axeltiger(2340) vs. shakazahn(2066) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2020-02-15
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: two knights!
axeltiger(2340) whispers: Of course we go for this :) 5.exd5 (0:08) b5 (0:03)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: The Ulvestad variation is a rare guest at the top level
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: of course, you are both cavemen ;)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: that's because of the following move 6.Bf1 (0:25) Nd4 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: I mean that in the nicest possible way of course ;)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: this is the main line, but there is a bit of an issue if white knows what to do 7.c3 (0:16) Nxd5 (0:03) 8.cxd4 (0:01) Qxg5 (0:02) 9.Bxb5+ (0:02) Kd8 (0:01) 10.O-O (0:05) Bb7 (0:21)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: the main move
axeltiger(2340) whispers: now d3 fails to Ne3, if I'm not mistaken 11.Qf3 (0:44)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: or maybe it was Nf4? In either case, this is the right way to play
axeltiger(2340) whispers: Rb8 is the main move here 11...Rb8 (2:08)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: pretty sure that e5 is up for grabs now.
Boobyslegacy(2068) whispers: I like those Fire-on-board games 12.dxe5 (0:48)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: on Ne3 there is the nasty Qh3! forcing mass exchanges, leaving white a pawn up
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I haven't really considered ...Qxe5 in my analysis prior to this game, but I cannot see that it is any good
Boobyslegacy(2068) whispers: always not a good idea to open lines to your centre-stuck king
Boobyslegacy(2068) whispers: so black has a slight lead in development, but white has the pawns
Boobyslegacy(2068) whispers: ...nf4 qg3
Boobyslegacy(2068) whispers: or ...nf4 d4!?
Boobyslegacy(2068) whispers: well then ...qxg2 probably
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: I haven't played this in a while and don't remember enough of the Nb4 line to play it
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: think I'll just do the forcing endgame variation
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: ah the luxury of knowing two lines in a position like this (even if you don't quite remember one of them)
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: still an interesting position 12...Ne3 (6:57)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: ah of course
axeltiger(2340) whispers: relatively best, but now white ends up a pawn to the good in the end. 13.Qh3 (0:32) Qxg2+ (0:02) 14.Qxg2 (0:04) Nxg2 (0:01) 15.d4 (0:05) f6 (0:08)
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: used to play Nh4, but Nh4 Bg5+ Be7 Bxh4 Bxh4 is nothing, I believe this is an improvement
axeltiger(2340) whispers: Be7 was the move I considered
axeltiger(2340) whispers: exf6 is of course not a good move, since it opens up the g file for the black rook
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: the game may have looked crazy until now, but it's all ulvestad book. Thankfully f6 seems to have surprised him a bit
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: I recently had a blitz series in this line over 20 games, that was fun, but my opponent then played a different line with no/later castling :)
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: "this line" being Ng5 2 knights
axeltiger(2340) whispers: Be2 is natural and probably quite strong here, meant to cover f3 16.Be2 (6:41) Nh4 (0:10)
Boobyslegacy(2068) whispers: crazy line
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: and here is the point of f6. Without being able to take the knight after Bg5+ I threaten Nf3+ to take back the pawn on d4
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: I imagine he'll play f4 to not give up the light squares completely, but then I have Nf5 and if he tries to hold on with Rd1, then moves like g5 must be interesting
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: but this is the first time I have this in a game, so winging it from here 17.Rd1 (2:59)
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: that I did not expect
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: not sure where to put my bishop after Nf3+ Bx Bx Rd3 17...Nf3+ (2:09) 18.Bxf3 (0:10) Bxf3 (0:03) 19.Rd3 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: light squares for a pawn, interesting trade-off
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: two bishops are also long-term compensation
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: going all the way back to a8 seems the most reasonable
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: tuck the bishop away in his vestry
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: Bd5 Nc3 Bc4 doesn't seem great when he can just play b3 at some point
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: maybe I shouldn't force the a8-h1 diagonal, Bh5 might be ok
axeltiger(2340) whispers: ok, so my opponent is having quite a long think here
axeltiger(2340) whispers: wonder if it's a dc
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: one possible issue with Bh5 is that I don't cover the a8 square anymore, leaving things like Rb3 RxR axR fxe Rxa7 exd Ra8+ open for white
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: no dc, just a very long think about a bishop retreat
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: is Be4 Re3 Bg6 an improvement in that case perhaps
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: and trying to get c5 in
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: I need to just make a move at this point, will be interesting to analyze this position later 19...Be4 (22:53)
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: curious about every options
PeterTrsavec(2025) whispers: The bishops are strong in an open position. 20.Re3 (3:41)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I think this is the way to go
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I guess black is planning ...Bg6 here
axeltiger(2340) whispers: otherwise it's not easy to see the point of playing ...Be4 20...Bg6 (0:56)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: my plan is to try and bait black into playing ...c5 at some point 21.Nc3 (0:20) Rb4 (1:41)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: hmmm, that came as a bit of a surprise 22.Ne2 (8:51) c5 (2:19)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: a3 is the move that captures my attention right now
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: a3 Rc4 I guess
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: if b3 then Rc2 23.a3 (3:58)
LNO(1941) whispers: Rc4 Maybe Rc3 is the reply
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: hmm, true
LNO(1941) whispers: otherwise I think Rc4 was strong
LNO(1941) whispers: does this mean that black will remain a pawn down? 23...Rc4 (7:56)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: looks like it
axeltiger(2340) whispers: now I get to keep my pawn
LNO(1941) whispers: ok consensus on that one :) 24.Rc3 (0:57) Rxc3 (0:03) 25.bxc3 (0:02) Kd7 (0:01)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: compensation is running out, but this will be hard to win
LNO(1941) whispers: I guess we will see a pretty big think here from Axel
LNO(1941) whispers: one of the bad habits I have nutured when I have become older, is that i dont have stamina to work out a real plan in positions like this 26.Be3 (2:41)
LNO(1941) whispers: axel is way better than i am in time management, add that he also has more knowledge and more experience and...
