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michelleblue(2137) vs. josecapablanca(2036) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-05-26

1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:04) b6 (0:02) 3.Nc3 (0:08) Bb7 (0:07) 4.Bd3 (0:33) c5 (4:03) 5.d5 (2:57)
JoseCapablanca(2036) whispers: So, I'm not really sure what book is in this strange line I chose, guess we'll see what happens! (Hopefully not a quick thrashing)
5...Nf6 (1:39) 6.Nf3 (1:08)
JoseCapablanca(2036) whispers: is there something wrong with taking on d5 twice?
6...exd5 (4:38) 7.exd5 (0:05) Nxd5 (1:28) 8.Qe2+ (0:04) Qe7 (1:14) 9.Qxe7+ (0:03)
JoseCapablanca(2036) whispers: not seeing how Bxe7 Be4 could work for me.
9...Nxe7 (4:57) 10.Nb5 (0:19)
lambertdw(1689) whispers: looks troublesome for black.
10...Nd5 (10:11) 11.Be4 (1:39) Na6 (0:04) 12.c4 (1:33)
Slek(1946) whispers: black is lost or there is a defense? (Nb4 BxB Nc2+ Kd1 and black cant avoid losing material)
avidmate(1884) whispers: Nb4 cxB you mean ?
Slek(1946) whispers: oh, I meant Nd5-b4. Indeed there is Na6-b4 but then white just defends against the fork in c2 and black loses a piece
avidmate(1884) whispers: Nb4 cxd5
Slek(1946) whispers: ah right, the Be4 is still covering c2
avidmate(1884) whispers: yes
12...O-O-O (12:15)
Slek(1946) whispers: but now just Bxd5 and black is a piece down
avidmate(1884) whispers: was there a choice ?
Slek(1946) whispers: resign...?
avidmate(1884) whispers: lol
Slek(1946) whispers: I gotta go now, see you later avidmate
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Na7
JoseCapablanca(2036) whispers: well, I can resign at any time.
avidmate(1884) whispers: the a pawn is lose ?
avidmate(1884) whispers: bye
13.Bxd5 (2:24) Bxd5 (0:23) 14.cxd5 (0:20) Nb4 (0:03) 15.O-O (1:33) Nxd5 (0:06)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Na7
16.Nxa7+ (1:21) Kb7 (0:02) 17.Nb5 (0:07) Nc7 (0:39) 18.Nxc7 (0:19) Kxc7 (0:03) 19.Ne5 (0:20) Re8 (0:45) 20.Nxf7 (0:17) Rg8 (0:02) 21.Bf4+ (0:24) Kc6 (0:10) 22.Ne5+ (0:30) Kd6 (0:02)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Red1
23.Rfd1+ (0:37)
JoseCapablanca(2036) whispers: this is what death looks like :D
23...Ke6 (0:07) 24.Nxd7 (0:21) Kf5 (0:13) 25.Nxf8 (1:02) Kxf4 (0:13)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Nh7
26.Nd7 (1:29) Re2 (0:03)
JoseCapablanca(2036) whispers: the advantage to losing this badly is that you can move very quickly and end the game whenever you want.
27.Nxb6 (1:20) Rxb2 (0:05) 28.Nc4 (0:02) Rc2 (0:03)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Ne3
29.Ne3 (0:33) Rb2 (0:03)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Rdc1
30.a4 (1:44) h5 (0:38)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Rd5
31.a5 (0:32) h4 (0:02) 32.a6 (0:18) h3 (0:02)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: g3
33.a7 (0:15) Ra8 (0:03) 34.Nd5+ (1:22) Ke4 (0:11)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Nb7
35.Nc7 (0:19)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Nc7
35...Rxa7 (0:02) 36.Rxa7 (0:04) c4 (0:05) 37.Ne6 (0:33) c3 (0:06)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Rc1
38.Rc7 (0:16) c2 (0:18) 39.Rc1 (0:20) Kd3 (0:05)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: Rd7
40.Nf4+ (0:51) Ke4 (0:04)
johannesfyn(1511) whispers: g3
41.Nxh3 (0:39) Kf5 (0:03) 42.R7xc2 (0:19) Rb8 (0:04) 43.Re1 (0:39) Kf6 (0:03) 44.Rc6+ (0:12) Kf5 (0:10) 45.g3 (0:22) g5 (0:11) 46.f3 (0:13) g4 (0:30) 47.fxg4+ (0:12) Kxg4 (0:02) 48.Nf2+ (0:10) Kf5 (0:43) 49.g4+ (0:17) Kf4 (0:30) 50.Re4+ (0:13) Kg5 (0:18) 51.Re5+ (0:34) Kf4 (0:14) 52.Nd3+ (1:28) Kf3 (0:46) 53.Rf6+ (0:05) Kxg4 (0:08) 54.Rf4+ (0:02) Kh3 (0:06) 55.Rh5# (0:01) JoseCapablanca checkmated 1-0


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