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donpachi(2039) vs. kurumim(2056) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-06-09

1.d4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.e4 (0:07) cxd4 (0:09) 3.Nf3 (0:03) e5 (1:44) 4.c3 (0:08) Nc6 (0:08) 5.Bc4 (0:39) Nf6 (2:42) 6.Ng5 (4:42) d5 (0:34) 7.exd5 (0:15) Na5 (2:19) 8.Bb5+ (2:23) Bd7 (0:10) 9.Bxd7+ (1:50) Qxd7 (0:34) 10.cxd4 (1:00) Bb4+ (8:08) 11.Bd2 (1:50) Bxd2+ (0:07) 12.Qxd2 (1:15) Qxd5 (0:22) 13.O-O (1:28) O-O (3:43) 14.dxe5 (1:41) Qxe5 (0:18)
trebejo(2065) whispers: The knights on the 5th are having a contest
15.Re1 (1:50)
trebejo(2065) whispers: 15.Re1 Qf5 and Black has funky pressure
trebejo(2065) whispers: f2, g5, b2 and of course the pesky Ra/fd8
RavenKB(1909) whispers: i like it
15...Qd5 (2:02)
trebejo(2065) whispers: oh
trebejo(2065) whispers: 16.Qxd5 Nxd5 17.Re5 Rfe8 :)
RavenKB(1909) whispers: Qxd5 Nxd5 Rd1 Re8 Na3
RavenKB(1909) whispers: or Qxd5 Nxd5 Ne4
16.Qf4 (3:44)
trebejo(2065) whispers: 16.... Nh5 17.Qe5 Rae8 18.Qxe8 Rxe8 19.Rxe8# :D
RavenKB(1909) whispers: lol
mcstorytaller(1772) whispers: RavenKB, would You play me?
trebejo(2065) whispers: don't do it Raven
RavenKB(1909) whispers: Nc6 Nc3 Qd3 Rad1 Rfe8
trebejo(2065) whispers: it's a trap
RavenKB(1909) whispers: sure ill play you
RavenKB(1909) whispers: lol
mcstorytaller(1772) whispers: :)
trebejo(2065) whispers: he's going to try to beat you
RavenKB(1909) whispers: oh shit
mcstorytaller(1772) whispers: lol
RavenKB(1909) whispers: match me
16...Nc6 (5:19)
trebejo(2065) whispers: ok so the knight on g5 won that contest
trebejo(2065) whispers: 17.Nc3 starts to look drawish, unless somebody blunders
trebejo(2065) whispers: In other words, not that drawish :D :D :D
17.Nc3 (2:09) Qa5 (4:22) 18.Rad1 (2:49) h6 (3:40)
trebejo(2065) whispers: It is hard to imagine all four rooks staying in the game much longer
trebejo(2065) whispers: After a pair is exchanged, one rook is on the d file and the other is on the e file; both rooks are totally controlled by the quartet of knights
trebejo(2065) whispers: It really seems difficult to avoid draws here
19.Nge4 (3:17) Nxe4 (0:21) 20.Qxe4 (0:57) Rad8 (2:09) 21.h3 (2:19) Rfe8 (5:35)
RavenKB(1914) whispers: 2 rooks for a queen i guess hes checking
22.Qxe8+ (2:42) Rxe8 (0:04) 23.Rxe8+ (0:05) Kh7 (0:01)
trebejo(2065) whispers: normally i prefer the rooks
24.Rd7 (3:53)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Those rooks must be better!
