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rjbriggs(1907) vs. mzaiser(2166) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2022-03-20

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:05) g6 (0:08) 3.c3 (0:31) d5 (0:32) 4.Bb5+ (2:40) Bd7 (3:07) 5.Bxd7+ (0:04) Qxd7 (0:11) 6.exd5 (0:06) Qxd5 (0:23) 7.d4 (1:36) Nc6 (1:43)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: i don't know this line at all... feels related to the GP attack, but seems slightly different. i usually go for rossolimo/canal set-ups or westerinen attacks against early q-side advances... so... already out of book.
8.O-O (1:18) Bg7 (0:55) 9.dxc5 (2:16) Qxc5 (0:55) 10.Be3 (1:16) Qh5 (3:44)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: so far so good. wh has a lead in development and a small q-side maj. going to fight for d4 and e5 via na3-b2 aiming to lure e5. Rs will go to d1 and e1, Q to a4 i think... if bl lets me set all that up, i feel pretty good. the trick for him is to finish development and slow my roll w/o weakening.
11.Na3 (6:42) Nf6 (3:18)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: Qb3 is an interesting idea too...
12.Qb3 (5:24)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: the idea OC is to make bl lose another tempo responding to my threat while i continue to improve/follow my centralizing plan.
12...O-O (8:19)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: ... ooh. so... calling me on it...
13.Qxb7 (1:32) Rfc8 (0:28) 14.Qa6 (1:24) Ng4 (6:34) 15.Qe2 (4:43) Nxh2 (3:26)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: missed this shot :/ don't think it's lethal, but definitely erases my advantage and allows his attack to proceed.
16.Rfe1 (5:01) Nxf3+ (0:50) 17.Qxf3 (0:41) Qxf3 (0:37) 18.gxf3 (0:03) Ne5 (3:12) 19.Kg2 (0:34)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: Nd3 is going to hurt
19...Nd3 (3:14) 20.Re2 (0:39) Nxb2 (1:32) 21.Nb5 (1:22) Na4 (2:13) 22.Rc1 (1:40) a6 (0:45) 23.Nd4 (0:12) Rxc3 (0:59) 24.Rxc3 (0:56) Nxc3 (0:28) 25.Rc2 (0:19) Nd5 (0:37) 26.Nb3 (0:48) Kf8 (2:19) 27.Bc5 (3:14) Ke8 (0:46) 28.Rd2 (1:33) e6 (0:07) 29.Ba3 (4:57) Rc8 (0:28)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: no good moves. tried to survive the trouble on my q-side but lost too much material. will fight a little bit more tho
30.Nc5 (1:05) Bf8 (0:38)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: runs into Bf8 if he wants to just ex off...
31.Rc2 (0:25) Nf4+ (0:33)
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: lethal :/
rjbriggs(1907) whispers: didn't see the hop to d3. think that's gg.
32.Kf1 (2:30) Nd3 (0:26) 33.Nxd3 (0:51) Rxc2 (0:22) 34.Bxf8 (0:44) Kxf8 (0:05) 35.Nb4 (0:02) Rb2 (0:37) 36.Nxa6 (0:56) Rxa2 (0:05) 37.Nc5 (0:04) Ke7 (0:28) 38.Kg2 (0:20) h6 (0:54) 39.Ne4 (0:38) Ra4 (0:13) 40.Ng3 (0:13) Kf6 (0:07) 41.Ne2 (0:17) g5 (0:19) 42.Kg3 (0:06) Rc4 (0:37) 43.Kg2 (1:46) h5 (0:25) 44.Ng3 (1:13) h4 (0:25) 45.Ne2 (0:35) Ke5 (0:20) 46.Ng1 (0:09)
damouno(2223) whispers: It looking good for black now..even if he loses Rook for knight..he has won game
46...f5 (0:42) 47.Nh3 (0:07) Kf6 (0:45) 48.Ng1 (2:22) Rc2 (0:26) 49.Nh3 (0:07) e5 (1:21) 50.Kf1 (0:32) g4 (0:21) 51.fxg4 (0:07) fxg4 (0:02) 52.Ng1 (0:05) Rc1+ (0:15) 53.Kg2 (0:03) Rxg1+ (0:06) 54.Kxg1 (0:02) Kf5 (0:06) 55.Kg2 (0:03) Kf4 (0:05) 56.Kh2 (0:08) Kf3 (0:30) 57.Kg1 (0:50) g3 (1:33) 58.fxg3 (0:04) hxg3 (0:21) 59.Kh1 (0:49) g2+ (0:07) 60.Kg1 (0:25) e4 (0:03) 61.Kh2 (0:04) Kf2 (0:01) rjbriggs resigns 0-1


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