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gubbengraa(1993) vs. nbz(2106) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-11-24

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:27) e6 (0:09) 3.d4 (0:30) cxd4 (0:22) 4.Nxd4 (0:04) Nc6 (0:04)
NBZ(2106) whispers: finally a mainline Sicilian :)
5.Nc3 (0:59) Qc7 (0:06) 6.a3 (1:50) a6 (0:58) 7.Be2 (0:50) Nf6 (0:22) 8.O-O (1:28) Nxd4 (2:14)
avidmate(1818) whispers: isnt Nxd4 Qxd4 Bc5 a good tempo ?
9.Qxd4 (0:10)
avidmate(1818) whispers: ah
9...Bc5 (0:19) 10.Qd3 (1:56)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: ok I am out of book
10...b5 (1:03)
avidmate(1818) whispers: after b5 Bb7 the e4 pawn is under pressure
11.Kh1 (2:58)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: In the name of flexibility
11...Bb7 (1:16)
NBZ(2106) whispers: f4 h5 seems very interesting
12.f4 (1:24)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: a common route
NBZ(2106) whispers: d5 is also possible hmm
NBZ(2106) whispers: h5 Qg3 is what I'm looking at
12...h5 (7:24)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: Ok, I was just ponering this possiblity
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: podering
NBZ(2106) whispers: Qg3 Kf8!? should be fine but I am also considering Qg3 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 Qxg7 O-O-O
NBZ(2106) whispers: so i know that h5 is the move in a very similar variation where White hasn't played a3
NBZ(2106) whispers: i am banking on the fact that the extra tempo that a3 has provided me makes the idea work even better
13.Be3 (7:08)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: only idea
NBZ(2106) whispers: Ng4 Bxc5 Qxc5 Qg3 f5 is probably too wild right?
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: Where goes his king?
Koff(2037) whispers: long looks probable, but no hurry
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: Bf3 is useful waiting move
13...d5 (15:32)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: For a change I have more time
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: wow
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: Well, I could do a direct threat
Koff(2037) whispers: so e5? :)
14.Nxb5 (10:51)
Koff(2037) whispers: hmm, black has Nd7
NBZ(2106) whispers: Qb6 looks forced here
Bionchess(2224) whispers: that was a clever move!
14...Qb6 (4:02)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: make a new threat
15.Bxc5 (1:04) Qxc5 (0:24)
NBZ(2106) whispers: interesting tactic...i wonder if he gave any thought to 15. Qc3 or 15. e5
NBZ(2106) whispers: i am ashamed to admit i never even considered Nxb5 :)
16.e5 (0:51)
Bionchess(2224) whispers: can you think of all possible moves? ;)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: hm.. if my knight blocks on d4 it is some kind of french position
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: But the check on d6 is more tasty
16...Ne4 (3:07)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: I missed that one
17.Nd4 (2:01)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: f5 is an idea
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: Unless he goes g6
17...O-O-O (5:16)
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: Wow, i did not consider that
NBZ(2106) whispers: in retrospect, combining h5 and d5 wasn't a good idea, should have picked one and stuck with it
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: I was also thinking of advancing q-side pawns...
NBZ(2106) whispers: there are still a few attacking chances though
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: f5 loosens e5pawn
gubbengraa(1993) whispers: He intes to loosen it anyway with g5
18.b4 (9:36) Qc4 (4:22) 19.Nb3 (4:34) Kb8 (3:18) 20.Na5 (2:45) Qxd3 (1:52) 21.Bxd3 (2:40) g6 (1:31)
NBZ(2106) whispers: can't allow the f5 break
22.Nxb7 (3:11) Kxb7 (0:39)
Koff(2037) whispers: how white's gonna follow?
23.Rfe1 (0:40)
NBZ(2106) whispers: wonder if Nf2+ is any good
23...Nc3 (1:45)
NBZ(2106) whispers: let's just go for the straightfroward blockade
24.Kg1 (0:18) Rc8 (1:01) 25.Kf2 (0:23)
Koff(2037) whispers: is ...d4 a must?
25...Rhd8 (1:21) 26.Ke3 (0:32) d4+ (1:19) 27.Kd2 (0:18) Kb6 (0:29) 28.a4 (1:24) a5 (0:49) 29.bxa5+ (1:21) Kxa5 (0:03) 30.Ra3 (0:16) Rb8 (1:07) 31.Rb3 (2:27) Rb4 (0:53) 32.Bb5 (1:05) Rxb3 (1:11) 33.cxb3 (0:31) Nxb5 (0:12) 34.axb5 (0:17) Kxb5 (0:25) 35.Kd3 (0:18) Kb4 (2:12)
Bionchess(2224) whispers: R c1?
36.Rb1 (2:29) Rd7 (1:46) 37.Rb2 (0:34) Ka3 (0:37) 38.Rc2 (0:55) Kxb3 (0:38) 39.Rc1 (0:22) Kb4 (0:36) 40.Rc2 (0:06) Kb5 (0:26) 41.g3 (0:22) Kb6 (1:46) 42.h3 (0:26) Ra7 (0:46)
NBZ(2106) whispers: i am puzzled why he didn't just take on d4 earlier
NBZ(2106) whispers: now i have some chances
43.Kxd4 (0:54) Ra3 (0:10) 44.Rc3 (0:01) Rxc3 (1:34) 45.Kxc3 (0:03)
NBZ(2106) whispers: still drawn he has one tempo!
45...Kc5 (0:44) 46.h4 (0:55) Kd5 (0:12) 47.Kd3 (0:02) Kc5 (0:15) 48.Kc3 (0:01) Kd5 (0:04) 49.Kd3 (0:01) NBZ offers a draw. gubbengraa accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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