axeltiger(2224) vs. elery(2261) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-05-07
axeltiger(2224) whispers: Nb6 c5!? is intersting here
axeltiger(2224) whispers: still difficult for both sides to make any progress
KRMCHESS(2134) whispers: maybe best line is 29... Nb6 30. c5 pxc5 31. Re7+ Rd7 32. Rdxd7 Nxd7 33. Be6
trebejo(2036) whispers: that line looks good for white
KRMCHESS(2134) whispers: amazingly engine says that's a draw after 33... Kd8! 34. Rxd7+ Kc8 and bishop can't be saved without a repetition
trebejo(2036) whispers: heh nice resource KRM
trebejo(2036) whispers: 29... Nb6 30. c5 pxc5 31. Re7+ Rd7 32. Rdxd7 Nxd7 33. Be6 Kd6 34.Rxd7+ Ke6 35.Rxb7 was the line i looked at, Kd8 seemed "obviously wrong"
axeltiger(2224) whispers: Nb6 c5 seems completely drawn now upon closer inspection
axeltiger(2224) whispers: but it will be a pretty one 29...Rd7 (7:25)
trebejo(2036) whispers: so much for that ;)
KRMCHESS(2134) whispers: although to be honest black does also have simpler 29... Nb6 30. c5 Nc8
Bionchess(2143) whispers: c5 is met by d5 and bishop is blocked.. 30.Rde2 (3:14) c5 (0:37) 31.Bc2 (0:56) Rff7 (0:24) 32.Re6 (0:14)
Slek(1985) whispers: if I were white I'd go for Bd1-f3 (and maybe d5) 32...Rde7 (0:30) 33.Kd2 (0:40) Rxe6 (0:11) 34.Rxe6 (0:03) Ne7 (0:12) 35.Re1 (1:06) axeltiger offers a draw.
axeltiger(2224) whispers: I see nothing here
Slek(1985) whispers: maybe Elery will
KRMCHESS(2134) whispers: black has no invasion points
axeltiger(2224) whispers: my bishop is going to d5 and then the position is on total lockdown
Bionchess(2143) whispers: there isn't
Slek(1985) whispers: the square e4 for the knight maybe
KRMCHESS(2134) whispers: if rooks come off f4 pawn is only attackable weakness
KRMCHESS(2134) whispers: if Bd5 then even exchanging minor pieces doesn't gain any attacking trajectories
trebejo(2036) whispers: after Bd5 that is no longer a bad bishop :)
KRMCHESS(2134) whispers: d5 for black has to be worth a try though
trebejo(2036) whispers: you see a way to play d6-d5, KRM? it looks like trouble to open that diagonal
KRMCHESS(2134) whispers: right, Bb3 pins knight to rook Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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