arasanx(2637) vs. arshah(2818) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 15+1, 2020-04-16
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (e4, d4, Nf3, c4, g3, b4), choosing e4 1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (d4, b3, g3), choosing d4 2.d4 (0:01) d5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (Nc3, Nd2, e5, exd5), choosing Nc3 3.Nc3 (0:00) Bb4 (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (e5, exd5), choosing e5 4.e5 (0:00) c5 (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (a3, Bd2), choosing a3 5.a3 (0:00) Bxc3+ (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (bxc3), choosing bxc3 6.bxc3 (0:02) Qc7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (Qg4, Nf3), choosing Nf3 7.Nf3 (0:01) Ne7 (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (a4, h4, Bd3), choosing a4 8.a4 (0:01) b6 (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (Bb5+), choosing Bb5+ 9.Bb5+ (0:01) Bd7 (0:18)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: book moves: (Bd3, O-O, Be2), choosing Bd3 10.Bd3 (0:01) c4 (0:20) 11.Be2 (0:33)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=33.12 sec. score=+0.62 depth=30 nps=5.96M cpu=399.61% pv: Be2 Bc6 h4 Qd7 a5 Na6 h5 h6 Bf4 Nc7 Qd2 bxa5 Rxa5 Nb5 O-O O-O g4 Rfb8 Rfa1 Rb6 Kg2 a6 Rb1 Bb7 Qe1 Re8 Raa1 Rb8 g5 Nf5 gxh6 gxh6 11...O-O (0:18) 12.h4 (0:29)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=28.29 sec. score=+0.91 depth=31 nps=5.70M cpu=399.90% pv: h4 Nbc6 h5 f6 exf6 gxf6 Qd2 Rf7 Nh4 Re8 Ba3 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 O-O Nf5 Nxf5 Bxf5 f4 Nc6 Bf3 Be4 Rae1 Qd7 h6 Bxf3 Rxe8+ Qxe8 Rxf3 Qd7 Rg3+ Kh8 Kh2 12...Nbc6 (0:18) 13.h5 (0:19)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=37.10 sec. score=+0.91 depth=32 nps=5.57M cpu=399.79% pv: h5 f6 exf6 gxf6 Qd2 Rae8 Nh4 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 O-O Kh8 13...f6 (0:13) 14.exf6 (0:32)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=45.02 sec. score=+0.77 depth=29 nps=5.47M cpu=399.70% pv: exf6 gxf6 Qd2 Rf7 Ba3 Re8 Nh4 e5 O-O Nf5 Nxf5 Bxf5 h6 Qd7 Rfe1 Kh8 Rab1 Rg8 Bh5 Bg6 Bxg6 hxg6 dxe5 Nxe5 Rb5 Kh7 f3 Re8 f4 14...gxf6 (0:23) 15.Qd2 (0:16)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=39.86 sec. score=+0.66 depth=31 nps=5.51M cpu=399.77% pv: Qd2 Rae8 Kf1 Nf5 Nh4 Nxh4 Rxh4 Ne7 Kg1 Kh8 h6 Nf5 Rh1 Rg8 Bh5 Rd8 Bf3 Rde8 Rh3 Bc6 Bh5 Rd8 Qf4 Qd7 a5 e5 dxe5 d4 Bf3 Bxf3 Rxf3 15...Rf7 (0:13) 16.Nh4 (0:47)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=46.70 sec. score=+0.68 depth=31 nps=5.49M cpu=399.74% pv: Nh4 e5 Kf1 exd4 cxd4 Nf5 Nxf5 Bxf5 Bf3 Be4 Ra3 Re8 Rh4 Bxf3 Rxf3 Kh8 Ba3 Qd7 h6 Ne7 Kg1 Qxa4 Rh5 Rg8 Re3 Qd7 Bxe7 Rxe7 Rxe7 Qxe7 Rxd5 16...e5 (0:00) 17.Kf1 (0:37)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=37.93 sec. score=+0.65 depth=30 nps=5.46M cpu=399.67% pv: Kf1 exd4 cxd4 Nf5 Nxf5 Bxf5 Bf3 Qd7 Rh4 Re8 Ba3 Rg7 c3 Nd8 Kg1 Ne6 Re1 Qxa4 Bc1 Nc7 Rxe8+ Qxe8 h6 Rd7 Qf4 Qe6 Be3 Bg6 Qg3 Kf7 Bg4 17...Rd8 (0:13) 18.h6 (0:29)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=28.54 sec. score=+0.84 depth=29 nps=5.79M cpu=399.77% pv: h6 e4 Bh5 18...e4 (0:13) 19.Qf4 (0:17)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=29.92 sec. score=+0.90 depth=34 nps=6.18M cpu=399.59% pv: Qf4 Qxf4 Bxf4 Nf5 g3 Nxh4 Rxh4 Bf5 Bc1 Bg6 Bg4 Re7 Be3 Na5 Kg2 Nc6 Rb1 Kf7 Rhh1 Kg8 Be2 Na5 Ra1 Kf7 Bg4 Kg8 Rhb1 Nc6 Be2 Kf7 Rb5 Ree8 Bg4 Re7 19...Qxf4 (0:13) 20.Bxf4 (0:14)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=27.27 