Mekk(1898) whispers: Hmm, taking b7 is risky, as then rooks cant defend one another. So maybe f5 and white rooks somewhat lack squares
24...Qb4 (7:35)
trebejo(2065) whispers: I like how Black dealt with this
Mekk(1898) whispers: Nd5 interesting, ideas around Nf6. But I am to tired to calc
trebejo(2065) whispers: The white knight is getting harassed, which can generate an initiative
Mekk(1898) whispers: Rd2 can be calmly playable, with idea to improve N before attacking again
Mekk(1898) whispers: Or Rxf7 Qxb2 Ne4 mayhaps defending f2 and threatening to join attack
trebejo(2065) whispers: i agree, if white just wants to hold the position then he should be fine
Mekk(1898) whispers: In discussions Q vs 2R I usually tended to believe 2R are better (unless Q thretens sth immediate). So would be nice if white proved a point ;-)
25.Rxf7 (8:46)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Nd1 looks stupid but also defends
Mekk(1898) whispers: OK white is aggressive. Interesting how he intends to progress
trebejo(2065) whispers: wow allowing Qxb2 is risky
25...Qxb2 (0:26)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Rf3 is calm
Mekk(1898) whispers: somewhat
trebejo(2065) whispers: black has a queenside majority now
Mekk(1898) whispers: I suppose someone will mate or perp-check before it matters
26.Re3 (1:25)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Now Rg3 is somewhat simple brutal threat
trebejo(2065) whispers: 26...Ne5 27.Re7 Nd3 :)
trebejo(2065) whispers: yikes never mind
Mekk(1898) whispers: Ne5 Rxe5 Qxc3 Re7. Hmm, here q majority can matter
Mekk(1898) whispers: ... but white can consume pawn before xg7
Mekk(1898) whispers: Kg8 maybe to disturb rook a bit
Mekk(1898) whispers: Or Nd8 + Qb6 + Ne6 to defend g7 ?
26...Ne5 (9:18)
damouno(2112) whispers: !!
Mekk(1898) whispers: If white takes, he is safe and maybe will manage to win.
damouno(2112) whispers: no..black has draw in hand
Mekk(1898) whispers: (doubled rooks on 7th)
damouno(2112) whispers: , black is better still..he can guard G7 sq.and push q side pawns
Mekk(1898) whispers: Which pawns, white takes at least one of them
Mekk(1898) whispers: Rxe5 Qxc3 R5e7 and a7 or b7 must fall
damouno(2112) whispers: PUSH B pawn..
27.Rxe5 (2:49)
Madmansreturn(1990) whispers: I would have thought white is slightly better here with Rxe5 and doubling on the 7th rank ?
Mekk(1898) whispers: if b pushed, then a7 taken and a2 defended
damouno(2112) whispers: ack , swap B for A pawn...black has draw..at least
Madmansreturn(1990) whispers: or scrap slightly and plain better?
Mekk(1898) whispers: black must guard g7 with Q forever, mayhaps white will manage to forward f pawn to harass enough
Mekk(1898) whispers: taken.
Koff(2169) whispers: isn't this clearly better for white?
Mekk(1898) whispers: IMHO it is plus, but not sure whether winnable
27...Qa1+ (1:26) 28.Kh2 (0:15)
Mekk(1898) whispers: For a moment I thought that there is Qc1 + Qf4 taking e5
28...Qxc3 (0:03)
Koff(2169) whispers: well at least the pawn ending is won
29.Ree7 (0:10)
Mekk(1898) whispers: R5e7 and no way black can force pawn ending
Koff(2169) whispers: black?
Mekk(1898) whispers: white takes one pawn from a7-b7 now
29...b5 (1:00)
Mekk(1898) whispers: later on white should be able to swap remaining pawns q-side, then finish on g7 and remaing with 3 vs 1 pawn
Madmansreturn(1990) whispers: and then on g7 I guess?
Mekk(1898) whispers: Rxa7 obvious now, the question is how to clear q-side afterwards, this is risky step
Mekk(1898) whispers: or maybe just take a7, then g7?
30.Rxa7 (1:55)
trebejo(2065) whispers: this is a draw
Mekk(1898) whispers: how is
Mekk(1898) whispers: Rxg7 next move even
damouno(2112) whispers: Black pushes H pawn..induce white kside weaknesses
trebejo(2065) whispers: white can take on g7 but winning is a different matter
damouno(2112) whispers: First Qe5+ induce g3
damouno(2112) whispers: then Pawn H5 hehe
Mekk(1898) whispers: f4 maybe
Mekk(1898) whispers: (not g3)
30...Kg6 (1:32)
Mekk(1898) whispers: xg7 and white wins pawn ending if swapped. And if not, black king is poor
31.Rxg7+ (1:17) Kf6 (0:04)
trebejo(2065) whispers: the rooks have done all their damage now
trebejo(2065) whispers: not a single white pawn looks close to becoming a queen
Mekk(1898) whispers: Rgf7 to keep things safe and f2 covered. IMHO
trebejo(2065) whispers: hard to move things now without allowing perpetual checks
Mekk(1898) whispers: then one idea is to march f pawn, another to get rooks back to 3rd line and attack b5
32.Raf7+ (1:40) Ke6 (0:04)
damouno(2112) whispers: yes white playing for a win..at worst a draw..
