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nazhoandres(1904) vs. michelleblue(2117) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2018-05-01

1.e4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.e5 (0:02) Nd5 (0:03) 3.d4 (0:01) d6 (0:01) 4.c4 (0:02) Nb6 (0:02) 5.exd6 (0:01) cxd6 (0:01) 6.Nc3 (0:01) g6 (0:01) 7.h3 (0:01) Bg7 (0:02) 8.Nf3 (0:01) O-O (1:02) 9.Be2 (0:02) Bf5 (0:15) 10.O-O (0:15) Nc6 (0:34) 11.Re1 (0:03) e5 (0:32) 12.Bg5 (0:16) Qd7 (0:37) 13.dxe5 (0:18) dxe5 (0:08) 14.c5 (4:28) Qxd1 (2:07) 15.Raxd1 (0:00) Nd7 (0:02) 16.Be3 (0:32) Nd4 (0:48) 17.Nxd4 (4:02) exd4 (0:04) 18.Bxd4 (0:00) Bxd4 (0:01) 19.Rxd4 (0:00) Nxc5 (0:01) 20.Bf3 (0:01) Rfd8 (0:40)
Slek(1995) whispers: Red1 and it's most likely a draw
herrahuu(1777) whispers: black equalized?
Slek(1995) whispers: well maybe RxR RxR Re7 and white has an edge
herrahuu(1777) whispers: f5 knight is better than c3 one?
Slek(1995) whispers: c5 you mean?
herrahuu(1777) whispers: f3 bishop is more effective than her counterpart at f5?
herrahuu(1777) whispers: but realistically a draw?
21.Rxd8+ (5:28) Rxd8 (0:06) 22.Re7 (0:05) Rd7 (0:15)
Slek(1995) whispers: see the more pieces are getting exchanged the more likely it will be a draw
Slek(1995) whispers: maybe Nd5 is good
23.Rxd7 (1:11) Bxd7 (0:04) 24.b4 (0:03) Nd3 (0:16) 25.Bxb7 (3:24) Nxb4 (0:10)
Slek(1995) whispers: Nd5 forces the exchange of knights
26.Nd5 (1:59) Nxd5 (1:22) 27.Bxd5 (0:00) Kf8 (0:01) 28.f3 (0:11) Ke7 (0:03) 29.Kf2 (0:01) Be6 (0:15) 30.Bxe6 (0:36) Kxe6 (0:04) 31.Ke3 (0:01) Kd5 (0:13) michelleblue offers a draw. NazhoAndres accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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