sec. score=+0.90 depth=35 nps=6.10M cpu=399.76% pv: Bxf4 Ng6 Bc1 Nxh4 Rxh4 Bf5 g3 Bg6 Bg4 Re7 Be3 Be8 Kg2 Bg6 Rb1 Kf7 Rb5 Ree8 Bf4 Re7 Rb2 Kg8 Rh1 Na5 Re1 Bf7 Rbb1 Be6 Be2 Bd7 Ra1 Be8 20...Ng6 (0:17) 21.Bc1 (0:16)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=33.60 sec. score=+0.90 depth=36 nps=6.29M cpu=399.62% pv: Bc1 Nxh4 Rxh4 Bf5 g3 Bg6 Bg4 Re7 Be3 Ree8 Kg2 Kf7 Rhh1 Ke7 Bc1 Rg8 Rf1 Kf7 Re1 f5 Be2 Rdf8 Bf4 Ke6 Rab1 Rf6 Bg5 Rff8 Be3 Be8 Bf4 Kd7 Rh1 Rf6 Rb5 Ke6 21...Nxh4 (0:17) 22.Rxh4 (0:15)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=32.48 sec. score=+0.77 depth=29 nps=6.15M cpu=399.62% pv: Rxh4 Bf5 g3 Bg6 Bg4 Re7 Be3 22...Bf5 (0:17) 23.Kg1 (0:19)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=35.50 sec. score=+0.84 depth=31 nps=6.02M cpu=399.60% pv: Kg1 Bg6 Bg4 f5 Be2 Rb7 f3 Re8 Rh3 Nd8 fxe4 fxe4 Rg3 Ne6 Bg4 Rf7 a5 b5 Ba3 Rf6 Rf1 Rxf1+ Kxf1 Kf7 Bd6 Rd8 Be5 Ke7 Ke2 Re8 Kd2 Rd8 23...Bg6 (0:17) 24.Bg4 (0:14)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=30.88 sec. score=+0.90 depth=32 nps=6.11M cpu=399.78% pv: Bg4 f5 Be2 Rb7 f3 Rd6 24...f5 (0:12) 25.Be2 (0:18)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=30.28 sec. score=+0.91 depth=29 nps=6.17M cpu=399.41% pv: Be2 Rb7 f3 Rd6 Bf4 Rf6 Bg5 Rf8 Kf2 Rd7 Rb1 Re8 fxe4 fxe4 Ke3 Ne7 g4 Rf8 Rhh1 Be8 Rhf1 Rxf1 Rxf1 25...Rdf8 (0:21) 26.f3 (0:35)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=34.16 sec. score=+0.82 depth=29 nps=6.18M cpu=399.72% pv: f3 Re8 Rb1 Kh8 Kf1 Rf6 Bf4 Bf7 g3 e3 Rb5 Kg8 Kg2 Ne7 Rh1 Ra8 a5 Be8 Rbb1 Re6 Ra1 b5 Rhe1 Ng6 Bg5 Bd7 Rab1 f4 gxf4 26...Re8 (0:20) 27.Rb1 (0:07)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=27.73 sec. score=+0.94 depth=29 nps=6.53M cpu=399.56% pv: Rb1 e3 f4 Rf6 Rh3 Bf7 Bxe3 Ree6 Rg3+ Kf8 Kf2 Rxh6 Bc1 Ke8 Ba3 Bh5 Bxh5+ Rxh5 Rb5 Rh4 Rxd5 Rxf4+ Rf3 Rxf3+ Kxf3 Ne7 Bxe7 Kxe7 Rxf5 Kd6 Rh5 h6 d5 Rf6+ Ke4 27...e3 (0:20) 28.f4 (0:07)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=27.48 sec. score=+0.93 depth=34 nps=6.81M cpu=399.55% pv: f4 Rf6 Rh3 Bf7 Bxe3 Ree6 Kf2 Rxh6 Rg3+ Rhg6 Rg5 Ne7 Bf3 Be8 a5 Ba4 axb6 axb6 Rb2 Kg7 Ra2 Rxg5 fxg5 b5 Bf4 Kf7 g3 Kg6 Bc1 Kg7 Bd2 Kf7 Bc1 Kg6 28...Rf6 (0:20) 29.Rh3 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=23.00 sec. score=+0.86 depth=35 nps=6.87M cpu=399.52% pv: Rh3 Bf7 Ba3 Kh8 Re1 Nd8 Kf1 Nb7 Bd1 Rfe6 Bh5 Nd8 Bf3 Rf6 Bd1 Rfe6 Bc1 Nb7 Bf3 Rf6 Rxe3 Rxe3 Bxe3 Nd6 Ke2 Ne4 Bxe4 dxe4 Kf2 Kg8 Rg3+ Rg6 Rg5 Rxg5 fxg5 Bd5 29...Nb8 (0:12) 30.Bf3 (0:22)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=21.44 sec. score=+0.90 depth=29 nps=6.70M cpu=399.48% pv: Bf3 Bf7 a5 e2 Bd2 bxa5 Kf2 Kf8 Bxe2 Rb6 Rxb6 axb6 g4 Bg6 g5 Kf7 Rh1 Ke6 Rb1 Nd7 Bf3 Kd6 Bc1 Kc6 Ra1 30...Bf7 (0:27) 31.Ba3 (0:00)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=27.47 sec. score=+0.84 depth=31 nps=6.70M cpu=399.52% pv: Ba3 Nc6 Ra1 Kh8 Re1 Nd8 Kf1 Kg8 Rg3+ Kh8 Rg5 Nb7 Kg1 Nd8 Bc1 Ne6 Rg3 Nc7 Rg7 Ne6 Rxf7 Rxf7 Bxd5 Rf6 Bxe3 Nxf4 Bxc4 Ng6 Kf2 f4 Bd2 Rxe1 Kxe1 31...Kh8 (0:11) 32.Re1 (0:23)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=22.41 sec. score=+0.66 depth=33 nps=6.57M cpu=399.74% pv: Re1 Na6 Kf1 32...Nd7 (0:15) 33.Bh5 (0:20)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=20.07 sec. score=+0.82 depth=33 nps=7.12M cpu=399.67% pv: Bh5 Re4 33...Bxh5 (0:11) 34.Rxh5 (0:18)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=17.59 sec. score=+0.86 depth=34 nps=7.31M egtb=45/45 cpu=399.51% pv: Rxh5 Re4 Bc1 e2 Kf2 Rg6 