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zurichess(2181) vs. mrdario(1933) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-07-26

zurichess(2181) whispers: This is zurichess
1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:00) g6 (0:05) 3.Nc3 (0:00) d5 (0:07) 4.cxd5 (0:00) Nxd5 (0:08) 5.e4 (0:00) Nxc3 (0:15) 6.bxc3 (0:00) Bg7 (0:05) 7.Nf3 (0:00) c5 (0:09) 8.Rb1 (0:00) O-O (0:56) 9.Be2 (0:00) Nc6 (1:50) 10.d5 (0:00) Bxc3+ (13:53) 11.Bd2 (0:00) Bxd2+ (0:21) 12.Qxd2 (0:00) Nd4 (0:26)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=25 time=180.57 node=95828919 speed=530709 score=+0.50 pv="Nxd4 cxd4 Qxd4 Qa5+ Qd2 Qxd2+ Kxd2 f5 Rhc1 fxe4 Ke3 Rd8 Rc7 Kf8 Rbc1 Rb8 Kxe4 Bd7 Ke5 Rdc8 g4 Rxc7 Rxc7 Be8 g5 Kf7 h4"
13.Nxd4 (3:01) cxd4 (0:12)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=21 time=110.50 node=34969635 speed=316454 score=+0.54 pv="Qxd4 Qa5+ Qd2 Qxd2+ Kxd2 f5 Ke3 fxe4 Rhc1 Rd8 Rc7 Kf7 g4 b6 Kxe4 h5 f3 Rd7 Rbc1 Rxc7 Rxc7 hxg4 fxg4"
14.Qxd4 (1:38) Qa5+ (2:44)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=24 time=329.21 node=108256809 speed=328836 score=+0.57 pv="Qd2 Qxd2+ Kxd2 Rd8 Ke3 Rb8 Rhd1 Bd7 Rdc1 Rbc8 Rxc8 Bxc8 a4 Kg7 Rc1 e6 Rc7 exd5 exd5 Re8+ Kd2 Rd8 Bd3 Bf5 Bxf5 gxf5"
15.Qd2 (2:45) Qxd2+ (0:10)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=24 time=205.48 node=68445350 speed=333100 score=+0.49 pv="Kxd2 Rd8 Ke3 e6 Bf3 exd5 exd5 b6 Rbc1 Bb7 Rhd1 Rd7 d6 Re8+ Kf4 Bxf3 Kxf3 Re6 Rc6 Kg7 a3 Rd8 a4 Rf6+ Kg3 Rf5"
16.Kxd2 (3:15) e6 (6:32)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=23 time=106.25 node=37217529 speed=350296 score=+0.87 pv="d6 e5 Ke3 Rd8 Rhd1 Kg7 f4 exf4+ Kxf4 b6 Rbc1 a6 Rd2 Be6 e5 b5 Bf3 Rac8 Rxc8 Bxc8 Rb2 Bd7 Rb4 Be6"
17.d6 (1:46) Bd7 (2:57)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=22 time=65.72 node=23058226 speed=350848 score=+0.90 pv="Ke3 Bc6 Bb5 Bxb5 Rxb5 b6 Rc1 Rad8 e5 f6 f4 fxe5 fxe5 Rf5 Rc7 Rg5 Rxa7 Rxg2 h4 Rh2 Rxb6 Rxh4"
18.Ke3 (1:06) Bc6 (1:35)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=24 time=256.49 node=86689571 speed=337978 score=+0.79 pv="Bb5 Bxb5 Rxb5 Rad8 Rd1 b6 d7 f6 Rb3 Rf7 Rbd3 Kf8 Ke2 Ke7 a4 h6 Ke3 f5 e5 g5 Rd6 h5 f4 g4"
19.Bb5 (2:41) Rac8 (4:40)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=24 time=107.75 node=38338318 speed=355801 score=+1.17 pv="Bxc6 Rxc6 Rhd1 Rd8 Rxb7 Rdxd6 Rxd6 Rxd6 Rxa7 Rb6 a4 Rb3+ Kf4 e5+ Kxe5 Rb2 Kf4 Rxf2+ Kg3 Re2 Kf3 Rc2 a5 Rc3+ Kf4 Rc2 Kg3 g5"
20.Bxc6 (1:48) Rxc6 (5:35)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=25 time=173.73 node=60598734 speed=348813 score=+1.08 pv="Rhd1 Rd8 Rxb7 Rdxd6 Rxd6 Rxd6 Rxa7 Rb6 a4 Rb3+ Kf4 g5+ Kxg5 Rb2 Kh6 Kf8 h4 Rxf2 g3 Rf3 a5 Rxg3 a6 Re3 h5"
21.Rhd1 (8:15) b6 (4:45)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=27 time=220.23 node=80750491 speed=366660 score=+1.41 pv="Rbc1 Rxc1 Rxc1 Rd8 e5 Kf8 Rc7 Ra8 a4 a6 Rb7 b5 axb5 axb5 Rxb5 Ke8 Kd4 Ra2 Rb8+ Kd7 Rb7+ Ke8 Ke3 Ra3+ Kf4 Ra4+ Kf3 h5 Ke3 g5 h3"
22.Rbc1 (3:40) Rxc1 (1:14) MrDario offers a draw.
