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lightknight(1865) vs. emberspirit(1694) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-11-05

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:15) d6 (0:11) 3.d4 (0:09) cxd4 (0:06) 4.Nxd4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:05) 5.Nc3 (0:02) e6 (0:19) 6.Bg5 (0:17) Be7 (0:03) 7.Qd2 (0:17) O-O (0:24) 8.O-O-O (0:56) a6 (0:55) 9.f4 (2:59) h6 (1:24) 10.Bh4 (0:32) b5 (7:30) 11.e5 (5:12)
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: Isn't a3 the move here? Then black plays Bb7.
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: I don't understand the move e5 here.
11...dxe5 (1:39) 12.fxe5 (0:05) Nfd7 (0:01) 13.Bxe7 (0:37) Qxe7 (0:00)
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: e5 is hanging now, Nf3 or Rde1 must be played.
14.Qf4 (4:21)
Mahog(1880) whispers: Bb7
14...Bb7 (4:06)
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: At some point, black will play b4 forcing the knight to move backward.
Mahog(1880) whispers: or to e4?
15.Ne4 (2:53)
Mahog(1880) whispers: Bd3? offering g2 ... but black can always rely on Qg5
Mahog(1880) whispers: N on d6 is a nice prospect
Mahog(1880) whispers: Nc6
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: The idea is to play Bd3 for white.
Mahog(1880) whispers: yeh prolly but f5?
15...Bd5 (4:18)
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: If Bxe4, Qxe4 then white will plan to play Bd3 at some point threatening checkmate on h7.
Mahog(1880) whispers: then f5
Mahog(1880) whispers: exf6 Nxf6
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: Now a2 is hanging, will white play b3?
Mahog(1880) whispers: or Kb1?
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: The moves for white are b3 or kb1.
Mahog(1880) whispers: black can exchange Q's while K is on c1
Mahog(1880) whispers: there's also Nf5? ??
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: If b3 then Qa3+, then kb1.
Mahog(1880) whispers: yeh scary .. Kb1 I think safer
16.h4 (4:16)
Mahog(1880) whispers: well this works lol
Mahog(1880) whispers: Bxa2?
Mahog(1880) whispers: if b3 a5
Mahog(1880) whispers: gotta get Nb8 mobilised
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: White is planning to play g4 and g5 push.
16...Nc5 (2:17)
Mahog(1880) whispers: wrong N I reckon
17.Nf6+ (1:07)
Mahog(1880) whispers: wow
17...Kh8 (0:09)
Mahog(1880) whispers: m why not take the N?
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: Why did not black play gxf6?
Mahog(1880) whispers: must be something to it
Hathkhola(1752) whispers: gxf6, exf6 then black queen moves and white plays Qxh6 threatening mate on g7.
Mahog(1880) whispers: oh yeh
Mahog(1880) whispers: so black wants Nd7
Mahog(1880) whispers: and here Nxd5 exd5 Nf5?
18.Rh3 (5:27) Nbd7 (5:27) 19.Nxd5 (11:40) exd5 (0:00)
Mahog(1880) whispers: Nxd5exd5
Mahog(1880) whispers: Nf5 Qxe5QxQNxQRxd5
Mahog(1880) whispers: all square?
20.Re1 (1:42)
Mahog(1880) whispers: Ne6
20...Ne4 (6:48) 21.Bd3 (6:48) Ndc5 (2:22) 22.Nf5 (3:14) Qe6 (1:03) 23.g4 (2:20) Rfe8 (13:08) 24.g5 (3:58) h5 (2:59) 25.Rhe3 (2:30) Qxe5 (0:14) 26.Qf3 (0:08) Re6 (1:09) 27.Qxh5+ (0:49) Kg8 (0:09) 28.Qg4 (1:10) Rae8 (0:31) 29.Ng3 (0:42) Qd4 (2:32) 30.Nf5 (0:38) Qa4 (1:01) 31.Kb1 (1:05) Nd2+ (3:25) 32.Kc1 (0:34) Nxd3+ (0:05) 33.cxd3 (0:13) Rc8+ (0:03) 34.Kxd2 (0:15) Qc2# (0:03) LightKnight checkmated 0-1


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