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elery(2191) vs. diduk(2255) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-09-05

20...Rg6 (2:27) 21.Bxe5 (2:20) Bxa3 (0:16) 22.Qc2 (3:15) Nd5 (2:10) 23.Nc5 (3:30) Bxc5 (2:32) 24.Qxc5 (0:02) Rf8 (0:07) 25.Be4 (2:51) Rh6 (0:40)
LJMon(1848) whispers: white in a little trouble
26.g4 (1:47)
LJMon(1848) whispers: white gonna get scrunched
Twikki(2045) whispers: g4 seems like a bit of an overreach... putting a rook on c1 looked reasonable
26...Rh4 (2:10) 27.f3 (0:51)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qf7
27...b6 (5:03) 28.Qc6 (1:49) Qf7 (1:32) 29.Rd2 (1:18)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Nxe3 sure looks interesting
29...Nxe3 (4:17) 30.Qxc7 (0:25) Qxc7 (0:04) 31.Bxc7 (0:04) Nd5 (0:03) 32.Be5 (0:56) Rc8 (1:37) 33.Kg2 (0:40) Rh6 (1:02) 34.Kg3 (0:30) g5 (0:16)
Twikki(2045) whispers: white seems to have improved with the queen trade
35.Rdd1 (3:28) Nc3 (2:36) 36.Bxc3 (1:18) Rxc3 (0:07) 37.Rdc1 (0:08) Rxc1 (0:04) 38.Rxc1 (0:03) a4 (0:02) Diduk offers a draw. Elery declines the draw request. 39.Rc6 (2:49) a3 (0:27) 40.Bd5 (1:20) Bxd5 (0:07) 41.Rxh6 (0:03) a2 (0:03) 42.Rh1 (0:02) Kg7 (0:15) 43.Ra1 (0:15) Kf6 (0:10) 44.f4 (0:02) gxf4+ (0:27) 45.Kxf4 (0:02) Ke6 (0:06) 46.Ke3 (2:27) h6 (0:16)
LJMon(1848) whispers: white shudda taken the draw
47.Kd4 (0:27) Kd6 (0:09)
Spiralize(2541) whispers: if the king gets to guard the pawn the story changes
48.Re1 (0:40) Be6 (0:26) 49.Rh1 (0:14) Bxg4 (0:13)
LJMon(1848) whispers: that is optimistic
50.Rxh6+ (0:08) Be6 (0:01) 51.Rh1 (0:02) Bf7 (0:11)
LJMon(1848) whispers: just call it a day
52.Re1 (0:21) Be6 (0:18)
Spiralize(2541) whispers: I thought get the king on b2 and keep pushing, even if c5 is taken
53.Rc1 (1:11) Bf7 (0:14) Diduk offers a draw.
LJMon(1848) whispers: in the meantime the BK is taking pawns
Twikki(2045) whispers: maybe temporize to get the rook to the 5th with check after Kc3
Spiralize(2541) whispers: in the Kb2 Kxc5 you have Re1 threatening both to pin the bishop and to give a check if g4 is attacked
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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