axeltiger(2340) whispers: the dream scenario is that I manage to trade my knight for black's lsb 26...fxe5 (1:13) 27.dxe5 (0:21)
LNO(1941) whispers: this looks critical for black now 27...Be7 (0:36)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: Nf4 would align with white's plan
LNO(1941) whispers: Nf4 followed by Rd1
LNO(1941) whispers: or maybe Rb1
LNO(1941) whispers: I assume the B is moved from yhay diagonal ofc
LNO(1941) whispers: ^that
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: I may be down a pawn, but I don't feel much worse
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: this can go either way, at least if you don't take player strength into account
LNO(1941) whispers: I would be worried as black 28.Nf4 (3:01)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: let's set a trap
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: shaka has a feel for these kinds of endgames 28...Be4 (0:31)
LNO(1941) whispers: i would not argue about the assessment
axeltiger(2340) whispers: he cannot prevent me from playing e6
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: my rook has entry through the b-file, not as easy for his
LNO(1941) whispers: but still for me when i see things like check and grabbing files for the R makes me nervous :)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: yeah I guess Rb8-b1 is a pretty good drawing plan
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: and this is the kind of position that had me surprised he gave up his LSB earlier (playing Rd1 over f4)
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: it's such a big piece
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: without rooks I don't believe this is winnable
LNO(1941) whispers: R should be kept
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: well, absent blunders :)
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: I've played hundreds of ulvestad games though, so maybe that explains it
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: I'm sure he'll still find a way to outplay me somehow 29.Rd1+ (2:12) Kc6 (0:12)
LNO(1941) whispers: ok he went for mu suggestion 30.Ne6 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: well g-pawn isn't really threatened yet
LNO(1941) whispers: and once again i would be nervous as black
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: Bd5
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: what does white do other than repeat? Ng5 or Bg5 leads to opposite bishops
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: Rb8 Bg5! looks very annoying
LNO(1941) whispers: i doubt white will be able to take it in a long time
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: so h6 almost plays itself
axeltiger(2340) whispers: stubborn defence
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: h6 is also good
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: ask white what he's doing
LNO(1941) whispers: time will be an issue
LNO(1941) whispers: it always is in tl games
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: h6 Nxg7 Rg8 Bxh6 can't be good, can it?
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: in all chess games really
schachbjm(2366) whispers: hi there :)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: hey
LNO(1941) whispers: yes, no matter how much time u r awarded its not enough
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: whoops, h6 Nxg7 Rg8 Bxh6 Bf8? Rd8!
LNO(1941) whispers: hi schach :)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: interesting thing is, h6 allows Nxg7 but Bd5 stops it
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: cos no Rd8 idea
schachbjm(2366) whispers: position should be arround equal, however the material imbalance let us hope for an interesting endgame
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: maybe Bd5 here then
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: I guess he isn't thrilled about allowing Rb1 later on, but really I think on Bd5 white just plays Nf4 and we repeat
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: immediate g5 is also a cute idea
schachbjm(2366) whispers: I like g5 here
schachbjm(2366) whispers: g5 f4 gxf Nxf Rg8+ looks quite pleasant for black 30...g5 (8:01)
marjohn(2100) whispers: very interesting position
schachbjm(2366) whispers: I wonder whether h4 is any good here, spliting up blacks pawn and keep the e- and f-pawn connected. The pawn on h4 should fall soon or later (Kh2-h3 ...)
schachbjm(2366) whispers: f4 looks way more natural and safe, though
LNO(1941) whispers: what about A MOVE LIKE C4?
LNO(1941) whispers: sorry cps lck
schachbjm(2366) whispers: black might have too much play on the kingside then and in addition whites knight is in danger: Rg8 h6 Bf5
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I might be able to actually take the pawn
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I need to calculate a bit
LNO(1941) whispers: Bf5 looks scary
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: huh, really
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: I don't see it, but its late...
schachbjm(2366) whispers: I doubt that white can take here, Rg8 and how does white defend?