Rxf5 Nf6 Rxe2 Rxe2+ Kxe2 Rxh6 Ba3 Kg7 Be7 Ne4 Kf3 Re6 Re5 Rxe5 dxe5 Kf7 Bh4 Ke6 g4 Nxc3 Bg3 Nxa4 f5+ Kd7 Bh4 Nc5 Ke3 Ne6 fxe6+ Kxe6 Kd4 a5 34...Re4 (0:18) 35.Bc1 (0:05)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=23.53 sec. score=+0.88 depth=35 nps=7.42M egtb=69/69 cpu=399.49% pv: Bc1 e2 Kf2 Kg8 Rxe2 Rxe2+ Kxe2 Rg6 Kf2 35...e2 (0:21) 36.Kf2 (0:01)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=22.88 sec. score=+1.02 depth=34 nps=7.44M egtb=53/53 cpu=399.45% pv: Kf2 Rg6 Rxf5 Nf6 Kf3 Re8 Rg5 Ne4 Rxd5 Rg3+ Kxe2 Rxg2+ Kf1 Rxc2 Rxe4 Rxc1+ Kf2 Rc2+ Ke3 Rxc3+ Kd2 Rd3+ Kc2 Rg8 Rg5 a6 Rxg8+ Kxg8 Re7 Rxd4 Rg7+ Kh8 Rb7 Kg8 Rxb6 a5 Rb8+ Kf7 Rb7+ Kg6 f5+ Kxf5 Rxh7 Rd3 36...Kg8 (0:14) 37.Rg5+ (0:19)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=18.74 sec. score=+0.79 depth=34 nps=7.80M egtb=156/156 cpu=399.77% pv: Rg5+ Kf7 Rg7+ Ke8 Rxh7 Rf7 Rh8+ Rf8 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Rxe2 Nf6 Ba3+ Kg8 Kf3 Kh7 Bf8 Ng4 g3 Kg6 Bg7 Nxh6 Be5 Ng4 Rxe4 dxe4+ Ke2 Kf7 Bb8 Nf6 Bxa7 Nd5 Bxb6 Nxb6 a5 Nd5 a6 Nxc3+ Kd2 Nd5 a7 Nb6 37...Kf7 (0:10) 38.Rg7+ (0:12)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=21.98 sec. score=+0.72 depth=35 nps=8.09M egtb=87/87 cpu=399.50% pv: Rg7+ Ke8 Rxh7 Rf7 Rh8+ Rf8 Rxf8+ Kxf8 Rxe2 Nf6 Rxe4 Nxe4+ Kf3 Kg8 Ba3 Nd2+ Kg3 Nb1 Be7 Kh7 Bf8 Nxc3 Kf3 Nxa4 g4 Nc3 gxf5 Ne4 Bg7 a5 f6 Kg6 f5+ Kxf5 h7 Ng5+ Ke3 Nxh7 f7 b5 f8=Q+ Nxf8 Bxf8 38...Ke6 (0:14) 39.Rxh7 (0:16)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=15.46 sec. score=+1.16 depth=37 nps=8.11M egtb=39/39 cpu=399.46% pv: Rxh7 Rf7 Rh8 Rf8 Rxf8 Nxf8 Rxe2 Rxe2+ Kxe2 Nh7 Ba3 Nf6 Bf8 Kf7 Bg7 Ng4 Kf3 Kg6 Bf8 Nf6 Kg3 Nh5+ Kf2 Nxf4 Ba3 Nh5 Bc1 Nf6 Ke3 Ne4 Bb2 Kxh6 Kf4 Kg6 Ke5 a6 Kxd5 b5 a5 39...Rf7 (0:17) 40.Rh8 (0:04)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=20.68 sec. score=+1.34 depth=39 nps=8.63M egtb=155/155 cpu=399.11% pv: Rh8 Rf8 Rxf8 Nxf8 Rxe2 Rxe2+ Kxe2 Nh7 Ba3 Nf6 g4 fxg4 Ke3 a6 Bf8 Nh7 Bb4 Nf6 Ba3 b5 axb5 axb5 Bc5 Kf7 f5 Ne4 Ba3 g3 Kf3 Kg8 Be7 Kh7 f6 Kg6 h7 Ng5+ Kxg3 Nxh7 Kf4 Nxf6 Ke5 Ne4 40...Nf6 (0:10) 41.Rxe2 (0:11)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=10.60 sec. score=+1.40 depth=40 nps=8.50M egtb=496/496 cpu=399.11% pv: Rxe2 Rh7 Rxh7 Rxe2+ Kxe2 Nxh7 Ba3 Nf6 g4 fxg4 Ke3 a6 Bf8 Kf7 Bg7 Ne4 f5 Kg8 Be5 g3 Kf3 Kh7 Bxg3 Kxh6 Bh4 Nxc3 Kf4 Kg7 Ke5 Kf7 Bg3 Nxa4 Kxd5 Kf6 Kc6 Kxf5 d5 Nc5 d6 Ke6 Kxb6 41...Rxe2+ (0:20) 42.Kxe2 (0:11)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=10.22 sec. score=+1.59 depth=40 nps=9.57M egtb=731/731 cpu=399.53% pv: Kxe2 Rh7 Rxh7 Nxh7 Ba3 Nf6 g4 fxg4 Ke3 a6 Bf8 Kf7 Bg7 Ne4 f5 Kg8 Be5 g3 Kf3 Kh7 Bxg3 Kxh6 Bh4 Nxc3 Kf4 Nxa4 Ke5 Nc3 Be7 Kg7 Ke6 Nb5 Bf6+ Kf8 Be5 Ke8 Kxd5 Na3 c3 Kf7 Kc6 42...Rh7 (0:10) 43.Rxh7 (0:11)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=20.15 sec. score=+1.57 depth=39 nps=8.56M egtb=1676/1676 cpu=399.12% pv: Rxh7 Nxh7 Ba3 Nf6 g4 fxg4 Ke3 a6 Bf8 Kf7 Bg7 Ne4 f5 Kg8 Be5 Kh7 f6 Ng5 Kf4 Kxh6 Kf5 Kh5 Bf4 Nf7 Ke6 Kg6 Be5 b5 axb5 axb5 Kxd5 Nxe5 dxe5 g3 Ke6 g2 f7 g1=Q f8=Q Qg4+ Ke7 Qg5+ Qf6+ Qxf6+ exf6 43...Nxh7 (0:10) 44.Ba3 (0:09)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=19.13 sec. score=+1.70 depth=37 nps=9.23M egtb=2795/2795 cpu=399.01% pv: Ba3 Nf6 g4 fxg4 Ke3 a6 Bf8 Kf7 Bg7 Ne4 f5 Kg8 Be5 Kh7 f6 Ng5 Kf4 Kxh6 Kf5 Kh5 Bf4 Nf7 Ke6 Kg6 Be5 44...Nf6 (0:10) 45.g4 (0:11)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=20.38 sec. score=+1.45 depth=37 nps=9.36M egtb=2752/2752 cpu=398.94% pv: g4 fxg4 Ke3 