rjbriggs(1943) vs. krmchess(2062) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-12-10
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: I'm expecting either a 3. Bb5 Sicilian or a c3 Sicilian 1...c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:18)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 2... g6 got a 3. c3 Sicilian 2...d6 (0:21) 3.Bb5+ (0:28) Nc6 (0:31) 4.O-O (0:26) Bd7 (0:29) 5.Re1 (0:12) Nf6 (0:26) 6.d4 (1:45) cxd4 (0:36) 7.Nxd4 (0:20)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: I can play 7... Nxd4 but that's probably going to be drawish 7...g6 (3:16) 8.c3 (0:23) Bg7 (0:04) 9.Nd2 (0:45) O-O (0:12) 10.N2f3 (0:10) Rc8 (0:29) 11.h3 (1:25) a6 (0:12) 12.Bf1 (0:05)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: This looks like there isn't much I can easily attack. I guess e4 can be attacked with Bc6 at some point and Qb6 does pin down b2 pawn
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: f2 square is a bit weak as well so I guess Qb6 it is 12...Qb6 (3:01) 13.Nb3 (1:21)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: So now Be3 is incoming but Nb3 is a bit misplaced
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Be6 is tempting but I think Be3 followed by Qd2 is a bit awkward so h6 and Kh7 first is better 13...h6 (1:46) 14.a4 (3:48)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: I think a4 was bad as now Be6 gains some teeth 14...Be6 (0:41) 15.Nbd4 (1:33)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: I think Nxd4 is best and then Bc4 or Bb3 depending on white's move 15...Nxd4 (0:43) 16.Nxd4 (0:06) Bc4 (0:23) 17.a5 (0:58) Qc7 (0:28) 18.Bxc4 (1:03) Qxc4 (0:06)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: e5 is interesting, although white might play Ra4 19.Ra4 (0:30) Qc7 (0:19) 20.Rb4 (2:33)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: I see 20... Qxa4 is possible but not that great. I think 20... Nd7 followed by Nc5 is better as Nf6 has nowhere to go 20...Nd7 (1:23)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Problem for white is that a4 is hard to defend, especially with placement of Rb4 21.Be3 (3:35)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Now I think Nc5 wins a pawn as I attack e4 and a5 21...Nc5 (0:40) 22.Nb3 (0:25) Rfd8 (2:22) 23.Qc2 (1:49)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: This is the fun where neither side can really improve their position much and looks fairly equal 23...Kh7 (3:44)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: It's same problem I had last move. If I was to ask if white was in trouble I'd say no. If I was to ask what can white do then it's not easy to see good ideas that don't risk backfiring 24.Rc4 (5:00)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Now I think b5 is forced or I lose a pawn 24...b5 (2:44)
rjbriggs(1943) whispers: odd game. earlier, the idea was to wait to commit to c3 or c4 (going for a M-bind position) until Bl decided where to put his dsb. against the finachetto, c3 is usually better. against ... e6-Be7, the bind has more bite. 25.axb6 (1:02) Qxb6 (0:05)
rjbriggs(1943) whispers: but this whole conception of the R lift on my q-side is not usual for me in this line. having fun w/ it.
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Game is getting a bit more interesting now. I guess 26. Nxc5 pxc5 27. b4 is sharpest line 26.Nxc5 (3:00) dxc5 (0:05) 27.b4 (1:18) Qb5 (2:53) 28.Rxc5 (0:04) Rxc5 (0:02) 29.Bxc5 (0:03) Rc8 (0:05) 30.c4 (2:22) Qc6 (0:18)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Now black threatens a5 31.Rc1 (3:42) e6 (0:09) 32.Be3 (1:49) Bf8 (0:23) 33.c5 (1:08) Rb8 (1:38) 34.Qc4 (1:31) Rb5 (0:38)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: a5 is now a threat with Rxa5 and then Ra4 35.Ra1 (1:55) Bd6 (2:37)
rjbriggs(1943) whispers: Rb6! was similarly cute
rjbriggs(1943) whispers: the fact that bl's dsb hits h2 is not lost on me... 36.Qd4 (5:00) Bf8 (0:35) 37.Bd2 (3:13) Bg7 (0:12) 38.e5 (0:22) Qc7 (1:01) 39.f4 (0:27) Bf8 (0:55)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 40. Rxa6 I think can be met by Rxc5 40.Rxa6 (0:57) Rxc5 (0:31)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: I think a future Ra7 could get awkward. It is sharp but if I play passive I lose
Bionchess(2293) whispers: this could be the turning point in the game
Bionchess(2293) whispers: Black has plenty of time to plan the moves
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 41. Qf2 Kg7 42. Be3 is key line and I think I just survive as now Ra7 doesn't win f7 pawn 41.Qd3 (9:56)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: I didn't expect that. Now I think Rd5 looks strong or at least active 41...Rd5 (1:02) 42.Qe2 (0:05)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Qc2 I think wins a piece 42...Qc2 (0:42)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: For a lot of the game I think I was losing but now I think I'm winning
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Rxd2 can't be stopped and does double up on 7th rank 43.b5 (4:48)
rjbriggs(1943) whispers: facepalm ... all that hard work
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 43.. Rxd2 44. Qf3 Rf2 45. Qxf2 Bc5 is a clean win 43...Rxd2 (1:40) 44.Qf3 (0:08)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Although I guess Qd1+ also works
Bionchess(2293) whispers: Bc5 is the best move here
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 44... Bc5+ followed by 45... Qc1 looks mating 44...Bc5+ (2:35) 45.Kh2 (0:21)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 45... Qb1 is an interesting alternative to threaten b5 45...Qb1 (1:27)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Bf2 threat leads to a mating net. I think 46. Qb7 is met by 46... Kg7 and mate is too slow 46.Qb7 (1:49)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: Actually I think Bg1+ is mating anyway
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 46... Bg1+ 47. Kg3 Bf2+ 47. Kg4 h5+ 48. Kg5 Qf5# 46...Bg1+ (3:44) 47.Kg3 (0:14)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: I was lucky I went for Qb1 rather than Qc1 as extra Qf5 is essential 47...Bf2+ (0:21) 48.Kg4 (1:02) h5+ (0:08)
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 49. Kf3 Qd3#
KRMCHESS(2062) whispers: 49. Kg5 Qf5# 49.Kf3 (1:06) Qd3# (0:05) rjbriggs checkmated 0-1
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