Mekk(1898) whispers: Hmm, a2 undefended
33.Re7+ (0:30)
Mekk(1898) whispers: I dont like moving R from a file. But maybe white wants to drag king from kside
33...Kd6 (0:35)
trebejo(2065) whispers: white should really work on pushing the f pawn
Mekk(1898) whispers: but Rf7 first I think
34.Rg3 (2:07)
Mekk(1898) whispers: And while on f4 pawn is ok, once it moves to f5 indeed perps arise
Mekk(1898) whispers: Hmm, unexp
Mekk(1898) whispers: Can attack a2 with tempi
Mekk(1898) whispers: Or say Qd4
Mekk(1898) whispers: attack on f2 and rook on e7 attacked
34...Qb2 (0:47)
trebejo(2065) whispers: i guess he means to capture h6
trebejo(2065) whispers: it's an interesting swap because white can always contain the b pawn sideways
trebejo(2065) whispers: eg put both rooks on the third rank, then start pushing the kingside pawns
Mekk(1898) whispers: what remains of them
trebejo(2065) whispers: he only needs one
Mekk(1898) whispers: black starts having ideas like h5-h4
PreZandy(1761) whispers: Ra7 then Rb3
Mekk(1898) whispers: Ra7 Qxa2
Mekk(1898) whispers: ops
trebejo(2065) whispers: 35.Rh7
Mekk(1898) whispers: Ra7 Qxf2 Ra6 + Rxh6 there is
Mekk(1898) whispers: but after b4 a2 can be in danger
trebejo(2065) whispers: 35.Rh7 Qxa2 (say) 36. Rxh6+ Kc5 37.Rf6 followed by Rff3
35.Rf7 (2:52)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Rh7 Qxf2 and a3 ?
35...Qxa2 (1:33)
trebejo(2065) whispers: sure, if black doesn't capture on a2 in that line, he has no play
damouno(2112) whispers: eek eek
36.Rf6+ (0:29)
trebejo(2065) whispers: i don't understand this version of the idea
Mekk(1898) whispers: White picks some less comfortable redactions
Mekk(1898) whispers: Kc5 Rxh6 b4 and this pawns is suddenly dangerous
36...Kc5 (0:50)
trebejo(2065) whispers: f2 is loose
damouno(2112) whispers: yes ack !
trebejo(2065) whispers: i'm surprised white chose this version
damouno(2112) whispers: well Kurumim should be happy hehe
37.Rf5+ (1:19) Kb4 (0:32)
Mekk(1898) whispers: after Rxh6 not sure whether black should take f2, tempi for b march may be more important
trebejo(2065) whispers: i guess white wants the b pawn
38.Rg4+ (0:45) Kc3 (1:37)
Mekk(1898) whispers: out of the sudden h6 pawn still alive and making white some problems. Why abandon b5?
trebejo(2065) whispers: there was no choice
trebejo(2065) whispers: b5 was falling
allanchs(1665) whispers: good one to get
PreZandy(1761) whispers: Rf3 then Rb4
39.Rf3+ (1:15) Kc2 (0:43)
PreZandy(1761) whispers: Rb4 then Rfb3
trebejo(2065) whispers: the trouble with not capturing on b5 is that the pawn endgames are not so good for white now
40.Rb4 (1:46) Qd5 (0:20)
PreZandy(1761) whispers: Ah, Rfb3 is not possible, ok, good!
trebejo(2065) whispers: white has allowed these possibities now
Mekk(1898) whispers: checks start being possible. And g3 mean trouble with rook def
41.Rff4 (1:37)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Qe5, just to make life harder. And h5 mayhaps
trebejo(2065) whispers: i like Qd6 with the same idea
41...Qd6 (1:15)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Qd6 leaves b5
trebejo(2065) whispers: if the black king was already on c3, it would be a wonderful cheapo
42.g3 (0:23) Qc5 (0:18) 43.Rbe4 (1:14)
Mekk(1898) whispers: I am not sure white has win anymore. King is more exposed
Mekk(1898) whispers: and if some rook leaves 4th, b4 follows and white is in danger
43...Qd5 (1:08)
trebejo(2065) whispers: a white rook on h4 and another on f4 seems right
Mekk(1898) whispers: this is prefectly safe to defend but how to win?