a6 Bf8 Kf7 Bg7 Ne4 f5 Kg8 Be5 Kh7 f6 Ng5 Kf4 Kxh6 Kf5 Kh5 Bf4 Nf7 Ke6 Kg6 Be5 b5 axb5 Ng5+ Kxd5 axb5 Kc5 g3 Bxg3 Ne4+ Kxb5 Nxg3 Kxc4 Ne4 Kb4 Kxf6 c4 45...fxg4 (0:19) 46.Ke3 (0:01)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=19.77 sec. score=+1.82 depth=37 nps=8.93M egtb=4094/4094 cpu=399.19% pv: Ke3 a6 Bb4 Kf7 f5 Ne4 Kf4 g3 Kf3 Kf6 Kg2 Ng5 Kxg3 Kxf5 Kh4 b5 Be7 Nh7 axb5 axb5 Kh5 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Kh4 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Kg3 Nf8 Be7 Ng6 Bd6 46...a6 (0:12) 47.Bb4 (0:02)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=14.65 sec. score=+2.01 depth=36 nps=9.34M egtb=2479/2479 cpu=399.16% pv: Bb4 Kf7 f5 Ne4 Kf4 g3 47...Kf7 (0:09) 48.f5 (0:06)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=15.33 sec. score=+1.95 depth=36 nps=6.77M egtb=9714/9714 cpu=399.50% pv: f5 Ne4 Kf4 g3 Kf3 Kf6 Kg2 Ng5 Kxg3 Kxf5 Kh4 b5 axb5 axb5 Be7 Nh7 Kg3 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Kf3 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Ke3 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Kf3 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 48...Ne4 (0:12) 49.Kf4 (0:06)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=17.98 sec. score=+2.05 depth=36 nps=6.08M egtb=11351/11351 cpu=399.65% pv: Kf4 g3 Kf3 Kf6 Kg2 Ng5 Kxg3 Kxf5 Kh4 Nh7 Be7 Kf4 Bd8 b5 a5 Nf8 Bc7+ Kf5 Bd6 Nh7 Be7 Kf4 Kh3 Kf5 Kg3 Ke6 Bh4 Kf5 Bd8 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Kf3 Ke6 Bh4 Kf5 Bd8 49...g3 (0:06) 50.Kf3 (0:11)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=17.92 sec. score=+1.91 depth=37 nps=5.11M egtb=22093/22093 cpu=399.49% pv: Kf3 Kf6 Kg2 Ng5 Kxg3 Kxf5 Kh4 Nh7 Bd6 b5 axb5 axb5 Bc5 Nf6 Be7 Nh7 Kg3 Ke6 Bb4 Kf5 Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bc7 Kg4 Bd6 Kf5 Bc5 Nf6 Kf3 50...Kf6 (0:09) 51.Kg2 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=11.85 sec. score=+1.92 depth=37 nps=4.94M egtb=18314/18314 cpu=399.82% pv: Kg2 Ng5 Kxg3 Kxf5 Kh4 Nf3+ Kh5 Ng5 Be7 Nh7 Kh4 b5 a5 Kf4 Kh5 Kf5 Bd8 Nf8 Kh4 Kf4 Bc7+ Kf5 Kg3 Nh7 Bd6 Ng5 Bb4 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Kf3 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Ke3 Ke6 Bd8 51...Ng5 (0:09) 52.Kxg3 (0:10)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=19.30 sec. score=+1.91 depth=37 nps=4.39M egtb=40768/40768 cpu=399.58% pv: Kxg3 Kxf5 Kh4 b5 Be7 Nh7 axb5 axb5 Kg3 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Kf3 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Ng5+ Kg3 Ne4+ Kg2 Kg6 Kf3 Kf5 Ba5 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bd8 Kg4 Be7 Kg3 52...Kxf5 (0:09) 53.Kh4 (0:05)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=14.17 sec. score=+1.92 depth=36 nps=5.85M egtb=30420/30420 cpu=399.31% pv: Kh4 Nh7 Ba3 Kf4 Bd6+ Kf5 Be7 b5 axb5 axb5 Kg3 Ke6 Bb4 Kf5 Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bc5 Kg4 Bd6 Nf6 Be5 Nh7 Bc7 Kf5 Bd8 Kg4 Be7 Kg3 Bb4 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 Bd6+ Kg4 Be5 Ng5 Bd6 53...Nh7 (0:08) 54.Bd6 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=11.26 sec. score=+1.95 depth=36 nps=6.11M egtb=33168/33168 cpu=399.36% pv: Bd6 b5 axb5 axb5 Be7 Ke6 Bc5 Kf5 Ba3 Nf6 Kg3 Ne4+ Kf3 Nf6 Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Ng5+ Kg3 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Kh4 Nf8 Ba5 Nh7 Bc7 Nf6 Be5 Nh7 Kh5 Ng5 Bd6 Nf7 Bc5 Ng5 54...Ng5 (0:08) 55.Be7 (0:13)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=12.23 