execomp(2632) vs. chhillargenius(1459) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2020-03-10
exeComp(2632) whispers: This is Stockfish 080320 1.Nf3 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:00) Nc6 (0:04) 3.d4 (0:00) a6 (0:03)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=21 score=1.24 time=20.13 node=4544797 speed=225772 pv=Bg2 Bf5 c4 e6 O-O Be7 Ne5 Nf6 Nc3 O-O Bf4 Ne4 cxd5 Nxc3 bxc3 exd5 Qb3 Be6 Qxb7 Na5 Qb1 f6 Nd3 g5 Be3 Rb8 Qd1 Nc4 Rb1 Rxb1 4.Bg2 (0:20) Nf6 (0:13)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=20 score=1.21 time=13.76 node=3234140 speed=235039 pv=O-O Bf5 c4 e6 Nc3 Be7 Nh4 dxc4 Qa4 O-O Nxf5 exf5 Qxc4 Re8 d5 Ne5 Qf4 Bd6 Qxf5 Qd7 Qxd7 Nfxd7 Rd1 Nc4 e4 Nce5 5.O-O (0:14) h6 (0:02)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=20 score=1.51 time=14.38 node=3370517 speed=234389 pv=Ne5 Bf5 c4 e6 cxd5 exd5 Nc3 Be7 Nxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxe5 dxe5 Nc3 Qxd8+ Rxd8 exf5 Ne2+ Kh1 Nxc1 Raxc1 c6 Rc3 Rd7 Be4 O-O Rb3 a5 Kg2 a4 Rf3 Rfd8 f6 gxf6 exf6 Bc5 6.Ne5 (0:14) Bd7 (0:22)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=20 score=1.73 time=9.44 node=2280854 speed=241615 pv=c4 e6 Nc3 Be7 b3 O-O e3 Rb8 f4 Bb4 Bd2 Bxc3 Bxc3 b5 cxb5 Rxb5 Rc1 Rb8 Bb2 Nxe5 fxe5 Ne4 Ba3 Bb5 Bxf8 Bxf1 Qxf1 7.c4 (0:09) e6 (1:00)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=22 score=1.91 time=52.98 node=12445541 speed=234910 pv=b3 Be7 Nc3 O-O Bb2 Qe8 e3 dxc4 Nxd7 Qxd7 bxc4 Na5 Qe2 Rab8 a4 Bb4 d5 Nb3 Rad1 Bxc3 dxe6 Qxe6 Bxc3 Rfd8 Rxd8+ Rxd8 Bxb7 8.b3 (0:53) Bd6 (0:10)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=17 score=1.97 time=6.55 node=1582446 speed=241594 pv=Bb2 O-O Nd2 Be8 a3 b6 e4 Ne7 Nd3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 c6 Qe2 Bd7 Rfe1 a5 Bg2 a4 9.Bb2 (0:07) Ne4 (1:04)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=19 score=2.08 time=11.82 node=2853951 speed=241451 pv=Nd2 Nf6 a3 O-O Qc2 Qe8 e3 Be7 Rfd1 Rd8 Rac1 a5 Re1 Bd6 cxd5 exd5 e4 dxe4 Nxe4 Bxe5 Nxf6+ gxf6 10.Nd2 (0:12) Nxd2 (0:22)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=23 score=1.94 time=17.69 node=4375862 speed=247363 pv=Qxd2 Bb4 Nxc6 Bxd2 Nxd8 Rxd8 cxd5 Bb5 Rfd1 Ba5 dxe6 Bxe2 exf7+ Kxf7 Rdc1 c6 Rc5 Bc7 d5 Bb6 Rc2 Bd3 Rd2 Bf5 Bc3 cxd5 Bxd5+ Be6 Bxe6+ Kxe6 Rad1 Rxd2 Rxd2 11.Qxd2 (0:18) f6 (0:03)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=24 score=4.18 time=10.90 node=2612294 speed=239660 pv=Ng6 Rg8 cxd5 Ne7 dxe6 Bxe6 Nxe7 Qxe7 Bxb7 Rb8 Bxa6 Kf7 e4 Rgd8 Qe2 Kg8 Rfc1 Ba3 Bxa3 Qxa3 d5 Bf7 Bd3 Re8 Rxc7 Rxb3 axb3 Qxa1+ Kg2 Qe5 12.Ng6 (0:11) dxc4 (0:49)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=21 score=6.77 time=10.59 node=2641694 speed=249451 pv=Nxh8 cxb3 axb3 Ne7 Qc2 Kf8 Ng6+ Nxg6 Qxg6 c6 e3 Qe7 Qh7 Qf7 Bf3 Qg8 Qxg8+ Kxg8 Bg4 Rf8 Kg2 c5 Rfd1 cxd4 Rxd4 e5 13.Nxh8 (0:11) b5 (0:37)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=22 score=9.01 time=28.55 node=8711421 speed=305128 pv=bxc4 bxc4 d5 Ne7 Bxf6 e5 Bf3 c3 Qe3 Bh3 Bxg7 Nf5 Qe4 Qg5 Bxe5 Kf8 Bxc3 Re8 Qa4 Bxf1 14.bxc4 (0:29) bxc4 (0:03)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=21 score=9.16 time=10.49 node=3487996 speed=332506 pv=d5 Ne7 Bxf6 e5 Bf3 Bh3 Rfc1 Qd7 Bxg7 Bg4 Bxg4 Qxg4 Qxh6 e4 Bf8 Nxd5 Bxd6 cxd6 Qxd6 Ne7 Rxc4 Rd8 Qxa6 Qxe2 Qa4+ Kf8 Rxe4 15.d5 (0:10) exd5 (0:29)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=21 score=12.06 time=11.68 node=4256807 speed=364452 pv=Qxd5 Qe7 Qxc4 Rc8 Bxc6 Bxc6 Qxc6+ Qd7 Qd5 Qe7 Qc4 Rb8 Bc3 Kd7 Qg4+ Kc6 Ng6 Qf7 Nh4 Rb5 Bd4 Rd5 Nf5 Kb5 Rab1+ Bb4 16.Qxd5 (0:12) Ke7 (0:22)
exeComp(2632) whispers: depth=245 score=99.99 time=0.08 node=24044 speed=300550 pv=Qf7# 17.Qf7# (0:00) Chhillargenius checkmated 1-0
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