf6 isn't great so maybe white can exchange down 7.Nd5 (2:19) Bg7 (0:39) 8.c3 (0:14) O-O (0:16) 9.d4 (0:42) cxd4 (0:38) 10.cxd4 (0:06)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I think white had to play Nxf6+ as now I think 10...Nxd5 followed by 11...Nb4 seems to win material 10...Nxd5 (1:15) 11.exd5 (0:36)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I think 11...Nb4 is met by 12.Qa4
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Although 11...Ne5 is quite solid
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: 11...Nb4 12.Qa4 Nc2 is interesting as queen is overworked
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Actually I can even play simpler as 11...Nb4 12.Qa4 Bxb5 and then 13.Qxb5 allows 13...Nc2 11...Nb4 (6:21) 12.Bxd7 (3:47) Qxd7 (0:03) 13.Qb3 (0:04)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: That's what I expected. Now I have Na6-c7 ideas. I don't think a5 is useful as a3 transposes to similar lines but insertion of moves don't benefit black 13...Na6 (1:27) 14.Bg5 (1:16) Rfe8 (1:24) 15.Rac1 (1:05) h6 (0:21)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Long term plan is g5 to relieve pressure on e7, then Rac8 and exchange down to a winning endgame
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Although Kf8 is also appealing to protect the pawn structure 16.Be3 (4:10)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I don't understand Be3 as it blocks off e file for white. Now I can play Rac8 with no issues. I was more worried about 16.Bh4 16...Rac8 (1:30)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Exchanges favour black as eventually d5 pawn will fall 17.Rc3 (2:21) Rc7 (2:57) 18.Rec1 (0:07) Rec8 (0:09)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I can't really take on c3 as then pxc3 will allow c4-c5 ideas for white. However white can't really swap down as current pawn structure is plain lost
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I can improve my position with Kh7 and maybe b6 and then maybe moving Na6 19.Nd2 (8:27) b6 (2:05)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I was a bit tempted by 19...Qg4 ideas as 19.Nd2 undefends d4 20.a3 (6:27)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I'm quite happy to see a3 as only logical plan is to include b4 when I initiate mass exchanges. I was also worried about Nb1-a3-b5 ideas 20...Kh7 (1:04) 21.Ne4 (4:02)
rjbriggs(1829) whispers: the pawn at d5 is such a bone if i can maintain it. probably can't hold it forever, but if i can leverage it for other concessions...
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: f5-f4 is playable to trade f7 pawn for d4 pawn but unsure if it's worthwhile
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Qf5 is also tempting as it allows me to trade rooks and try to win d5 pawn
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I'll try Qf5 as it feels active 21...Qf5 (6:29)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I think 22.f3 is best for white, it should be noted that 22.Ng3 is met by 22...Rxc3 with mate threats and/or exchanges 22.f3 (4:41) Qd7 (2:28) 23.Qa2 (4:01)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I don't get Qa2 as it just gives me space. Now I can play Qb5/a4 and then get the knight out 23...Qb5 (2:24) 24.Kf2 (4:12)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Qe2 was what I was thinking of playing so Kf2 was a good move
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: It also shows that 23...Qa4 was probably better 24...Qa4 (2:04) 25.Rxc7 (1:51) Rxc7 (0:05) 26.Rxc7 (0:08) Nxc7 (0:02)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: White liquidated on the c file and now I'll win a d pawn 27.b4 (0:33)
rjbriggs(1829) whispers: ah shoot. Nb5.
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: I think Nb5 is best as otherwise Nc3 hurts 27...Nb5 (1:47) 28.Qb2 (1:24)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: 28.Qc4 Nxa3 with 29...Qc2+ was my main idea
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Now it's hard to tell if Nxa3 or Qxa3 is better. I think they're both winning though
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: Well I guess I'll go for the more direct Qxa3 as otherwise extra tempi could give white more play. I also have Nxd4 on if Queen undefends d4 28...Qxa3 (2:37) 29.Qxa3 (0:05) Nxa3 (0:00) 30.Nc3 (0:05)
KRMCHESS(2065) whispers: White is toast as Bc1 is met by Bxd4 30...f5 (0:37) 31.Ke2 (0:14) Nc2 (0:27) 32.Kd3 (0:13) Nxb4+ (0:06) rjbriggs resigns 0-1
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