sec. score=+1.93 depth=39 nps=6.21M egtb=25519/25519 cpu=399.56% pv: Be7 Nh7 Bd8 b5 axb5 axb5 Kg3 Nf8 Kf3 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bc5 Kf5 Kg3 Ng5 Bb4 Nh7 Kh4 Nf6 Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Bc7 Nh7 Bd6 Nf6 Be5 Nh7 Kh5 Ng5 Bg7 Nh7 Kh4 Kg6 Kg4 Ng5 Bf8 55...Nh7 (0:08) 56.Kg3 (0:08)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=15.73 sec. score=+2.15 depth=38 nps=7.76M egtb=31902/31902 cpu=399.41% pv: Kg3 b5 axb5 axb5 Kf3 Ke6 Bc5 Kf5 Ke3 Ng5 Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Bh4 Nh7 Kf3 Nf8 Bd8 Nh7 Kg3 Nf8 Bb6 Nh7 Kf3 Nf8 Ke3 Nh7 Ba5 Nf6 Kf3 Ne4 Bb4 Ng5+ Ke3 Kg6 Kf4 Ne6+ Ke5 56...b5 (0:08) 57.axb5 (0:07)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=15.43 sec. score=+1.93 depth=40 nps=4.88M egtb=34225/34225 cpu=399.33% pv: axb5 axb5 Kf3 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 Ba3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bd6 Kg4 Bb4 Kf5 Be7 Kg4 Bd8 Nf8 Bb6 Nh7 Ba5 Nf6 Bb4 Kf5 Bf8 Ng4+ Ke2 Kg6 Kf3 Nxh6 Bxh6 Kxh6 Kf4 Kh5 57...axb5 (0:07) 58.Kf3 (0:19)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=26.57 sec. score=+2.10 depth=40 nps=5.45M egtb=65091/65091 cpu=399.30% pv: Kf3 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Kg3 Nh7 Ba5 Ng5 Bb4 Ne4+ Kh3 Nf6 Be7 Nh7 Kg3 Ke6 Bh4 Kf5 Bd8 Nf8 Ba5 Nh7 Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Kg6 Kf4 Kf6 Ba5 Ke6 58...Ke6 (0:07) 59.Bh4 (0:16)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=23.04 sec. score=+1.97 depth=37 nps=6.13M egtb=54007/54007 cpu=399.37% pv: Bh4 Kf5 Bd8 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bh4 Nf8 Be1 Ne6 Bd2 Nf8 Bf4 Nh7 Bd6 Ng5+ Ke3 Kg4 Bc5 Nh7 Be7 Kg3 Ba3 Kg4 Ke2 Kf5 Be7 Kf4 Bd6+ Ke4 Kd2 Kf5 Ke3 Kg4 Bb4 Kf5 Kf3 Ng5+ Kf2 Nh7 59...Kf5 (0:07) 60.Bd8 (0:06)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=13.07 sec. score=+1.92 depth=38 nps=8.11M egtb=33514/33514 cpu=399.49% pv: Bd8 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bh4 Nf8 Bd8 Nh7 Kg3 Nf8 Bb6 Nh7 Bc5 Nf6 Kf3 Kg6 Kf4 Kxh6 Ke5 Kg6 Be7 Ne4 Bb4 Nf6 Ke6 Kg7 Ba5 Kg6 Bc7 Ne4 Kxd5 Nxc3+ Kc5 Kf5 Ba5 Ne2 d5 c3 Bc7 60...Nf8 (0:07) 61.Be7 (0:06)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=13.27 sec. score=+2.14 depth=38 nps=7.98M egtb=24702/24702 cpu=399.16% pv: Be7 Nh7 Bh4 Nf8 Bg3 Ne6 Bd6 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Be5 Nf8 Bg3 Nh7 Bc7 Nf6 Kf3 Nh7 Ba5 Nf6 Bd8 Nh7 Kg3 Nf8 Bc7 Nh7 Ba5 Ng5 Bb4 Nh7 Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Ba3 Kf5 Bb4 Kg6 61...Nh7 (0:07) 62.Bh4 (0:06)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=12.93 sec. score=+1.91 depth=35 nps=8.25M egtb=28315/28315 cpu=398.54% pv: Bh4 Nf8 Bg3 Ne6 Bd6 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Be7 Kg4 Ke2 Kf4 Bd8 Nf8 Kd1 Kf5 Be7 Ng6 Ba3 Kg5 Bc1+ Kf6 Ke2 Nf8 Ba3 Nh7 Ke3 Kf5 Kf3 Nf6 Bc1 Nh7 Bf4 Nf6 Be5 Ne4 Bf4 62...Nf8 (0:06) 63.Be7 (0:19)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=25.61 sec. score=+2.05 depth=37 nps=4.71M egtb=49209/49209 cpu=399.23% pv: Be7 Nh7 63...Nh7 (0:06) 64.Kg3 (0:06)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=12.22 sec. score=+1.97 depth=37 nps=10.59M egtb=20262/20262 cpu=398.88% pv: Kg3 Ke6 Bh4 Kf5 Kh3 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Nf6 Kg2 Nh7 Ba3 Ng5 Bc1 Nh7 Kf2 Ke4 Bd2 Nf6 Ke2 Kf5 Kf3 Nh7 Bf4 Kg6 Bc1 Kf5 Kg2 Ke6 Bb2 Kf6 Ba3 Ng5 Bb4 Nf7 Bf8 64...Ke6 (0:06) 65.Bd8 (0:07)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=13.00 