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danijelo(2060) vs. rjbriggs(1966) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-11-29

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:05) e6 (0:30) 3.Nf3 (0:05) Nf6 (0:04) 4.g3 (0:31) Bb4+ (0:12) 5.Bd2 (0:03)
avidmate(1840) whispers: Catalan ! nice !
5...Be7 (0:22) 6.Bg2 (0:09) c6 (0:05) 7.Qc2 (0:29) O-O (0:23) 8.O-O (0:39) Nbd7 (0:09) 9.a3 (5:36) b6 (0:52) 10.cxd5 (0:57) cxd5 (0:31) 11.Nc3 (3:26) Bb7 (1:22) 12.Rac1 (0:53) Rc8 (0:07) 13.b4 (5:22) Ne4 (0:22) 14.Qb2 (0:11) Nxd2 (1:31) 15.Qxd2 (0:59)
rjbriggs(1966) whispers: so far so good... thinking now of a5...
15...a5 (5:04)
avidmate(1840) whispers: Qb2 ?
16.bxa5 (6:21)
rjbriggs(1966) whispers: pretty sure I want Bxa3 here... my ideas is to increase the scope of both my Bs, posting on the q-side and taking the sting out of white's catalan bishop. just want to check a minute here tho
16...Bxa3 (2:26) 17.Rb1 (0:03) Ba6 (0:52) 18.Nb5 (5:14) bxa5 (2:18) 19.Nxa3 (0:10)
danijelo(2060) whispers: hello team
danijelo(2060) whispers: nothing to say here...
danijelo(2060) whispers: rj is really unlucky against me. in round 1 he had won endgame where i managed to get a draw. now this..
19...Nf6 (3:48) 20.Rfc1 (1:06)
avidmate(1840) whispers: thas bizarre
avidmate(1840) whispers: but good lol
20...Rxc1+ (0:06)
rjbriggs(1966) whispers: what a sad error on my part. totally unforced.
21.Rxc1 (0:30) Ne4 (0:10) 22.Qc2 (1:58) Qe7 (0:50) 23.Nb1 (0:12) h6 (0:54) 24.e3 (0:35) Qb4 (2:24)
avidmate(1840) whispers: after the thematic Ne5 the horse has a lot of scary squares lol
bvrus(1901) whispers: an't relax. Black will fight and will soon start pushing his pawn to the queen.
bvrus(1901) whispers: an't*
bvrus(1901) whispers: Can't*
25.Nfd2 (5:20)
danijelo(2060) whispers: a bit to relaxed, should focus
avidmate(1840) whispers: i have to say i am pretty surprised to not see the thematic Ne5
25...Nd6 (4:28) 26.Bf1 (0:08) Rc8 (0:48) 27.Qd1 (0:16) Nc4 (1:03) 28.Nb3 (2:53) a4 (2:21) 29.Nc5 (0:08) Bb5 (0:03) 30.Nc3 (0:29) Nb2 (1:35) 31.Qc2 (0:45) a3 (0:21) rjbriggs resigns 1-0


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