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rudyray(1933) vs. prezandy(1833) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2019-07-20

1.e4 (0:00) d6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:11) Nf6 (0:14) 3.Nc3 (0:24) g6 (0:20) 4.Be3 (0:39) Bg7 (0:49) 5.Qd2 (0:20) Nbd7 (2:31) 6.f3 (2:14) O-O (1:13) 7.Bh6 (1:07) e5 (2:52) 8.Bxg7 (0:09) Kxg7 (0:06) 9.Nge2 (4:40) c6 (6:56) 10.a4 (0:26)
evilmike(2119) whispers: Black is fine here
10...a5 (3:24) 11.O-O-O (6:53) Qe7 (2:44) 12.g4 (2:23) Ne8 (5:50) 13.h4 (1:05)
cjldx(1916) whispers: Go Rudy Go
13...Nb6 (1:47) 14.Ng3 (0:20) exd4 (3:09) 15.Qxd4+ (0:05) Qe5 (0:08) 16.Nh5+ (8:02)
blore(2000) whispers: this is a howler
blore(2000) whispers: what nonsense is nh5
blore(2000) whispers: this howls away the knight for NO COMPENSATION
kurumim(1984) whispers: White will take on b6 next
16...gxh5 (5:17) 17.Qxb6 (0:04)
kurumim(1984) whispers: the point is to disrupt Black's kingside
cjldx(1916) whispers: good move indeed
blore(2000) whispers: oh I am the retard
blore(2000) whispers: I did not even notice the hanging knight on b6
blore(2000) whispers: that was a glaring miss...I hope I don't make such misses in my own ganes
blore(2000) whispers: I thought nh5 was a howler
cjldx(1916) whispers: the game seems dynamic now
blore(2000) whispers: white looks better developed
17...hxg4 (10:28)
evilmike(2119) whispers: White's Q on b6 is annoying. It nails down the Bc8 and q-side pawns, but the White Q can also quickly get back to the k-side.
cjldx(1916) whispers: white have to open g file perhaps with a sac
evilmike(2119) whispers: For example, it would be interesting to play ...Bxg4 (after fxg4), then ...h5 and Nf6 for a strong point on g4, but the Bc8 is stuck
evilmike(2119) whispers: although maybe he can get away with it anyway?
cjldx(1916) whispers: h5 for the white is possible : just prevent h5 for black
18.fxg4 (7:22) Qf4+ (1:32) 19.Kb1 (0:09) Bxg4 (2:36)
evilmike(2119) whispers: getting exciting!
20.Rg1 (5:11) Nf6 (4:26) 21.Bd3 (0:17) Rfb8 (1:52) 22.Rdf1 (0:25) Qe5 (0:20) 23.Rxf6 (2:08) Qxf6 (0:42) 24.Rxg4+ (0:02) Kf8 (0:23) 25.e5 (4:33) Qxe5 (1:00)
evilmike(2119) whispers: White can go wrong here
26.Qf2 (2:37)
evilmike(2119) whispers: was hoping for Qc7 Qe1+, Ka2 Qe6+ picking up the R
26...h5 (1:31)
brunftbert(1790) whispers: what was that? Forcing the rook to go to where it wants to go to anyway...
27.Rg5 (1:26) Qe6 (1:20) 28.Ne4 (0:28) Ke7 (0:32) 29.Qg3 (4:46) Rd8 (0:51) 30.Nc5 (0:31) Qf6 (0:56) 31.Rf5 (2:41) Qh6 (0:51) 32.Nxb7 (0:50) PreZandy forfeits on time 1-0


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