sec. score=+2.07 depth=37 nps=9.36M egtb=15313/15313 cpu=398.91% pv: Bd8 Kf5 65...Kf5 (0:06) 66.Kh3 (0:05)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=11.23 sec. score=+1.94 depth=36 nps=8.28M egtb=15012/15012 cpu=398.68% pv: Kh3 Kf4 Be7 Kf5 Bb4 Ng5+ Kg3 Ne4+ Kh4 Nf6 Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Bc7 Nh7 Kg3 Nf6 Ba5 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Kh3 Kf4 Ba5 Kg5 Kg3 Kxh6 Kf4 Nd7 Kf5 Kg7 Ke6 Nf6 Bb6 Kg6 Bc7 Ne4 66...Kf4 (0:06) 67.Kh4 (0:07)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=11.51 sec. score=+2.05 depth=37 nps=3.38M egtb=14490/14490 cpu=399.57% pv: Kh4 Kf5 Be7 Ke6 Bc5 Kf5 Bd6 Ng5 Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Ng5 Kg3 Ne4+ Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bd6 Kg4 Be5 Kf5 Bf4 Kg6 Bd6 Kf5 Be7 Ke6 Bh4 Kf5 Bd8 Kg4 Ba5 Kf5 Bb4 Kg4 Be7 Kg3 Ba3 67...Kf5 (0:06) 68.Kh3 (0:04)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=9.97 sec. score=+2.09 depth=37 nps=8.21M egtb=14743/14743 cpu=399.39% pv: Kh3 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Nf6 Kh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kf5 Kf3 Ne4 Ke3 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 Bd6 Nf6 Kf3 Ne4 Bg3 Ng5+ Ke3 Kg6 Kf4 Ne4 Be1 Ng5 Bh4 Ne4 Ke5 Nxc3 Be1 Nd1 c3 Ne3 Bd2 68...Kf4 (0:06) 69.Be7 (0:13)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=12.86 sec. score=+1.98 depth=37 nps=8.87M egtb=17500/17500 cpu=399.12% pv: Be7 Kf5 Bb4 Ng5+ Kg3 Ne4+ Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Be7 Kg4 Kf2 Kf5 Bh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kf5 Kg2 Kg4 Be7 Kf4 Bd6+ Kg5 Kg3 Kxh6 Kf4 Kg7 Ke5 Nf6 Ke6 Kg6 Ba3 Kg7 Bc1 Kg6 Ke5 Ne4 Kxd5 Nxc3+ Kc5 69...Kf5 (0:05) 70.Bb4 (0:12)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=17.33 sec. score=+2.05 depth=36 nps=11.40M egtb=23259/23259 cpu=398.79% pv: Bb4 Nf6 Kg3 Nh5+ Kh4 Nf6 Be7 Nh7 Kh5 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Kh4 Ke6 Bb4 Kf5 Kg3 Nf6 Kf3 Nh7 Bd6 Nf6 Bf8 Ne4 Bb4 Ng5+ Kg3 Nh7 Bd6 Ng5 Kh4 Nf7 h7 Kg6 70...Ng5+ (0:05) 71.Kg3 (0:20)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=19.46 sec. score=+2.11 depth=37 nps=10.95M egtb=31229/31229 cpu=398.85% pv: Kg3 Ne4+ Kf3 Nf6 Ke2 Kf4 Be7 Nh7 Bd6+ Ke4 Bc5 Ng5 Kf2 Kf5 Ke3 Nh7 Be7 Kg4 Bd6 Kf5 Bc5 Kg4 Bb4 Kf5 Kf2 Kf4 Bd6+ Kf5 Kf3 Nf6 Bc5 Kg6 Kf4 Kxh6 Kf5 Ne4 Bb4 Kg7 Ke6 71...Ne4+ (0:05) 72.Kh4 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=8.54 sec. score=+2.03 depth=37 nps=9.43M egtb=11670/11670 cpu=398.66% pv: Kh4 Ng5 Bc5 Kf4 Bd6+ Kf5 Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Kf4 Bc7+ Kf5 Ba5 Ng5 Bb4 Nh7 Kg3 Nf6 Kg2 Nh7 Kf2 Kg4 Ke3 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 Be7 Kf5 Bc5 Nf6 Kf3 Nh7 Kf2 Kf4 Be7 Ke4 Kg2 Kf4 Bd6+ Kf5 72...Nf6 (0:05) 73.Be7 (0:07)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=6.05 sec. score=+1.98 depth=38 nps=12.50M egtb=6877/6877 cpu=398.29% pv: Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Kh3 Nh7 Kg2 Kf4 Bc7+ Kg4 Bd6 Kf5 Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Be7 Kg4 Bc5 Kf5 Bb4 Nf6 Kf3 Ne4 Ba5 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bd8 Kg4 Kf2 Kf4 Bc7+ Ke4 Be5 Kf5 Bd6 Ke6 Bb4 Nf6 Kf3 73...Nh7 (0:05) 74.Bd8 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=8.51 sec. score=+2.02 depth=36 nps=9.21M egtb=11541/11541 cpu=398.89% pv: Bd8 Nf8 Kh5 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bb4 74...Nf8 (0:05) 75.Kh5 