44.Rd4 (1:28)
trebejo(2065) whispers: i envision the white rooks on the 3rd or 2nd rank, behind their f pawn
44...Qc5 (0:28) 45.g4 (0:48)
Mekk(1898) whispers: no ti me for that
trebejo(2065) whispers: the time pressure is starting to be mutual :)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Kc3
Mekk(1898) whispers: threatening QxR and b pawn queens
45...Kc3 (0:45)
trebejo(2065) whispers: another way for white to proceed is to play Rfe4 and f2-f4
46.Rde4 (0:08)
Mekk(1898) whispers: probably double on third rank and then forward h4-g4-g5
trebejo(2065) whispers: yes the g5 push also works
Mekk(1898) whispers: but if black plays h4
Mekk(1898) whispers: there can be trouble on h2-b8 diagonal
46...Qd5 (1:04)
Mekk(1898) whispers: h5 can be another disturbance by black
trebejo(2065) whispers: 47.Re3+, 48.Rff3 etc
Mekk(1898) whispers: then Qd6+ and b4 mayhaps
47.Kg3 (1:32)
trebejo(2065) whispers: the pawn can get to b4, but not b3
trebejo(2065) whispers: ever
Mekk(1898) whispers: well, not so long ago it seemed easily doomed
Mekk(1898) whispers: I consider h5
47...Qd6 (0:45) 48.h4 (0:21)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Qd1 and h5. Not sur ewhether good but another disturb
48...Kc2 (0:39) 49.g5 (0:23)
trebejo(2065) whispers: 49...h5 keeps some chances
Mekk(1898) whispers: h5 looks only idea to compl
49...Qa3+ (0:52)
Mekk(1898) whispers: hmm, are there variations where black can sac Q for R and promote pawn in spite of 2nd rook being alie
50.Kg4 (0:46) hxg5 (0:12)
Mekk(1898) whispers: white seems back on track
51.hxg5 (0:29)
Mekk(1898) whispers: I dont get Kc2 a moment ago, and Qa3 also suspicious
trebejo(2065) whispers: i'm afraid Beto tried too hard to win this drawish game
51...Qa1 (1:03)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Qd3 and some checks all around?
52.Re2+ (0:41)
Mekk(1898) whispers: Kd3
52...Kd3 (0:57) 53.Re3+ (0:16) Kd2 (0:04) 54.g6 (0:30)
Mekk(1898) whispers: ... but now king obscures some checks (say after Qd1 no more Qd7). So Qd3 could be better than Qa1
trebejo(2065) whispers: hmmm
trebejo(2065) whispers: 54...b4 55.Rxb4 Qf6 seems to pick up the g pawn
Mekk(1898) whispers: Qg7 still some chance, once Kg5 and Rf7 checks again a bit around. b4 can be move to disturb rooks coord
54...Qg1+ (1:27)
allanchs(1665) whispers: Rg3
Mekk(1898) whispers: Kf5
55.Kf5 (0:50)
Mekk(1898) whispers: b4 still playable
55...Qb1+ (0:48) 56.Ree4 (0:38) Qb3 (0:30)
Mekk(1898) whispers: maybe king should go to h7
57.Rd4+ (1:06) Ke2 (0:25)
Mekk(1898) whispers: f3 to disable Qh3 maybe
58.Kf6 (0:35) Qa3 (1:02) 59.g7 (0:53) Qa8 (0:44) 60.Rde4+ (1:04) Kd2 (0:17) 61.Kf7 (1:21) Qb7+ (0:36) 62.Kg6 (0:24)
trebejo(2065) whispers: the final square is the toughest, because the king cannot continue beyond the 8th rank
62...Qc6+ (0:46) 63.Kh7 (0:02) Qb7 (1:24) 64.Kh8 (0:21) kurumim resigns 1-0


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