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elery(2211) vs. maras(2084) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-05-31

1.Nf3 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:06) d4 (0:23) 3.b4 (0:15) c5 (1:14) 4.Bb2 (2:15) a5 (0:13) 5.bxc5 (5:36) Nc6 (0:07) 6.e3 (0:03) e5 (0:05) 7.exd4 (0:03) exd4 (0:02) 8.Bd3 (0:08) Bxc5 (0:15) 9.O-O (0:08) Nge7 (1:30) 10.Re1 (8:26) Bg4 (12:45) 11.Na3 (1:46) Qd7 (3:19) 12.h3 (1:09) Bh5 (0:20) 13.Be4 (1:07) O-O (0:51) 14.Ne5 (0:55) Nxe5 (3:22) 15.Qxh5 (1:39)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: was Bxh7+ stronger?
Triarius(2383) whispers: defo the most forcing move
15...f5 (1:59) 16.Bd5+ (0:27)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: well now this just looks fine for black
RavenKB(1920) whispers: or im missing Rxe5 ;p
Triarius(2383) whispers: nf6 then maybe
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Qxf5
RavenKB(1920) whispers: so maybe Nf4
RavenKB(1920) whispers: but then Qf3 i guess
Triarius(2383) whispers: yeah, and bc5 is hanging. b6 and r:f5 then i suppose
Triarius(2383) whispers: well rc8 would be an active alternative to b6
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Qxf4 Bd6 Rxe7
RavenKB(1920) whispers: or theres nothing on e7 hahaha
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Qxd4 instead ;p
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: hello all; anything wrong with taking twice on d5 here?
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Nxd5 Rxe5 Nf4 Qf3 Rc8 Qxf4 Bd6 Qxd4
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: ahh, e5 is hanging ;)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: that would be the short and boring answer ;p
RavenKB(1920) whispers: instead of rc8 what about Bb6
RavenKB(1920) whispers: or even Ne6 damn
RavenKB(1920) whispers: missed that one
RavenKB(1920) whispers: holds everything apart from f5
RavenKB(1920) whispers: although in the Bb6 line Qxf4 Bc7 Qxd4 Bxe5 Qxd7 Bxb2 Rd1 and Bxa3 hahaha
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: what other move is there than Nxd5 here?
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Nf7
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: that feels wrong
RavenKB(1920) whispers: but does he see that he can get 2 pieces and a rook for the queen and save himself?
RavenKB(1920) whispers: or am i halucinating :D
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: I'm just surprised at the long pause here, I don't see this as a critical move (could be wrong, of course).
RavenKB(1920) whispers: pm them to hurry up :D
kurumim(2053) whispers: what's your queen sac line, Raven?
16...Nxd5 (22:27)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Rxe5 Nf4 Qf3 Bb6 Qxf4 Bb7 Qxd4 Bxe5 Qxd7 Bxb2 Rb1 Bxa3
RavenKB(1920) whispers: but now i realise
RavenKB(1920) whispers: the knight is gone from e7 :D
RavenKB(1920) whispers: so its not 2 pieces and a rook
RavenKB(1920) whispers: so its probably not good
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: seems Rxe5 is a must here. Anyting else?
17.Rxe5 (3:28)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: so probably Rxe5 Nf4 Qf3 Ne6 Rxf5 Rxf5 Qxf5 Rf8
17...Nf6 (0:04)
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: anything* even
18.Qxf5 (0:47) Qxf5 (0:08) 19.Rxf5 (0:03) Ne4 (0:01)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: top kek
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: hmm, this looks precarious
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: but I guess it doesn't lose instantly?
RavenKB(1920) whispers: well hes a pawn down but he found the most active line i reckom
schachbjm(2389) whispers: white is better
20.Re5 (1:28)
schachbjm(2389) whispers: however this is far from over
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: this forces Rae8?
RavenKB(1920) whispers: or Rfe8 hmm
20...Rae8 (1:53)
schachbjm(2389) whispers: i would go for Rae8
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: this forces Rxe8?