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=8.08 sec. score=+2.05 depth=36 nps=5.99M egtb=7168/7168 cpu=399.41% pv: Kh5 Nh7 Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Kh4 Ke6 Bb4 Kf5 Kg3 Ng5 Ba5 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Bc7 Nh7 Ba5 Ng5 Bb6 Ne4+ Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bd8 Kg4 Be7 Kf5 Bb4 Kg4 Bd6 Kg5 Bf4+ Kf5 Bd6 Nf6 Kf3 75...Nh7 (0:05) 76.Bh4 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=7.93 sec. score=+1.90 depth=38 nps=6.81M egtb=9415/9415 cpu=399.34% pv: Bh4 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Bc7 Nh7 Be5 Ng5 Bd6 Nh7 Kh4 Ke6 Bb4 Kf5 Kg3 Ng5 Ba5 Ne4+ Kf3 Nf6 Bb4 Ne4 Ke3 Ng5 Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Kf3 Nh7 Kg3 Nf8 Bc7 Nh7 Kh4 Nf6 Be5 76...Nf8 (0:06) 77.Be7 (0:01)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=7.11 sec. score=+1.98 depth=37 nps=6.66M egtb=6295/6295 cpu=399.18% pv: Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Nf6+ Kh4 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bc5 Kf5 Bd6 Nf6 Be5 Nh7 Bc7 Nf6 Ba5 Kg6 Kg3 Kf5 Kg2 Nh7 Kh3 Kf4 Bb4 Kf5 Be7 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Kg3 Nf6 Bxf6 Kxf6 Kf4 Kg6 Ke5 77...Nh7 (0:04) 78.Bd8 (0:08)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=12.64 sec. score=+2.01 depth=38 nps=7.65M egtb=18541/18541 cpu=399.01% pv: Bd8 Nf8 Bh4 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bb4 Kf5 Ba5 Nf6+ Kh4 Nh7 Bc7 Nf6 Be5 Nh7 Bg7 Ng5 Kh5 Nh7 Bh8 Nf8 Be5 Nh7 Kh4 Ng5 Bd6 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bb4 Kf5 Kg3 Ng5 Bc5 Ne4+ Kf3 Kg6 Bb4 Nd2+ Kf4 78...Nf8 (0:04) 79.Bh4 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=7.43 sec. score=+2.23 depth=38 nps=8.54M egtb=7540/7540 cpu=398.94% pv: Bh4 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Ba3 Kf5 Bb4 Ng5 Kh4 Kf4 Ba5 Kf5 Kg3 Nh7 Bb4 Nf6 Kf3 Ne4 Ba5 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bd8 Kg4 Ke2 Kf4 Be7 Ke4 Kd2 Kf4 Kc1 Kf5 Kb2 Ke4 Bd8 Kf4 Ka3 Ke3 79...Nh7 (0:03) 80.Bd8 (0:02)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=5.47 sec. score=+2.05 depth=38 nps=5.01M egtb=11749/11749 cpu=399.69% pv: Bd8 Nf8 Bg5 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Ba3 Kf5 Bb4 Nf6+ Kh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kf5 Kf3 Ne4 Ke3 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 Be7 Kg4 Bd8 Kf5 Kf2 Kg4 Kg2 Kf4 Kh2 Nf8 Bc7+ Kg5 Bd6 Nh7 Kg3 Kf5 Kh4 Nf6 Be5 Nh7 80...Nf8 (0:01) 81.Bh4 (0:11)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=11.85 sec. score=+2.05 depth=39 nps=7.00M egtb=15018/15018 cpu=399.40% pv: Bh4 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bc5 Kf5 Kh4 Nf6 Kg3 Ne4+ Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Kg4 Be7 Nh7 Bb4 Kf5 Bc5 Kg5 Kf3 Kxh6 Kf4 Nf6 Ke5 Kg7 Be7 Ne4 Bb4 Nf6 Ke6 Kg6 Bc5 Kg7 Be7 Ne4 Bb4 Nf6 Bf8+ Kg6 Be7 81...Nh7 (0:01) 82.Be7 (0:04)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=5.49 sec. score=+2.05 depth=38 nps=7.06M egtb=8844/8844 cpu=399.24% pv: Be7 Ke6 Bc5 Kf5 Bb4 Ng5 Bd6 Nh7 Kh4 Ng5 Bb4 Nh7 Kg3 Ng5 Ba5 Ne4+ Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Kf3 Nh7 Kg3 Nf8 Ba5 Nh7 Kh3 Kf4 Kh4 Kf5 Bc7 Ng5 Bd6 Nh7 Kg3 Ng5 Bc5 Ne4+ Kf3 Nxc5 82...Ke6 (0:01) 83.Bb4 (0:10)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=10.78 sec. score=+2.08 depth=39 nps=9.85M egtb=15885/15885 cpu=398.67% pv: Bb4 Kf5 Ba5 Ng5 Bc7 Nh7 Be5 Nf8 Bd6 Nh7 Kh4 Nf6 Be5 Nh7 Bc7 Nf6 Ba5 Kg6 Kg3 Kf5 Kf3 Ne4 Bb4 Ng5+ Ke3 Kf6 Bc5 Kf5 Be7 