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mariaelena(1975) vs. nbz(2136) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-11-17

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.b3 (0:04) Nc6 (0:18) 3.Bb2 (0:08) e6 (1:00) 4.Bb5 (0:16) Nd4 (2:15) 5.Bd3 (0:13) Nf6 (2:07) 6.Ne2 (0:27) Nxe2 (0:27) 7.Qxe2 (0:08) Be7 (0:37) 8.c4 (1:45)
NBZ(2136) whispers: this is a very interesting opening
8...d6 (2:32) 9.O-O (3:06) e5 (6:19) 10.f4 (0:21) Qc7 (2:36) 11.Nc3 (5:30) exf4 (11:37)
NBZ(2136) whispers: Bg4 Nd5! wins at least a pawn for White
12.Rxf4 (5:38) Be6 (2:37) 13.Nd5 (5:45) Bxd5 (0:40) 14.exd5 (0:04) O-O-O (2:52) 15.Re1 (0:26) Rde8 (0:52)
NBZ(2136) whispers: this is just really nice for White
16.Bf5+ (2:25)
NBZ(2136) whispers: hmm so Kb8 Bxf6 is a problem
16...Kd8 (5:07) 17.a3 (4:57) Rhf8 (2:23)
NBZ(2136) whispers: it's getting rather claustrophobic around my king!
18.b4 (2:40) g6 (4:52) 19.Bc2 (0:47) Nh5 (1:05) 20.Re4 (0:40) f5 (1:19) 21.Re3 (3:16) Qd7 (2:17)
NBZ(2136) whispers: on Qd1 I have Bh4 planned
22.Ba4 (5:57) Qxa4 (3:39) 23.Rxe7 (0:23) Nf4 (1:30) 24.Qe3 (0:46) Nd3 (1:19) 25.Rxe8+ (1:13) Qxe8 (0:13) 26.Qg5+ (0:09)
NBZ(2136) whispers: ugh
26...Kd7 (0:47)
NBZ(2136) whispers: there is stlll the mate threat at the end
27.Rxe8 (0:14) Rxe8 (0:03) 28.g4 (1:12) Nxb2 (2:21) 29.gxf5 (0:03) cxb4 (1:19) 30.axb4 (0:19) Re5 (0:46) 31.Qh6 (1:07) gxf5 (0:11) 32.Qxh7+ (0:09) Kc8 (0:16)
floare(1988) whispers: c5
33.c5 (1:56) Re1+ (1:28) 34.Kg2 (0:20) Re2+ (1:02) 35.Kf3 (0:29) Rxd2 (0:33) 36.cxd6 (0:05) NBZ resigns 1-0


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