LNO(1941) whispers: so now Im scared for white suddenly :)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: nah he'll calculate and realise he can't take
schachbjm(2366) whispers: If I am right, either f4 or h4?! have to be played
LNO(1941) whispers: probably
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I can't take it
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: there you are
axeltiger(2340) whispers: in that case, Ne6 was quite a severe blunder
Spiralize(2634) whispers: question is: would black be happier to see f4 or h4?...
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I don't like to play this way, but I don't see another way 31.f4 (15:48) gxf4 (0:21) 32.Nxf4 (0:27) Rb8 (3:30) 33.c4 (3:55)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: not super happy with my play in this game 33...Rb2 (1:46) 34.Nd5 (0:06) Bh4 (0:44) 35.Nc3 (0:16)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: clever
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: rook activates now
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: and Rb1+ is at least temporarily stopped
LNO(1941) whispers: hard to face Nc3 with little time left
LNO(1941) whispers: so mow im optimistic again, u have to forgive me for being giased guys!
LNO(1941) whispers: biased 35...Rg2+ (3:15)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I have to resort to tactical tricks here 36.Kf1 (0:04)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: interesting way to play
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I didn't really know it was possible
ShakaZahn(2066) whispers: hm, I'm lagging, bad timing 36...Bf3 (0:09) 37.Rd6+ (0:04) Kc7 (0:16)
LNO(1941) whispers: Nd5 now looks like the move to me
marjohn(2100) whispers: pretty sharp position 38.Nb5+ (2:28) Kb8 (0:08)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: mutual attacks with no queens on
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: don't see that often
LNO(1941) whispers: true
LNO(1941) whispers: I liked Nd5 39.Rd2 (1:13)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: I guess black has to trade, but I'm also not sure if he should be unhappy about it
axeltiger(2340) whispers: this is a two results game now I think
LNO(1941) whispers: agree 39...Rxd2 (1:31) 40.Bxd2 (0:08) Be7 (0:43)
LNO(1941) whispers: i checked with the comp and Rf6 was the way to contine instead of Rd2 Rf6 sac wasbt so easy to spot really
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: Rf6 eh 41.Nc3 (0:28)
LNO(1941) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: yeah I guess I see it, pawn is really tough to stop
LNO(1941) whispers: i suppose the pawn promotes
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: Rg8 Bxc5 Bh5 holds it, but then white also wins a7
LNO(1941) whispers: but not easy for the players to spot
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: so three passed pawns for an exchange 41...Kc8 (1:08)
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: easy enough to see after the fact ;)
LNO(1941) whispers: well this will be played out for sure
LNO(1941) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: yeah I should probably go to bed, gotta play in just over 10 hours...
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: seems like this one is going on a fair bit longer
LNO(1941) whispers: aha
smallblackcat(2299) whispers: g'night all, and g'luck shaka
LNO(1941) whispers: whats ur timezone?
LNO(1941) whispers: good night
LNO(1941) whispers: isnt d5 the sq for the N? 42.Nd5 (5:00) Kd7 (0:02) 43.Be3 (0:19) Bd1 (0:22) 44.Nxe7 (1:17) Kxe7 (0:02) 45.Bxc5+ (0:02) Ke6 (0:01) 46.Bd6 (0:07)
LNO(1941) whispers: arent there real winning chances in this opposite colored B endgame?
LNO(1941) whispers: seems very good to me
LNO(1941) whispers: but what do I know? 46...Bb3 (2:45)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: I didn't find any other way to preserve the advantage than going into the opposite colored bishops endgame 47.c5 (0:28) Bd5 (0:03) 48.Kf2 (0:09) a6 (0:06) 49.Ke3 (0:02) Kf5 (0:18) 50.Kd4 (0:02) Ke6 (0:01)
LNO(1941) whispers: maybe its just a draw anyway 51.h4 (0:51) h5 (0:23) 52.Bc7 (1:04) Bc6 (0:20) 53.Ba5 (0:01) Bd5 (0:16) 54.Bd2 (0:03) Bc6 (0:07) 55.Bg5 (0:04) Bd5 (0:05) 56.Bf6 (0:01) Bc6 (0:21) 57.Kc4 (0:01) Bb5+ (0:27) 58.Kb4 (0:02) Kd5 (0:10) 59.a4 (1:05) Bd7 (0:28) 60.Bg7 (0:20) Be8 (0:49) 61.Bf8 (1:05) Kxe5 (0:38) 62.Ka5 (0:02) Kd5 (0:16) 63.Bd6 (0:25) Bc6 (0:27) 64.Bf8 (0:10)
axeltiger(2340) whispers: draw 64...Be8 (0:14)
LNO(1941) whispers: i domt see a way 65.Bd6 (0:33) Bc6 (0:03) ShakaZahn offers a draw. axeltiger accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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