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Kf3 Kg6 Kg4 Kxh6 Kf5 Ng6 Bg5+ Kg7 Ke6 83...Kf5 (0:01) 84.Be7 (0:17)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=17.76 sec. score=+2.04 depth=39 nps=7.30M egtb=26322/26322 cpu=398.97% pv: Be7 Nf6+ 84...Ke6 (0:01) 85.Bb4 (0:04)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=3.11 sec. score=+2.20 depth=39 nps=11.80M egtb=4997/4997 cpu=398.73% pv: Bb4 Kf5 85...Kf5 (0:01) 86.Ba5 (0:04)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=5.59 sec. score=+2.12 depth=37 nps=10.70M egtb=7867/7867 cpu=399.24% pv: Ba5 Nf6+ Kh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kf5 Kg2 86...Nf6+ (0:01) 87.Kh4 (0:01)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=1.78 sec. score=+1.91 depth=34 nps=13.73M egtb=736/736 cpu=398.81% pv: Kh4 Nh7 Bc7 Ng5 Bd6 Nh7 Be5 Ng5 Bg3 Nh7 Bd6 Nf6 Bb4 Kg6 Kg3 Kf5 Kf3 Ne4 Ke3 Ng5 Bc5 Nh7 Ba3 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 Bc5 Nf6 Kf3 Nh7 Bb4 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 87...Kg6 (0:00) 88.Kg3 (0:04)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=3.10 sec. score=+1.99 depth=35 nps=9.14M egtb=4489/4489 cpu=399.01% pv: Kg3 Kf5 Bb6 Ne4+ Kf3 Kg6 Ba5 Kf5 Ke3 Ng5 Bb6 Nh7 Bd8 Nf8 Be7 Nh7 Bd6 Ng5 Bb4 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bc5 Kf5 Bb4 Nf6 Kf3 Nh7 Ba5 Nf8 Ke3 Nh7 Bc7 Kg6 Kf4 88...Kf5 (0:01) 89.Kf3 (0:11)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=12.22 sec. score=+1.95 depth=37 nps=10.31M egtb=15956/15956 cpu=398.84% pv: Kf3 Ne4 Bb4 Nf6 Bf8 Ne4 Ba3 Nf6 Bb4 Ne4 Ke3 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Kg4 Be7 Kf5 Ke2 Ke4 Kf2 Kf4 Bd6+ Ke4 Kg3 Ke3 Be7 Kd2 Bb4 Ke3 Kg4 Ke4 89...Ne4 (0:01) 90.Ke3 (0:12)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=12.88 sec. score=+1.89 depth=36 nps=9.44M egtb=19504/19504 cpu=399.04% pv: Ke3 Nf6 Ke2 Kg6 Kf3 Kf5 Bd8 Nh7 Kg3 Nf8 Bc7 Nh7 Bf4 Nf6 Kf3 Kg6 Bd2 Kf5 Bc1 Nh7 Bf4 Kg6 Bd6 Kf5 Bg3 Ng5+ Ke3 Kg6 Kf4 Ne4 Be1 Ng5 Bh4 Ne4 Ke5 Nxc3 90...Nf6 (0:01) 91.Ke2 (0:06)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=7.40 sec. score=+2.34 depth=35 nps=13.83M egtb=4655/4655 cpu=398.71% pv: Ke2 Nh7 91...Nh7 (0:01) 92.Kf3 (0:07)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=8.04 sec. score=+1.76 depth=35 nps=14.33M egtb=4499/4499 cpu=397.75% pv: Kf3 Ng5+ Ke3 Kg4 Bb4 Kf5 Bd6 Nh7 Ba3 Nf6 Ke2 Kg6 Kf3 Ne4 Bb4 Kf5 Ke2 Ng5 Ke3 Nh7 Bd6 Nf6 Bf8 Ng4+ Ke2 Nf6 Bb4 Kg6 Ke3 Kxh6 Kf4 Nd7 Kf5 Kg7 Ke6 92...Ng5+ (0:01) 93.Ke3 (0:03)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=4.11 sec. score=+1.77 depth=34 nps=14.31M egtb=2127/2127 cpu=398.72% pv: Ke3 Nh7 Bd8 Kg4 Kf2 Kf4 Be7 Ke4 Ke2 Kf4 Kd2 Kf5 Kc1 Kg6 Kb2 Kxh6 Ka3 Kg6 Kb4 Kf7 Bh4 Ke6 Kxb5 Nf8 Kc5 Nd7+ Kc6 Nb8+ Kb6 Nd7+ Kc7 Nf8 Bg5 Kf5 Bh6 Ng6 93...Nh7 (0:01) 94.Bb4 (0:09)
ArasanX(2637) whispers: time=10.00 sec. score=+1.71 depth=35 nps=13.45M egtb=9425/9425 cpu=398.10% pv: Bb4 Nf6 Bf8 Nh7 Be7 Ke6 Bd8 Kf5 Bh4 Kg4 Be7 Kg3 Kd2 Kg4 Kc1 Kh5 Kb2 Kxh6 Ka3 Kg6 Kb4 Kf7 Bd8 Ke6 Kxb5 Kd6 Bh4 Nf8 Bg5 Ne6 Bc1 Kc7 Ba3 Kd7 Kb6 94...Nf6 (0:01) 95.Bf8 (0:02) Nh7 (0:01) 96.Bb4 (0:08) Ng5 (0:01) 97.Bd6 (0:07) Nh7 (0:01) 98.Be7 (0:01) Ke6 (0:01) 99.Bd8 (0:02) Kf5 (0:00) 100.Bh4 (0:01) Kg4 (0:01) 101.Bf2 (0:02) Nf6 (0:01) 102.Be1 (0:02) Kf5 (0:01) 103.Kf3 (0:01) Kg5 (0:01) 104.Bd2+ (0:02) Kf5 (0:01) 105.Bc1 (0:02) Nh7 (0:01) 106.Bd2 (0:02) Nf6 (0:01) 107.Bc1 (0:01) Kg6 (0:01) Game drawn by the 50 move rule 1/2-1/2
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