1.e4(0:00)e6(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:14)d5(0:01) 3.Nc3(0:03)Nf6(0:05) 4.e5(0:04)Ne4(0:07) 5.d4(0:38)c5(0:25) 6.dxc5(0:40)Qa5(0:54) 7.Bd2(0:18)Nxd2(0:19) 8.Qxd2(0:13)Bxc5(0:02) 9.Bd3(0:28)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: I could play Bb4 here and argue that my structure is slightly better in the resulting endgame schachbjm(2398) whispers: I would love to prevent him from castling kingside but I do not see a way to do so schachbjm(2398) whispers: In addition, I could also play a developing move like Nc6 or O-O here and the position should be around equal schachbjm(2398) whispers: Nc6 has the disadvantage that I might want to play Nd7 later challenging the pawn on e5 and maybe even aiming for the c5 square
schachbjm(2398) whispers: I assume white should just ignore it, keep the tension and castle away
schachbjm(2398) whispers: Bxh7+ Ng5+ should not work here schachbjm(2398) whispers: even though it looks quite interesting
schachbjm(2398) whispers: I have Re8 Kf8-e7 at the end
12.Qd3+(0:27)Kg8(0:01) 13.Ng5(0:02)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: I guess Ng5 first would have been more precise as this allowed me to play g6 if I wished
13...Re8(0:39) 14.Qh7+(0:23)Kf8(0:01) 15.Qh8+(0:02)Ke7(0:02) 16.Qxg7(0:01)Nc6(0:43)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: it is more dangerous that I thought schachbjm(2398) whispers: still I think I will find a defense here
17.Qxf7+(0:20)Kd8(0:01) 18.Qf6+(0:18)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: materialwise it is equal and he has the attack and the better king ... so he is clearly in the driverseat schachbjm(2398) whispers: question is whether there is a direct win for him schachbjm(2398) whispers: normally I am the one attacking
schachbjm(2398) whispers: Bxc3 is not t hat appealing anymore as it would open the b-file for him schachbjm(2398) whispers: my king is fairly save now but the rook on a8 is a mess schachbjm(2398) whispers: and my pieces lack coordination
schachbjm(2398) whispers: I should try to use my extra minor piece before his passers become too dangerous schachbjm(2398) whispers: Bxc3 bxc Qxc attacking both e5 and c2 might be an idea to win 2 pawns
19...Bxc3(1:12) 20.bxc3(0:08)Qxc3(0:00)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: he has to defend e5 here I guess schachbjm(2398) whispers: it is a key factor limiting my coordination and king safety
schachbjm(2398) whispers: Qd4 might be an idea to offer a queen trade (which are always in my favour in positions like this) schachbjm(2398) whispers: alternatively, Bd7 looks good to connect rooks and improve my king safety schachbjm(2398) whispers: taking on c2 seems greedy concerning moves such as Rc1 and future doubling
21...Qd4(2:23) 22.Qf6(0:19)Bd7(0:04) 23.Rab1(0:05)Rf8(0:17)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: I doubt that he can double on the b-file easily as I have Qg4 Rg8 at some moment with own attacking ideas schachbjm(2398) whispers: white plays a strong game here taking his rating :) schachbjm(2398) whispers: I just notice that I cannot take on f7 as planned winning the key pawn on e5 for the exchange due to Rxb7 at the end
24.Rxb7+(2:33)Kxb7(0:10) 25.Nd6+(0:07)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: I have to take so I should not waste time schachbjm(2398) whispers: still I do not see how he breaks through here
25...Ka6(0:27) 26.Qg7(0:39)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: Nxe5 looks strong but it is kind of self-pinning
schachbjm(2398) whispers: solid prophylactic move
schachbjm(2398) whispers: Qa3+ is the idea obviously schachbjm(2398) whispers: Na5 Qa3 Qa4 though
schachbjm(2398) whispers: next steps are removing e5 and d6 at the cost of a rook
28.c3(1:02)Qf4(0:11) 29.Qd3+(0:08)Nc4(0:12) 30.a4(0:19)
schachbjm(2398) whispers: Bxa4 should be possible as f2 is threatened binding the rook to f1
schachbjm(2398) whispers: preparing to sac on d6 schachbjm(2398) whispers: Rxd6 exd Qxd next schachbjm(2398) whispers: Ra1 might be the best practical try here for white
schachbjm(2398) whispers: white is finding ressources :)
32.Qb1(0:32)Qb2(0:13) 33.Qd3(0:02)Rxd6(0:02) 34.exd6(0:02)Bb5(0:08) 35.h4(0:01)Nd2(0:12) 36.Qh7(0:01)farmerX resigns 0-1
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