21.Rxe8 (0:29) Rxe8 (0:00)
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: Nb5 maybe
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: or d3 first
RavenKB(1920) whispers: i like nb5 straight away
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: d3 seems to staunch counterplay potential.
22.d3 (2:34)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: d3 nd6 nb5 black can take. or nc2 nf5 g4 re2
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: is Nc3 possible?
22...Nc3 (0:27)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: haha
RavenKB(1920) whispers: takes is close but could be a win
axeltiger(2255) whispers: this looks pleasant for black
RavenKB(1920) whispers: what do you play after Bxc3?
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: so, Bxc3 dxc3 Nb5 c2 Rc1 Re2 d4 Be7 Kf1 Rd2 Ke1 Bg5 Na3 wins the c-pawn?
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: that's a long line though, so could be nonsense?
23.Kf1 (7:34)
axeltiger(2255) whispers: yeah
axeltiger(2255) whispers: you don't play Bxc3 here unless you're absolutely certain of the outcome
axeltiger(2255) whispers: but here Na4 is annoying
axeltiger(2255) whispers: white seems to escape, but I wouldn't love to play the resulting position
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Na4 Bc1?
axeltiger(2255) whispers: exactly
axeltiger(2255) whispers: Na4 Bc1 Bb4 Nc2
axeltiger(2255) whispers: and white survives
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Bc3 Rb1 b6 hahaha
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: wow, I just checked my line with the silicon, and it's really, really bad.
axeltiger(2255) whispers: yeah, but with the knight on c2 white can slowly unravel
RavenKB(1920) whispers: what was wrong with it?
axeltiger(2255) whispers: everything is bad in front of the silicon :)
23...Na4 (4:53) 24.Bc1 (0:05)
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: Black has 26. .. Bb4 (instead of Be7) for one, threatening Re1+ and queening.
24...Bb4 (0:35) 25.Nc2 (0:08) Bc3 (0:03) 26.Rb1 (0:01) Nc5 (0:02)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: kh2 easy :P
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: and even if Be7 is played, Kf1?? Rd2 Ke1?? Bb4! is even more 0-1.
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Re2 Nd4
RavenKB(1920) whispers: ahaa
axeltiger(2255) whispers: is Ba3 forced here?
axeltiger(2255) whispers: looks that way to me
axeltiger(2255) whispers: white needs to cover b4 with the bishop
RavenKB(1920) whispers: why not Bb2
27.Bb2 (2:43)
axeltiger(2255) whispers: oh yeah, right
axeltiger(2255) whispers: I still prefer black though
27...Nxd3 (0:54) 28.Bxc3 (0:04) dxc3 (0:00)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: this line i thought was good for white
RavenKB(1920) whispers: just Rxb7
axeltiger(2255) whispers: or Rb3
axeltiger(2255) whispers: eat the dangerous pawn
RavenKB(1920) whispers: yeah probably stronger
29.Rb3 (0:49)
axeltiger(2255) whispers: yeah
axeltiger(2255) whispers: problem with Rb7 seems to be Nb4
RavenKB(1920) whispers: cos now Nb4 is nothing
axeltiger(2255) whispers: and then the c-pawn is difficult to stop
RavenKB(1920) whispers: :D
axeltiger(2255) whispers: seems like white is safely navigating this to a draw
RavenKB(1920) whispers: i still think d3 was a mistake
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: the extra pawn gives White some winning chances.
Triarius(2383) whispers: defo
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: rocket science for me
axeltiger(2255) whispers: still, I was looking at Nb4 for black
Triarius(2383) whispers: nothing prevents him from torturing the opponent until he misses his chances to draw, like reaching a fortress position (knowledge helps in this case, if you don't know it you cant reach it)
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: ^^ why I'm not a master yet.
