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nbz(2145) vs. gargin(1957) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2019-03-09

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:05) b6 (0:04) 3.Nf3 (0:07) Bb7 (0:15) 4.g3 (0:07) e6 (0:12) 5.Bg2 (0:08) Bb4+ (0:51) 6.Bd2 (0:06) Be7 (0:05) 7.Nc3 (1:04) O-O (0:39) 8.O-O (1:07) d5 (0:40) 9.cxd5 (2:38) exd5 (1:23) 10.Ne5 (1:44) Nbd7 (0:56) 11.f4 (0:35) Ne4 (2:25) 12.Nxe4 (1:40) Nxe5 (6:38) 13.fxe5 (10:39) dxe4 (0:13) 14.e3 (0:33)
NBZ(2145) whispers: c5 Bc3 Bg5 is somewhat annoying
14...c5 (6:24) Gargin offers a draw. NBZ declines the draw request. 15.Bc3 (1:50) Bg5 (1:56) 16.Qe2 (0:42) a5 (1:13) 17.Rf5 (2:37) g6 (2:03) 18.Rf2 (0:48) Ba6 (3:47) 19.Qe1 (0:38) Bd3 (3:36) 20.Rd1 (2:06) c4 (0:26) 21.Rxd3 (2:02) exd3 (0:42)
schachbjm(2492) whispers: not sure about this exchange sac
22.d5 (6:42) Ra7 (5:31)
schachbjm(2492) whispers: is d6 a move here?
23.Bd4 (2:44)
NBZ(2145) whispers: hmm maybe d6 firs was better
23...Rd7 (2:52) 24.d6 (1:08) Re8 (5:51) 25.Bd5 (2:37)
schachbjm(2492) whispers: Qf1 next and black is in trouble
schachbjm(2492) whispers: 24...Re8 is a blunder
25...b5 (3:08) 26.Qf1 (5:53)
schachbjm(2492) whispers: was not Bc6 much easier?
NBZ(2145) whispers: i totally missed Bxe3, obviously
NBZ(2145) whispers: Bxe3 Bxe3 Rxe5 Bxf7+ Rxf7 Rxf7 Rxe3 d7! might still be fine
26...Bxe3 (8:35) 27.Bxe3 (2:09) Rxe5 (0:11) 28.Bxf7+ (1:38) Rxf7 (0:18) 29.Rxf7 (0:02)
NBZ(2145) whispers: Rxe3 d7 Re1! is probably the line
29...Rxe3 (0:39)
NBZ(2145) whispers: but okay let's see if there is anything else i can play
NBZ(2145) whispers: Rc7 is attractive too
30.Rc7 (4:30)
NBZ(2145) whispers: that pawn on d3 actually turning out to be my friend...who'd have thought
30...Qf8 (4:23) 31.d7 (2:06) Gargin forfeits on time 1-0


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