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=29 time=176.00 node=66727071 speed=379119 score=+1.48 pv="Rxc1 Rd8 e5 Kf8 Rc7 Ra8 Kd4 Ke8 a4 h6 Re7+ Kf8 Rb7 Ke8 Rc7 a6 Re7+ Kf8 Rb7 b5 axb5 axb5 Rxb5 Ke8 Rb2 h5 f3 Rc8 h4 Rc1 Rb7" zurichess declines the draw request.
23.Rxc1 (1:42) Rd8 (0:50)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=28 time=320.24 node=123647061 speed=386108 score=+1.51 pv="e5 Kf8 Rc7 Ra8 Kd3 g5 Kc4 a6 Rb7 Ke8 Rxb6 Rc8+ Kb4 Rc2 Rb8+ Kd7 Rb7+ Ke8 Re7+ Kd8 Rxf7 Rxa2 Kc5 h5 h3 a5 Kc6 Rc2+ Kb6 Re2 Kxa5 Rxe5+ Kb6 Rd5"
24.e5 (4:29) Kf8 (3:39)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=28 time=207.74 node=76697247 speed=369196 score=+1.50 pv="Rc7 Ra8 Kd4 g5 Rb7 Ke8 Re7+ Kf8 Kc4 a6 Rb7 Ke8 Rxb6 Rc8+ Kb4 Rc2 Rb8+ Kd7"
25.Rc7 (5:14) a5 (5:20)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=21 time=42.73 node=15998896 speed=374386 score=+1.76 pv="Kd4 h5 Kc4 Rb8 Kb5 g5 d7 Rd8 Kxb6 Ke7 Kc6 a4 h3 h4 Rb7 Ra8 a3 Rd8 f3 Ra8 Kc7"
26.Kd4 (0:43) Ke8 (0:42)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=24 time=50.26 node=18920128 speed=376452 score=+1.93 pv="Kc4 Ra8 Kb5 a4 Kxb6 h6 Re7+ Kf8 Rb7 Ke8 Rc7 g5 a3 Kf8 Kc6 Ke8 d7+ Kd8 Kd6 h5 Rc6 g4 h3 gxh3 gxh3 Rb8"
27.Kc4 (0:50) b5+ (2:50)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=24 time=40.76 node=15782583 speed=387188 score=+2.28 pv="Kxb5 a4 Re7+ Kf8 Ra7 Ke8 Kb6 a3 h4 h6 g3 g5 hxg5 hxg5 Rxa3 Rc8 f3 Rc2 Ra8+ Kd7 Ra7+ Ke8 Re7+ Kf8 a4 Rb2+ Kc6 Rc2+ Kd7 Rd2"
28.Kxb5 (0:41) Rb8+ (0:27)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=25 time=44.74 node=17093630 speed=382082 score=+2.96 pv="Kc6 a4 Re7+ Kf8 Ra7 Ke8 Kc7 Rd8 Rxa4 h5 h3 g5 Ra5 g4 a4 gxh3 gxh3 h4 Rb5 Rd7+ Kb6 Rd8 a5 Kd7 a6 Rb8+ Kc5 Rc8+ Kb6 Rb8+ Kc5"
29.Kc6 (0:45) Kd8 (1:53)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=27 time=34.77 node=13243599 speed=380919 score=+6.49 pv="Rxf7 Rc8+ Rc7 Rb8 Rxh7 Rc8+ Rc7 Rb8 Rd7+ Ke8 Re7+ Kf8 Rxe6 a4 Kc7 Ra8 d7 Kf7 Ra6 Rxa6 d8=Q Re6 f4 Re7+ Kd6 Re6+ Kc5 a3 Qd5 Ke7 Qb7+ Ke8 Kd4"
30.Rxf7 (4:20) Rc8+ (1:07)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=27 time=139.73 node=56954298 speed=407595 score=+8.12 pv="Rc7 Rb8 Rxh7 Rc8+ Rc7 Rb8 Rd7+ Ke8 Re7+ Kd8 Rxe6 Rc8+ Kd5 Rc2 Rxg6 Rd2+ Ke6 Kc8 Rg8+ Kb7 d7 Kc7 Rc8+ Kb6 d8=Q+ Rxd8 Rxd8 Kc6 Rc8+ Kb7 Rc4 Kb6 Kd6 Kb5 Rc5+ Kb4 e6"
31.Rc7 (1:12) Rxc7+ (0:20)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=17 time=101.24 node=61016401 speed=602713 score=+10.17 pv="dxc7+ Kc8 a4 g5 g4 h6 Kd6 h5 h3 h4 f3 Kb7 Kd7 Ka6 c8=Q+ Kb6 Kxe6 Ka7 Kf6"
32.dxc7+ (1:42) Kc8 (0:05)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=63 time=46.01 node=25187897 speed=547477 score=+99.87 pv="a4 g5 g4 h6 h3 h5 gxh5 g4 h6 gxh3 h7 h2 h8=Q#"
33.a4 (0:40) h6 (0:25)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=63 time=0.45 node=1151010 speed=2580280 score=+99.89 pv="h3 h5 h4 g5 hxg5 h4 g6 h3 g7 hxg2 g8=Q#"
34.h3 (0:00) g5 (2:28)
zurichess(2181) whispers: depth=63 time=0.01 node=14917 speed=1357738 score=+99.91 pv="g4 h5 gxh5 g4 h6 gxh3 h7 h2 h8=Q#"
35.g4 (0:00) MrDario resigns 1-0


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