29...Nb4 (4:25) 30.Rxc3 (0:17) Nxa2 (0:02)
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: ^^ lacks work ethic
axeltiger(2255) whispers: :D
RavenKB(1920) whispers: now everything comes off though
31.Ra3 (0:28) Nb4 (0:04)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: i thought Nx1
32.Nxb4 (0:15) axb4 (0:00)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: Nc1
33.Rb3 (0:05) Re4 (0:01) 34.Rxb4 (0:05)
RavenKB(1920) whispers: white could win this surely
34...b5 (0:01) 35.Rxb5 (0:03) Rxc4 (0:02)
axeltiger(2255) whispers: this shouldn't be difficult to draw Maras offers a draw.
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: draw
JoseCapablanca(2047) whispers: fairly certain I could draw with Black against very strong opposition.
RavenKB(1920) whispers: i missed b5 :D
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: me too come with a shock
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: so smart Elery declines the draw request.
36.g4 (2:34) h6 (0:46) 37.Kg2 (0:05)
Triarius(2383) whispers: thats usually drawn tho, because as soon as white swaps a pawn, the black king should easily be able to stop the white pawn
Triarius(2383) whispers: reminds me of an old leko ivanchuk game i think, pretty much same position
37...Kf7 (4:24) 38.Kg3 (0:30)
Triarius(2383) whispers: would g5 be foolish?
Triarius(2383) whispers: the plan consists in preventing the white king from passing that rank, stuck in his side of the field and with the need of taking care of the backward pawn
38...Rc3+ (3:51) 39.f3 (0:07) Rc4 (1:07) 40.h4 (0:07)
Triarius(2383) whispers: black can also keep in mind that an endgame k+r vs k+r+2p is still drawn if the two pawns are doubled on the same line. Like in philidor position i mean
40...Ra4 (0:06) 41.Rb7+ (0:12) Kg6 (0:14) 42.h5+ (0:08) Kh7 (0:13)
Triarius(2383) whispers: now its the pawn structure i was talking about
43.Re7 (0:28) Rb4 (0:13) 44.Re3 (0:24) Ra4 (0:05) 45.f4 (0:04) Ra5 (0:26) 46.Re4 (0:26)
Triarius(2383) whispers: he simply waits, right, dont let the king find a breaktrough
46...Kg8 (0:27) 47.Kh4 (0:06)
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: is it draw or win for white?
47...Ra1 (3:50)
Triarius(2383) whispers: imagine white swaps f for g. Then if black is able to place his king on the 7th rank, rook on the 7th rank too preventing any rook check, he would just have to wait for white to put his king on f4 (only one way to proceed the attack) in order to sac the g pawn and double white's pawns
Triarius(2383) whispers: might be hard to visualize at first but just imagine a philidor-type position with doubled pawns instead that just one
48.g5 (2:07) hxg5+ (0:42) 49.fxg5 (0:04)
Triarius(2383) whispers: here we are maybe
Triarius(2383) whispers: rook check until he goes f4, kh7 then and threat g6!
Koff(2124) whispers: wouldn't ..Ra8 be more easier
49...Kh7 (1:17)
Triarius(2383) whispers: kg4 rg1+ kf5 g6+!
Triarius(2383) whispers: rh1 first of course
50.Kg4 (1:24)
Triarius(2383) whispers: now goes by itself i think
50...Rg1+ (0:32) 51.Kf5 (0:04) Rf1+ (0:09)
Triarius(2383) whispers: might work too indeed, white cant really go that far
Triarius(2383) whispers: his king is needed there, in order to defend the pawns
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: Neo you will discover the truth when you realize there are no pawns
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: so this is draw White king has to defend pawns
Koff(2124) whispers: Elery hoy! It's a draw
52.Ke6 (5:04) Rh1 (0:17)
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: suomi
Koff(2124) whispers: Elery hoped for ..Rf4
Koff(2124) whispers: suomi on hyva maa. sita kannattaa puolustaa
EmberSpirit(1530) whispers: expected famous "Torilla tavataan"
Koff(2124) whispers: hehe Elery offers a draw.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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