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encephalocele(2159) vs. nbz(2084) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-08-10

1.Nf3 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:05) Nf6 (0:04) 3.c4 (0:06) e6 (0:03) 4.g3 (0:08) Be7 (0:11) 5.Bg2 (0:07) O-O (0:02) 6.O-O (0:30) dxc4 (0:23) 7.Ne5 (0:15) Nc6 (0:41)
NBZ(2084) whispers: i always feel odd playing this move
NBZ(2084) whispers: it's so weird and unintuitive when you first see it
8.Bxc6 (0:59) bxc6 (0:03) 9.Nxc6 (0:02) Qe8 (0:06) 10.Nxe7+ (0:21) Qxe7 (0:15) 11.Nd2 (0:55) Rd8 (4:54) 12.e3 (0:04)
NBZ(2084) whispers: hmm i am not familiar with this line...at first glance e3 looks a little risky
NBZ(2084) whispers: so many light squares
NBZ(2084) whispers: ..c5 or e5 is the question
12...e5 (8:32)
NBZ(2084) whispers: c5 was fine as well but i think e5 is more dangerous...now it's easier for my queen to join in any possible kingside attack
NBZ(2084) whispers: c5 was safer though getting rid of the doubled d-pawn
NBZ(2084) whispers: dxe5 Qxe5 Nxc4!? is possible but after Qe7 i think Black has compensation
13.dxe5 (4:05)
NBZ(2084) whispers: though Ne4 suddenly tempts me
NBZ(2084) whispers: Ne4 Qe2-c2 are fine for black
NBZ(2084) whispers: Ne4 Qf3!? is interesting
13...Ne4 (10:43) 14.Qf3 (4:20) Nxd2 (0:29) 15.Bxd2 (0:23) Bh3 (0:08)
NBZ(2084) whispers: so what i had planned after Rfd1 was Qe6!?
NBZ(2084) whispers: Rfd1 Qe6 Bc3 Bg4 Rxd8+ Rxd8 with a rather strong bind
16.Bc3 (6:28) Bxf1 (1:12) 17.Rxf1 (0:25) Qe6 (0:32) 18.a3 (1:00) c6 (0:26) 19.Rc1 (1:52) Rd3 (3:05) 20.Qe4 (3:24) Qd5 (7:56) 21.Qg4 (23:11) Rd8 (2:39)
NBZ(2084) whispers: i have some doubts whether the R v B ending (with queens and one pair of rooks traded) is winnable for black
NBZ(2084) whispers: white can force it if he likes with ...e6 now
22.e4 (1:37) Qe6 (3:51) 23.Qe2 (0:29) c5 (1:38) 24.f4 (0:39) Qd7 (7:57) 25.Kg2 (0:40) Rd1 (4:41) 26.e6 (2:44) fxe6 (0:50) 27.Rxd1 (0:08) Qxd1 (0:25) 28.Qxc4 (0:22) Qd6 (1:59) 29.Be5 (1:45) Qe7 (0:59) 30.h4 (0:27) Rd2+ (0:35) 31.Kh3 (0:13) h5 (0:32) 32.Bc3 (0:08) Rd8 (1:07) 33.Kh2 (0:33) Kh7 (0:48) 34.Kg2 (0:36) Rd7 (0:48) 35.Qe2 (0:07) Qf7 (0:24) 36.Qb5 (0:35) Rc7 (0:55) 37.Be5 (0:21) Rc8 (0:21) 38.Bc3 (0:12) Qg6 (1:18) 39.Qd7 (1:32) Qxe4+ (0:41) 40.Kf2 (0:05) Rg8 (0:40) 41.Qxa7 (0:03) Qc2+ (0:40) 42.Kf3 (0:03) Qd1+ (0:27) 43.Kf2 (0:10) Qc2+ (0:35) 44.Kf3 (0:08) Qd1+ (1:33) 45.Kf2 (0:05) Qd5 (0:45) 46.Qe7 (1:32) Qf5 (0:35) 47.Qd7 (0:29) Qc2+ (0:50) 48.Kf3 (0:05) Qg6 (0:18) 49.Qd6 (1:01) c4 (0:47) 50.a4 (0:37) Qg4+ (1:24) 51.Kf2 (0:10) Qf5 (0:51) 52.a5 (0:15) Qc2+ (0:11) 53.Kf3 (0:02) Qb1 (1:02) 54.Qxe6 (0:45) Qh1+ (0:37) 55.Ke3 (0:15) Qg1+ (0:15) 56.Ke4 (1:20) Qxg3 (1:08) 57.Qf5+ (0:14) Qg6 (1:01) 58.Qxg6+ (0:04) Kxg6 (0:02) 59.f5+ (0:12) Kf7 (0:24) 60.Kd5 (0:12) Ke7 (1:43) 61.Kxc4 (0:42) Kd6 (0:30) 62.b4 (0:30) Rc8+ (1:04) 63.Kd3 (2:13) Rf8 (0:58) 64.Ke4 (1:18) Rf7 (0:43) 65.b5 (0:57) Kc5 (0:30) 66.b6 (0:11) Kc6 (1:03) 67.Kf4 (1:34) Rd7 (0:53) 68.Kg5 (0:18) Rd5 (0:36) 69.Bxg7 (1:40) Rxa5 (0:05) 70.Kg6 (0:20) NBZ resigns 1-0


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