shakazahn(2095) vs. maulo(2084) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-02-23
MauLo(2084) kibitzes: tell shakazahn hello 1...g6 (0:00) 2.e4 (0:04) Bg7 (1:03) 3.Nc3 (0:07) d6 (0:04) 4.Be3 (0:02) a6 (0:11) 5.Qd2 (0:11) b5 (0:06) 6.O-O-O (0:09) Nd7 (0:08) 7.f3 (6:44) Bb7 (0:44) 8.g4 (0:35) Nb6 (4:43) 9.d5 (3:01)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: Nc4 is obvious, but pushing the c-pawn is also reasonable 9...c6 (3:05)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: and there it is 10.Bd4 (1:19) Nf6 (1:02) 11.g5 (0:23) Nh5 (0:44) 12.Bxg7 (0:09) Nxg7 (0:02) 13.dxc6 (2:15) Bxc6 (2:17) 14.h4 (2:04) O-O (0:16)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: Nh3-f4 and h5, simple plan
Nitreb(1292) whispers: B should have postponed castling then? 15.h5 (2:23)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: well he had to go kingside eventually 15...Nxh5 (1:00) 16.Rxh5 (0:03) gxh5 (0:02) 17.Qh2 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: this is even more direct than what I had in mind
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: but its tough to defend h7 here, so I guess its reasonable 17...Be8 (0:41)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: e5 is also an idea at some point
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: maybe right away
Nitreb(1292) whispers: Well that's radical
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: the idea of Be8 is to meet Qxh5 with f6, then park the bishop on g6
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: black can also then play Rf7 later, nicely reinforcing h7
schachbjm(2382) whispers: hi :)
Nitreb(1292) whispers: Hey 18.e5 (4:20)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: hey, fun position here already
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I really like whites attacking chances :)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: however, I am not sure whether the exchange sac was correct
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: maybe black can play Nc4 here
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: don't think white wants to give the bishop 18...Nc4 (4:04) 19.Bxc4 (0:17) bxc4 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: oh well, shows what I know
schachbjm(2382) whispers: exd Ne4 maybe
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: exd e6 probably
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: but then Ne4, yeah
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: not pleasant for black
schachbjm(2382) whispers: even d7 distracting blacks LSB and then Qxh5 20.exd6 (1:59) exd6 (0:04) 21.Ne4 (0:10) f5 (0:19)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Nxf6+, Rxd6 and gxf are my candidates here
schachbjm(2382) whispers: white will definitively have to take some time here
schachbjm(2382) whispers: In fact I would have spend quite some time to make sure that f5 is correct as a black player
schachbjm(2382) whispers: black has the time and the next few moves are critical
PreZandy(1814) whispers: New Blood is here! Go, Mauro!
PreZandy(1814) whispers: Hi all!
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: hi
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Nf6+ Rxf6 gxf6 Qxf6 Rxd6 is a possible line
schachbjm(2382) whispers: white is down a pawn, therefore blacks pawns are split up and the king is wide open
schachbjm(2382) whispers: gxf Bg6 (to stabilize) Rxd6 and it is hard to believe that black can survive
schachbjm(2382) whispers: after Rxd6 immediately here, black has the option to give up the queen for rook and knight, resulting in an unbalanced endgame which should be arround equal. However this is not forced at all and I am convinced that black has a superior answer to Rxd6
schachbjm(2382) whispers: sbc, how would you proceed here?
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: well I refuse to calculate when it isn't my game, so I would play gxf6 as it opens a line and wins a pawn :)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: :)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: I quite like your Nf6+ line though
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: its a tradeoff I would like for white
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I look forward to our game in two weeks and hope that you forget to calculate in that one :p
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: hah 22.Nf6+ (10:17)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Rxf6 seems forced here, black cannot tolerate this knight 22...Kh8 (1:09)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: wow
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: Rxd6 presumably
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: oh maybe not, Qc7 after that is annoying
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Rxd6 Qc7 Rd7 is 1-0 23.Qd2 (0:54)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: oh right, yes
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I would have played Rxd6 most likely
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: yes, at worst black can try the delayed exchange sac now
schachbjm(2382) whispers: but I really like Qd2
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: oh, Rxf6 Qc3 I suppose
schachbjm(2382) whispers: how does black prevent white to play Qc3 which is crushing
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: nasty
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: Qe7-g7 I guess, but its very passive 23...Qe7 (1:41)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I did not have seen an alternative ... 24.f4 (0:51)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: sth. like c3 Qc8 would have prevented Qc3, but at cost of further material 24...Rd8 (0:46)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Nf3 Re1 white can easily improve his position
schachbjm(2382) whispers: nonetheless I really like the direct Qc3
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: Qc3 forces Qg7, then Nf3 and black is pinned down
schachbjm(2382) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2382) whispers: the knight is quite flexible at f3 (Nh4-Nxf5) or exploiting some pins with Ne5)
PreZandy(1814) whispers: comp says that in various further lines W adv is around +0,3 - +0,7, but for human it's hard to defend in such position of course 25.Re1 (3:19)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I would have guesses it is +1.5 / +2.0 already 25...Qg7 (0:22)
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: well, engines like material
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Qc3, Nf3, Re6, ...
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: there's pretty clearly no mate, and no forced way to regain material, hence the comp isn't that happy
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: the fact that it think white is fine despite being three points of material down is pretty good 26.Re6 (2:43)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: I am surprised that there is no direct win (direct in computer terms, means sth. like decisive material in 10)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: but I am an attacking player who likes sharp position and is always optimistic about the attacking side of the board :D
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: I wouldn't like this as black either, but I think there are chances
schachbjm(2382) whispers: how does black proceed here?
schachbjm(2382) whispers: Bg6 is very passive
schachbjm(2382) whispers: and Rxf6 Rxf6 looks unpleasant as well
smallblackcat(2373) whispers: I would play Bg6, batten down the hatches 26...Bf7 (2:52) 27.Re7 (0:07)
schachbjm(2382) whispers: now it is all pinned ... MauLo resigns 1-0
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