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xandor(2438) vs. mlodybog(2171) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-11-19

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:04) g6 (0:02) 3.Bf4 (0:02) Bg7 (0:03) 4.c3 (0:45) O-O (0:03) 5.h3 (0:08) d5 (0:11) 6.e3 (0:12)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: New Blood is here! Go xandor!
6...Nbd7 (0:41) 7.Bd3 (0:17) c5 (0:32) 8.O-O (0:22) Qb6 (0:57)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: This is the London!
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Hi Beto!
kurumim(2067) whispers: hi, Oleg!
9.Qc1 (4:10)
kurumim(2067) whispers: well, we have two experts in that opening ;)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Wow, I thought Qc2 or b3 now
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Well, I already see I am no longer an expert here ;)
9...Ne4 (1:01) MlodyBog offers a draw.
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Ha
kurumim(2067) whispers: for some reason the game wasn't caught by the TL bot
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Interesting offer!
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Ah, really?
kurumim(2067) whispers: yep xandor declines the draw request.
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Can this be fixed after completion of the game?
PreZandy(1854) whispers: At least it was caught by Watchbot
10.Nbd2 (3:48)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Hi Reza!
kurumim(2067) whispers: yes, they can retrieve it to the TL database
Mayors(1751) whispers: Hi friends
10...Ndf6 (2:22)
Hathkhola(1810) whispers: Hi friend
Mayors(1751) whispers: good to see you
PreZandy(1854) whispers: :))
PreZandy(1854) whispers: We already had a draw offer here ;)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: But we expect a tough fight between friends ;)
11.a4 (1:59)
kurumim(2067) whispers: you and David don't reserve the London for modest and quiet purposes -- you go for blood with it!
11...Bf5 (1:06) 12.Ne5 (0:58)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Yes, as they say: "the London, Calm and Quiet...The Calm before The Storm..." :))
kurumim(2067) whispers: calm, but not without poison
PreZandy(1854) whispers: yeah
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Tension increases...
kurumim(2067) whispers: yes, usually you don't see a bloodshed in the first 10 moves, but the middlegame tends to be tense
12...Nxd2 (2:18) 13.Qxd2 (0:09) Bxd3 (0:02)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: and early exchanges do not always help to cope with the London...
kurumim(2067) whispers: same with KIA
14.Qxd3 (2:00) c4 (0:04) 15.Qc2 (0:11) Rac8 (2:25) 16.a5 (0:59)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: N on f6 is tied by the possible fork Nd7
16...Qb5 (0:43)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: But now no longer the fork
17.Rfb1 (1:35) Ne4 (4:01)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Yes, ...Ne4 by Black is common development, but simple "cure" is f3, as g3-square is guarded by dsb
18.f3 (4:21) Bxe5 (3:49) 19.Bxe5 (1:09) Nd6 (0:27)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Well, now e4 push is possible (maybe after Bxd6) and White has better pawn structure in the centre
20.e4 (3:24)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Ah, e4 already now!
20...f6 (1:00) 21.Bg3 (0:50)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: ...f6 weakens g6-pawn which is already targeted by White Q
21...dxe4 (0:25) 22.fxe4 (0:13) Qg5 (0:16) 23.Kh2 (0:57) Kg7 (1:23)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Possible ...Qe3 will be covered by Re1, so isn't a real threat
24.Rf1 (1:20) Qb5 (1:04) 25.Qe2 (1:08) Nf7 (0:30)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Ra3 + b3 is an interesting option, than helps to build solid a5-b4-c3 structure
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Well, simple b4 works!!
PreZandy(1854) whispers: en passant is not possible
26.b4 (2:55)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: YES!
26...Qd7 (0:20)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: White has taken initiative for sure
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Any considerations, guys? :)
27.Rae1 (2:59) e5 (0:27) 28.Bh4 (1:41)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: I think we can't allow further ...Ne4
PreZandy(1854) whispers: yes
28...g5 (0:09)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: ...Ne5 I meant
29.Bg3 (1:52)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Now the window for Qh5 is open
29...Qe7 (1:50) 30.Qe3 (2:19) h5 (0:23) 31.dxe5 (1:43)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Is this targeting the a7-pawn? or direct tactics on K-side?
Mayors(1751) whispers: whats wrong to get that pawn with N?
PreZandy(1854) whispers: a7 falls anyway
31...Nxe5 (11:45)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Or maybe Rf5 is wiser move
PreZandy(1854) whispers: Then rooks can be doubled on f-file
32.Rf5 (4:14)
PreZandy(1854) whispers: YES
32...Nd3 (0:07) 33.e5 (2:30) MlodyBog resigns 1-0


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